February 2015 Pepper Box

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Staff Editorial PEPPER BOX STAFF

While every student deals with stress during high school, seniors have by far the most stress of any students. Seniors deal with great amounts of stress throughout high school. They have to fill out college applications, scholarship applications, and the FAFSA (Free Application of Federal Student Aid). The stress of senior year really starts to kick in second semester for many students. Students throughout the senior class are overcoming stress because of the different duties they have to accomplish before they graduate. A senior’s perspective of stress can start with working one or more jobs to pay for a phone bill or to save up for college. Some seniors might not have jobs, but they play a sport for the school and need to keep a certain GPA to be able to stay eligible. Many seniors take Advancecd Placement (AP) courses as well. These students have the stress of long hours of homework and different assignments they would have to keep up with throughout the semester. Seniors are also dependent their social life in and out of school. Many seniors try to keep up with all of the friends they have at once. It can become difficult with all of their responsibilities to be able to hang out with all of their friends for more than a few minutes at a time. Students want to hang out with friends and be social with other people in school and outside of school. These students do not want to just sit in the house all day and do homework all of the time. They want to have fun and explore different things, be adventurous, and not do the same old thing every day. Seniors go through different obstacles throughout their last year of high school. Students should be able to handle the stress of being a senior, but it can get difficult, especially with senior teachers loading students with work on top of their other senior responsibilities. Seniors are the ones who have to deal with more than they should their senior year. Seniors should be enjoying their last year of high school and the different perks of beign a seniors, but they should still be focused on what they need to succeed to walk on the stage on May 30th.

Front and back cover created by Kristen Teoli.

Advisor: Ron Steinschriber Content Manager: Aeriel Morrow Design Manager: Kristen Teoli Production Manager: Missy Griffith Business Manager:Saydee Esparza News Editor: Brittany Mixon Opinion Editor: Kaylee Houston Online Editor: Ariella Smith Sports Editor: Daedra Wallace Spotlight Editor: Ashley Meyer Staff Members: Allison Baker, Sean Baker, Leia Boyd, Shaquan Brown, Carcea Carr, Charles Daniels, Sara Declue, Kelsey Degardin, Erin Dennison, Morgan Diamond, Deidre Dinkins, Sidney Lee, Jessica Steele, Morgan Sweeney, Ryan Tiefenbruch Editorial Policy: The Pepper Box is designed and created by members of the newspaper staff of Ritenour High School. The purpose of the newspaper is to provide a forum for the students to focus on issues, give opinions, and share information with the Ritenour High School community. The opinions expressed in this paper do not reflect opinions of our faculty or administration. Letters to the editor are welcome and accepted, but they may not contain profanity, obscenity, or anything innappropriate to school. They may be e-mailed to Ron Steinschriber at steinschriberr@ritenour.k12.mo.us, or dropped off in room 240. The staff reserves the right to edit these letters.

Too much talk, not enough action Too many students say one thing, but do another.

Mixon it up Written by: Brittany Mixon News Editor Put your words into actions and practice what you preach. Too many people at this school say things and never do anything to back them up. Talking is much easier than putting what you are doing in action. You cannot keep saying you are going to do something without doing it. And if you say something, you need to show by example. Nobody will be willing to listen to you if you do not demonstrate what you want to see done yourself. I am calling out the teachers who stand in the middle of the hallway and tell students to get to the side of the hallway to talk, but stand in the middle of the hallway talking to each other. I am calling out the kids who tell everyone that they see to “go to class,” but skip or are late to their own classes on a weekly basis. I am calling out my


teammates who say what they want to see things change, but when game time starts, none of what they said is shown by them or their teammates. I am calling out my friends who tell me to get on college applications, but they have not even seen what a college application looks like. I am calling myself out for saying that I need to stop being lazy, but never wanting to do anything. Practice what you preach people. If you are not willing to show by example, then do not tell somebody else to do it. It is really that simple. People also need to stop getting upset at what other people say to them all the time. You do not have to listen, you choose to listen. If someone says something to you that you do not like, say “okay” and go on with your day. It is bad to have what they said to you stuck in your head all day because at the end of the day, whatever they said does not matter. It can, even though it should not, matter for no more than two seconds but after that let it go. Many problems of the world exist because one sentence led to more words and more people piled on, causing a house fire of words to roar.

Stop letting what people say affect your success. I have a family member who could not get out of the way of their own success. They could have been a Division 1 basketball player, but got into a pointless fight from words being exchanged during their senior year at another school. That fight led to the college finding out and taking back everything they were going to offer. Why can words affect people so much? We just do not always realize that words are mainly spoken just to get a reaction. I guess it is easier for me not to care what people say because I know no one really knows who I am. No one throughout my four years has taken the time to know me well enough to judge me for what I do. If someone spreads a rumor I will more than likely laugh at it because I know no one in this school knows what I do. As mentioned in a previous article, I prefer to be alone and in my own thoughts with my headphones. I am just saying if people became less sensitive to what a bunch of random people say about them the world will go around somewhat elegantly.

Showing good sportsmanship Children and parents need to learn how to appropriately speak with referees and umpires

Miss understood Written by: Missy Griffith Production Manager I do not understand why people argue and question referees and umpires. What are you going to accomplish by that, besides making someone annoyed? It gets you nowhere, it just makes them aggravated. I know because my job outside of school is to referee volleyball, and when people try to argue or question a call I make, it just makes me grind my teeth. Referees always notice when athletes mumble under their breath, or talk about whatever they think is wrong with their teammates, since people always talk with their hands. It does not help anything, and in fact, could end up negatively affecting them later if there is a close call. Referees and umpires obviously know what they are doing, since they have the job, so why would you try to question their call? While we are learning


to play sports as children, we all learned how uncivil it is to try to argue with a ref or umpire. We learned that arguing was a bad thing to do, and that it was not something that you should ever do. For students who play sports with school, a club, or just at a ball park, they definitely know not to question or argue with a ref/umpire, because not only is that going to make the ref/umpire mad, but it will make their coach mad as well. It shows good sportsmanship to not argue. Yeah, you can get mad, everyone gets mad about calls they disagree with, however, show some

sportsmanship and keep it to yourself. People do not want to hear you grumble and complain, it just makes you look like a sore loser. The saying “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all” goes for more than just little kids. I think everyone needs to keep that in mind all throughout their lives. Complaining or saying something rude gets you nowhere, it just makes you look like a childish person. Deal with what calls are made. If you disagree, do not say anything, just walk away and get over it. Throwing a fit like a fouryear-old will get you nowhere.

Comic Courtesy of Guadalupe Gaona

Tips for handling stress There are some easy ways to deal with any stress that arises through the end of the semester Written by: Dornae Moore Staff Writer Stress is a part of teenage life, and it can be almost impossible to keep it under control. With being as young as we are, stress can approach us at any given time. Here are a few strategies and tips on how to handle stress when it feels like it is completely overwhelming.

1. Accept the fact that you cannot always be in control of everything and everyone

One of the first tips to deal with stress is to accept the fact that there are certain things that are not in your control. Whether it is having a grumpy boss who complains about everything you do, or having to wake up early to go to school every morning because the bells are set at 8:05, there are just certain things like this that are out of our power.

2. Some teenage stress can be avoided just by making smart choices

Another useful tip to help prevent stress in the first place is to think before reacting. For example, you want to go to a party, but your mom tells you to clean your room before you leave. This may make you angry, but there are many choices from which to pick. A.) Argue with your mom and risk not going to the party at all. B.) Sneak out to the party and leave your room for later. C.) Clean your room and just be a tad late to the party. Good or bad, there is a consequence to your decision. If you choose A, you possibly cannot go to the party anymore and in the end you might be grounded. If you choose option B, you may get to still go to the party but there is only so long you can be out without anyone noticing you are not there. Last, but not least, if you choose C, you may be angry about cleaning your room, but you will still get to go to the party with your mom’s permission and you will not have to worry about it when you get back.

3. Find a form of relaxation

Another effective, yet often overlooked strategy for dealing with stress is meditation. Meditation has been proven to relieve chronic stress and bring happiness. There are many distractions out in the open, so it is important to get some true alone time. Scented candles and soothing music can be helpful to the process. While meditating, senses are a major factor. Warm smells, soft touches, and calming visuals can change an angry mind quickly. Breathing techniques are also used during this process. Inhaling and exhaling slowly adds on to bringing people closer to a stress free environment.

4. Have some people to whom you can vent

Last but not least, talk to someone you trust about your problems. While this may be a hard task for others, many see this as a way of escaping life. Having a listening ear can always help take away stress. Make sure you receive opinions as well, because it can sometimes give you feedback on your situation. Dealing with stress during teenage years may be hard at times, but there is always a way to relax and become stress-free.

Juniors Allysia Howerton and Darryl Burkes meditate outside of their classroom. Meditation is taught by some teachers at RHS for stress relief. Photo by: Morgan Sweeney


Athletes around the clock Ritenour athletes juggle school, work and a social life during their seasons

Freshman Emma Stiebel races in a cross country meet from earlier in the year. Photo courtesy: RHS Athletics

Written by: Aeriel Morrow Content Manager Stress is a potential factor that might push someone to the breaking point, but there are those who have learned to cope with the pressure. Learning to juggle a social life, academics and sports can be tough but that ability to handle everything is necessary to achieving goals. “You need organization and the right mind set. These two are important because you cannot let little things knock you down. You have to learn to prioritize,” Varsity Cheerleading Coach Danielle Swallow said. Some students manage to juggle a job, sports, a social life and academics as well. “Balancing all of that is very stressful. I just try to rush through all that I can and always give my best in all I do. I always keep a positive mindset about the


future. When I’m having trouble with anything I do, I know I always have people to help me in every way; teachers, friends and family,” senior Josh Davis said. Emma Stiebel has learned to juggle sports, family life, and school, all as a freshman. Stiebel began participating in various actives at a young age, beginning with dance at the age of two. From there, she only added more activities to her day. “I like doing all these things because they keep me busy and they are fun. The time when I broke my foot and I had to stop everything, I was so bored. I just have to be doing something,” Stiebel said. Stiebel is a cheerleader, dancer, soccer player, as well as a swimmer. From the very beginning of her day, Stiebel’s routine revolves around her athletic lifestyle. “Whenever I get up, I gather my swim stuff and cheer stuff, depending on what day. Then I go to school and go to practice. Practice is two hours for cheer and swimming together. Afterwards, only on Wednesdays and Thursdays, I go home and get ready for dance. On Saturday nights I have soccer practice,” Stiebel said. Despite her busy schedule, Stiebel said she did not have trouble adjusting to high school. “Whenever my friends complain about how hard of a time they are having [adjusting to high school], I never really get it. I always say ‘Why are you so tired? You do not do a lot of things, I do not get it.’ I do not

make fun of them, but most times I do not say anything. It does not bother me too much, but the people who do it all the time just do not realize how easy they have it,” Stiebel said. With all of this, Stiebel manages to fit in homework for all five of her advanced classes. “All my core classes are advanced, and I have Introduction to Engineering and Design (IED) and Health,’ Stiebel said. “I do my homework for as long as it takes me. Sometimes I fall asleep doing homework, because it takes so long. Some nights I am up until midnight doing homework. Then I just get up and do it all again the next day.” Although Stiebel has made a solid transition into high school, she sometimes misses the social part of it. “I do not really have a lot of friends outside of sports. The friends I do have outside of sports I do not get to see often. Maybe on a day off, I would have them over or maybe spend the night. That rarely happens because I never really have time too. Many of my off days are Saturday mornings. On a day-to-day, I do not hang out with anybody after school,” Stiebel said. Despite all of this, Stiebel says that she wants to continue to add to her to-do list. “Sometimes I ask my mom ‘Hey, can I do this other thing?’. I feel like I do not have enough things to do and I want to do much more. It is never enough,” Stiebel said.

Daily timeline of an athlete 6:00am Wake up and get dressed, gather sports gear 8:00am School time! 2:50pm Get out of school, get ready for practice Senior Hannah Baker - “I prioritize every day. Every day I push things around in a different order. I have to miss things a lot of the time. I sacrifice social life the most during volleyball season.”

Senior Seyvon Kenney - “If you manage your time you’ll be able to do it. I’ve stayed up as late as 1 o’clock doing work. I also work on the weekends, so I’m always booked during the season.”

3:00pm Work hard at practice 6:00pm Get out of practice, get ready for work 8:00pm Break Time! 10:00pm Get off work and eat dinner 12:00pm Start homework 1:00am Finish homework and go to bed

Repeat! Senior Kiersten Billington - “I prioritize very well. My grades always come first, but sometimes sleep is non-existant. There are just some days where I know I’ll be tired.”

Stress and high school students Stress can be detrimental at high doses, and students need to be careful not to let it overtake their lives Written by: Ashley Meyer Spotlight Editor Stress can be seen almost any time and anywhere, stemming from a wide variety of different stressors and affecting people in multiple ways. Trying to juggle Advanced Placement (AP) classes, sports, homework, family life, and more all at once can add up quicker than a student might expect, and can leave many students struggling to keep up. This balancing act can be a large cause of stress and its effects can take a toll on its victims. Stress has a large impact on many health aspects and can affect sleep, relationships, and even digestion. When under stress, the human body does things people are not necessarily used to and put them in moods they cannot seem to shake. Psychologically, stress puts a halt to any other activity and forces people to only

focus on what is stressing them out. The Ritenour school district staff and students are affected by stress, just as society is in general. It is notable that people are taking on more than their bodies can handle, and that this extra pressure puts people in a constant state of stress that the human body was not meant to be in. Everyone experiences some form of stress at some points, but everyone is triggered by different things and overcomes stress in their own ways. Both freshman Emma Norman and senior Zaria Dukes agree that school is the biggest cause of all of their stress and can impact their lives negatively outside of school. “When I am at school I am constantly under stress. I am the type of person who takes on a lot of tasks and classes, so story continued on p. 9

“I am the type of person who takes on a lot of tasks and classes, so there are sleepless night and mood swings sometimes� Senior Zaria Dukes

Senior Zaria Dukes often becomes overwhelmed with the daily pressures of her senior year. Photo by: Ashley Meyer

there are sleepless night and mood swings sometimes,” Dukes said. To overcome stress, Norman gets involved in more things she enjoys, such as the musical. She was involved in a musical at the high school when she was in 7th grade and has chosen to become involved again now that she is a high school student. She has noticed a large difference in the type of stress the high school students were under versus what type of stress she was under. “I think that I will definitely be under more stress than I would have faced in middle school because high school is more important than middle school as far as getting good grades and it is also a lot harder. I will be working on juggling and balancing all of that,” Norman said.

Despite the harm stress may cause, there can also be some good that can come along with it. Being under stress can teach people how to reevaluate their lives for the better and put their focus on things that impact their lives in a more positive manner. Psychology teacher Lauren Siebenaller agrees that stress in small amounts can actually be a good thing. “Stress helps your memory because when you are in a traumatic situation, those hormones sear in those memories so that can be really important. Stress is also important with good traumatic memories, for example, my wedding day was really stressful, but I loved it and I am never going to forget it,” Siebenaller said.

Students challenge themselves with AP classes

AP students prepare themselves for college by taking difficult classes in high school Written by: Ryan Tiefenbruch Staff Writer Every year, a group of students chooses to challenge themselves with advanced classes, and while their course loads may seem large to their peers, they believe that the extra stress is worth it. Many though, admitted feeling overworked, over scheduled, and overstressed, and said that this courseload is taking a toll on their mental health. These stressed out students are enrolled in Advanced Placement (AP) classes, which are college level courses that students can take in high school. At Ritenour High School, students need a C or better and a teacher recommendation to enroll in AP classes. These courses are more rigorous then other high school courses since they are considered college level courses. In AP classes, students can get college credit for passing the tests. AP tests are on a grading scale of 1-5 and if a student receives a 3 or better on the test, they can earn college credit. AP classes also raise student’s grade point average by adding an extra point with a high enough grade. “I wanted the challenge and I needed to bring my GPA up, as well as getting college credit,” junior Shelby Wesche said. Students taking AP classes


mentioned that they feel like put on their students, but also they have no time to play, only know that they have deadlines work. of their own to help the students “In AP, worksheets and achieve maximum success. background information are “Students are very expected to be done at home stressed with due dates, and and it is expected that the worry about time at the end,” AP student comes to class with a English and 1818 teacher Louise firm understanding of all that Haar-Chapman said. background information and Although most AP then they use that information students expressed the stress to help them delve deeper In of maintaining the work load, that process,” AP History teacher Lampshire believes that by taking Cheryl Lampshire said. these classes they are not only With work being done at challenging themselves, but also home, these classes go through growing as learners. chapters quickly. “AP actually is more “It is also college level, enjoyable then regular classes. so there is a faster pace. In the Students get to do a lot of critical past we might cover a chapter thinking as opposed to simple every two weeks; we now cover memorization and fill in the a chapter every two days,” blank, and we get to see some Lampshire said. real neat stuff that we don’t With all the work that always get to talk about when the teachers expect students to we are going over the surface of put into AP classes, some of the everything,” Lampshire said. students have mentioned how stressful it can all get. “There is no time for anything else, there is just a lot of homework and packets,” junior Elvis Phung said. The teachers often see stress being Junior Charles Hogan works on an essay in AP Language and Composition class. Hogan is taking multiple Advanced classes this year. Photo by: Morgan Diamond

“Grease” set to head to the stage Ritenour students to perform the 1950s based musical from February 18-21 meeting. When Dumbrowski ends up going to the same school as Zuko, they see that they were from two different backgrounds, which made it hard for them to be together. The actors in the main roles of the musical are senior Alec Dishaw, who is playing Zuko, and freshman Emma Norman and sophomore Marissa Vroman who are double-cast as Dumbrowski. “I have “Grease” will be the Winter Musical, and will be performed never done a from February 18-21. musical before. Written By: Carcea Carr Doing this musical Staff Writer is bittersweet because it is my first and last, considering that I Ritenour High School will am a senior. I feel that it will be a hold its Winter Musical, “Grease,” great experience” Dishaw said. from February 18 - 21 at 7 pm. Actors admitted that it Admission to attend the musical is hard work getting prepared will be $6 for reserved admission for a musical. They noted and $7 at the door. that it is time consuming, it “Grease” is about high takes dedication, and it takes school students in the 1950s who motivation. They also said that are considered ne’er do wells. they have to want it badly enough In the musical, the leader of the to get it right, and that they are a T-Birds, Danny Zuko, falls in love team who has to strive to be the with a good girl named Sandy best and represent Ritenour to Dumbrowski after a summer


others in the community. The cast started auditions for the musical in late October, and over Christmas break they started learning the songs. On January 5 the cast and crew began rehearsals. “I have done one musical, it was in elementary school, I was in the fifth grade. It feels different because in elementary school you do not take it as seriously, but when you start musicals in high school it takes more dedication and practice to make perfect. I admit that it is harder,” Vroman said. Choir teacher and Musical Director Dr. Richard Bell wanted to present “Grease” because he felt that this musical was very popular, and he knew students would come out and enjoy the show. “I try to choose a show that students will want to participate in. I actually think about if my students will be excited about the musical or not,” Bell said. Ritenour traditionally does a musical every winter, and in the past the students have performed “Into the Woods,” “Oklahoma,” “Sound of Music,” “Sugar,” “Guys and Dolls,” “Meet me in St. Louis,” “Thoroughly Modern Millie,” and “Music Man.” “The musical is fun for me and the kids, I know that the kids are going to do great. Everything is going as planned,” Bell said.

PLTW hosts Girls In Engineering Day Female students from the middle schools and high school filled the lower lobby of the auditorium for an extension of their engineering courses “These girls competed in some design challenges to be exposed to the engineering design process,” Strathman said. “Then they heard from a panel of female engineering students and engineers in the industry.” Strathman believes that getting Sophomores Kailyn Ware and MaKayla Smith work on the design to talk to challenge at Girls in Engineering Day on January 16. in the lower lobby of the auditorium. Photo by: Kristen Teoli experienced female Written by; Deidre Dinkins engineers gives students a Staff Writer better idea of potential career opportunities in the future, On January 16, 2015, as well as an understanding of Ritenour High School hosted Girls what it is like for women in the in Engineering Day in the lower engineering field. lobby and auditorium. Sophomore Amanda Stief “The purpose of Girls in says that this event is important Engineering Day is to get girls because there are not many girls excited about engineering, to in the field and more need to be celebrate all of the girls that recruited. are already in it, and to recruit “I think that Girls in more of them into the program,” Engineering Day is a successful engineering teacher, Jennifer event because the engineering Strathman said. teachers make it fun for us,” Eighth grade girls, as well Stief said. “The more fun it is, as girls in grades nine through especially for the eighth graders, twelve, who are interested or the more girls will join us next involved in engineering, come year.” together during this event.


Stief says that she is excited for Girls in Engineering Day every year. She also says she loves to participate in all of the activities that Ritenour provides. “We do some fun building activities that really make you think. The activities really build your problem solving skills I think and it helps you become a better engineer,” Stief said. Stief says she is hopeful that the engineering classes gain more females. She believes that girls are overshadowed as engineers because it is portrayed as a masculine activity. “I do not really know why everyone thinks that only guys should do things like engineering because it is hard work,” Stief said. “If it is what you are good at, then you should do it. Gender should not have anything to do with that.” Sophomore Halei Rochus is also in the engineering program at Ritenour, and participated in the Girls in Engineering Day. Rochus believes that this event is a great way to recruit more girls into engineering because they are all surrounded by other girls who have the same interests as each other. “Girls in Engineering Day is important because girls do not always get the opportunity to participate in activities geared towards men, like engineering,” Rochus said.

First annual CTSO week comes to RHS Career and Tech Education classes will be holding a week-long event to promote their classes Written By: Allison Baker Staff Writer From February 17-20, Ritenour High School’s Business teachers will be holding the first annual Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO) Week. During the week, teachers will offer students the opportunity to learn about careers in business, speak with professionals, and even raise money for charity. Business teacher Kelly Holloway believes that this will display the skills that they learn in their classes. “I feel like the classes we offer teach life skills,” Holloway said. CTSO Week will show students what classes are offered, as well as what the classes themselves have to offer. There are going to be four days of CTSO Week. On

Tuesday, February 17, it will be T-Shirt Day. Career and Technical Student Organizations will wear their Club T-Shirts or a CTE t-shirt to advertise a cohesive group of business students who engage in learning about Careers, building business plans and Entrepreneurship. Each member or potential member will wear their shirt and give information to other students regarding joining and what the goals are for the organizations. There will be a working lunch with a guest speaker to present on managing money. On Wednesday, February 18 there will be a charity fundraiser. The CTSO’s will be conducting a walk/run to raise money for a charity of their choice. On Thursday, February 19, there will be a “Girl’s in Business Boot Camp” by teacher recommendation to attend a

business boot camp that will encourage girls to realize their potential in business entrepreneurship by creating a product, designing and pricing the product and marketing the product. “It should be a fun day,” Holloway said. Finally, on Friday, February 20, there will be a speaker series. A panel of guest speakers will be invited to answer questions and give presentations regarding careers in business. Students will be allowed to attend by teacher recommendation only. “Students who are involved in CTE (Career and Technical Education) classes are more likely to graduate from high school,” Holloway said. “They are more likely to build their own business or hold jobs in high level positions such as supervisory and management.”

FAFSA Frenzy February

Ritenour’s college counselors will be helping students during the FAFSA Frenzy something that was started many years ago and is a nationwide way to assist families that have trouble filling out their FAFSA,” College Advisor Kathleen Mead said. The FAFSA is a free application for seniors who need extra help paying for college. “The FAFSA is the only way that you can qualify for federal and state aid, whether it’s grants or loans. [This is important] because unless you’re made of money, how are you going to pay for school?” Mead said. “Most people canThe FAFSA Frenzy is sponsored by the Ritenour not afford college, it is inCounseling Department. It will take place on sanely expensive these days February 22 in the RHS Library. and most cannot afford to Written By: Aeriel Morrow pay for it straight out of Content Manager pocket.” Aside from having trouble February marks the beginwith understanding the direcning of Free Application for Fedtions to the FAFSA to correctly fill eral Student Aid (FAFSA) Frenzy, a it out, some families have more time where students and parents complicated situations than othcan come together to learn about ers that also hinder them from and apply for college financial filling out the FAFSA correctly. aid. “The FAFSA has actually Sunday, February 22 will become easier, you won’t think be the night of the FAFSA Frenzy so, but it’s actually become easier in the lower lobby. Over the over the last several years since years, teachers and parents have it’s been put online. Sometimes found that filing for the FAFSA there are families that have more has not been an easy task to do complicated situations and FAFSA alone, so Ritenour created the frenzy is particularly helpful for FAFSA Frenzy to assist parents in them. They have questions that doing so. aren’t clearly answered by the “FAFSA Frenzy is hosted in help that’s built into the FAFSA,” many cities around the state of Mead said. Missouri and the country. This is The FAFSA is mainly beneficial to those who come from low income families.


“In particular, low income families need help paying for college and the Pell Grant does that, it gives them money that does not have to be paid back, unless they get kicked out of school,” Mead said. Today, there is no real average on how much a college education is going to cost. “It’s everything from local community college, which is about $3,000 a year, to Ivy League colleges which if you include tuition, fees, room and board, you’re looking at $70,000 or more. Tuition alone is close to $55,000 at some Ivy League schools and room and board to that, which is another $15,000. It’s about $80,000 a year for top schools,” Mead said. Lastly, students and their parents should keep in mind that the FAFSA is free and should never be paid for. “You should not have to pay to fill out the FAFSA. If you go to the wrong website they will charge you. It is very important that you go to ‘FAFSA. gov’. Be sure that it is a government website because it is a government form. Any other cite will charge you, they also will gather your personal information and use it in whatever way they choose. Be careful with that,” Mead said. Students have already begun planning to attend the event in hopes of getting money for college. “I’m so glad that Ritenour is extending a helping hand for students to pay for college,” senior Alec Dishaw said.

Governor Nixon visits Marion Nixon observes an engineering class at Marion Elementary after his State of the State Address

Missouri Governor Jay Nixon speaks with Marion students. Photo courtesy: Kinzie Lewis

Written By: Aeriel Morrow Content Manager On January 22, Missouri’s 55th Governor, Jay Nixon, attended Marion Elementary School as a follow-up to his State of the State address. Nixon spoke of the importance of the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) programs not merely existing throughout Missouri schools, but starting at the elementary level. He demonstrated this importance by attending one of Marion’s Project Lead The Way (PLTW) sessions. Originally, the PLTW program was subtly introduced to students during middle school and then pushed as a career choice at the high school level. This year marked the first time that Ritenour introduced the program on a fifth grade level. “We’re starting out with fifth grade because it’s more of the same skills and concepts than what our younger students learn. From there we’re going to have our teacher trained so that they will learn the skills that will filter


down,” Marion Assistant Principal Sue Houston said. The program is only an after school program for now, and it has already enrolled 20 students, but Marion staff are hoping to expand the program into the actual curriculum while teaching more of the PLTW concepts and skills. “Jobs of the future are about technology,” Nixon said. “Applied science, robotics, energy, light and sound, all of that is important because the jobs and careers of the future, whether they are at Boeing, General Motors, Monsanto, or Twitter, which was founded by a Missourian, are going to require training in science and technology,” Nixon said. Currently, Missouri is in the lead for its number of PLTW programs in the nation. Ritenour is one of the few school districts in north St. Louis County to offer the PLTW program at the elementary level. “Project Lead The Way is designed to give more practical hands-on science and it’s done in a lot of high schools across the state. In fact, as far as computer science, Project Lead The Way, we’re number one in the country, but that’s not good enough for us. We’re trying to push that curriculum into the elementary schools and that’s why we’re here today,” Nixon said. During PLTW sessions, students solve real world problems using robotics that can step in and help when humans cannot. Students began their current project by assembling a robot called the Chatzi.

“Removing toxic waste is our real world problem that we’re going to end up solving. Sometimes when natural disasters occur there’s some sort of waste that’s out there that’s hazardous to humans and it might damage us, so we have to send robots in,” Project Lead The Way teacher Megan McNalty said. Besides working on the robot, PLTW students will also get a chance to create a design to improve the robot’s functions. “One of the cool things our students are going to get to do beyond just this robot, is they’re going to get to design a better way, an improvement to it that will make the collection of hazardous waste easier to happen,” McNalty said. Governor Nixon has also taken steps to spread the success of PLTW at Marion elementary into other areas of Missouri. “I took two million dollars for the whole state to try to get 350 other schools to do what you are doing. That is a lot of schools all over the state. We think it is really important and we are really impressed by what we saw today,” Nixon said. Finally, Governor Nixon left the children with words of encouragement to follow only their dreams, no one else’s. “So if there’s one lesson I hope you learn today is embrace the science and technology and have fun, but also the sky is the limit. For everyone to reach their goal and potential we need to recognize that we’re all in this together and difference shouldn’t divide us but unite us,” Nixon said.

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