2 minute read
K-12 Memories
By: Peyton House and Jennifer Huerta Lopez
Kindergarten Marion
“My favorite parts of kindergarten were making friends and getting to play on the playground.”
First Grade Marion
“A vivid memory I have from first grade is learning the love I have for softball. My class had a picnic outside and one of the activities was t-ball. I literally played that t-ball game the entire picnic. when I went home, I told my mom immediately that I wanted to play softball, and my love grew for the sport from there.”
Second Grade Iveland
“I loved my second grade teacher. She had taught us how to ask to go to the bathroom in sign language.”
Third Grade Marion
“My favorite memory of third grade was puking on somebody. I felt sick and told my teacher I had to go to the bathroom. I didn’t realize she wrote me a pass, so I was just sitting down and it just all came out.”
Brandon Treat
Fourth Grade Marvin
“My favorite memory in 4th grade and a lot of grade school was trading Pokemon cards at recess.”
Fifth Grade Wyland
“My favorite memory is messing with teachers and Coach Farrar on the playground during recess.”
Mikel French
Sixth Grade Ritenour Middle
“My favorite memory from sixth grade happened at the end of the school year. In my PC class, my teacher hosted a tea party for all of us because it was a significant theme in the book we had just read. Having this party was special to me because it concluded my first year at middle school where I had made new friends and adjusted well to the new environment.”
Seventh Grade Hoech
“My favorite memory from 7th grade is when we went to Six Flags! By that point I had already made some of my best friends and it was a really great time!”
Eighth Grade Ritenour Middle
“This was my favorite year because I felt the most joy. I loved all of my teachers, I got really close with lots of other staff members, I got the opportunity to be an office helper, I won 8th grade Formal Queen, I won an end of the year Role Model award for my team 8B, and I held so many other accomplishments. I would do anything to experience my 8th grade year again!”
Aundre’A Berry
“I’m really fond of all the time I spent driving to far-off places with my friends to go hiking back in my freshman year.”
Sophomore Zoom Year
“My favorite memory from the 10th grade is waiting to enter my classes wrapped up in my blanket and falling asleep right after.”
“My favorite memory from junior year was going to Chicago with my sister for the Bad Bunny concert.”
“My favorite memory was going to Florida for New Years with my family and going to baseball games with my friends.”