July 2017 Dear Parent/ Carer, Re: ‘New Vertical Continent Structure’- Changes for September 2017. We are writing to inform you of an important initiative that we are planning to introduce to our pastoral system. We believe the new vertical continent (House) system, will continue to embed the identity of global continents across the school, whilst developing a strong ethos and culture of the ‘Rhyddings Family’. The structure will include:
Four continents, five form groups per continent and approximately twenty four students per form. Each form will have students from years 7 to 10. Each continent will be led by a continent leader. Form time will be from 8:45 to 9:00.
Continent/ Colours
Asia (Yellow)
Europe (Blue)
Africa (Green)
America (Red)
Continent Leader
Mrs Cryne
Mr Fielding
Mrs Greenwood
Mr Lord
Form Tutors
Miss Hubbard Mr Ashfaq Mrs Addison Mr Hargreaves Mr Young
Mrs Bancroft/ Mrs Gumley Mrs Hallas Mr Barnes Miss Woodcock Mrs Barnett
Mrs O’Brien Mr Thomas Mr Bamford Mrs Neary/Mrs Bell Mrs Davy
Mr Finnegan Miss Booth Miss Masefield Mr Sanna Mrs Hopkins
The benefits of vertical tutoring fall into four main areas: 1. Relationship- ‘At the heart of the Rhyddings community’ The continent structure will lead to more positive relationships. Students will interact with students from different year groups. Through peer support and mentoring, a strong ethos of collaborative leaning and shared values will lead to a strong continent identity across the school. 2. Student progress - ‘Inspire all to achieve beyond all expectations’ Students will receive more personalised support and recognition during key transition phases such as making option choices or revising for exams. Each tutor will have only 4 to 6 students from each year group so your child will receive much more personalised support than in their current tutor group where everyone has similar needs simultaneously.
3. ‘Respect and celebrate diversity from past to present’ The continents will become a much bigger feature of school life. Inter-house competitions/charity events/ volunteering opportunities will lead to a greater understanding of social responsibility. The ‘Respecting Rights’ code of conduct will lead to high expectations and opportunities for all. 4. ‘Be the change you wish to see’ Greater opportunities for Student Impact across the school will lead to increased selfbelief and self-esteem. Leadership opportunities through the Junior Leadership Team, Prefects, House Captains, Sport Captains etc. will ensure all students have opportunities to enhance their learning through further enrichment opportunities. We believe that vertical tutoring will also have a positive impact on Teaching and Learning and Behaviour for Learning. Although this is a significant change, it will only affect form time. It will not affect lesson time. Students have been informed of the proposed changes in ‘special assemblies’ and they have the opportunity to talk about this with current tutors, teachers and their peers. The continent leaders are committed to providing excellent pastoral care, guidance and support to all students. A dedicated team of form tutors will offer greater learning experiences through a structured form programme. The benefits that vertical tutoring and the house system will bring to Rhyddings’ students will ensure that we continue to value and support each student, enabling them to make the most of every opportunity to be successful in life. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at school. Yours Sincerely,
Mr P Trickett Headteacher