Rhyddings Uniform Policy – Revised September 2018 The Department for Education strongly encourages schools to have a uniform as it can play a valuable role in contributing to the ethos of a school and setting an appropriate tone. Uniform regulations are listed below. If an item of clothing or footwear is not listed, it is not school uniform. YEARS 7-10 Black tailored trousers or black knee length tailored skirt White collared shirt [no rever collars permitted] Black Rhyddings Blazer with logo on pocket flap House Continent colour specific Rhyddings tie (repeated logo design) Black ‘V’ neck jumper with grey detail around neck (optional) Black,grey or white socks or black tights Plain black flat shoes – no black trainers, boots or canvas pumps/shoes YEAR 11 Black tailored trousers or knee length skirt White collared shirt [no rever collars permitted] Plain black flat shoes – no black trainers, boots or canvas pumps/shoes Plain black, grey, white socks or plain black or natural tights Rhyddings dark navy Year 11 tie (repeated logo design); maroon tie for prefects; black tie for Junior Leadership Team Rhyddings Year 11 grey V neck jumper with black trim – no other jumper or cardigan is permitted All years Skirt – No pencil skirts which would restrict movement or lycra type ‘clingy’ skirts or trousers. Shoes – Must be of a material that can be polished. No black trainers, boots or canvas pumps/shoes Plain black hijab may be worn Outdoor coats – Outdoor coats or jackets should be of a dark colour, ideally with a reflective strip or piping for safety. All outdoor clothing (coats, jackets, scarves, hats, gloves etc) must be removed on entry to classrooms. PE KIT – ALL YEARS (all except trainers should be Surridge branded)
Boys and Girls One black/white training shirt One pair of black football socks One pair of black football shorts (Asian heritage girls are allowed to wear
black tracksuit bottoms) Trainers – must not be black-soled for indoor use Hair of shoulder length or longer should be tied back Please also note the additional points below: No makeup, nail polish, acrylic nails or facial piercings Only one pair of gold or silver stud earrings can be worn, however these should be removed for PE No unnatural hair colours and no designs/patterns in the hair No “hoodie” sweatshirt/jumpers Any hairbands must be black Coats:
Students are not expected to remove coats at the gate if it is bad weather or cold. They are expected to have coats off in the school building when arriving to lessons. If large winter coats do not fit in school bags then students can carry coats over their arm around school. Wet coats are not expected to be in school bags; in lessons they are expected to be at the back of chairs.
All students must have a bag for their books and equipment, which should include two pens, pencil and ruler and planner at the very minimum. Any incorrect or missing items may be loaned from the school shop. Eg pumps (to replace incorrect footwear), ties, blazers etc. Alternatively pupils may be sent home, where appropriate to correct items.