May 2019 Dear Parent/Carer Ramadan Provision over the GCSE examinations period This year the Ramadan month starts at the beginning of the external GCSE examinations, 5 May – 5 June. I am aware of the religious obligation and expectations for fasting as a fundamental pillar in Islam. As always, we would like to support your son/daughter through this act of worship whilst preparing them for the GCSE examinations. For students who do choose to fast during the examinations we strongly advise they drink plenty of water at Iftari and eat plenty of healthy food which will help during the examinations. Any students attending the Tharavee prayers at the mosque must ensure they have adequate sleep before any examinations. I have enclosed a list of all the examinations taking place during the Ramadan month, and guidance for any students who may choose to fast during the month Ramadan. In school we will continue to provide a dedicated quiet area over lunch time for any students who will be fasting over Ramadan. If you any questions regarding the Ramadan provision or examinations, please do not hesitate to contact me. I would like to take the opportunity to wish everyone Ramadan Mubarak. Yours sincerely,
Andrew Williams Headteacher