Years 7 and 8 This is a guide for parents on interpreting reports for students in Years 7 and 8. This system is designed to pick students up from the new Key Stage 2 grading system where students are identified as ‘Achieving the Standard’, ‘Exceeding the Standard’ or ‘Not at Standard’.
Progress and Performance Students are placed into one of four performance bands when they arrive in Year 7. Information received from Primaries along with Key Stage 2 exam results help us decide which band is the best starting point for your child. As the students work their way through their lessons, teachers will be giving them content, topics and tasks that are appropriate and stretching, whichever band a student is in. As they progress students should maintain their banding, and if they are really determined may even move up a band. Students who finished Year 6 with the very high standard that puts them in the Mastery band have the challenge of maintaining that level of ‘Mastery’ in their subjects. Students will find it very challenging to be ‘Mastery’ in all subjects, but will be able to identify the subject areas they have special skills in and are especially adept at. Mastery I understand all the work covered in my lessons to a very high standard. I often complete extension work, again to a very high standard. I show skills to a high level. I produce high quality work, extremely well presented. I master the content, knowledge and skills I am being taught this year and rise to the challenge of the most demanding work. Secure I understand all the work covered in my lessons to a good standard. I complete all work/material and show skills to a good level. My work is of a good quality and I know how to present it well. I am secure in the content, knowledge and skills I am being taught this year. Developing I understand some work covered, occasionally to a good standard, but I don’t always retain the things I am taught and need some help developing the ability to recall information. I have some skills, but sometimes lack confidence in my ability to use them. I present work that may need redrafting and need to develop skills that help me improve it. I am developing my knowledge and skills. Emerging I understand some work but I have difficulty retaining information and remembering previous work. I need more support when I am working, including how I present my work and help in knowing how to improve it. I need some encouragement and support in building my confidence.
Years 9, 10 and 11 This is a guide for parents on interpreting reports for students in Years 9-11. It includes a brief explanation of the new GCSE 9-1 grading system which comes into all subjects at some point in the next three years.
Progress and Performance Students are given Progress Benchmark grades based on Key Stage 2 exam results and their performance and progress during Years 7 and 8. This is the minimum grade a student needs to achieve in order to be considered to have made appropriate progress in their secondary education. As a guide, these link to the Year 7 & 8 Performance Bands as follows: Mastery Secure Developing Emerging
- targeting GCSE grades 7-9 (A/A*) - targeting GCSE grades 5-7 (C-A) - targeting GCSE grades 3-5 (E-C) - targeting GCSE grades 1-3 (G-E)
The students know from Year 9 onwards what the minimum grade they need to achieve in Year 11 is. Some aspects of their GCSE courses require them to show the appropriate level of understanding throughout, for example some pieces of controlled assessment; other aspects of their courses may require the students to grow their skills and therefore develop until they achieve at their expected grade or beyond. As the students work their way through their lessons, teachers will be giving them content, topics and tasks that are appropriate and stretching.
Changes to the GCSE grading system From summer 2017 students will be awarded GCSEs using the new Grades 9-1. Please follow the link for a brief explanation of why new grades have been introduced by Ofqual and the DFE and how they link to the old A*-G system.
Attainment 8 Students will receive grades in all subjects and may achieve as many as 12 GCSEs in total. In addition students are also measured in their best 8 subjects, which will include the Ebacc subjects they selected during the option process. The 8 subjects that make up their A8 are: English (best grade from either Language or Literature) Mathematics Best 3 grades from Ebacc subjects Geography History Double Science Spanish Computer Science Best 3 grades from remaining qualifications, including remaining English not used above and second grade from Science if not already used above.
Attitude to Learning Reports include information on how students approach their learning. As well as the topics and tasks that we ask students to learn in the classroom, there are additional skills that we encourage students to develop, to help them become better learners. These skills are also very necessary in the world beyond the school gate. Responsibility
We believe it is important for our learners to work to the best of their ability and take pride in what they do – in planning and organisation, being increasingly independent and being ready to work. This includes having the right equipment for learning and producing work in the time allowed. Both home and school can support our learners in this. Excellent
Not there yet
I’m always ready to learn, on my own or in a team and am proud of what I do. I understand the importance of doing my best. I always have my equipment and willingly contribute to lessons.
I am motivated and contribute to lessons, completing the tasks set. I always have my equipment and can work independently.
I need to take a greater part in the lessons I’m in, making sure I finish the work set and be better organised. I should show how independent I can be.
I know I’m not taking part in learning as well as I should. I should organise myself better.
Resilience (& Growth Mindset)
It is important to stretch and challenge learners in order for them to be better prepared for life beyond Rhyddings and employment. This means that there is a positive benefit to making mistakes as we can then learn from those mistakes and make improvements. Doing this helps to develop a “Growth Mindset” – where difficulties require us to increase our efforts and work harder, instead of giving up because the work or learning is tough. The reward for hard work and perseverance is increased success. Excellent
Not there yet
I keep going when it’s tough and am persistent when it comes to solving problems. I have a “can do” attitude and well developed “growth mindset”. I learn from my mistakes as well as successes. It makes me a smarter learner.
I keep going when it’s tough and am strengthening my “growth mindset”. I show I can learn from mistakes as well as successes. It makes me a smarter learner.
Sometimes, I need to think for longer about how I am going to manage a task and not be afraid of “failure”. Worrying about being “wrong” should not stop me from beginning my learning.
I need to think for longer about how I am going to show I understand my learning. I need to begin learning activities rather than worrying about them.
Reflective and Aspirational
Reflective & Aspirational
When we think back over learning, challenges and experiences, we learn to work out how to do better next time; being thoughtful in this way helps us to be practical in moving forward. It helps targets to be met. It is smart to be “Can Do” and ambitious. Excellent
Not there yet
I can identify how to improve my own work and use feedback. I know my targets and how to achieve them. I’m ambitious when I set out on a task and I know that challenge stretches me.
I respond to feedback in order to improve my standard. I know my targets and how to achieve them and that challenge stretches me.
I try to act on feedback when it is given, but don’t always know how to improve my work. Sometimes, I try to meet challenge; I am not sure of my targets.
I don’t always understand how to improve my work or how to meet my targets.
Relationships (& Pro-Social Skills) Working relationships with staff and other students are important for learning and later, for working with others in employment. We believe it’s important to be RESPECTFUL to all, being kind, friendly and forgiving, as well as being thoughtful, tolerant and trustworthy. Listening is also important, as is being a team player. They may not academic, but these attributes are important for Life beyond Rhyddings.
Creative Thinking & Problem Solving Problem-solving develops “Growth Mindset” and a “Can do” attitude. It is good to be inquisitive and imaginative. Being a “creative thinker” is important across the curriculum, working out solutions to tasks, questions, obstacles and developments. These skills are vital for Employment and Life!
The school invests in a package which allows parental access to check on attendance, assessment and progress. Staff and students also have access to Go4Schools in order to track and analyse data. In order to sign up for G4S, please go to and use the email address that we currently have for you on our school system. (If the email the school has for you needs updating, please contact us at
To sign up and log in, enter your email address here. A confirmation email with a password will be sent to your email address and you will then be able to access Go4schools. NB Please note that the email address you enter must be the one the school has for you.
Once you have logged in you will find that the following information is available to you:
Residuals – this is a calculation of students’ projected grade against their Expected Progress grade Detailed progress – this will tell you students’ grades* for each subject Attendance – please note that this is updated overnight so there may be some discrepancies if information has been inputted on the day that you are checking Reports – these will be available at the relevant point in the academic year – you will receive an email when reports are ready to be viewed. * Students’ grades Four times a year, subject staff are asked to update students’ progress on Go4Schools.