Tracker - parents

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Rhyddings Tracker


Parents Please check that your child adheres to the basic Rhyddings expectations.

Uniform - The expected requirements for uniform include no makeup, nail polish, acrylic nails or facial piercings. •

Only one pair of gold or silver stud earrings can be worn, however these should be removed for PE.

No unnatural hair colours and no designs/patterns in the hair.

No “hoodie” sweatshirt/jumpers.

All coats should be in bags unless wet due to weather conditions.

No deliberate removal of student ties.

No untucked shirts.

Equipment - The expected requirements for equipment include a school bag, 2 black/ blue pens, 1 pencil, 1 ruler and a planner. Punctuality- All students must attend school on time with the arrival of 8:45 to form.

Other expectations: •

No chewing in class.

If a pupil does not have their tracker, a replacement (cream-coloured) is given and the Form Tutor will detain students for 10 minutes at break. If the pupil does not bring their original tracker the next day, they will be issued with an SLT detention. If they forget their tracker again in the same half term it is then an immediate SLT detention.

Only medical notes can be accepted by Form Tutors as an acceptable reason for no school shoes.


Continent Leader

SLT Link


Mrs Cryne

Mrs Cunliffe


Mr Fielding

Mrs Ali


Ms Greenwood

Mr Dutton


Mr Lord

Mrs Whelan

Year 11

Progress Leader

Mr Williams

Mrs O’Loughlin

Rewards: We believe that the vast majority of students already adhere to the high expectations that we have of them. For that reason, the following rewards will apply: • Every half term, students with no more than two signatures on their tracker will be rewarded with a non-uniform day. • The form group with the least number of signatures at the end of each half term will receive certificates and a prize.

Rhyddings Tracker  

Stage 1- Rhyddings Tracker 4 signatures 8 signatures 12 signatures

Form tutor detention- 10 minute break detention Continent detention- 30 minute detention after school SLT- 1 hour Friday detention after school

Stage 2- Rhyddings Tracker 4 signatures 8 signatures 12 signatures

Continent Leader detention- 30 minute detention after school SLT detention- 60 minutes detention after school Headteacher detention - 1 hour 30 minutes detention- after school

Stage 3- Rhyddings 4 signatures 8 signatures 12 signatures

SLT detention- 1 hour detention Headteacher detention- 1 hour 30 minute detention after school SPC & PSP reviewed - School parental contract and pupil support plan


Rhyddings Tracker- Student Checklist


You will be checked each morning by your form tutor for the following: 1. Excellent, smart school uniform. 2. Correct equipment- school bag, 2 black/ blue pens, pencil, ruler and planner. 3. Punctuality to form at 8:45am.

Rewards Every half term, pupils with no more than 2 signatures on the tracker will be rewarded with a non-uniform day. The form group with the least number of signatures will receive a certificate and a prize.


Rhyddings Tracker

No phones at break and lunch.

Sanction 1

The phone will be confiscated, students can collect it from Continent Leaders at the end of the day.

Sanction 2

The phone will be confiscated and parents must collect the phone at the end of the day from the main reception.

Sanction 3

The phone will be confiscated for one week by a member of the SLT team in school.

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