Our ref: TT/KS 24 June 2014 Dear Parent / Carer RE
It gives me great pleasure and an immense feeling of pride to send you our latest Ofsted inspection report. As you know the inspection took place on 4th and 5th June 2014. There were four inspectors for the first day and three for the second. They concluded that we are ‘a good school’, and rated us as good in every category that was assessed. This is the third successive inspection that this judgement has been reached. They were extremely impressed by what they saw, particularly with the continuing upward trend of examination results and the attitudes and behaviour of the students. It was pleasing to note that the inspectors also recognised the high percentage of students achieving the expected and better than expected progress levels in English and Mathematics. They commented that ‘the students are proud of their school and appreciate the highly effective care guidance and support it provides for them’. The report said that ‘the students behave sensibly and treat each other and adults with respect’. They also commented that in recent years the proportion of students attaining 5 A*-C GCSE including English and Mathematics has risen rapidly. They remarked that teaching is usually good with some that is outstanding. As a result, students’ progress and achievement has improved rapidly and securely. The inspectors also concluded that ‘leaders and managers, including the governing body, have steered the school successfully through some turbulent waters (financially) in recent years. Despite this they have maintained an eagle eye on the core activities of achievement and teaching both of which have improved year on year. I am very proud that Ofsted have once again recognised the magnificent job that our staff do with our students! In these days of tighter and tighter criteria it is very easy to slip into the ‘Requires Improvement’ category, so it is particularly pleasing to achieve this result and to read the very positive comments about all aspects of the school. It is also comforting to know that we can now concentrate on what we do very well for at least 3, Ofsted free, years!
David Brunskill our Chair of Governors, in offering his congratulations stated that, ‘What impressed me most were the positive comments regarding our teaching, the safe environment, support system and the recognition that through the contribution of all staff we have continued to grow, develop and deliver good education’. He went on to say, ‘Where do we go from here? The size of the step to outstanding seems to have increased! Perhaps we should progress incrementally because measured achieved steps will head us in the right direction’. I agree with his assessment and look forward to working with staff, students, parents and governors to achieve those steps. Many, many thanks to all of you who continue to give us your support and loyalty in choosing ‘The Oswaldtwistle secondary school for Oswaldtwistle children’. Yours sincerely
Paul Trickett Headteacher