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Dizajn u funkciji vrhunskog ugođaja

BW Thalia nudi vrhunac ugođaja, kako vizuelno, tako i po pitanju sadržaja unutar zgrade. Počevši od spoljašnjosti, BW Thalia se sastoji od tri bloka različitih visina, koji kreiraju upečatljivu uličnu scenografiju, a jednostavan moderan urbani izgled fasade predstavlja odraz savremenog i komfornog enterijera.

Za upotpunjen osećaj sigurnosti i jedinstvenog ugođaja u vašoj novoj zgradi, u lobiju vas očekuje recepcija sa obezbeđenjem, dok su poštanski sandučići izdvojeni u posebnom delu. U prizemlju se nalazi ostava za dečija kolica kao i “pet station”, gde možete da očistite kućne ljubimce nakon povratka iz šetnje, dok svi stanovi imaju pristup sistemu vertikalnog odvoda smeća.

U podnožju zgrade pronaći ćete niz prodavnica i lokala za sve vaše potrebe, dok se podzemna garaža prostire na dva nivoa i poseduje 229 parking mesta za stanare.

BW Thalia offers the peak of convenience, both visually and in terms of content inside the building. Starting from the exterior, BW Thalia consists of three cascading blocks of different heights that create a striking street scene, while the simple and modern urban appearance of the facade is a reflection of the contemporary and comfortable interior.

For a complete sense of security and an exclusive comfort in your new building, a reception desk with security awaits you in the lobby, while mailboxes are found in a separate area. Ground floor has a storage room for baby strollers as well as a “pet station”, where you can clean your pets after returning from a walk, while all apartments have access to a vertical garbage disposal system.

At the foot of the building you will find a number of shops and retail for all your needs, while the underground garage spreads over two levels with 229 parking spaces for residents.

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