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Na korak do sreće

Na korak do sreće

Eagle Hills je privatna građevinska i investiciona kompanija sa sedištem u Abu Dabiju, specijalizovana za kreiranje novih gradskih jezgara i vrhunskih destinacija na tržištima u razvoju.

Tokom postojanja, kompanija je stekla izvanrednu reputaciju i postala međunarodni simbol kvaliteta, investiranja i prestiža u projektima najvećih razmera. Jedna od osnovih odlika kompanije je da inovativnim pristupom podiže nivo kvaliteta života u urbanim zajednicama, stvaranjem novih radnih mesta privlačenjem brojnih lokalnih međunarodnih investicija. Kompanija trenutno razvija jedinstvene projekte u Bahreinu, Jordanu, Maroku, Etiopiji, Omanu, Srbiji i Ujedinjenim Arapskim Emiratima.

A reliable partner for the greatest achievements

Eagle Hills is a privately owned Abu Dhabi-based construction and investment company, specialised in the creation of new city hubs and top destinations in the developing markets.

Through their business activities, the company has acquired an excellent reputation and became an international sign of quality, investment and status in realisation of the large-scale projects. One of the main company characteristics is an innovative approach, which increases the quality of life in urban communities, creating new job opportunities and attracting many local and international investments. The company is currently developing unique projects in Bahrain, Jordan, Morocco, Ethiopia, Oman, Serbia and the United Arab Emirates.

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