1 minute read


BW Iris je uzor savremenog porodičnog života u velikom urbanom centru. Sve što je vama vašoj porodici potrebno za inspirativan život bogat sadržajima nalazi se nadohvat ruke — od bujnog zelenila, sportskih i rekreativnih objekata do najmodernijeg državnog vrtića i dvojezične osnovne škole, od najboljeg šopinga, gastronomije i zabave do umetnosti i kulture — i mnogo više. Odvojite vreme da uživate u velikim i malim čarima života. Dobrodošli u BW Iris.

An Inspiring New Chapter Awaits

BW Iris is the paragon of contemporary family living in a big city environment. Anything you and your family will ever need for a rich and inspiring lifestyle is within arm’s reach — from lush greenery, sports and recreation facilities to the most modern public kindergarten and bilingual elementary school, from the best shopping, dining and entertainment to art and culture — and much, much more. Take the time to enjoy life’s gifts, no matter how big or small.

Welcome to BW Iris.

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