BW Eden

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BW Eden

Eden, tačnije edenski vrt, bilo je mesto prvobitnog raja na zemlji, gde je sve bilo posvećeno savršenom životu u izobilju. Iz te legende rodila se inspiracija za BW Eden, novu stambenu zgradu koja pomera granice savremenog života u svakom segmentu.

Izaberite okruženje prepuno mogućnosti jedinstvenih sadržaja za aktivan i zdrav život i rad u modernoj gradskoj sredini, u zagrljaju prirode koja podstiče da uvek budete na 100% svojih mogućnosti. Izaberite život bez granica.

Welcome to BW Eden

Eden, or rather Garden of Eden, was the place of the original paradise on earth, where everything was devoted to perfect life in abundance. That was the very legend that inspired BW Eden, a new residential building that pushes the boundaries of modern life in every segment.

Choose an environment filled with possibilities and unique content for keeping an active and healthy lifestyle and working in a modern urban environment, embraced by nature that encourages you to always be at 100% of your potential. Choose a life with no boundaries.

Belgrade Waterfront

predstavljamo we present

lokacija location

Renesansa urbanog života

Belgrade Waterfront je sinonim za najviši nivo gradskog života i jedna od stvari na koje se prvo pomisli kada se kaže “Beograd”.

Prostirući se na oko milion kvadratnih metara prvoklasnog građevinskog zemljišta na desnoj obali Save, ovaj projekat urbane revitalizacije grada donosi jedinstvene impulse najboljeg sadržaja i najinspirativnijeg okruženja u svakodnevni život prestonice.

Belgrade Waterfront je višenamenski kompleks uzbudljivih i vrhunskih mogućnosti, koji uvodi novu dimenziju u urbani život Beograda. Odlikuju ga najsavremenije stambene zgrade, hoteli svetske klase, prestižni restorani, obrazovni kulturni objekti, raskošni parkovi, najlepše šetalište u gradu kao i savršena povezanost uz niz prednosti za kretanje pešaka biciklista.

Danas, Belgrade Waterfront je jedno od omiljenih mesta na kom Beograđani provode svoje slobodno ili vreme za rekreaciju i rad, uživajući u ujedno dinamičnom mirnom okruženju najboljih pogleda i sadržaja u prestonici.

The Renaissance of an urban life

Belgrade Waterfront is a synonym for the pinnacle of city life and one of the first things to come into mind when talking of Belgrade.

Situated on the right bank of the Sava River in an area of one million square metres of prime riverside real estate, this project of urban revitalisation of the city introduces a unique impulse of the best content and most inspiring environment into the capital’s everyday life.

Belgrade Waterfront is a multi-purpose complex of exciting and marvellous possibilities, which introduces a new dimension into the urban life of Belgrade. It is characterized by stateof-the-art residential buildings, world-class hotels, prestigious restaurants, educational and cultural facilities, parks, the most beautiful promenade in the city, as well as perfect connectivity, with numerous advantages for pedestrians and cyclists.

Today, Belgrade Waterfront is one of the most popular and favourite places where fellow Belgrade citizens like to spend their free time or time for relaxation and work, enjoying a dynamic and peaceful environment with the best views and content in the capital.

04 05Život bez granica

lokacija location

Beskompromisna povezanost

Belgrade Waterfront donosi novu dimenziju povezanosti sa čitavim gradom prednost koju malo koja lokacija poseduje - uvek ćete biti u središtu raskršća svih vitalnih puteva, koji vam omogućavaju brzu sigurnu vezu sa svim destinacijama od značaja u Beogradu.

Belgrade Waterfront krase prostrani bulevari široke ulice, koje se idealno nadovezuju na postojeću mrežu glavnih gradskih puteva. Savski most se nalazi u neposrednoj blizini vašeg novog doma i pruža jednostavnu konekciju sa Novim Beogradom. Sa druge strane, most Gazela omogućava brz i lak izlaz i ulaz u grad međunarodnim autoputem E-75, dok se aerodrom Nikola Tesla nalazi na oko 15 minuta vožnje automobilom.

Blizu BW Eden nalaze se i brojne stanice javnog prevoza, uključujući autobuse, tramvaje budući metro, za najefikasniju vezu sa čitavim gradom u svim pravcima. I kretanje unutar samog Belgrade Waterfronta je jednostavno i efikasno, bilo da koristite automobil ili neki drugi vid prevoza. Pešake i bicikliste očekuje pregršt uređenih dobro povezanih staza, koje se protežu čitavim kompleksom i nastavljaju se uz obalu duž Save i Dunava.

Uncompromising connectivity

Belgrade Waterfront is a synonym for the pinnacle of city life and one of the first things to come into mind when talking of Belgrade.

Situated on the right bank of the Sava River in an area of one million square metres of prime riverside real estate, this project of urban revitalisation of the city introduces a unique impulse of the best content and most inspiring environment into the capital’s everyday life.

Belgrade Waterfront is a multi-purpose complex of exciting and marvellous possibilities, which introduces a new dimension into the urban life of Belgrade. It is characterized by stateof-the-art residential buildings, world-class hotels, prestigious restaurants, educational and cultural facilities, parks, the most beautiful promenade in the city, as well as perfect connectivity, with numerous advantages for pedestrians and cyclists.

Today, Belgrade Waterfront is one of the most popular and favourite places where fellow Belgrade citizens like to spend their free time or time for relaxation and work, enjoying a dynamic and peaceful environment with the best views and content in the capital.

06 07Život bez granica

pogodnosti amenities

Vaša nova adresa –vaše pobedničko postolje

BW Eden je savremena stambena zgrada od 20 spratova, koja sadrži 244 stambene jedinice, od studija do stanova sa pet spavaćih soba. Stanovi su projektovani tako da, u zavisnosti od pozicije koje zauzimaju, pružaju direktan pogled na reku, kao i na inspirišuće prizore panorame grada ili uređenog unutrašnjeg dvorišta.

Smeštena u trećem redu od Save, nedaleko od Savskog trga, sa dva parka na dohvat ruke i sportskim centrom BW Apollo na samom pragu, stambena zgrada BW Eden garantuje najbolje od dinamičnog i relaksiranog života u Beogradu.

Your new address - your victory podium

BW Eden is a modern 20-storey residential building with 244 apartments, ranging from studios to fivebedroom units. Apartments are designed so that, depending on their position, offer a direct view of the river, as well as inspiring scenes of the city skyline or a landscaped inner courtyard.

Situated in the third row from the Sava River, close to the Sava Square, with two parks at your fingertips and the BW Apollo sports centre on the doorstep, BW Eden residential building guarantees the best of a dynamic and relaxed life in Belgrade.

08 09Život bez granica

Život bez granica

BW Eden na jedinstven način prekraja granice dinamične, gradske sredine i prirodnog okruženja, pogodnog za zdrav i aktivan život.

Otkrijte savršeno usklađen život po sopstvenom tempu, u kom svaki trenutak slobodnog ili radnog vremena provodite na način na koji želite, bez potrebe za suvišnim kompromisima. Pojedinci i mladi parovi mogu da se prepuste čarima dinamičnog okruženja koje predvodi Galerija, mesto najboljeg šopinga, restorana, kafića i prvog IMAX bioskopa na Balkanu.

Iskusite najbolje kulturne i rekreativne sadržaje Sava Promenade, najlepšeg šetališta i žile kucavice života duž beogradske obale. Stanari koji vode aktivan život tokom cele godine imaju najbolje uslove da održavaju formu u okviru BW Apollo sportskog kompleksa, na svega nekoliko koraka od BW Eden.

Parove sa decom dočekaće bezbedno i ispunjeno okruženje savršeno za porodične aktivnosti i opuštanje, uz unutrašnje dvorište sa igralištem, neposrednu blizinu Savskog parka, škole i vrtića.

Stanica obe linije metroa nalazi se na Savskom trgu, na samo nekoliko minuta šetnje.

A life with no boundaries

BW Eden uniquely redraws the boundaries between a dynamic, urban environment and a natural environment, suitable for a healthy and active life.

Discover a perfectly balanced life at your own pace, in which you spend every moment of free or working time the way you want, without the need for unnecessary compromises. Individuals and young couples can indulge in the charms of a dynamic environment led by Galerija, a place of the best shopping, restaurants, cafes and the first IMAX cinema in the Balkans.

Experience the best cultural and recreational facilities of the Sava Promenada, the most beautiful promenade and the heartbeat of life along the Belgrade riverfront. Residents who lead an active life throughout the year have the best conditions to stay in shape with the BW Apollo sports complex, just a few steps from BW Eden.

Couples with children will find a safe and fulfilling environment perfect for family activities and relaxation, with an inner courtyard with playground, immediate proximity of Sava Park, school and kindergarten. The station for both metro lines is situated just a few minutes’ walk towards Sava Square.

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pogodnosti amenities

lokacija location

Gde se granice ugođaja i funkcionalnosti brišu

BW Eden pružiće vam sve ono što očekujete od života u savremenoj zajednici, kako vizuelno tako po pitanju komfora unutar vašeg novog doma. Počevši od same spoljašnjosti, zgradu krasi impresivno arhitektonsko rešenje, izvedeno u tri kaskadna bloka različitih proporcija, koji kreiraju upečatljivu uličnu scenografiju.

Recepcija i obezbeđenje nalaze se u lobiju, za potpuni osećaj sigurnosti i jedinstvenog ugođaja u vašoj novoj stambenoj zajednici, dok su poštanski sandučići izdvojeni u posebnom delu. BW Eden poseduje skladišnu prostoriju za bicikle i opremu i “pet station”, gde možete da očistite kućne ljubimce nakon povratka iz šetnje, dok svi stanovi imaju pristup sistemu vertikalnog odvoda smeća. U podnožju zgrade pronaći ćete niz prodavnica i lokala za sve vaše potrebe, dok se podzemna garaža proteže na dva nivoa i poseduje 299 parking mesta za stanare.

Where the boundaries of convenience and functionality are erased

BW Eden will provide you with everything you expect from life in a modern community, both visually and in terms of comfort inside your new home. Starting from the exterior itself, the building is adorned with an impressive architectural solution, executed in three cascading blocks of different proportions, which create an impressive street scenography.

The reception desk with security is located in the lobby, for a complete sense of safety and exclusive comfort in your new community, while the mailboxes are found in a separated part of the ground floor. BW Eden is also provided with bike and equipment storage and a pet station, where your pets can be cleaned nicely on the way back from the walk, while the vertical garbage disposal chute is available for every unit.

On the ground floor you will find a number of shops and retail, which will please all your needs, while the two-level underground garage has 299 parking lots for residents.

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razdaljine distances

Zlatna lokacija

Na svega nekoliko minuta šetnje od zgrade BW Eden nalazi se Savski trg, rekonstruisan u upečatljivo mesto okupljanja i jedinstvenog susreta onog najboljeg što Beograd nudi –urbanog duha prožetog istorijskim nasleđem. Iskoristite slobodno vreme nedaleko od svog doma i uživajte u impresivnim prizorima obnovljene zgrade bivše Glavne železničke stanice, zadivljujućeg arhitektonskog zdanja iz 19. Veka i monumentalnog spomenika Stefanu Nemanji, osnivaču dinastije Nemanjić.

Kula Beograd, novo gradsko obeležje i najviša zgrada u Srbiji koja moćno bdi nad čitavim Belgrade Waterfrontom, nalazi se u neposrednoj blizini. Otkrijte zadivljujuću panoramu grada sa vidikovca na vrhu Kule, gde vas očekuje prestižni restoran, dok se u podnožju nalazi impresivni višenamenski plato.

A golden location

Newly renovated Sava Square is just a few minutes’ walk from the BW Eden, reconstructed into an impressive gathering place and a unique meeting place for the best that Belgrade has to offer - an urban spirit imbued with historical heritage. Spend your free time not far from your home and enjoy the impressive sights of the renovated building of the former Main Railway Station, a stunning architectural building from the 19th century and the grandiose monument to Stefan Nemanja, the founder of the Nemanjić dynasty.

Kula Belgrade, a new city landmark and the tallest building in Serbia that powerfully watches over the entire Belgrade Waterfront, is located in the immediate vicinity. Discover the stunning city skyline from the observation deck at the top of the Kula, with the prestigious restaurant inside, and an impressive multi-purpose plateau at the foot.

Kalemegdan Fortress Branko s Bridge
Parliament Republic Square Slavija Square
Sava Bridge
Railway Bridge Gazela Bridge Galerija
E 75
Ada Bridge
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Izvanredna arhitektura za upečatljivu scenografiju

An outstanding architecture for striking scenography

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Aktivnost kao životni stil

Stambena zgrada BW Eden donosi jedinstvene prednosti kada je reč o aktivnom i zdravom životu u samom srcu urbanog okruženja, tamo gde to ranije nije bilo moguće.

Bilo da pravite pauzu od posla ili jednostavno održavate kondiciju i zdrave navike – pronaći ćete idealne uslove za džoging uz 700m dugačku trim stazu, višenamenski sportski teren i stolove za stoni tenis u raskošnom Savskom parku, kao i brojne biciklističke i staze za vožnju rolera i trotineta duž Sava Promenade.

Ukoliko ste naklonjeniji šetnjama po svežem vazduhu i opuštajućim trenucima u prirodi, očekuju vas posebna mesta za piknik ili šetnju duž uređenih travnjaka sa ambijentalnom rasvetom i ulica sa širokim drvoredima.

An active lifestyle

The residential building BW Eden introduces unique advantages when it comes to active and healthy life in the heart of the urban environment, where it was not possible before.

Whether you are taking a break from work or simply maintaining your fitness and healthy habits - you will find ideal conditions for jogging with a 700m long trim track, a multi-purpose sports field and table tennis tables in the lavish Sava Park, as well as numerous tracks for cycling, rollerblading or scooter riding along the Sava Promenade.

If you prefer walks in the fresh air and relaxing moments in nature, you will find specialised places for picnics or strolls along landscaped lawns with ambient lighting anxd streets with wide tree-lined avenues.

lokacija location
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stil lifestyle

Život u savršenoj formi

Element koji se posebno izdvaja u okruženju BW Eden, kao vrhunska prilika za aktivan i zdrav život, jeste BW Apollo, najmoderniji centar za sport i rekreaciju.

BW Apollo se nalazi u neposrednoj blizini, gotovo na samom pragu BW Eden, i poseduje zatvoreni olimpijski bazen, spa centar, najsavremenije opremljenu teretanu, svlačionice sa tuševima, kafić kao i posebne sadržaje namenjene dečijim sportskim aktivnostima i rekreaciji.

Life in the perfect shape

An element that stands out the most in the environment of BW Eden, as the ultimate opportunity for an active and healthy life, is BW Apollo, the most modern centre for sports and recreation.

BW Apollo is located in the immediate vicinity, almost on the doorstep of BW Eden. It possesses an indoor Olympic-size swimming pool, a spa centre, modern gym, changing rooms with showers, a cafe, as well as special facilities for children’s sports activities and recreation.

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Savršeno okruženje za sve životne stilove

A perfect environment for all lifestyles
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stanovi apartments

Moderni stanovi najvišeg nivoa komfora

Prostor u kom možete provoditi vreme onako kako želite, koji je mesto vašeg mira i aktivnosti, postaje više od toga – postaje vaš dom. Svi stanovi u BW Eden ističu se najsavremenijim građevinskim i dizajnerskim rešenjima. Prostore odlikuju prefinjeni i umirujući tonovi koji utiču na stvaranje udobne i moderne atmosfere.

Dnevne boravke spavaće sobe u svim stanovima krase visoki plafoni od 2,78m, koji garantuju sveobuhvatni osećaj prostranosti udobnosti vašeg novog doma. Prostrane terase sa visokim prozorima od poda do plafona pružaju obilje dnevne svetlosti i protok svežeg vazduha. Osim toga, u svakom trenutku vaš život biće oplemenjen spektakularnim pogledima na raskošno okruženje.

Modern apartments of highest comfort

The space in which you spend your time the way you want, a place of both your peace and activity, becomes much more than space - it becomes your home. All apartments in BW Eden reflect the most modern architectural and design solutions. The rooms are characterised by refined and calming tones that add up to the comfortable and modern atmosphere.

Living rooms and bedrooms in all apartments are adorned with 2.78m high ceilings, which guarantee an all-encompassing feeling of spaciousness and comfort in your new home. Spacious terraces with large floor-to-ceiling windows provide plenty of daylight and fresh air. In addition, at any moment your life will be enriched by spectacular views of the lush surroundings.

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Kvalitet i prefinjenost u svakom detalju

BW Eden opravdava svoj naziv u svakom segmentu, ističući se kvalitetom, ekskluzivitetom raskošnom udobnošću. Stanovi su zamišljeni i realizovani tako da predstavljaju najviši nivo kvaliteta u dizajnu enterijera i završnih radova.

Podovi dnevnih spavaćih soba, kao trpezarija, prekriveni su višeslojnim drvenim parketom, dok podove kuhinja i zidove kupatila krase pločice najviše klase.

Za dodir potpune prefinjenosti, posebna pažnja posvećena je najsitnijim detaljima. Na svim elementima u stanovima nalaze se ručke, kvake i šarke renomiranih proizvođača. U kupatilima vas očekuje sanitarna oprema najvišeg kvaliteta.

Tuš kabine sa staklenim zidovima su standard u svim stanovima. Stanovi sa više od tri spavaće sobe poseduju akrilne kade u drugom kupatilu.

Zgrada je povezana na sistem centralnog daljinskog grejanja, a svaki stan ima multi-split sistem za klimatizaciju sa unutrašnjim jedinicama za dnevnu i svaku spavaću sobu jednom ili više spoljnih jedinica na balkonu.

Quality and refinement in every detail

BW Eden lives up to its name in every segment, standing out with quality, exclusivity and lavish comfort. The apartments were conceived and designed in such a way that they represent the highest level of quality in interior design and finishing works. Floors in living rooms, bedrooms as well as dining rooms are covered with multi-layered parquet, while the kitchen floors and bathroom walls are decorated with the top-class tiles.

For a touch of a complete refinement, special care was dedicated even to the smallest details. All elements in apartments have handles, doorknobs and hinges of renowned manufacturers. Bathrooms are equipped with the sanitary fixtures of the highest quality. Shower cabins with glass walls are a standard component in all apartments. Threebedroom and bigger units have acrylic bathtubs in the secondary bathrooms.

The building is connected to the remote-controlled central heating system, with every apartment equipped with multi-split air conditioning with indoor units in living rooms and bedrooms, as well as one or more outdoor units at the balcony.

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stanovi apartments

Najmoderniji sportski centar na kućnom pragu

The most modern sports centre on your doorstep

30 31Život bez granica
32 33Život bez granica BW Eden se nalazi u trećem redu od reke, u okruženju koje podstiče da uvek budete na 100% mogućnosti BW Eden is situated in the third row from the river, in an environment that inspires you to always be at 100% of your potential

Belgrade Waterfrontsinonim za najviši nivo urbanog života

Belgrade Waterfront - a synonym for the highest level of urban life

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Svi stanovi odišu prefinjenim i umirujućim tonovi

All apartments exude sophisticated and tranquil tones 36 37Život bez granica Prikaz je samo ilustracija. Nije verna replika niti Prodavčeva izjava ili garancija u pogledu budućeg izvedenog stanja. Izvedeno stanje se može razlikovati. The depicted is for illustration purposes only. It is not an exact replica nor intended as a warranty or representation by the Seller of the unit as built. The built unit may differ.

A victory you don’t want to miss

Pobeda koja se ne ispušta iz ruku

Bilo da ste u potrazi za novim životnim prostorom, sigurnom investicijom ili pronalaskom idealne sredine za rad, 244 moderno dizajnirane stambene jedinice BW Eden nadmašiće sva vaša očekivanja.

Savršeni sklad dinamične gradske zajednice i raskošnog zelenila, neposredna blizina vrhunskog sportskog centra, jednog od najlepših parkova u Beogradu, bezbroj sadržaja za životne stilove svih generacija, obilje dnevnog svetla i svežeg vazduha - samo su neke od prednosti života bez granica u BW Eden!

Whether you are striving for a new living space, safe investment or an ideal working place, 244 modernly designed apartments of BW Eden will exceed all your expectations.

The perfect harmony of an urban community and lush greenery, immediate proximity to an elite sports centre, one of the most beautiful parks in Belgrade, countless amenities for the lifestyle of all generations, plenty of daylight and fresh air - these are just some of the advantages of life without boundaries in BW Eden!

38 39Život bez granica životni stil lifestyle

Sava Promenada, žila kucavica života duž beogradske obale

Sava Promenada, the heartbeat of life along the Belgrade riverfront

we present

Eagle Hills


Siguran partner za najveće pobede

Eagle Hills je privatna građevinska i investiciona kompanija sa sedištem u Abu Dabiju, specijalizovana za kreiranje novih gradskih jezgara i vrhunskih destinacija na tržištima u razvoju.

Tokom postojanja, kompanija je stekla izvanrednu reputaciju i postala međunarodni simbol kvaliteta, investiranja prestiža u projektima najvećih razmera. Jedna od osnovih odlika kompanije je da inovativnim pristupom podiže nivo kvaliteta života u urbanim zajednicama, stvaranjem novih radnih mesta i privlačenjem brojnih lokalnih i međunarodnih investicija. Kompanija trenutno razvija jedinstvene projekte u Bahreinu, Jordanu, Maroku, Etiopiji, Omanu, Srbiji Ujedinjenim Arapskim Emiratima.

A reliable partner for the biggest victories

Eagle Hills is a privately owned Abu Dhabi-based construction and investment company, specialised in the creation of new city hubs and top destinations in the developing markets.

Through their business activities, the company has acquired an excellent reputation and became an international sign of quality, investment and status in realisation of the large-scale projects. One of the main company characteristics is an innovative approach, which increases the quality of life in urban communities, creating new job opportunities and attracting many local and international investments.

The company is currently developing unique projects in Bahrain, Jordan, Morocco, Ethiopia, Oman, Serbia and the United Arab Emirates.

eagle hills eagle hills 44 Život bez granica

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