BW Riviera

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You have always known that freedom lies in elegance. That real luxury is to remain yourself and that the space which makes that possible is the only one you can call a home. That is why BW Riviera is your new living space.

Elegancija i luksuz slobode

Welcome to the expanse of the best views in Belgrade in an embrace of the river, which reflects everything that makes your life as it is - perfectly free and unique.

The elegance and luxury of freedom

Oduvek ste znali da u eleganciji leži sloboda i da je luksuz zapravo ostati svoj, kao i da domom možete nazvati samo onaj prostor koji to čini mogućim. Zato je BW Riviera vaš novi životni prostor.

Dobro došli u prostranstvo najboljih vidika u Beogradu, u naručje reke u kojoj je okupan odraz svega što vaš život čini upravo onakvim kakav jeste - savršeno slobodan jedinstven.


Predstavljamo. We Present

The last decade brought a number of extraordinary possibilities for all those who are looking to experience a completely new and authentic life in a real European metropolis. The unique atmosphere and feeling of utmost freedom make Belgrade an increasingly attractive destination for living and working in a somewhat saturated European environment.

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Grad odrazasavršenihnadvereke

A city of tworeflectionsperfectontherivers

Svoj uspon i istaknutu poziciju Beograd najviše duguje izvanrednoj lokaciji na dve reke, koja je oduvek bila mesto nastanka velikih vizija i dostignuća. Osim toga, on je grad jedinstvenog odraza u kom se ogleda bogata istorija, raskošna kultura i društveni život prožet kosmopolitskim duhom. Poslednja decenija donela je pregršt neverovatnih mogućnosti za sve one koji žele da iskuse potpuno novo i autentično iskustvo života u pravoj evropskoj metrololi. Upravo zbog neponovljive atmosfere i jedinstvenog osećaja slobode koji pruža svim stanovnicima, Beograd je sve privlačnija destinacija za život i rad u pomalo već zasićenom evropskom okruženju.

The capital of Serbia has been the economic and financial centre of Southeast Europe for years, one that attracts the biggest foreign investments and projects and that accounts for 40% of the entire country’s economy.

Belgrade owes its rise and prominent position mostly to its extraordinary location on two rivers, which was always a place of big visions and accomplishments. Besides, Belgrade is a city of unique reflection of rich history, lavish culture and social life imbued with cosmopolitan spirit.

Prestonica Srbije već godinama je ekonomski i finansijski centar jugoistočne Evrope, koji privlači najveće inostrane investicije i projekte, dok u ukupnoj privredi Srbije učestvuje sa čak 40%.

Belgrade Waterfront is a synonym for the pinnacle of city life and one of the first things to come into mind when talking of Belgrade. Situated on the right bank of the Sava River in an area of one million square metres of prime riverside real estate, this project of urban revitalisation of the city introduces a unique impulse of the best content and most inspiring environment into the capital’s Belgradeeverydaylife.Waterfront consists of a number of residential and business buildings, new centres of social gathering, restaurants, cultural and educational institutions, parks and the most attractive promenade in the city. With the concept of sustainable development, Belgrade Waterfront introduces new public areas, priority for the pedestrian traffic and an abundance of cultural content.

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Belgrade on the world stage

Belgrade Waterfront je sinonim za najviši nivo gradskog života i jedna od stvari na koje se prvo pomisli kada se kaže Beograd. Prostirući se na oko milion kvadratnih metara prvoklasnog građevinskog zemljišta na desnoj obali Save, ovaj projekat urbane revitalizacije grada donosi jedinstvene impulse najboljeg sadržaja i najinspirativnijeg okruženja u svakodnevni život prestonice. Belgrade Waterfront sadrži niz stambenih i poslovnih zgrada, nove centre društvenog okupljanja, hotele, restorane, obrazovne i kulturne objekte, parkove i najlepše šetalište u gradu. Kroz princip održivog razvoja, Belgrade Waterfront uvodi nove javne prostore, prednost za kretanje pešaka i pregršt kulturnih i rekreativnih sadržaja.

Beograd na svetskoj pozornici


BW Riviera predstavlja savršen sklad najsavremenije arhitekture i najekskluzivnije lokacije u prestonici, nudeći stanarima vrhunac kosmopolitskog života u Beogradu. Od prvog trenutka kada je ugledate, nećete moći da se otmete jedinstvenom utisku prostranstva i elegancije kojim plene terase i balkoni nesvakidašnjeg izgleda. Osim što predstavljaju najupečatljiviju fasadnu karakteristiku BW Riviera, dizajnirani su tako da u svakom trenutku vaš život bude ukrašen spektakularnim pogledima i ispunjen obiljem dnevne svetlosti i svežeg vazduha.


BW Riviera je smeštena u najodabranijem društvu u Beogradu, u neposrednoj blizini premijum zgrada BW Perla, BW Terraces i BW Residences, dok je Galerija, mesto najboljeg šopinga u gradu, na svega nekoliko minuta šetnje. Novi simbol i najimpresivnije zdanje prestonice, Kula Beograd, samo je na pogled od vas. Otkrijte inspirišuću panoramu grada sa vidikovca na vrhu Kule, gde vas očekuje i prestižni restoran.

BW Riviera represents the perfect unity of the most modern architecture and most exclusive location in the capital, offering residents the pinnacle of cosmopolitan life in Belgrade.

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From the first moment you lay your eyes on it, you won’t be able to resist the unique impression of spaciousness and elegance that terraces and balconies captivate with their unusual appearance. Apart from being the most striking facade characteristic of BW Riviera, they are designed in such a way that at every moment your life will be decorated with spectacular views and filled with plenty of daylight and fresh air.

BW Riviera is located in the most select society in Belgrade, in immediate proximity to the most elite buildings of BW Perla, BW Terraces and BW Res idences, while Galerija, a place of the best shopping in the city is only a few minutes’ walk away. The new symbol and the most striking structure in the capital, Kula Belgrade, is only a look away from you. Discover the breathtaking city skyline from the observation deck on the top of the Kula, where you will find the prestigious restaurant as well.

The expanse of viewsunique


Kada se govori o praktičnom ugođaju, BW Riviera će nadmašiti sva očekivanja. U prizemlju zgrade pronaći ćete kafee i restorane, kao i dečiji vrtić - sadržaje koji će upotpuniti osećaj lagodnog života. U lobiju će vas dočekati ljubazno osoblje na recepciji, kao i concierge servis i obezbeđenje, za potpuni doživljaj sigurnosti i bezbrižnosti u vašoj novoj stambenoj zajednici.

Podzemna garaža namenjena stanarima zgrade prostire se na dva nivoa sa 274 parking mesta. BW Riviera poseduje i skladišnu prostoriju za bicikle i opremu, ostavu za dečja kolica i “pet station”, gde možete da očistite kućne ljubimce nakon povratka iz šetnje, dok je sistem za odvod smeća dostupan za svaki stan. 10 Na dodir do savršenstva


Uredite život onako kako želite u BW Riviera, premijum stambenoj zgradi od 25 spratova, sa direktnim pristupom rečnoj obali i uređenim unutrašnjim dvorištem sa ukrasnim vodenim dodacima. BW Riviera obuhvata 139 stanova različitih kvadratura, projektovanih tako da vas osećaj luksuza, slobode i udobnosti očekuje na svakom koraku.

Funkcionalnost u službi životnog stila

Functionality in the service of lifestyle Arrange life the way you want it in BW Riviera, a premium 25-storey residential building, with direct access to the river bank and landscaped inner courtyard with water features. BW Riviera offers 139 apartments of different sizes, designed in such a way so that the feeling of exclusivity, freedom and comfort awaits you at every step. When it comes to practical leisure, BW Riviera will exceed all expectations. On the ground floor of the building you will find cafes and restaurants as well as the kindergartenamenities that will complete the feel of a relieved life. In the lobby you will be welcomed by a friendly staff at the reception desk, along with concierge service and security, for a complete sense of safety and comfort in your new Residentscommunity.willhave access to a two-level underground garage with 274 parking lots. BW Riviera is also provided with bike and equipment storage, a baby stroller storage and pet station, where your pets can be cleaned nicely on the way back from the walk, while the garbage disposal shoot is available for every unit.

Osim savršenog okruženja, BW Riviera poseduje zavidan nivo sadržaja za potpuno rasterećen i ispunjen život unutar same zgrade. Ovde vas očekuje wellness centar sa recepcijom, juice barom, bazenom, teretanom, saunom i ostalim opuštajućim spa uslugama.

Apart from the perfect surroundings, BW Riviera offers an impressive level of content for the relieved and fulfilled life inside the building itself. Here you will be welcomed by the wellness centre with reception, juice bar, swimming pool, gym, sauna and other relaxing spa services.

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The ideal position of BW Riviera on the waterfront, in the embrace of the perfect harmony of urban and natural surroundings, offers unique advantages in terms of lifestyle of all generations. The best restaurants, cafes, shops, places for recreation and lavish social and cultural life are at the reach of your fingertips.

U narucju savršenog okruženja

Idealna lokacija BW Riviera na samoj obali reke, u zagrljaju savršenog sklada urbanog i prirodnog okruženja, pruža jedinstvene prednosti u pogledu životnog stila svih generacija. Najkvalitetniji restorani, kafei, prodavnice, mesta za rekreaciju i raskošan društveni i kulturni život nalaze se na vašem dlanu. Ukoliko ste u potrazi za sigurnim i ispunjenim okruženjem za svoju porodicu, provodićete bezbrižne dane u blizini škole, vrtića i dečjeg igrališta, uz lak pristup Savskom parku. Svi stanari podjednako će uživati u uređenim prostorima za šetnju i relaksaciju, duž živopisne Sava Promenade ili u obližnjim parkovima.

The embrace of the perfect environment


If you are pursuing a safe and fulfilling environment for your family, you will spend careless days close to the school, kindergarten and playground, with easy access to Sava park. All residents alike will enjoy the landscaped areas for walking, cycling, rollerblading and relaxation along the picturesque Sava Promenada or in the nearby parks.

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16 Na dodir do savršenstva Lokacija/Location 17

Sava Promenada je glavna je arterija koja povezuje sve atrakcije najboljeg života u Belgrade Waterfrontu i predstavlja najblistaviji deo živopisne beogradske obale. Ovo 1,8 km dugačko gradsko šetalište, tik do reke, predstavlja novi centar urbanog života u prestonici, zahvaljujući prvoklasnoj poziciji i izobilju jedinstvenih sadržaja na jednom mestu. Glavne odlike Sava Promenade su biciklistička staza koja se proteže od Ade Ciganlije do 25. maja, uređene staze za pešake, dečja igrališta i najbolji gradski kafei i restorani, uz pregršt prostora predviđenih za fizičku aktivnost i rekreaciju. Vrhunac užitka pored reke, uz lagani ručak, večeru ili osvežavajući koktel, pronaći ćete na mestu najlepšeg “blue hour”-a u gradu. Očekuju vas čuveni Buddha Bar, jedini u zemlji, elegantni Red Queen, nezaobilazna Savanova i kokteli u Diverziji.

All the charms of the best life by the river Sava Promenada is the main artery which binds together all the best attractions in Belgrade Waterfront and stands as the most shining part of Belgrade’s picturesque riverfront. This 1.8 km long city promenade, right next to the river, is a new centre of urban life in Belgrade, thanks to its first-class position and abundance of unique amenities in one place. The primary characteristics of Sava Promenada are the bicycle track which stretches from Ada Ciganlija to 25. Maj, landscaped pedestrian routes, playgrounds and the best cafes and restaurants in the city with plenty of space intended for recreation and active lifestyle. You will find the pinnacle of pleasure by the river, with a light lunch, dinner or a refreshing cocktail, on the site of the most beautiful “blue hour” in the city. Famous Buddha bar, the only one in the country, the elegant Red Queen, the inevitable Savanova and cocktails in Diverzija are waiting for you.

Sve cari najboljeg života kraj reke

Najblistaviji deo beogradskeobale, pun sadržaja za potpuno ispunjen životpored reke most dazzling part of the Belgrade riverfront, full of for a fulfilled life by the river


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U središtu svih puteva Savršen život podrazumeva savršenu povezanost sa svim ključnim tačkama i destinacijama od značaja. Belgrade Waterfront krase prostrani bulevari i široke ulice, koje se idealno nadovezuju na postojeću mrežu vitalnih gradskih puteva, za besprekorno povezan život u prestonici. Savski most omogućava jednostavnu vezu sa Novim Beogradom. Sa druge strane, most Gazela pruža brz i lak izlaz i ulaz u grad međunarodnim autoputem E-75, dok se aerodrom Nikola Tesla nalazi na oko 15 minuta vožnje automobilom.

BW Riviera is situated along the numerous public transport stations including buses, trams and future metro for a more efficient connection with the city in all directions. Apart from the ideal connection with the city, the traffic within Belgrade Waterfront is smooth and efficient, whether you are using a car or any other means of transportation. Hikers and cyclists will find plenty of well-maintained and connected paths and lanes, which stretch throughout the entire complex and along the Sava and Danube.

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BW Riviera se nalazi u blizini brojnih stanica javnog prevoza, uključujući autobuse, tramvaje i čak dve metro stanice. Pored toga što je izvrsno povezan sa ostalim delovima grada, kretanje unutar samog Belgrade Waterfronta je besprekorno i jednostavno, bilo da se krećete automobilom, nekim drugim vidom prevoza ili pak pešice. Pešake i bicikliste očekuju uređene i dobro povezane staze, koje se protežu čitavim kompleksom i duž Save i Dunava.


A perfect life means perfect connection with all key points and destinations of importance. Belgrade Waterfront is embellished with spacious boulevards and wide streets, ideally connected to the existing grid of vital urban roads, for a perfectly connected life in the capital.

Sava Bridge provides a smooth connection with New Belgrade. On the other side, Gazela Bridge gives you an easy entry and exit from the city via international highway E-75, while the Nikola Tesla airport is 15-minute drive away.

In the centre of all roads

Otkrijte nišu zdravog životnog stila

Životni stil/Lifestyle

Discover the niche for a healthy lifestyle BW Riviera introduces the best of the “outer” and “inner” world. Spacious terraces and balconies will invite you to spend every free moment in your home in the fresh air, embraced by the perfect views and the glow of the river.

If you prefer easy walks in the fresh air and relaxing moments in nature, you will find places specially intended for picnics or strolls along landscaped lawns with ambient lighting and wide tree-lined avenues.

You will find numerous possibilities for a healthy and active life close to your new home.

BW Riviera pruža najbolje od “spoljašnjeg” i “unutrašnjeg” sveta. Prostrane terase i balkoni pozivaju vas da svaki slobodan trenutak u svom domu provodite na svežem vazduhu, ogrnuti savršenim pogledima i sjajem Bezbrojreke.mogućnosti za zdrav i aktivan život imaćete i u neposrednoj blizini svog doma. Bilo da pravite pauzu od posla ili održavate kondiciju i zdrave navike, očekuju vas idealni uslovi za džoging, vožnju bicikla ili roleraduž Sava Promenade, u uređenom unutrašnjem dvorištu ili raskošnom Savskom parku. Ukoliko ste naklonjeniji laganim šetnjama po svežem vazduhu i opuštajućim trenucima u prirodi, pronaći ćete posebna mesta za piknik ili slobodno vreme duž uređenih travnjaka sa ambijentalnom rasvetom i ulica sa širokim drvoredima. 22 Na dodir do savršenstva 23

Whether you are taking a break from work or maintaining a good fitness and healthy habits, ideal conditions for jogging, cycling or rollerblading along the Sava Promenada, in the landscaped inner courtyard or the Sava Park will be waiting for you.

Bezbroj mogucnosti za zdrav i aktivan život na pragu vašeg novog doma Numerous possibilities for a healthy and active life on the doorstep of your new home 24 Na dodir do savršenstva 25

Discover a home that is a reflection of your lifestyle, in which every detail is a part of a mosaic that makes your life unique and fulfilled. Apartments in BW Riviera are designed to meet all the criteria of aesthetic and practical leisure, representing the highest level of comfort and timeless elegance of the modern age.

Living space in all its elegance

Svaku prostoriju odlikuju najmodernija arhitektonska rešenja, a za sveobuhvatni osećaj komfora tu su plafoni visoki između 2,60 i 2,90m. Sve stanove odlikuju prostrane terase i balkoni uokvireni visokim prozorima. Dnevne sobe krase prozori od zida do zida, za obilje dnevne svetlosti i svežeg vazduha. U zavisnosti od pozicije stana, vaš život krasiće nesvakidašnji pogledi na reku, Kulu Beograd, panoramu grada ili Kalemegdan. 26 Na dodir do savršenstva

Elegancija životnog prostora

Otkrijte dom koji je odraz vašeg životnog stila, u kome je svaki detalj deo mozaika koji čini vaš život jedinstvenim i ispunjenim. Stanovi u BW Riviera, projektovani tako da ispune sve kriterijume estetskog i praktičnog ugođaja, predstavljaju najviši nivo komfora i vanvremenske elegancije savremenog doba. Na uglovima zgrade orijentisanim ka reci Savi, nalaze se ekskluzivni “Sky Villas” stanovi, dupleksi sa četiri ili pet spavaćih soba, dok čitav najviši sprat zauzima impresivni penthaus sa šest spavaćih soba.

On the building corners oriented towards the Sava River are exclusive “Sky Villas” four and five-bedroom apartments and duplexes, while the entire top floor is intended for an impressive penthouse with six bedrooms. Each room is distinguished by the latest architectural solutions, with high ceilings from 2,60 to 2,90m adding up to the comprehensive feel of comfort. All apartments alike have spacious terraces and balconies framed with large windows. Living rooms are decorated with wall-to-wall windows, for an abundance of daylight and fresh air. Depending on the apartment position, your life will always be decorated with unique views of the river, Kula Belgrade, city skyline or Kalemegdan.

Stanovi/Apartments 27

Bathrooms are equipped with the sanitary fixtures of the highest quality. Shower cabins with glass walls are a standard component in all apartments. Three-bedroom and bigger units have acrylic bathtubs in the secondary bathroom, while the floor heating is provided for all bathrooms. Air-conditioning and heating systems are centralised and owned by the building, completely independent from public facilities. The energy sources are based on electricity and gas, as an additional source, which enables simultaneous heating and cooling in the building. The apartments are also provided with the ventilation system, which makes the atmosphere in your living space even more pleasant.

Perfection in every touch

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i grejanja su centralizovani i u vlasništvu zgrade, potpuno nezavisni od javnih komunalnih preduzeća. Izvori energije su bazirani na struji i gasu kao dopuni, čime je omogućeno istovremeno grejanje i hlađenje u zgradi. Svi stanovi poseduju i ventilacioni sistem, koji boravak u vašem životnom prostoru čini još prijatnijim.

Savršenstvo u svakom dodiru


Svi stanovi u BW Riviera predstavljaju savršenstvo dizajna enterijera i završnih radova. Podovi dnevnih i spavaćih soba, kao i trpezarija, prekriveni su višeslojnim parketom u chevron postavci, dok podove kuhinja i zidove kupatila krase pločice najviše klase. U kupatilima vas očekuje najkvalitetnija sanitarna oprema. Tuš kabine sa staklenim zidovima su standard u svim stanovima. Stanovi sa više od dve spavaće sobe imaju akrilne kade u drugom kupatilu, dok sva kupatila poseduju podno Sistemigrejanje.klimatizacije

All apartments in BW Riviera are a reflection of the highest quality of interior design and finishing works. Floors in living rooms, bedrooms as well as dining rooms are covered with multi-layered parquet in Chevron pattern, while the kitchen floors and bathroom walls are decorated with the top-class tiles.

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BW Riviera, mesto gde freedomcatcheswhereBWživljenjasustižeelegancijasloboduRiviera,aplaceeleganceupwiththeofliving 3534 Na dodir do savršenstva

Potpuni bezbrižnostiosecaju vašoj novoj 36communitycomfortAzajednicistambenojcompletesenseofinyournew Na dodir do savršenstva 37

Život kakav želite, sigurna investicija ili rasterećeno mesto za rad, pronaći ćete u svakom od 139 stanova BW Riviera, dizajniranih po najvišim standardima savremenog ugođaja. Osetite prostranstvo najboljih vidika u Beogradu, u prvom redu do reke, gde elegancija sustiže slobodu življenja. Izaberite život okupan blistavim odrazom savršenog okruženja u skladu mirne i dinamične zajednice, uz pregršt zelenila i širokih bulevara. BW Riviera, vaš život na dodir do savršenstva!

Reach reflectionyour

A life you strive for, safe investment or a relaxed place for work, you will find it all in each of the 139 apartments of BW Riviera, designed by the highest standards of contemporary comfort. Feel the spaciousness of the best views in Belgrade in the first row to the river, where elegance catches up with the freedom of living. Choose a life enriched with the shiny reflection of the perfect environment, in harmony of tranquil and dynamic community, with abundance of greenery and wide boulevards. BW Riviera, your life - a touch away from perfection.

Dosegnite svoj odraz

38 Na dodir do savršenstva Životni stil/Lifestyle 39


Waterfront - sinonim najboljeg života u Beogradu


Waterfront - a synonym for the best life in Belgrade

HillsEagle Predstavljamo. We Present

An outstanding reputation as a guarantee of an utmost lifestyle Eagle Hills je privatna građevinska i investiciona kompanija sa sedištem u Abu Dabiju, specijalizovana za kreiranje novih gradskih jezgara i vrhunskih destinacija na tržištima u razvoju. Tokom postojanja, kompanija je stekla izvanrednu reputaciju i postala međunarodni simbol kvaliteta, investiranja i prestiža u projektima najvećih razmera. Jedna od osnovih odlika kompanije je da inovativnim pristupom podiže nivo kvaliteta života u urbanim zajednicama, stvaranjem novih radnih mesta i privlačenjem brojnih lokalnih i međunarodnih investicija. Kompanija trenutno razvija jedinstvene projekte u Bahreinu, Jordanu, Maroku, Etiopiji, Omanu, Srbiji i Ujedinjenim Arapskim Emiratima.

Eagle Hills/Eagle Hills 44 Na dodir do savršenstva

Izvanredna reputacija - garant životnog stila na najvišem nivou

Eagle Hills is a privately owned Abu Dhabi-based construction and investment company, specialised in the creation of new city hubs and top destinations in the developing markets. Through their business activities, the company has acquired an excellent reputation and became an international sign of quality, investment and status in realisation of the large-scale projects. One of the main company characteristics is an innovative approach, which increases the quality of life in urban communities, creating new job opportunities and attracting many local and international investments. The company is currently developing unique projects in Bahrain, Jordan, Morocco, Ethiopia, Oman, Serbia and the United Arab Emirates.

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