Finance Manager

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Bel gr adeWat er f r onti samonument alur banr evi t al i zat i onpr oj ectwor t hUS$3bi l l i on,cr eat i nganew ci t ycent erandanewi nt er nat i onal dest i nat i on.Oursust ai nabl eandmoder nmi xedusedevel opment s ener gi zeanddi ver si f yl ocal economi es. Bel gr adeWat er f r ontt r ansf or mst hi snei ghbour hoodbyi mpl ement i ngt hepr i nci pl esofsust ai nabl edevel opment ,cr eat i ngnew publ i cspaces,i nt r oduci ngbenefit s f ormovi ngpedest r i ansandbr i ngi ngcul t ur alcont entt ot hehear tofBel gr ade. Gal er i j aBel gr adeasnew r et ai l ,di ni ngandl ei sur evenueatt hebankofSavar i ver ,wi l lbeoneoft he f ocalpoi nt sofBel gr adeWat er f r ontandt henewur banhubi nt hehear toft heSer bi ancapi t al . Joi nusandbecomet hememberofGal er i j aBel gr adet eam as:


YOURAGENDA: •Super vi si ng, gui di ngandment or i ngt heshoppi ngmal l financet eam •Leadi ngpl anni ngandf or ecast i ngact i vi t i esf ort hemal l wi t hbusi nesspar t ner st oachi ev e busi nessandcompanygoal s •Ber esponsi bl ef oral l financi al aspect soft heshoppi ngmal l , i ncl udi ngi nv oi ci ng, col l ect i on andaccount spayabl et ov endor s •Col l abor at i ngwi t hr et ai l t eamandmoni t oraccount i ngandfinanci al as pect sof l eas econt r act s •Par t i ci pat i ngi npr epar i ngandov er seei ngt hebudget sex ecut i oni ncl udi ngCapexandOpex •Pr ovi di ngt i mel yandaccur at er epor t sandf or ecast s •Pr epar i ngmont hendt r i al bal ancesof t heBW Gal er i j aandv er i fiest her econci l i at i onof account s •Par t i c i pat i ngi nac t i v i t i esr el at i ngt opr oj ec t financ i ngandmoni t or i ngc ompl i anc ewi t hfinanc i ng condi t i onsandobl i gat i ons •Mai nt ai ni ngeffect i v el i ai sonwi t hbanksandot herext er nal par t i es •Suppor t i ngi nt er nal andext er nal audi t •Compl yi ngwi t hfinanci al pol i ci esandpr ocedur es

YOURQUALI F I CATI ONS : •Bachel or ’ sdegr eei nFi nance,Account i ng,Busi nessManagement ,orasi mi l arfiel d •Mi ni mum 8year sofwor kexper i encei nfinance,pr ef er abl yi ncommer ci alr ealest at e •Mi ni mum 3year sofexper i encei namanagementr ol e •Knowl edgeofl ocalandi nt er nat i onall egi sl at i oni nfinanceandaccount i ng •St r onganal yt i cal ski l l spai r edwi t hknowl edgeoffinanci al anal ysi sandbusi nessconcept s •Hi ghl evelofoper at i onaleffect i venesswi t ht heabi l i t yt odel i verqual i t yr esul t s •Exper i enceduserofMSOffice •Exper i enceduserofSAP/ORACLE/YARDIoranymaj orERPsyst em •Excel l entknowl edgeofEngl i shl anguage

WHATWEOFFER: •Wor ki nani nt er nat i onalenvi r onment •Oppor t uni t yt owor kononeoft hemostpr est i gi ouspr oj ect si nourr egi on •Compet i t i vecompensat i onpackage •Out st andi ngoppor t uni t i esf orcar eergr owt handdevel opment be l gr a de wa t e r f r ont . c om

I fyouar econfidentt hatyoumeett heabover equi r ement sandyouar ei nt er est ed i n devel opi ng yourcar eeri n a dynami ci nt er nat i onalor gani zat i on,pl ease send yourappl i cat i on. Pl easenot et hatonl yshor t l i st edcandi dat eswi l lbecont act ed.

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