General Manager Galerija Belgrade

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Bel gr adeWat er f r onti samonument alur banr evi t al i zat i onpr oj ectwor t hUS$3bi l l i on,cr eat i nganew ci t ycent erandanewi nt er nat i onal dest i nat i on.Oursust ai nabl eandmoder nmi xedusedevel opment s ener gi z eanddi ver si f yl ocal economi es. Bel gr adeWat er f r ontt r ansf or mst hi snei ghbour hoodbyi mpl ement i ng t he pr i nci pl es ofsust ai nabl e devel opment ,cr eat i ng new publ i c spaces,i nt r oduci ng benefit sf or movi ngpedest r i ansandbr i ngi ngcul t ur alcont entt ot hehear tofBel gr ade. Gal er i j aBel gr adeasnew r et ai l ,di ni ngandl ei sur evenueatt hebankofSavar i ver ,wi l lbeoneoft he f ocalpoi nt sofBel gr adeWat er f r ontandt henewur banhubi nt hehear toft heSer bi ancapi t al . We ar el ooki ng f ora r esul t sdr i ven Gener alManagert o di r ectand manage Gal er i j a Bel gr ade Shoppi ng Mal land t o devel op and i mpl ementeffect i ve busi nessst r at egi esand pr ogr ams.The successf ulcandi dat ef ort hi sr ol eshoul dbeexper i encedi nbusi nessadmi ni st r at i onwi t hpr oven st r ongl eader shi pacumenandpr ovenr ecor di nl eadi ngor gani zat i onst osust ai nabl emar ketsuccess. Joi nusandbecomet hel eadi ngmemberofGal er i j aBel gr adet eam as:


YOURAGENDA: •Pl anni ng, dev el opi ngandi mpl ement i ngs hoppi ngmal l bus i nes ss t r at egy •Di r ect i ngshoppi ngmal l act i vi t i est oachi evesett ar get s, KPI sandst andar dsoffinanci al per f or mance, qual i t y , cul t ur eandl egi s l at i v eadher ence •Or gani z i ngandov er s eei ngbudget i ngpr oces s , pl anni ngandr epor t i ng. Dev el opi ngas t r uct ur ed busi nesspl ancov er i ngal l keycomponent sof mal l oper at i ons. Pr epar i ngandov er seei ngt he ex ecut i onof t heCAPEX&OPEXbudget s •Res pons i bl ef or t heex ec ut i onof t hebus i nes spl ansandeffec t i v eandeffic i ent us eof al l r es our c es •Leadi nganddev el opi ngal l s hoppi ngmal l depar t ment s •Dev el opi ngl eas i ngpl anst oi dent i f ynewcl i ent sandov er s eesnegot i at i onswi t hpr os pect i v emal l t enant st omax i mi z ei ncomei nl i newi t ht hebus i nes spl an •Moni t or i ngmal l ’ sMar k et i ng&Communi cat i onss t r at egypl anandcoor di nat i ngv ar i ousi nt er nal depar t ment st odev el opmar k et i ngandannual ev ent pl ans / cal endar •Dev el opi ngandupk eepi ngt hemal l i dent i t y-ens ur i ngadher encet ocor por at ebr andgui del i nes •Per f or mi ngannual r evi ewofr et ai l erper f or mance. Assur i ngappr opr i at et enantmi x/ usef or annual pl anni ngandi mpl ement at i on •Per f or mi ngper i odi cmal l audi t s, cust omersur v eys, t ur nov eranal ysi st oupdat eunder st andi ng of cus t omers hoppi nghabi t s , changei npr ef er ences , et c. •Ens ur i ngov er al l s af et yandpl eas ant s hoppi ngenv i r onment f orcus t omer sandt hr i v i ngbus i nes s ambi ancef orr et ai l t enant s

YOURQUALI F I CATI ONS : •Bachel or ’ sdegr ee •Pr ovenr ecor di nseni orl eader shi pr ol es •Mi ni mum1 0year sof t ot al exper i enceandmi ni mum5year sof r et ai l managementexper i ence •Exper i encei nmanagi ngal ar ger et ai lassetwi t hami xoft enant s( F&B,Fashi onand Lei sur e&Ent er t ai nment )i sst r ongadvant age •Leader shi panddeci si onmaki ngqual i t i esar eessent i al •St r ongbusi nessandfinanci alacumen •Goodunder st andi ngofmal loper at i onsandassoci at edpol i ci esandpr ocedur es •Exper i encei nSAP/ORACLEoranymaj orERPsyst em i sadvant age •Excel l entknowl edgeofEngl i shl anguage

WHATWEOFFER: •Auni queoppor t uni t yt omanaget hel ar gestr egi onal r et ai l ,di ni ngandl ei sur evenuei n al eadi ngposi t i on •Auni quechancet oconductownbusi nessi ni t i at i v esi nmoder nex ci t i ngwor ki ngenv i r onment i ni nt er nat i onal setup •Compet i t i vecompensat i onpackage •Out st andi ngoppor t uni t i esf orcar eerboostanddevel opment

I fyouar et hr i l l edt omeett heabover equi r ement sandyouar ei nt er est edi npr omot i ng yourcar eeri nadynami ci nt er nat i onalor gani zat i on,pl easesendyourappl i cat i on

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