Marketing Executive

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Bel gr adeWat er f r onti samonument alur banr evi t al i zat i onpr oj ectwor t hUS$3bi l l i on,cr eat i nganew ci t ycent erandanewi nt er nat i onal dest i nat i on.Oursust ai nabl eandmoder nmi xedusedevel opment s ener gi zeanddi ver si f yl ocal economi es. Bel gr adeWat er f r ontt r ansf or mst hi snei ghbour hoodbyi mpl ement i ngt hepr i nci pl esofsust ai nabl edevel opment ,cr eat i ngnew publ i cspaces,i nt r oduci ngbenefit s f ormovi ngpedest r i ansandbr i ngi ngcul t ur alcont entt ot hehear tofBel gr ade. Gal er i j aBel gr adeasnew r et ai l ,di ni ngandl ei sur evenueatt hebankofSavar i ver ,wi l lbeoneoft he f ocalpoi nt sofBel gr adeWat er f r ontandt henewur banhubi nt hehear toft heSer bi ancapi t al . Joi nusandbecomet hememberofGal er i j aBel gr adet eam as:


YOURAGENDA: •Managi ngr el at i onswi t hmar ket i ngagenci est oensur equal i t yandt i mel ydel i v er yofser vi ces •Dayt odayr esponsi bi l i t yf oral l Gal er i j amar ket i ngcommuni cat i ons •Dayt odayr esponsi bi l i t yf oral l consumerPR •Dev el opi ngandi mpl ement i ngas oci al medi as t r at egy , dev el opi ngbr andawar enes s , gener at i ng t r afficandengagementwi t ht heshoppi ngmal l pl at f or ms; t oget herwi t ht hesoci al medi a agency , cr eat i ngandpubl i s hi ngcont ent andmai nt ai ni ngr el at i ons hi psbet weent hes hoppi ng mal l andt het ar get edcommuni t i esonmul t i pl epl at f or ms; moni t or i ngcont i nuousl ysoci al medi apl at f or msKPI ’ s •Pr ov i di ngcommuni cat i ons ol ut i onsf oral l ev ent sandgues t s er v i cepr omot i ons , whi chi ncl udes updat i ngmal l gui desandgener al guestser vi cesl i t er at ur e •Managi nganddev el opi ngenewsl e er sf r om t hewebsi t easr equi r ed •Pl anni nganddev el opi ngpr omot i on, adv er t i si ngandent er t ai nmentact i vi t i es, i naccor dance wi t ht hemar ket i ngpl anandanal yset her esul t s •Assi st i ngi nt hepr epar at i onandi mpl ement i ngt hemal l mar ket i ngst r at egy •Par t i ci pat i ngi nor gani z i ngt hel aunchi ng, st r at egi candseasonal campai gnsoft heshoppi ng mal l ( concept , medi apl anni ng, ex ecut i on, super vi si on, ev ent scoor di nat i on) •Ex ecut i ngsal esandmar ket i ngpl anst hataddr essshoppi ngmal l i ssuesandoppor t uni t i es, r es ul t i ngi nmar k et i ngpr ogr amst hat enhanc et enant , c ommuni t yandmedi ar el at i onsandi nc r eas e shoppi ngmal l sal es •Li ai si ngandcoor di nat i ngt hemar ket i ngpr ovi der s( adv er t i si ng, medi a, PR, di gi t al , ev ent agenci es ) •Moni t or i ngcompet i t or ’ sact i vi t yandbr ai nst or mi ngpot ent i al i mpr ov ement sorchangesi n mar ket i ngst r at egy , pr oduct s, orser vi ces •Consul t i ngmar ketr esear cht oassesscur r entt r endsandbr andawar eness •Pr epar i ngr epor t s, companybr ochur esandr el at edmar ket i ngmat er i al sandl i t er at ur e

YOURQUALI F I CATI ONS : •Bachel or ’ sDegr eei nMar ket i ngorsi mi l arr el evantfiel d •Mi ni mum 5year smar ket i ngexper i enceasmar ket i ngexecut i veorsi mi l arr ol e •Mi ni mum of3t o5year si nRet ai l , Hospi t al i t yand/ orShoppi ngMal l mar ket i ngexper i ence •Apr ovent r ackr ecor dofi mpl ement i ngsuccessf ulmar ket i ngst r at egi es •Handsonexper i encewi t hmar ket i ngso war eandt ool s •Ext ensi veknowl edgeofmar ket i ng/communi cat i onsbusi nesswi t hmedi aexposur e •Under st andi ngofr et ai lmar ket i ng •Fami l i ar i t ywi t hsoci almedi aandwebanal yt i cs •St r ongor gani zat i onalandt i memanagementabi l i t i es •Cr eat i vi t yandcommer ci alawar eness •I ndept hknowl edgeofmar ketr esear chdat a,dat aanal ysi sandst at i st i cs •Out st andi ngcommuni cat i onandpr esent at i onski l l s •St r ongMi cr oso officeski l l s( especi al l yi nMSExcel&MSPowerPoi nt ) •Excel l entknowl edgeofEngl i shl anguage

WHATWEOFFER: •Wor ki nani nt er nat i onalenvi r onment •Oppor t uni t yt owor kononeoft hemostpr est i gi ouspr oj ect si nourr egi on •Compet i t i vecompensat i onpackage •Out st andi ngoppor t uni t i esf orcar eergr owt handdevel opment I fyouar econfidentt hatyoumeett heabover equi r ement sandyouar ei nt er est ed i n devel opi ng yourcar eeri n a dynami ci nt er nat i onalor gani zat i on,pl ease send yourappl i cat i on.

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