Marketing Manager

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Bel gr adeWat er f r onti samonument alur banr evi t al i zat i onpr oj ectwor t hUS$3bi l l i on,cr eat i nganew ci t ycent erandanewi nt er nat i onal dest i nat i on.Oursust ai nabl eandmoder nmi xedusedevel opment s ener gi zeanddi ver si f yl ocal economi es. Bel gr adeWat er f r ontt r ansf or mst hi snei ghbour hoodbyi mpl ement i ngt hepr i nci pl esofsust ai nabl edevel opment ,cr eat i ngnew publ i cspaces,i nt r oduci ngbenefit s f ormovi ngpedest r i ansandbr i ngi ngcul t ur alcont entt ot hehear tofBel gr ade. Gal er i j aBel gr adeasnew r et ai l ,di ni ngandl ei sur evenueatt hebankofSavar i ver ,wi l lbeoneoft he f ocalpoi nt sofBel gr adeWat er f r ontandt henewur banhubi nt hehear toft heSer bi ancapi t al . Joi nusandbecomet hememberofGal er i j aBel gr adet eam as:


YOURAGENDA: •Ber esponsi bl ef ordev el opmentandex ecut i onoft heGal er i j aBel gr adeannual Mar ket i ng Pl an, ensur i ngt hatmar ket i ngobj ect i v esar eachi ev ed, measur edandr esul t sar er epor t edt o al l r el evantst akehol der s •I mpl ement i ngmar ket i ngst r at egi es, essent i al f ort hegr owt handdevel opmentoft he shoppi ngmal l t omaxi mi z ebot hcust omert r afficflowandsal espot ent i al of i ndi v i dual r et ai l er s •Cr eat i nganddr i vi ngf oott r afficbydel i ver i ngdi ffer ent i at ed, sponsor abl eexper i ences ( campai gns, i ni t i at i v es, ev ent s )andt hedev el opmentofacompr ehensi v eannual mar ket i ng st r at egy , i ncl usi veofacqui si t i onandact i vat i ont act i cs( physi cal anddi gi t al )whi chr esul t i ni ncr easedr evenueandr epeatshoppervi si t at i on •Bui l di ngupposi t i vebr andper cept i oni nor dert odel i verhi ght r afficandsal est ur nover f ormal l r et ai l er s •Ber esponsi bl ef orl aunchi ngandcont i nuousi mpl ement at i onoft heshoppi ngmal l event spl an •Devel opi ng, under st andi ngandcommuni cat i ngr el evantr et ai l t r endst omanagement •Assessi ngt heeffect i v enessoft hemal l websi t eandi mpl ement i ngcont enti mpr ov ement s andnewf eat ur est omeetonl i neobj ect i ves •Wor ki ngeffect i vel ywi t hi nt er nal depar t ment s, esp. l easi ng, speci al t yl easi ng, subbr andsandguestser vi cest oensur eopt i mum busi nesseffect i v enessandi nf or mat i oni s communi cat edar oundt hebusi nessuni t s–newst or eopeni ngs, l aunches, ev ent s, changes t opr ocedur es, newsl e er s •Devel opi ngandi mpl ement i ngATLandBTLmar ket i ngcampai gnsandbr andst r at egi es t oachi evet ar get s, f r om cr eat i vebr i eft hr ought oanal ysi sandr ecommendat i ons •I mpl ement i ngROIanal ysi soneachpr omot i onandf eedbackt obusi ness •Devel opi ngandmanagi ngr el at i onshi pswi t hr et ai l er s, BW mar ket i ngt eam, headoffice, suppl i er s, mar ket i ngagenci es–ensur i ngcosteffici enci esandbr andguar di anshi pi s al waysachi eved •Pr oj ectexecut i onont i meandwi t hi nt hebudget

YOURQUALI F I CATI ONS : •Bachel or ’ sDegr eei nanyr el at edfiel d( pr ef er abl ei nmar ket i ng) •9+year sofexper i encei nmar ket i ng( wi t hami ni mum 4year si nmanager i alr ol e) •Mi ni mum of3t o5year si nRet ai l , Hospi t al i t yand/ orShoppi ngMal l mar ket i ngexper i ence •Ext ensi veknowl edgeofmar ket i ng/communi cat i onsbusi nesswi t hmedi aexposur e •Under st andi ngofr et ai lmar ket i ngi npar t i cul art hedr i ver sofshoppi ng •Compr ehensi veunder st andi ngofbusi nessdevel opment , mar ket i ngandmer chandi si ng t echni ques •Commer ci alacumen •Anunder st andi ngofbudget i ng, pl anni ng, adver t i si ng, pr omot i on, communi t yr el at i ons, publ i cr el at i onsandsponsor shi p •Abi l i t yt ocommuni cat eandpr esentmar ket i ngst r at egyt oal lst akehol der s •I ndept hunder st andi ngofonl i nemar ket i ngt ool sandsoci almedi apl at f or ms •Except i onalwr ien,or alcommuni cat i onski l l s,pr esent at i onalski l l s •Ent husi ast i c,cr eat i veandposi t i vet eam pl ayerwi t hst r ongi nt er per sonalski l l s •I ndependentsel f st ar t erwi t ht heabi l i t yt ot hr i vei nat eam envi r onment •St r ongknowl edgeofMSExcel&MSPowerPoi nt •Excel l entknowl edgeofEngl i shl anguage

WHATWEOFFER: •Wor ki nani nt er nat i onalenvi r onment •Oppor t uni t yt owor kononeoft hemostpr est i gi ouspr oj ect si nourr egi on •Compet i t i vecompensat i onpackage •Out st andi ngoppor t uni t i esf orcar eergr owt handdevel opment I fyouar econfidentt hatyoumeett heabover equi r ement sandyouar ei nt er est ed i n devel opi ng yourcar eeri n a dynami ci nt er nat i onalor gani zat i on,pl ease send yourappl i cat i on. Pl easenot et hatonl yshor t l i st edcandi dat eswi l lbecont act ed.

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