Writing Portfolio 2019 - 2021

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Rat uI nt anMut i a

r at ui nt anmut i a@gmai l . com ( + 62 ) 8571 5678768 i s s uu. com/r i . mut i a2 6

CONTENT W hi t eboar dJour nalDi aspor a Campai gn


ARCHI NESI ABookgazi ne Pr omot i on


W ho, W hat , W hy: wher eam ir eal l yf r om?


I ndoBui l dTechJakar t aThe2nd PhasePr esent sAnExhi bi t i onand Jakar t aAr chi t ect ur eI nst al l at i on Fest i val201 9


Bui l tPr oj ect : KI N Caf ebya21 st udi o


01 W hi t eboar dJour nal Di aspor aCampai gn

Thi s“ Pl acest oGo”and“ W hatYouCan Get ”i nf ogr aphi cwaspubl i s hedon W hi t eboar dJour nal ’ sI ns t agr am account .

02 ARCHI NESI ABookgazi ne Pr omot i on

Thi spr omot i onwaspubl i s hedonI AAW St udi o’ sI ns t agr am account .

03 W ho, W hat , W hy: wher eam ir eal l yf r om?

Thi s3W ar t i cl ewaspubl i s hedon W hi t eboar dJour nal ’ sI ns t agr am account .

04 I ndoBui l dTechJakar t aThe 2ndPhasePr esent sAn Exhi bi t i onandJakar t a Ar chi t ect ur eI nst al l at i on Fest i val201 9 Thi sbi l i ngualar t i cl ewaspubl i s hedon www. ar chi nes i a. com i nAugus t201 9.

05 Bui l tPr oj ect : KI N Caf eby a21St udi o Thi sar t i cl ewaspubl i s hedont he1 6t h edi t i onofARCHI NESI ABookgazi ne.

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