7 minute read
Curitiba, Brazil p.31 Home Garden Drip Irrigation p
Sophia Joy De La Cruz
building-scale, water
Sump pumps have been discovered to be a great opportunity for home owners to recycle water into their home gardens.
Reported to be in 60% of American homes, a sump pump is a relatively common fi xture (Anderson). A sump pump is a mechanical device implanted into the basement or lowest point of a home in order to protect the home from fl ooding and mold related issues. The water is collected in a basin and then redirected outside of the home, usually into a dry well, local creek or pond, or a neighborhood basin (Woodward). The place in which the water is drained can be affected by the regulations of the city or a homeowners association (Anderson).
However, some homeowners have found a more rewarding use for the water collected by sump pumps. For those who are interested in cultivating their own produce, sump pump water can be redirected into a home drip irrigation system. Drip irrigation is one of the more effi cient and easiest ways to water plants.
This system can function with low pressure and low volume for drier months and is capable of targeting very specifi c areas to water. Unlike overhead sprinkler systems, there is no water loss in evaporation and weeds are not able to soak up excess water (“Drip Irrigation with PVC Pipe”).
The relevance of this system lies in its ability to take advantage of readily available resources and re-purpose them in a way that is both easily understandable and benefi cial to the public. The sump pumps are capable of collecting perfectly clean and reusable water that would otherwise cause damage and health hazards in a home giving it dual functionality.
By re-purposing the water in a home or community garden there is added value in the fresh produce it nourishes. The price of the pump (models ranging from $100-500 USD) is the biggest investment to take into account as the drip irrigation can be constructed with recycled pvc pipes or garden hose, a sharp pocket knife, a punch and a fl athead screwdriver(“Drip Irrigation with PVC Pipe”).
It also important to note that this system was not designed by a group of architects or engineers but by a group of people who the system directly benefi ts. Born from a basic need and a bit of creativity.
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Buenavista Carabanchel 40.373487, -3.754790

Buenavista is the 116th neighbourhood of Madrid, one of the 7 that comprise the Carabanchel districted, located in the southernmost point of the district. It has a population of almost 40.000 residents. It grew in population by 40% after the new urban developments that occured in 2007.
It counts with 3 health centers, more than 20 large sport facilities, one public library, 2 cultural centers, 2 large parks and a cycling path that connects to the ring cycling path of Madrid.
Because of its history as a village, it maintained the low density built environment, leaving physical space for a lot of urban development. And because of Madrid’s projected growth, there is interest to expand and invest in Carabanchel as a possible strong urban core in balance with Madrid city center.
The selected plot for the student proposal benefits from being neighbours with the “De las Cruces” park on one side, and the “Carabanchel Alto” metro station, connecting it to the extensive Madrid Metro System. More than that, it presents three empty (or under development) plots and a three-story high maximum built residential units, with a peculiar disposition and patios that can inspire innovative proposals.