Election results 2015

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APPENDIX 1 Election for Number to be elected Valid votes Invalid votes Quota eSTV Reg. 54096 Election rules

Candidates JONES, Alan KELLOW, Peter LLOYD, Anthony (tony) Gray MACDOUGALD-DENTON, Stuart OWUSU, Elsie PERCIVAL, Mark PISANO, Antonio RAYNES, Lisa SINCLAIR, Dale TAYLOR, Helen TSOLAKIS, Elena WATTS, John Seymour ADAMS, William BALL, Jonathan BARR, Roz BENHAM, Dan BENZIE, Mark BIRD, Nigel BOFFO, Paola DE GALE, Simone GIBBS, Andrew GODFREY, Brian IDDON, Paul Non-transferable Totals

Nationally Elected Councillor 6 3692 76 518 2.0.16 ERS97 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage First Exclusion of Exclusion of Exclusion of PreferencesBOFFO, Paola GIBBS, Andrew BIRD, Nigel 432 4 436 4 440 8 157 157 3 160 3 110 1 111 1 112 1 115 1 116 116 3 451 7 458 6 464 7 140 2 142 7 149 4 126 5 131 3 134 1 312 5 317 6 323 7 155 1 156 5 161 5 222 7 229 3 232 5 137 4 141 3 144 4 104 104 104 2 141 3 144 1 145 11 210 1 211 9 220 4 118 5 123 1 124 3 96 2 98 3 101 1 93 1 94 5 99 6 85 4 89 1 90 -90 68 -68 94 6 100 2 102 4 77 1 78 -78 117 117 5 122 4 132 3 135 2 137 2 5 5 8 13 5 3692 3692 3692

4 Stage 5 Stage 6 Stage 7 Stage Exclusion of Exclusion of Exclusion of Exclusion of BENHAM, Dan WATTS, John Seymour DE GALE, Simone BENZIE, Mark 448 4 452 13 465 5 470 10 163 2 165 8 173 1 174 1 113 1 114 7 121 121 6 119 2 121 8 129 4 133 5 471 11 482 5 487 22 509 8 153 6 159 4 163 1 164 11 135 2 137 1 138 4 142 2 330 13 343 5 348 9 357 22 166 4 170 1 171 4 175 2 237 4 241 3 244 11 255 3 148 5 153 4 157 7 164 2 106 2 108 -108 156 5 161 8 169 3 172 5 224 4 228 9 237 7 244 11 127 6 133 3 136 8 144 5 102 -102 105 4 109 8 117 4 121 -121 106 3 109 1 110 -110 126 5 131 9 140 4 144 13 139 4 143 4 147 10 157 7 18 15 33 7 40 6 46 8 3692 3692 3692 3692

8 Stage 9 Stage Exclusion of Surplus of LLOYD, Anthony (tony) OWUSU, Gray Elsie 480 12 492 1.82 175 4 179 0.91 127 -127 138 13 151 517 12 529 -11 175 11 186 1.82 144 4 148 0.91 379 9 388 0.91 177 3 180 258 10 268 0.91 166 4 170 1.82 177 7 184 0.91 255 11 266 149 149 0.91 157 8 165 164 7 171 54 12 66 0.08 3692 3692

10 Stage 11 Stage 12 Stage Exclusion of Exclusion of Exclusion of PISANO, Antonio MACDOUGALD-DENTON, BARR, Stuart Roz 493.82 14 507.82 18 525.82 179.91 8 187.91 6 193.91 4 151 4 155 -155 518 518 518 187.82 8 195.82 19 214.82 9 148.91 -148.91 388.91 13 401.91 22 423.91 22 180 13 193 21 214 27 268.91 19 287.91 8 295.91 15 171.82 16 187.82 4 191.82 27 184.91 14 198.91 13 211.91 10 266 4 270 7 277 11.91 149.91 9 158.91 4 162.91 -162.91 165 2 167 9 176 1 171 6 177 6 183 6 66.08 18.91 84.99 18 102.99 30 3692 3692 3692

13 Stage 14 Stage Exclusion of Surplus of GODFREY, Brian JONES, Alan 525.82 525.82 -7.82 197.91 7 204.91 0.48 518 518 223.82 15 238.82 1.92 445.91 29 474.91 0.48 241 11 252 0.48 310.91 7 317.91 0.48 218.82 11 229.82 0.96 221.91 14 235.91 0.48 288.91 40 328.91 1.44 177 -177 189 13 202 0.96 132.99 30 162.99 0.14 3692 3692

15 Stage Exclusion of IDDON, Paul 518 205.39 6 518 240.74 40 475.39 26 252.48 12 318.39 19 230.78 12 236.39 24 330.35 15.48 202.96 -202.96 163.13 48.48 3692

16 Stage 17 Stage 18 Stage 19 Exclusion of Exclusion of Exclusion of KELLOW, Peter TSOLAKIS, Elena SINCLAIR, Dale 518 518 518 518 211.39 -211.39 518 518 518 518 280.74 36.48 317.22 13.91 331.13 43 374.13 501.39 501.39 501.39 501.39 264.48 21 285.48 18.39 303.87 -302 1.87 337.39 27 364.39 76 440.39 73 513.39 242.78 9 251.78 -251.78 260.39 22 282.39 36 318.39 29 347.39 345.83 37 382.83 23 405.83 32 437.83 211.61 58.91 270.52 84.48 355 125 480 3692 3692 3692 3692


Elected Elected Elected Elected


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