ARTISTIC CURRICULUM I Ricardo Da Silva Artist since 2003, he has developed a variety of artistic activities, such as: engraving, painting, installations and artistic interventions. He has collaborated with Acácio de Carvalho, in many artistic projects, member/partner of engraving group – “Matriz”, Porto. Co-organizer, of the educative project “ProjectArte”, a project that promoted the development of artistic skills in children from neighborhoods considered problematic. (2007-2012). Formation in ceramic in the atelier Joao Carqueijeiro. ARTISTIC PROJECTS – COLLECTIVE 2003 – Participated with an engraving (technique - intaglio) in a calendar produced by five former students of ESEP and Professor Acácio de Carvalho; 2004 – Built the prototype of a bench in order to take part in the design of student’s home built in honey comb cardboard, at ESEP, under the guidance of Professor Carlos Costa; 2005 –Participated with an engraving in a book produced by students from ESEP and Professor Acácio de Carvalho; Artistic intervention at Escola EB 2/3 Teixeira Lopes, inscribed in the teaching module entitled Árvore_Linha_Gravura; Took part, as an invited artist, in the Engraving Workshop of XIII Bienal de Vila Nova de Cerveira; Participated in the engraving panel at the XIII Bienal de Vila Nova de Cerveira under the guidance of Master Engraver Dacos; 2006 – Carried out works as assistant to set designer Acácio de Carvalho for the theatre play Oxygen by Carl Djerassi and staged by Júlio Cardoso, Seiva Trupe, at Teatro Campo Alegre; Assisted in the installation Convoca-espíritos by Acácio de Carvalho at Espaço T in Porto; Worked as an assistant in the construction of the Cascata de S. João, designed by Acácio de Carvalho for Porto’s City Hall. Co-management with Fernanda Bandeira of project entitled Percurso Artístico – Paula Rego at Escola EB 2/3 Sophia de Mello Breyner, Vila Nova de Gaia; 2007 – Co-organizer of the project entitled Percurso Artístico – Dia Mundial da Árvore at Escola EB 2/3 Dr. Leonardo Coimbra (Filho), Porto; Co-organizer of the project entitled …viagens com corletrasons de mar at Escola EB 2/3 Dr. Leonardo Coimbra (Filho); Developed an illustration for the debate 90 anos do Milagre do Sol, guided by Master Fina d`Armada and Professor José Ferreira da Silva; Coordination of performance entitled viagens com corletrasons de mar – 15 minutes from EB 2/3 Dr. Leonardo Coimbra (Filho) as part of the Conferência Nacional de Educação Artística at Casa da Música in Porto; 2008 – Assisted in the installation Convoca-espíritos by Acácio de Carvalho at Galeria Por Amor à Arte in Porto; Theatre Play entitled o meu pássaro, written and directed by Inês Gonçalves, Ricardo Baptista e Ricardo Silva. This is a joint project of EB2/3 Dr. Leonardo Coimbra (filho); Centro de Reabilitação Paralisia Cerebral Porto – APPC; Casa das Glicínias and had the support of Grupo Amorim and Auditório Municipal da Biblioteca Almeida Garrett; 2009 – Assisted in the installation Sulcos by Acácio de Carvalho at Galeria Por Amor à Arte in Porto; Assisted of D Decoration in the in the movie “olhos vermelhos” of the producer Paul Rocha;
2011 – One element of the jury of the 4º edição da EGG PARADE 2011 – Câmara Municipal de Vila Nova de Gaia, Vila Nova de Gaia; Co-organizer of the project entitled Marrocos um reino para dois olhares; Participation in the Woodcut Workshop; guided by Master Hiroshi Maruyama, Atelier Gondar – Henrique Silva, Vila Nova de Cerveira; 2012 – Co-organizer, of the events Noite Branca and A Porta fica aberta, of Braga 2012 European Youth Capital; 2007 - 2012 – Co-facilitator of the school ProjectArte EB2 / 3 Dr. Leonardo Coimbra (son), a project that promoted the development of artistic skills in children from neighborhoods considered problematic; 2013 – Participation in the 3rd edition of PRIMAVERA NA PRAÇA, Olga Santos Galeria, Porto; Coorganizer, of the event Noite Branca 2013, Braga; 2015 – Co-organizer and co-facilitator, of the event “Semear Tradições – 20 Anos Guimarães Shopping”; 2016 - Co-organizer and co-facilitator
of the winning project of public art competition
NorteShopping, Matosinhos. PERSONAL PROJECTS 2007 – Artistic installation entitled linguimagens by request of the Associação Portuguesa de Paralisia Cerebral – núcleo regional do norte, in Porto; 2008 – Artistic installations entilted Rostos da Terra and Jardim das Vaidades included in the exhibition Expressões at Casa de Montezelo, Gondomar; 2011 – Artistic installations entilted: Casa Barbot transfigurada, estendal de memórias and porta onírica com sulcos; Artistic intervention entilted: um jardim dentro de cada, jardim de plástico e metal, efeito estufa, corredor mágico ,bonecas brancas, and performance memórias
in Casa
Barbot/Casa da Cultura, Vila Nova de Gaia; Artistic installations entilted A janela and jardim de plásico e metal na varanda, in Porto com Arte, Porto; 2012 – Artistic installations entilted jardim de plástico e metal and efeito estufa inserted in the exhibition entitled Gondar, Upgrade Productions, Porto; Artistic installations entilted Teias na Cidade and Um jardim… inserted in event Noite Branca of Braga 2012 European Youth Capital; Artistic installations entilted Sons de Medusa and Um Círculo no Jardim da Ponte inserted in event B-Global of Braga 2012 European Youth Capital; Artistic installations entilted Fotogramas, Fragmentos, Tocoume, Caixa H2O, Chuviscos tricolor and (De)Composição inserted in event A Porta fica aberta of Braga 2012 European Youth Capital; 2013 – Artistic installations entilted Muro de todos, Blip, Porto; Artistic installations entilted: Jardim de todos and valor positivo_Natureza included in the exhibition Coisas do Imaginário, Livraria Centésima Página, Braga; Artistic installations entilted: A menina e o balão, Corredor das sensações and Flor inserted in event Noite Branca 2013, Braga. INDIVIDUAL EXHIBITIONS 2004 – Exhibition entitled Encontrastes at Escola de Formação – Singesco, Baguim do Monte. 2005 – Exhibition entitled Percursos at Galeria Cheté & Laroche in Porto; 3
2007 – Exhibition in Domi Sport – Bar in Leça da Palmeira; Exhibition in Vila Joaquina – Rural Hotel, Povoa de Lanhoso; 2008 – Joint exhibition with Eduarda Castro entitled Expressões at Casa de Montezelo, Gondomar; Exhibition entitled revivências at Espaço Ana Santos, Matosinhos; 2010 – Exhibition entitled exercícios imaginários at Espaço Tenente Valadim, Portugal Telecom Matosinhos, Porto; 2011 – Exhibition entitled exercícios imaginários in minimercado mavy, Braga; exercícios imaginários in Loja do Cidadão, Porto; Exhibition entitled Transfigurar, Casa Barbot/Casa da Cultura, Vila Nova de Gaia; Exhibition entitled A Casa,Porto com Arte, Porto; 2012 – Exhibition entitled Gondar, Upgrade Productions, Porto; Exhibition entitled Coisas Imaginárias, Costume Bistrô, Porto; Exhibition entitled Coisas na Casa, Casa das Associações do Porto, Porto; 2013 – Exhibition entitled Desenhar com linhas de croché, Blip, Porto; Exhibition entitled Coisas do Imaginário, Livraria Centésima Página, Braga; 2014 – Exhibition entitled Olhares, Evocações, Miguel Bombarda Street, Porto; 2015 - Exhibition entitled 1+1, Evocações, Miguel Bombarda Street, Porto; 2016 - Exhibition entitled Tacatuca, Evocações, Miguel Bombarda Street, Porto. COLLECTIVE EXHIBITIONS 2003 – Exhibition entitled Agirarte06, Oliveira do Hospital; 2004 – Auto-Biographical Poster exhibtion at ESEP; Exhibition by senior students of Curso de Educação Visual e Tecnológica at ESEP, Porto; Exhibition entitled Artistas.Gondomar2004 , Gondomar; Exhibition entitled Sete Artistas, Gondomar; 2005 – Exhibition entitled Jovens Artistas de Rio Tinto, Rio Tinto;
Panel built as a resulto f
participating in the engraving workshop during XIII Bienal de Vila Nova de Cerveira; Participation in the II Bienal da Máscara de Bragança – Painting, Bragança; 2009 – Invited artist of the exhibition 10º Gens´Arte at Gens, Gondomar; Invited artist of the exhibition of photography entitled Amanhecer of Luís Reina at Espaço Ana Santos, Matosinhos; Invited artist of the exhibition Gens’Arte – 10 anos at Auditório Municipal de Gondomar, Gondomar; 2010 – Exhibition entitled Dois Artistas duas Artes in Espaço Ana Santos, Matosinhos. Exhibition entitled Pintura no Pára-Vento in Edifício Transparente, Esteta Galeria, Porto; 2011 – Exhibition of the collection of the Casa da Cultura/Casa Barbot, Vila Nova de Gaia; Exhibition entitled Marrocos um reino para dois olhares – 1º parte, Fundação Dr. Luís Araújo, Porto; Exhibition entitled Marrocos um reino para dois olhares – 2º parte, Casa das Artes, Vila Nova de Famalicão; 2012 – Exhibition entitled Marrocos um reino para dois olhares – 3º parte, Museu Dom Diogo de Sousa, Braga; Exhibition entitled Desenha’12 Trienal Movimento, Galeria Olga Santos, Porto; Exhibition entitled Venda de Natal, Matriz Gravura, Porto; Exhibition entitled Coletiviarte Natal 2012, Galeria Olga santos, Porto; 2013 – Exhibition entitled Gravura, Matriz Associação de Gravura do Porto, ESSE/ISPViseu; Exhibition entitled Sonhos e Imaginação/ Racconti com Figure, Matriz, SACI, Florence; Exhibition entitled Mail Art Cup Cake, MuBE, Brasil;
2014 - Exhibition entitled Marias - For all the Girls and Women's, Cultural center of Cascais; Exhibition entitled collective ceramic – João Carqueijeiro Atelier, Matosinhos; Exhibition entitled Venda de Natal, Matriz Gravura, Porto; 2015 - Exhibition entitled collective ceramic – João Carqueijeiro Atelier, Geraldes da Silva Gallery, Porto; Exhibition entitled Colheitas – João Carqueijeiro Atelier, Arouca Museum; 2016 - Exhibition entitled collective ceramic – João Carqueijeiro Atelier, Espaço Q I Quadras Soltas Gallery, Porto; Gravura “20/40, Matriz Associação de Gravura (Porto) and les Amies D'Edmond et J.J.J. Rigal, in Fontenay-aux-Roses, Paris and Amadeo de Souza Cardoso Museum, Amarante; 20th Fine Arts Biennale of the Avante!Festival 2016, Seixal. CO-FACILITATOR OF WORKSHOPS/ART INSTALLATIONS 2012 – O meu canteiro and O meu coração faz parte, in event entitled PICNIC PLAY, Guimarães 2012 European Capital of Culture; Dá cor à tua roupa branca, in event entitled Noite Branca, Braga 2012 European Youth Capital; 2013 – Colunas floridas, Deixa a tua opinião and Mural de todos, in event entitled Noite Branca 2013, Braga; Pic nic-Toalha de todos, in event entitled Parque da Ponte (Com)Vida, Braga; 2014 – Raku ceramic - João Carqueijeiro Atelier, Santo Tirso; Naked raku ceramic - João Carqueijeiro Atelier, Matosinhos; 2015 - Estendal de Todos in event entitled “Semear Tradições”, Guimarães; Raku ceramic - João Carqueijeiro Atelier, Santo Tirso; Naked raku ceramic - João Carqueijeiro Atelier, Matosinhos; 2016 – String Art in event entitled Strime – Norte Shopping; Environment - Family Day, Paranhos School, Porto; Magical faces and I like the...inserted in project Worshop Expressive Therapies; Flores do nosso Jardim, Festival dos Canais, Aveiro. OTHERS MOMENTS “Formation”
2004 – Graduated in Technological and Visual Education, in Polytechnic of Porto; 2007 – Master in Information and Communication Technologies, in Braga University. Articles:
2008 – Published interview Duas faces de um rosto: artista plástico e docente. Newspaper - Primeiro de Janeiro, saturday, April 26. News:
2008 – Expressões em duas perspectivas. Newspaper - Jornal de Notícias, friday, April 25; 2010 – Exercícios imaginários de Ricardo da Silva. Newspaper - Jornal de Notícias, wednesday, February 10. Loose News:
2008 – Expressões. Newspaper - Jornal de Notícias, friday, April 28; 2010 – Exercícios imaginários. Newspaper - Jornal de Notícias, monday, February 15;
2012 – Coisas na Casa. Magazine – Visão, wednesday, November 7.