Ricardo Destro Junior: Portifolio

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Projets on this portifolio

Urban intervention in Bichinho: Mucama Arts

Home make over in Mococa: "The other" project Synesthesia: The study of music, dance, architecture and city Critical proposal to "Minha casa, Minha vida" program Museum project of UFMG: Espaço Uso Street market universal guide from Belo Horizonte Banner for the University Knowledge Week Intervention on the hyper-center: City Market Poster for the ABEDesign internship contest Workshop of Post-production and Photoshop applied to Architecture Carlos Prates: Directives for the use and neighbourhood occupation Integrated Architectural and Urbanism Project: São José Station

Urban intervention in Bichinho: Mucama Arts about the project

It was developed on the subject called Introduction to Project, given by professors Ana Paula Baltazar dos Santos, Carmen Arroztegui Massera and Mateus de Souza Van Stralen, in partnership with the undergraduated students of Architeture and Urbanism from UFMG (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais), Henrique de Oliveira Lisboa, Iasmin Larissa Cardoso Garcia, Raphaela de Souza Alves and Vit贸ria Ramirez Zanquetta. Here, by way of the propose of one urban intervenction at Vitoriano Veloso city, Minas Gerais (or Bichinho city) it was established a first contact with computer graphics program and the realtionship with the private area, the public and its own perception.

This project idea would be to develop interactive mechanisms for the adaptation of the occupation of chosen physical space for a better interaction among the mechanisms, the city and people. The intervention would be done using electronic mechanisms that would generate new uses or different behavioural responses on local people, emphasizing the characteristics of the place and architecture virtualization.

The intervention was proposed to SilvĂŠrio's handcraft shop, called Mucama Arts, located on main street. We decided to make puff cushions to optimize the area. It would activate a sound system as the puff cushions touch each other, switching on part of a song, or different melodies, harmonising a calm melody and the local area, turning the place not only in a visiting area, but also in a delectable environment where people would enjoy hanging out.

The visual effect set up by the light flasher along with the melody really created what we had hoped for: an inviting environment to stay in and not a passing area. About the slide, children lined up in order to play, leave their traces and play with the puff cushions. The barrier created by the balustrade was also completely destroyed as the slide was installed, since everyone who passed by wanted to slide down, even though they were afraid of it.

The result was a manual for self-construction of the project

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Home make over in Mococa: “ The other" project about the project

It was developed in a subject called Introduction to Project, given by professors Alexandre Monteiro de Menezes, Fernando Pacheco, Fernando Ramos, Otávio Curtiss Silviano Brandão. This project had the purpose of introducing basic standarts of technical drawing and architectural thinking, along with graphic representation and the project presentation. In the latter, it was proposed a improvement in a house of low-income people in Mococa city, in order to correct all the identified problems, sectorization problems, structural issues, among others problems raised in previous visits.

The house is located inside S達o Paulo state (266 km from the capital) in S達o Domingos neighbourhood, wich is one of the city neighbourhood with twin-houses or small lot homes (as in this case that had 12 meters in lengh of facade was divided into two 6-meter facade houses by 24 meters in lengh.) This propose focuses on the main needs of the residents: separate bedrooms for mother and daughter, a bigger kitchen (once this one was distributed in three sub rooms) and the change of location of the bathroom that, it used to be near the kitchen.

curent urent floor plan

The space that used to be a bedroom for two people now became a well-aired living room. The old living room became the owner's bedroom and, to solve one of the main house problems, which was air circulation, we created a winter garden, improving the aesthetic of room and adding air circulation for the bathroom. The daughter's bedroom, on its turn, has the window opening to the open yard. It was buit then, an area which would integrate with an old little house in the backyard of the house that could be taken to restore old furniture, turning this area into a laundry, and its way of this laundry, turning into a big kitchen, one of the resident main complaints, once her biggest pleasure is to spend hours cooking candies. The kitchen with integrated dining room features an opening to the yard, where it was placed a yard and a space for a stainless steel dining table.


proposed floor plan

Synesthesia: The study of music, dance, architecture and city about the project

It was developed in a subject called Flexible Project: Contemporary dance, Architecture and City, given by Professor Adriano CorrĂŞa. In this project, we sought to investigate and understand the "the propose of contemporary dance project", the possibilities of a dance project in relationship to urban areas, its arts possibilities and its relationship with music. In this regard, a study of modification of the space appropriation was done by relating the classical music, the visual images captured by a contemporary ballerina and the view of her body before this audio-visual space. The result was the production of a video and folders explaining itself.

The flow of the city follows different paces, a-tempos, contratempos, meios-tempos, that find themselves in the sheets of music, de painíssimo à molto fortíssimo. And therefore, our own body follows moving itself, dancing the contemporary waltz of the city. The study carried out consisted in, after the captation of a typical landscape from Belo Horizonte (which is, Sete de Setembro square), submit it to a musician (Davi T. Camisassa) who would translate it into music through an indication that would synthesize the landscape. The same images would be seen by a contemporary ballerina (Raíssa Araújo) who would translate it into dance movement. The result would be the fusion of both, music and dance at the formation of urban image, creating a small video that would show the relationship. In partnership with Elisa Righetto was then created the same video.

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Critical proposal to M “ inha casa, Minha vida” program about the project

Project developed in partnership with a graduating student, Elisa Félix Melchíades for the subject called Flexible Project: Critical alternative to the program Minha casa, Minha vida, given by professor Adriano Mattos Corrêa. In this project, based on this government program, it was developed a suggestion that would improve it, in such way to make it free for changing. It was suggested, in this project, a construction manual where the own resident could develop his/her house, using alternative materials and low-cost in order it could be adaptable to any ground, keeping the program limits.

project perspective

first option for the layout

second option for the layout

The focus of this project were the building questions, turning a house into something almost urgent. Through rarely used materials in civil construction, like the pallet in a structural function and curved milky roof on the side sealing function, the construction is adaptable to the ground because of the system of baudrame foundation with steel profiles supported to stand the ground of first and second floor. Also thinking of saving money in general, the green roof with colector system is a good solution for reducing water bill. The proposed construction can serve ether one family to live or for two families, it can be changed its usage according to necessity. The final budget to execute the construction was reduced about R$ 39.000,00 for both families, or R$ 19.500,00 each.

The result was a manual for self-construction of the project

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Museum project to the University: Espaço Uso about the project

This project was developed in a partnership with a graduating Architecture and Urbanism student, Luíza Moura and graduating Design students, Elisa Righetto, Jameny Sarmiento and Matheus Brisola for de subject Topics in Architecture and Design, given by professors Renata Marquez and Wellington Cançado. This project goal is to link the thoughts of physical space with the desired ideology, the construction of a tangible grafic image that would synthesize at the creation of an exhibition area for a Federal University of Minas Gerais.

Located at the entrance of the University, between Avenue Antônio Carlos and Avenue Rto. Mendes Pimentel, a construction of a space was proposed that could lay a large exhibition space measuring 144 m² and regardless this one, an area on ground floor with garages and a café and on the second pavement, an administrative area. It was proposed considering demands of Fine's Art School UFMG.

ground round floor

first floor

projext facade

Street market universal guide from Belo Horizonte about the project

This project was developed in a subject called "Flexible Project: Project for street", given by professors Roberto Andrés and Wellington Cançado, with graduating Architecture and Urbanism students of UFMG, Laís Rodriguez Pizano, Raquel Elizabeth Byrro and Vanessa Campos Soares. In this project, it was proposed for us the investigation of a street in Belo Horizonte where should be done an intervention, that could be architectural, urban planning, or just the event. After the investigation, this proposal comes true in a graphic product with the explanation of the project.

After a lot investigation about the streets where each resident lived, it was decided to start the spacial thinking on street PiauĂ­. First of all, a socio-economic and urban planning research was done about the area. Our initial approach used to incorporate an event for a street market that happened every day, inviting people to spend their time chatting, playing cards or chess, or just for shopping. Soon afterward we found out some problems on the market implementation process. The traders did not receive any kind of government help with infrastructure, public toilets, roofing or investiments. So, we found out that this king of market has become inscreasingly scarce.

divulgation banner

At this point, our work has reached a different level: attempt to preserve the markets, reporting local people about the problems that the merchants face in trying to provide their everyday products. Trying to find a way to disseminate the message, first we set an explanotory blog answering questions such as: "how can I work in a market?", "how can I start a market business?", "where can I find them?" and "what the story behind the market?". In parallel, small booklets that summarise the central ideas would be disclosed in the open markets, fairs and city public space.

divulgation banner

The result was a complete website with all the colected information

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Banner for the University Knowledge Week about the project

This project was developed for XVII UFMG's Knowledge Week, 2013, in Belo Horizonte as the summary of the Graduation Programa of UFMG. The banner that would be in A1 format would synthesize the experiences and the accomplished work during the monitoring time of the graduation at the urbanism department, being given by professors José Augusto Martins Pessoa e Altamiro Sério Mol Besa, with the students Vitória Ramirez Zanquetta, Luis Gustavo Odara Souza and Artur Maia de Faria. This banner was presented at the event that happend in Campus Pampulha and evalueted as part of conclusion of the monitoring program.

To break patterns and present a creative proposal, was decided then to creat a 3D banner, analising the Modern Urbanism like something that interchanges spaces, breaking down the barriers, and needs an analysis not on the plant, but on people everyday lives. To represent this, we used painted and glued polystyrene hands that would support small monocles with fictures of the executed works and of the production processes.

Intervention on the hyper-center: City Market about the project

This project was developed in partnership with graduating students, Tânia Werneck de Souza and Laura Christna de Oliveira in the subject “Flexible Project: Project for the hyper-center of Belo Horizonte”, given by professor Denise Morado Nascimento. In this project, based on an area of hyper-center of BH, it was proposed for us to choose a specif place in order to act on this, could be a micro intervention starting from the furniture, or road restructuring or urban planning. The proposal also based on the production of the work in summary using diagrams instead of texts.

By analysing of the Hyper-center region of Belo Horizonte, the sorrouding space was determined as an intervention area of Central Market, bounded by Goitacazes, Santa Catarina and Padre Belchior streets and also Avenue Augusto de Lima, considering as well, the commercial galeries that are there and their corridors like street extensions.

The chosen area shows, mostly, commercial use. There is always a very a big movimentantion of people in this area, while they are walking or shopping. In this context, it stands ou the Central Market, cultural icon of Belo Horizonte, that attracks a large number of people from different parts of the world, such as local people or from RMBH, turists or not, with different purposes shopping, learning about the Market history, taking cooking class ou simply meeting friends at its narrow and exciting corridors.

floor plan

By analysing in loco, taking the project as a guide, maximizing the relation of people flows and the social contact that city life offers. Promoting and maximizing social inter-relation and people flows at the location, also considering the commercial galeries that are there and their corridors like the street extensions. We highlight the use of furniture both, fixed or moveable, the partial closing of the Goitacazes street, new pavimentation, galeries llumination treatment and new roofing for the area like the main architectonic party taken.

Poster for the AbeDesign internship contest about the project

This project was developed for the vacancy of contest for the group of design offices ABDesign in Belo Horizonte - MG. The contest consisted of the production of a single graphic piece with the topic "What inspires you?", with no format specification or methodology of execution. This piece would show the knowledges on the design area and the abilities on using common programs of the area. Besides the production of the graphic piece, it was necessary in a final decision a presentation with explanation about the pieces and presentation of the portfolio and curriculum with ten office representatives.

Based on the production of a graphic piece that would describe the utopia of human reasoning, it was used a surrealistic subject, using elements of personal imagination, in order to cristalise the inspirations. In this regard, it was used the Adobe Photoshop program during the whole procedure, always trying to work with a fixed colour palette and elements that harmonise in the space. It was worked the rhythm issue, both full and empty, balance on space, on colours, always taking in consideration the technical rigour of execution, that would be analysed by examination board.

Workshop of Post-production and Photoshop applied to Architecture about the project

On the two days of the course (05 and 06 of April, 2014) at the Guajajaras Coworking , the speaker Thiago Augustus introducted many tools on the Adobe Photoshop program for pos production of the images, high quality treatment, texture application to work on photorealism in architectonic images. This brought many new tools, beside to present new look through photoshop. The twelve-hour course also introduced several sites of collections and methodology for graphic presentation that sintesize projects, working with diagrams, icons and synthesis through images.

The focus of workshop was the utilization of the Photoshop program as a work tool on the architectural field in order to improve renders and the project presentations. It was introducted several image manipulation techniques like texture application, shades, iluminations, besides insertion of people, vehicles, vegetations and others items. On the basis of famous office professional renders, we were introduced to many elements of the project presentation.

Carlos Prates: Directives for the use and neighbourhood occupation about the project

Project developed in partnership with Architectural and Urbanism graduating student Isabela Martins Rezende, Larissa Fabri Lima and Raquel Elizabeth Byrro for the subject Urbanism II, given by professors Beatriz de Alencar AraĂşjo Couto and Daniel Medeiros de Freitas. This project refers to the study of the use and occupation of soil of Carlos Prates neighbourhood, located on the Northwest region of Belo Horizonte where through analyses of the old Land use and occupations act of the city, with the analysis of the current and the same situation, could establish an overview of the same, and afterwards, develop proposals for directives.

From the soil study where initiated the implamentation of Carlos Prates neighbourhood through maps, we initially anlysed the phisical conditions as determinative and conditioning for the physical space appropriation.

Analysing data from IBGE using QuantumGis program, we could notice the social aspects of the neighbourhood, valuable data to interpret the use of the spaces, observing the relation to the site with the residents and obligations and their consequences. A detailed analysis was done of the urban image of Carlos Prestes neighbourhood through two kinds of interview proposed by Lynch Kevin (1997): quantitative methodo, where a great quantity of residents are addressed to show relevant data for analysis, and qualitative methodo, where through mental maps proposition, detailed description of the neighbourhood, route and landmarks, can understand the neighbourhood as a whole.

From the collected data during the work, it was laid down which were the conditionings, the shortcomings and potentialities. From this one, a careful study of each topic studied has been done, we established ten basic directives for Carlos Prates neighbourhood, such as the implementation of educational facilities at the Center-South region, nothwest and east of the neighbourhood, implementation of green areas, accuracy of access ramps of the neighbourhood, installation of traffic-calming in the school environment, among others.

type of floor


bus lines

type of houses

type of comerces

The result was a full report with all the collected information and the group analysis of this data with the proposition of guidelines of occupation in the neighborhood

Integrated Architectural and Urbanism Project: SĂŁo JosĂŠ Station about the project

Project developed in partnership with Architectural and Urbanism graduating student Isabela Martins Rezende to the subject called Integrated Architecture and Urbanism Project, given by professors Juliana Torres, Daniel Medeiros de Freitas and Rafael Fontenelli. This project includes the implementation of a BRT station at the northwest region in Belo Horizonte, since its architectural concept, formal with basic project, until the production of an analysis of diagnose of the area and the implementation effect of a mobility system of this size in greater Belo Horizonte.

São José Station is located on northwest region of Belo Horizonte, MG. It is in the city center, among the neighbourhood Jardim Alvorada, Jardim Manacás and Jardim São José. This location is result of a choice in order to meet the demands for mobility, resulting in a big urban operation which has a sensitive social issue of resettlements, and that needs special attention. Beside being an important urban equipment of mobility, the project concept started from the idea of linking. Linking not only between regions of the city but also an assential element of conection among the neighbourhood and its sorrouding, that currently has a great barrier.



The conception of the project started by the overlapping levels, aiming to win the topographical barrier that there is between Alvorada and others neighbourhoods. Still from the lots, it was possible to create another level: the basement where would give access to the lines of BRT coming from Avenue Jo達o XXIII. After establishing the pavements, next step would be getting internal pleasant environments from atriums and open spaces between the slabs. These spaces also help in permeability issue, visual and rainwater system. Finally, from each floor comes out footbridges with the purpose of connecting the neighbourhood stations, easing the user's access to the boarding platforms and the conettion among neighbourhood.

Considering the proposed routes projected on the land, bus schedules that pass inside and the proposal of lines of BRT in the region, it was proposed an adaptation of the lines, bus routes reajustment and new lines for a better service not only to Belo Horizonte, but also to adjacent neighbourhood.

The result was three banners (two A1 and one A0) with explanations of the project.

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