Reverse The Curse
On recording "Hither & Yon"... How did the band form? It's a long story. Me and Joe have been friends since the 3rd grade. The band formed in the 6th grade. we are from a small farm town (Hiram, OH) and there wasn't much to do, besides getting in trouble. That become old very fast, so we just started playing. Joe's dad is a guitar player and bought Joe some drums when he was really little. When I would stay the night they would always jam, so I decided to start playing so I could join. From there on I think we all just got addicted. We haven't stopped since. Where did the name come from? The name was from baseball. It's about Babe Ruth being traded and putting a curse on Boston. It makes no sense. I was 1 4 when I came up with it, we don't like it but it's to late to change.
he wanted to do it. He worked really hard on it, which is really nice to have when we put all our time into it. Recording is one of my favorite parts of being in a band. It's super stressful, and so much fun. The hardest part is to no longer have control of the songs when they get pressed.
How does it differ from previous EP "Paths"? Well we became better musicians (I think). The songs are much more thought out. We spent a lot more time writing it, and the biggest reason is cause we all are different people then we were. we recorded "Paths" straight out of high school. It's been more than 2 years later when we recorded this. I think that's a big time to grow or just understand yourself more.
What was the concept behind this debut full-length? There wasn't a intentional concept behind it. Most the songs are,unfortunately, about death (and understanding it). I went How was it recording "Hither & Yon"? through some bad times with death over the last couple The recording of this record was amazing. We did it in years. There are also some other topics throughout the Columbus, Ohio, with our friend Eric Cronstein. He just record, i'm not a big fan of telling what the songs are opened up his new studio so we were the first to test it out. And since it was new he didn't have anything lined up after intended to mean. Cliche? YES! But just listen and if you hear meaning in any form, well... that's good. our session, for a couple weeks. So it was very relaxing and he encouraged us to take our time. I think the record really prospered from us taking time to think about stuff and not rushing anything. We were just lucky to meet him and glad
What was it like recording your EP right after graduating from high school? Was there a lot of pressure? It was cool. We did it at Skylight Studios in Philly,PA. There was some pressure, but I think that's just usual recording pressure. We did it in I think 2 days, it was a learning experience. Vince Ratti owns the studio and he was a great guy, who taught me a lot in just 2 days. There wasn't any added pressure because we were out of high school. it probably took some pressure off because no one knew of us or had expectations besides ourselves. What are your favorite albums at the moment and looking forward to? I've been listening to a lot of Phillip Glass. I just got into compositions and he is just mind blowing, he is one of the few people who (when listening to) can make you forget you are living, I get so wrapped up in his pieces. Also as fall is becoming increasingly real I've been listening to Chet Baker, He is the coolest, Such sad but cozy songs. My favorite record so far this year is Young Widows "In and Out of Youth and Lightness". I'm looking forward for people hearing the new The Sidekicks record, that should be happening early 201 2. Would you like to come to Portugal? YES! that sounds amazing! Design & Interview: Rick Words: Ed Photos courtesy of Reverse The Curse
"Hither & Yon" is now available for purchase at: