Improvised Film Project "A Day In The Life of Me..." Improvised films are mainly unplanned, with the least of details decided before shooting.
"A Day In The Life of Me..." is a project designed for a web release, but can be taken to the bigger screen, if such justifies.
These films are usually focused on one main event and can have one or more It's intent is to follow someone during a focus topics within them. full day in one, or more places, with the These topics vary, from specific wardrobe, objective of creating an inner debate and to small details of the person or expression of personal opinion about surrounding them. various subjects and things that are An example: The main event is "going attached by location of shooting but also shopping" and the topic could be "toys". by the person whose day is being portrayed. The duration of these films can vary, with the timeframe representing solely from a minute, to months or years, depending on It's main objective is that it's something the interest to explore the main event is simple that is considered an artfilm, but at and if there are enough topics to cover it. the same time, generate discussion.
Which ever may be the purpose of the film, Improvised Films should be understood as a cheap, yet useful way, to expose ideas, opinions, to the point where you are able to capture your audiences attention and want them to create their own video. As the character is mainly based on someone who is speaking to the viewing audience, trying to make them express whatever feelings they have towards what you have to say. By keeping your speech consistent and captivating, you are halfway to making a good Improvised Film.
Written by: Ricardo Du Toit (c) 2011