Design Styles for your Modern Indian Kitchen Interiors Kitchen Interior Designing is an art where many Interior designers struggle to satisfy the taste of Indian women. There are multiple popular design styles in kitchen interiors. Indian style kitchen stands ahead of all the other styles. It offer traditional look and feel which simply impressive. There are various types of namely L shaped Kitchen, Island Kitchen, Parallel Kitchen, Straight Kitchen, U Shaped Kitchen, T Shaped Kitchen, G Shaped Kitchen. L Shape Most of the Indian style kitchen prefers L shaped kitchen as it have enormous space and offers good access to dining area more comfortably. L shaped kitchen with a window in midst permits easy flow of air and sunlight. It facilitates user work triangle more favorably.
Island Shape Traditionally Island Kitchen is of free floating type with four sides. Instead of free floating peninsula type in which one side is attached to wall and other three sides are left open for extra counter and storage space. Seating’s arrangement can also made comfortable in this type. It is similar to L shaped kitchenette with dining table in the middle.