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TAKEOUT Lifting the lid on

Offering takeout and delivery has become more important to a restaurant’s operations than ever before over the last few years. Today’s consumers want to eat what they want, when they want, where they want, and meeting that demand is vital to the success of a restaurant.

This demand for off-premises and onthe-go consumption has not only withstood the last few months of inflation increases and budgetary pressures but, in fact, has only increased despite rising prices across numerous areas of day-to-day life.

Recent global research from Deliverect revealed that more people are purchasing takeaway or delivery orders today than they were before the recent increase in cost of living. The survey, commissioned by Deliverect and conducted by Censuswide, found that nearly six in 10 (57 per cent of) consumers are now purchasing up to three takeaways in a week now, in comparison to less than half

(49 per cent) of consumers buying that much takeout prior to the inflation increase. People are willing to cut back on other activities such as buying clothing (44 per cent), going out for drinks and dinner (47 per cent), and traveling (43 per cent) more than they are on purchasing food.

Ultimately, delivery and takeout appeals to people for many reasons. A key factor is convenience – the convenience of ordering online or via mobile app, the convenience of quick delivery, and the convenience of not having to cook.

The Deliverect research found that fast delivery is important to customers and is likely to encourage people to order from a restaurant again (41 per cent). One-third (32 per cent) of customers are likely to choose from one restaurant over another due to a quicker delivery time, and one-quarter (25 per cent) will select a restaurant due to its proximity/convenient location.

“Undoubtedly people are becoming more conscious of where they’re spending as we witness a rise in inflation and cost of living globally,” said Zhong Xu, Deliverect CEO and co-founder. “The research findings may be surprising to some, but evidently people are continuing to prioritize and enjoy the convenience of takeaway and food delivery.”

Expectations Are High

It’s not just convenience that takeout consumers want to see from restaurants, though. “Quality, consistency, and speed will help restaurants stand out from the crowd,” added Xu.

The research found that overall, the top reason customers say they would order from a restaurant again is because of its good quality of food (52 per cent). In addition, over two-thirds (69 per cent) of people say the taste of food is more important when watching their spending, as is the quality of restaurant ingredients (67 per cent). Potential customers look for evidence of quality before buying, too – nearly three in five (59 per cent) say restaurant ratings/customer reviews are now more important to them than ever.

Other appeals include the wide and ever-expanding variety of foods that are available at the click of a button. More than one in four (27 per cent) consumers say they select a restaurant for delivery or takeaway if it has a variety of menu offerings.

Ultimately, Deliverect concluded that offering multiple fast and convenient takeout options for a variety of high-quality meals and food items is key in today’s market to attracting and retaining customers.

This research follows Deliverect’s findings on consumer sustainability preferences and marks the launch of its ongoing research series, Food for Thought, which will continue examining consumer preferences and habits to identify opportunities and priorities for the restaurant industry to thrive.

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