1 minute read
from CRFN Winter 2023
by MediaEdge
2022’s Culinary Federation National Annual Conference
By Ryan Marquis, Culinary Federation National President
2022 WAS AN EXCITING YEAR, with 200 chefs, cooks, and culinary partners gathered in Saskatoon in June for the first Culinary Federation National Annual Conference since 2019. We were thrilled to be back in person to Reset, Reconnect, and Revive the culinary industry through networking, education sessions, product showcases, culinary competitions, and awards celebrations.
Conference highlights included:
IF YOU COULDN’T JOIN US, we sincerely hope to have you with us in 2023 in Niagara Falls, Ontario as we celebrate 60 years!
The theme of this milestone celebration will be: BUILDING THE FUTURE FROM A STRONG FOUNDATION. Registration will open in mid-January so stay tuned to www.culinaryfederation.ca for more information.
We like to say the Culinary Federation is so much more than a professional association. As you can clearly see in all of the above - it’s friendship, it’s fun, and it’s family.
The Federation Family Focus has four main pillars: Education, Health & Wellness/Community Involvement, Culinary Challenges/Competitions, and Networking/Personal/Professional Development. The National Board of Directors and administrative team strive to serve the Federation Family and bring chefs, cooks, and culinary partners from across the country together in a joint passion for all things culinary.
Come find where you fit in! Join the Culinary Federation Family today. To learn more, visit our website at www.culinaryfederation.ca
If you have any questions about the Culinary Federation and our Member Experience, please contact me at president@culinaryfederation.ca
Thank you sincerely,
Ryan Marquis National President Culinary Federation