ScoutOut Issue 13

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sletter w e N t u o c S Somerset

March 2012 Issue 13

. this month..

t s e F t u o Sc r u o t n o

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New groups galore!


ot one but two new groups opened in Somerset in the first few months of 2012. In Taunton at Stoke St Gregory and in Sedgemoor at Shipham. On Shipham’s first night the young people made pancakes on tin tops over candles. We asked you on Facebook what top tips you would give the new groups and their new leaders. Explorer Emma said: “Make sure you go on lots of camping events and do lots of national events.” And Bev Dickinson said: “Don’t be afraid to borrow other people’s programmes, there are some real gems out there. We all like to share a good thing.”

Tessa Munt visits Cheddar Scouts


essa Munt, MP for Wells, visited Scouts in Cheddar in January and spoke about her work in Parliament. Tessa also presented the Cheddar Scouts with their promise badge. Now the MP has invited the group to visit the Houses of Parliament for a day trip and tour. Tessa said: “Scouts is such a good way for Young People to get involved within their communities. I relish visits like these. The enthusiasm of the Scouts is inspirational.” Scout Community week runs from the 14th – 20th of May this year, you can find out loads more at

Gang show in Taunton


reparations are underway for Taunton’s 2012 Gang Show. In April the gang will take over Taunton’s Brew House theatre for a series of song tastic performances encompassing all the usual wit and aplomb that goes with gang show.

Streets ahead

ScoutOut will be bringing you behind the scenes coverage as we delve back stage to accompany the show’s black gang during performance time.


couts from Hewarth are setting off on a mammoth cycling challenge soon as they attempt to cycle 1000 miles between Lands End and John O Groats. The endeavour is in aid of the group’s new Scout hall roof which needs completely replacing. On April 2nd the cyclists will be passing through Street and hope to find a bed for the night in the area. The team are also hoping to meet and cycle with as many Scouts as they can during their trip. So to that end you are all invited to Street to wave the adventurers through! Email


. . . t cou Tye dye tastic


lastic bands, some cotton t-shirts and lot of clothes dye gets you a fun-filled evening of tye dyeing.

Beavers from 1st Bridgwater Wembdon St Georges’ Beaver colony took on this tye dye challenge as part of their experimental badge and by all accounts the experiment was a great success. The group also had a visit from local rescue centre Spread your wings. The Beavers learnt about Owls and other birds of prey, their behaviour and how this rescue centre are helping to rehabilitate birds. We all enjoyed meeting the birds, and most of all, we were able to touch two of the Owls. Leader stephen said: “The activity was a great success and all the Beavers enjoyed unveiling their finished results.”

A training first


or the first time in Somerset a leader from Taunton has achieved an OCN 2 (equivalent to a GCSE) external accreditation for completing the Scout leader training modules. Tracey Hyman, ASL at 1st Wellington worked towards her Providing Voluntary Services Award OCN Level 2 and at the same time completed her training. “I’m just looking forwards now to receiving my wood badge,” said Tracey. Managers in Scouting can also go and do a Managing Voluntary Youth Services OCN 3 qualification which is equivalent to an A Level. Tracey told us she really enjoys volunteering with Wellington and urges leaders to contact their training advisors for more opportunities to validate the hard work that goes into Scout training with an external qualification.

International opportunities


ave you seen the huge number of international trips on offer this year? They are quite literally going on everywhere.

Highlights from the list include a celebration of 20 years of Russian Scouting in May, the AsiaPacific Regional Jamboree in Sri Lanka this April as well as Nices 2012 - a camp in Nederweert in the Netherlands. Check out the full list online.

Quantock challenge


couts and Explorers are invited to a huge wide game on the Quantocks on March 17th. Canoeing guru, leader at Wilton and purveyor of stripy paint (he thinks he’s funny) Robin Harris is organising the event. Basically the Explorers chase the Scouts through the woods in the dark. Should be a lot of fun! Adults also invited. Drop us a line on scoutout@ and we’ll pop you in touch.

Over the moon Moot


ould go camping on the moon? One small step for man and all that. Well this time, it may be one small step for an Explorer Scout but it’s one giant leap space exploration. The island at Buddens in Dorset is going to be turned into a moon landing base and those with jet packs and air tanks are invited to camp there during the forthcoming Explorer Moot 2012. As well as these lunar lols, the Explorer Moot will include kayaking, canoeing, rafting, tunnelling, bushcraft, climbing, bouldering, shooting, sports, crate stacking, archery, wide games, night hikes, beach craft and rockets. On top of all this, the Somerset Network hope to be in attendance to celebrate with the Explorers their joint 10th birthday. There will be a birthday cake baking competion as well as a chariot race. Winner takes all. Check out www.somersetscouts.

o t s e F t u o Sc S

omerset’s flagship event of 2012 UK. is making its mark around the that Bookings figures now in reveal est larg the be to s inue cont t ScoutFes South Scouting event to be run in the t West this year and the bright even road the on busy been banners have trips. accompanying Scouts on their

Snowdon, The Somerset Network hiked up the banner Wales’ highest mountain, with summit photographing it not only at the n out but in several spots halfway dow team our of e som Then d. clou of the

U Know went to Langport to do a Think le there presentation and the young peop er even bann The t. tFes Scou for can’t wait s from accompanied a group of Explorer February Taunton who went kayaking in . rton Tive to Exe r down the Rive er has But it doesn’t stop there, the bann phed been to Gilwell park and photogra to the next to Baden Powell, it’s been it’s and n anto Winc in ScoutFest site ge of even been to the small Welsh villa m. Bethlehe

n o d w o n S Up

er to There are plans afoot for the bann on Lond the run to tor, ury climb Glastonb er packing Marathon and to send the bann to Cornwall for the weekend. the It might be something to do with on editi ed limit y awa g givin fact we’re anyone embroided ScoutFest badges for tFest daring enough to take the Scou ! banner on a tour Drop us a line:

on tour

In Langport

After kayakin g the River Exe

e t a w r e t Win e th n o g in m r fo s le ic ic f Beware o end of your nose.


t certainly looked warm on the February kayaking trip, it certainly wasn’t. But a chill in the air wasn’t going to stop a band of Somerset Scout paddlers taking on six miles of tumultuous river, several weirs and a massive fallen oak tree blocking the course.

Bolham Weir

Robin Harris, 1st Wilton Taunton, runs our county canoeing and kayaking. Three times a week in the summer you’ll find teams of paddlers on the Tone making use of Tangier Scout and Guide Centre’s new canoe store. Once a month Robin leads expeditions and day trips sometimes down rivers, sometimes on our canal network, sometimes at sea. Wherever the water flows Robin’s expeditions go. And all ages and abilities take on the challenge. Profficient white water kayakers together with novice paddlers enjoy the trips often finishing having really stretched themselves. February’s trip took on the River Exe just on the outskirts of West Somerset from Bolham Weir to Bickleigh Mill. The stretch takes in weirs of different kinds, staggered descending pools, wide open calm stretches of water together with rough shallows. The trip took just over six hours and at the end was a convenient resting house which did a roaring trade in hot chocolate when the Scouts turned up wet and cold. The Somerset Scouts run loads of water sport opportunities. You can head to Taunton and learn canoeing and kayaking with Robin, formalise your skills at Sutton Bingham near Yeovil or in Watchet with the Sea Scouts. Or if you’re like Chris Bartlett - picture right - you can go kayaking at every possible opportunity riding the biggest wave you can find, searching out the most intense route down the weir and not shying away from white waters even in chilly February! If you fancy it for you or your group email and we’ll put you in touch.



About where the tree had fallen across the Exe and completely blocked its course. Nothing a little portage couldn’t solve though.




This is Jess, one of our star Young Spoke’s People...

Your Chance To be part of the Somerset Scouts


e launched our comms champions project in 2012. A chance for young people in Somerset’s districts to play a part in speaking up about their Scouting experiences. Media is so key to achieving our 2018 vision within Scouting. Part of that vision is about growth and helping young people feel empowered by Scouting. So by using the media we advertise Scouting to people who’ve no idea what we’re all about, we invite new people to the movement and promote growth. But as well as growth, giving young people the access to our media work allows them to feel empowered to speak up. Not just to tell their Scouting story but to campaign about something important to them. Whether it’s the rain tax or a local issue media work can give you the skills and ability to take your campaign forwards.

Media Team

Our District Communications Champion project is looking for young people in Somerset’s districts to be on the media team. Reporters on the ground seeking out stories about Scouting, looking after a district website and telling others in their district about opportunities and stories at County. Not only is the role varied and great for any CV but the role is exciting, fast paced and great fun. We’re recruiting now so drop us or your local District Commissioner a line. We’ll be meeting and starting to work with the recruited Champions at ScoutFest 2012 so plenty of time to get involved. Email if you would like to find out more.

SAT 17/3

County Swimming

SUN 15/3

Presentation Day

SAT 28/3

Chess & Draughts

FRI 4/5 to 7/5

FRI 1/6 to 4/6

It’s the County Swimming Challenge held, this year, in Taunton. Swimming caps at the ready, bring a towel. Rubber boats not permitted. Our annual awards presentation ceremony.

This isn’t any old friendly check mate - this is your fully fledged, high flying chess and draughts championships. It’s in Camelot and it’s for Scouts.

Explorer MOOT

Over the moon Moot this year at Buddens in Dorset. Huge fun to be had camping in a bivouwac on the island.


Four days of the largest event to take place in the South West this year. If you haven’t booked yet there is still time, but not much!

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ITV interview Bear Grylls in Somerset 2011

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