Somerset Scouts Impact Review 2012

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Somerset Scouts’ Impa 2012



Shaun Dale: County Commissioner


t has been an honour to be your County Commissioner during the past year. So many varied and exciting events, activities and programmes have been delivered and I have been privileged to witness some of the best Scouting I have ever seen. No wonder for the 7th year running the numbers of Young People and Adult Leaders involved in Scouting has increased. We now have 5,000 people regularly enjoying Scouting in Somerset. The World Scout Jamboree was an international highlight in 2011. To see our contingent members growing in confidence as a result of participating is wonderful.

Somerset Scouts Our Adventure

But the two contingents represented a small fragment of Scouting across Somerset. Our camps, caving, climbing, badges, new skills and friendships made are milestones that everyone involved in Scouting can look on with pride. Nationally, Scouting continues to grow with 525,000 members spread across the UK, all members of one movement, sharing one goal and working together to achieve it. Thanks must be given to the non-uniformed and uniformed adults that support Scouting across the County in every one of the 67 groups, seven districts and at county level. You all give your time, experience and energy so generously. You make Scouting what it is.

As we look forward, our national economic position means that, more than ever, we need Scouting to provide value for money, whilst still ensuring we offer young people the opportunity to develop to their full potential in a safe and friendly environment. I believe we have, and continue to do this, across the County. Pages elsewhere in this review tell of some of the adventures of the previous year, looking forward we plan to enhance Scouting across the County and have started work to provide Scouting in some of the communities we currently don’t serve well. I hope that we are able to capture a little of the London 2012 legacy in terms of volunteering that will allow us to expand this work even further.

Our ‘Think You Know’ training we deliver to all Scouts and Explorers on a rolling three year programme is starting to help equip our members to live in a digital age. Internet Safety is essential and if we are to play a complete and meaningful part in young people’s lives then those skills are as relevant today as camp cooking. This is just one example of how we must ensure that Scouting remains relevant today. The national 2018 vision is also outlined in this report but in closing I would urge everyone to participate in the local programmes being developed and run across the County to ensure we remain at the forefront of Scouting’s vision.


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2018 will make every couting’s vision for red, d old feel empowe member young an valued and proud.

started preparing for In Somerset we’ve out in line with The Sc our journey to 2018

t to launch and roll ou Association’s vision nal tio na e th d ete interpr the regions. We’ve for ns tio ed appropriate ac agenda and identifi Somerset. r vision Here’s a taste of ou

Scouting in 2018 will: Make a positive impact

We’ll be finding ways to support districts and groups engage with Scout Community Week in a positive way for Scouting and for the communities in which we live.

Prepare young people to be active citizens Think You Know training gives young people the tools to be safe in an online community. TUK will continue as one way of preparing our young people for society.

Have a different and flexible way of delivering Scouting to Young People

Our approach will help deliver Scouting into hard-to-reach communities in Somerset. We’ll be supporting innovative ideas to tackle waiting lists and reach more young people.

to come:

2/3 of groups taking part in

Scout Community Week by in 2018

All Scouts & Explorers TUK trained on a three year rolling basis.

Development of online Scouting.

Embrace and contribute to social change

Scouting can inspire positive social change and we will be facilitating more Scouts Speak Up and Scouts Question Time opportunities as well as iMedia training.

Delivering diverse programme zones

As Scouting continues to be relevant to young people and the lives they lead we will continue to equip our leaders with the tools to manage My Body My Choice awareness. Somerset Scouts Our Adventure


Scouting in 2018 will be Shaped by young people in partnership with adults

Somerset will create a positive environment for the appointment of younger people within the Senior Management partnership.

Enjoyed by more young people and adult volunteers

Support and resources will come for continued and sustainable growth in Young People and Adult Leaders in all districts of the county.

As diverse as the communities in which we live

Support and resources to equip leaders to ensure all groups are open to all in every way including the inclusion of Girls in Scouting, LGBT members, ethnic minorities and disabled people.

In 2018 our members will feel Empowered, valued and proud.

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Our adventure eir h t d e n i ga ads e b d o o w



groups took part in Scout Community Week


years of Beavers


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Adult Leaders with Training Advisors Training Advisors

840 like us on Facebook




days of adult training delivered: an increase of:


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18 months of great Scouting

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org. www.somersetscouts.

The Somerset County Scout Council. Tangier Scout and Guide Centre, Castle Street, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 4AS


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