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Richard Liam Jones

twitter: @rijones88 Tel: 07956157036


PROFILE As well as writing for a selection of football websites and publications, I also have a keen interest in publication design - something that has stemmed from university, where I completed studies in Publication Design and Advanced Layout Design for Print. To compliment my skills as a writer, I feel it is important to be equally adept in publication design, as producing copy and publication design often go hand-in-hand.

PRoblem pages magazine To gain more experience in publication design, I applied for a junior designer role for a start-up magazine prototype AGES called Problem Pages. OR ALL AGES F For the project I worked with the lead designer to produce spreads using text provided. Although the magazine did not make the shelves, it was an invaluable experience to consider advanced design concepts.

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The idea was to create a publication where the pages and problems really jumped out at the reader to make them want to read each one. Eye-catching pages were created through careful consideration of imagery, pull-quotes, colour and how all the page elements combine and interact.

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The following pages are what I created for the magazine... REFERENCES AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST




Publication Design CV

web: email:

EDUCATION BA (Hons) Magazine Journalism, University of Southampton Solent Comprehensive study enhancing website content creation, photography, feature writing, proof-reading & sub-editing skills. Ilfracombe College of Media Arts 4 A-Levels, and 6 GCSEs grades A*-C including English, Mathematics and Fine Art.


May 2011-present: Desktop Publisher, Classic Folios • Accustomed to tight deadlines, co-ordinating efficient job creation & completion • Regularly exceed targets by 20% • Daily use of Indesign and sound knowledge of publication printing

key skills photoshop indesign dreamweaver Quark illustrator microSoft office sub-editing photography

Mar-May 2010 Designer, Flying Squirrel Magazine Designer for student publication simulating professional production process: • Created style guide/page templates and defined paragraph styles • Enhanced knowledge of Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop & InDesign • Influenced & maintained impeccable design standards as well as attention to detail despite tight deadlines Sep 2010-May2011 Publication Design Mentor Taught 1st year students the fundamentals of newspaper creation & design Dec 2009 Placement, North Devon Journal Improved research/interview techniques, wrote news stories & features. Assisted content creation, collation and editing for the website.



HE’S THREATENING TO LEAVE OVER NO BIG O PROBLEM... My boyfriend makes me feel abnormal and paranoid because I can’t climax. I’m 20 and he’s 23. We get on great but we have an issue with sex. I can’t climax through intercourse and he keeps telling me it’s weird. He says he might dump me because he hates that I can’t do it. I told him most girls don’t climax this way but he insists that isn’t true. I haven’t slept with him for nearly a month because I’m scared he’ll leave me. How can he love me like he says when he makes me feel so bad? ADVICE... You are right that only a minority of women usually climax through intercourse. Most need other stimulation. Tell him it’s no criticism of his sexual technique and suggest he listen to the advice line today on giving a girl an orgasm. Then ,if you seriously care for one another, get back to sharing some sensuous pleasure.


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PROBLEM... My girlfriend thinks my penis is huge, but I know for a fact that it’s average. Should I tell her the truth? We’re both 18 and sexually active, although we haven’t had full sex yet. I measure 6.2in in length and 5.1 in girth. I’ve looked online and I know that there are lots of men bigger than me. But I love it when she tells me I’m big and I’m worried she’ll stop if I tell her the truth. ADVICE...Those guys who look massive online are chosen because they are usually large, but don’t let them make you feel small. If you want to talk statistics, at 6.2in you are well above average in size, so your girlfriend’s not being fooled.

DANGEROUS LIAISON PROBLEM... I’m pregnant after having sex with my boyfriend’s brother. My boyfriend thinks the baby is his but I don’t know what to do. I’m 20 and my boyfriend is 21. He got into trouble and was sent to jail. After a few weeks later I slept with his brother. I’m not proud of what I did but I’ve decided to keep my baby. The brother doesn’t want anyone to know it’s his – he has a girlfriend and have three kids already. My boyfriend is keen for us to have this baby but I don’t want to be with him anymore. He is in prison for assault and is dangerous. He’s not due to be released for a couple of years but I am already worried for the safety of myself and my child. He is capable of anything. ADVICE... If you keep the baby, you can’t hide the fact that isn’t your boyfriend’s child. The date you give birth will give the game way. I’m really worried for you. You can’t just keep your fingers crossed. Get advice so you’re safe – and you need help supporting your child, so your boyfriend’s brother will have to have cope with the secret coming out. Talk to CareConfidential (0800 028 2228, They can help you make decisions now. Longer term, talk to the National Domestic Violence helpline (, 0808 200 0247 and Child maintenance options (0800 988 0988,

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EX PREGNANT-NOW FIANCEE’S HAVING A BABY PROBLEM... When my girlfriend told me she was pregnant I fainted because my ex just told me she’s pregnant too. I’m 25 and my girlfriend is 2. We’ve been together for six months. We met only a couple of weeks when I split with my ex. She had anger problems and she’d been seeing a counsellor. After a hostile goodbye I moved back in with my parents. That’s when I met my current girlfriend. She started working at the same restaurant as me. After a week of chatting with her I asked her out for a drink. Afterwards we went to her flat. Soon we were kissing. The next thing I knew we were having sex. It was awesome. Our relationship went from strength to strength and we fell madly in love. Then my ex announced she was pregnant and the baby is my. My new girlfriend stood by me, which made me love her even more. She said she loved me so I asked her to marry me and she accepted. It was great until she said she was pregnant as well. I fainted when she told me. I can’t cope with two women pregnant at the same time. How will I afford it? I think I’m losing my mind a bit with stress. I daren’t mention the word abortion.


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ADVICE... You’ve had two shocks but stay calm. Your ex will be legally entitled to claim maintenance but tell her you will insist on DNA tests. Remember that the babies are innocent ones in all of this and are both entitled to have a loving, caring father. You must let your current girlfriend decide whether she has the baby but be honest with her about your worries. If she’s not ready to be a mum and you really love one another, you have a long future in which to start a family.




PROBLEM... My mum has money worries so she expects me to help her out but it affects my relationship with my boyfriend. She’s 40 and has always struggled so when I got a job I paid my keep and gave her the odd 20 or 30 quid extra to help out. I’m 20 now and have moved in with my boyfriend but mum still asks me for money. My fella is really fed up with it because we have our own bills to pay and mum’s demands leave me short every month. ADVICE... You have to stop subbing your mother because it discourages her from getting a grip on her finances. Explain you can’t keep bailing her out then help her to work out a budget for herself, taking into account all of her outgoings and income. If she has debts to sort out, help her make an appointment with your local Citizens Advice Bureau (see heighten the experience for him.

LAST GIR HIM SEX FL MADE LOP PROBLEM... My boyfriend can’t perform in bed after his ex told him he was bad in bed. I’m 25 and he’s 30. We’ve been together for almost a year. He split up with his ex six years ago. He fell apart and it’s prevented him performing in the bedroom. I’ve tried to be understanding but I’ve ran out of patience. He does try but he says I am the one with the problem as I’m putting too much pressure on him. He’s made me feel stupid and hurt as if I’ve wasting my time. I don’t want to give up on him. ADVICE... His ex hurt him in a cruellest way she could. His problem now is almost certainly anxiety. Fear of losing an erection is enough to make it happen-anxiety blocks his sexual responses. Agree not to have full sex for a while to take the pressure off. Do lots of sexy touching and find other ways to turn each other on. Then you’ll find his erections return.



CRUSH ON BAR GIRL PROBLEM... I have a huge crush on a beautiful colleague of mine. We share a secret kiss at work but we are both committed elsewhere. I’m 21 and she’s 23. We work together in the bar and flirt all the time. Both of us are in happy long-term relationships but somehow that makes us to flirt even more. The thought of going behind our partner’s backs is such a turn-on. We want to see more of each other but agree we can’t face the prospect of our partners finding out. The trouble is I can’t get this girl out of my mind. I know what I’m doing is wrong but she gives me this indescribable feeling. It’s getting too hard to resist. ADVICE... You are pushing your luck and you know it. What’s really going on here? You say you love your girlfriend, but you are scared of making a real commitment? Maybe you feel you are too young to settle down yet. What are your dreams for the future? Who do you want to be with, now and in the years to come? It’s time to step back and be honest with everyone, but most of all with yourself. Don’t risk what you have without working it through.

HOOKED ON HOOKERS PROBLEM... My sex life at home is great but I don’t know why I keep on going to prostitutes. I’m a 35-year-old man and have lived with my partner for five years. We have a boy of four and I love him with all my heart. I am obsessed with sex it makes me angry and disgusted. I have never told anyone my secret. I was abused by my aunt when I was a child. At the time I thought we were playing a game. She would hide money on her body and make me find it and use me to satisfy herself. Now I am scared I’ve caught an STI from a hooker. I have never had unprotected sex but did receive oral unprotected and feel sore when I go to the loo. I am so scared I will lose everything I have at home.

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ADVICE... The real damage of the abuse you suffered is to mess up your ability to enjoy normal relations as an adult. Now you feel you fell driven to take risks with your happiness by paying for sex. In a way it’s good if the health sexual scare has made you confront your secret life. Avoid sex with your partner until you have had a sexual health check – Get details of your local clinic form the Sexual health Line (0800 567 123).

HER DAD WILL HIT IF I SPLIT PROBLEM... I want to break up with my girlfriend but I’m scared that her dad will beat me up if I do. We’re both 20 and her dad is 37. He is an ex-boxer with a bad temper. I can’t carry on with it though. She lies to me all the time and the relationship just feels it’s dragging on. She said she was at an audition last night but when I drove by her house, I could see her through the window-and she seemed to be having a party. ADVICE... It sounds as though she feels this relationship has gone too long already. Tell her you get the feeling that she is ready to move on. Make it as easy as possible for her to feel that she is making the choice quite freely. Then she can tell her dad that it’s over but there is no bitterness-no reason for him to get angry. I’m sending you my free leaflet Ending A Relationship to help smooth things over bit if you do feel threatened by her dad, talk to the police about your worries. 28 PROBLEM PAGES 1st ISSUE

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CHEAT FEARS PROBLEM... My girlfriend has joined an online dating site though we have been together for three years and lived together for two. I am 31 and she is 28. I thought it weird she would want to do this but now more than 100 people have been looking at her profile and dozens of guys are emailing her. She says it is only because her friend is on the site and wants to show her pictures of guys she knows. My girlfriend says she has only ever replied to one. Am I just paranoid?

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ADVICE... Leading guys on is bad news, whatever your girlfriend’s intentions. Tell her it hurts your feelings that she is spending time on them rather than with you and that it leaves you feeling insecure. Ask her how she would feel if you were looking at women on dating sites – hopefully she will get the message.

I FEAR AXE OVER MY ANTI-CLIMAX PROBLEM... I think I’ve lost my mojo. I have trouble climaxing when I have sex with my girl and she’s starting to think she doesn’t turn me on. I am 27 and I have found the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. But when we make love I get so far and can’t finish what I’ve started. I used to hear my stepdad having sex with my mum and the noise made me feel sick. I guess it’s still bothering me. I worry my girlfriend will leave over it.

ADVICE... It was natural for you to hate hearing your mum with the man who had replaced your dad. But there is no reason your girlfriend should not feel satisfied whether you ejaculate or not. It is likely intercourse means less to her than other ways you can make love. Get help from Relate to dispel those images (0300 100 1234,

SHE ‘SEXTED’ PROBLEM...I found out my girlfriend has been “sexting” another man. She’s said she’s sorry but I feel crushed. I’m 24 and she’s 22. We’ve been together for three years and our sex life is amazing. She said it was just texts but every time I see her I think of what was in them. It makes me furious thinking about of what could have happened if hadn’t found out. She’s changed her number to prove it was a mistake but can I trust her?

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ADVICE... Trust once broken takes time to rebuild but it can be done. You’ve got to talk lots and hug lots – tell her you love her and want to get over this crisis. Does she know herself why she texted this guy? Is there something that you can put right? By all means give her a second chance but make sure she realises it’s her last.




WORK GIRL’S TEMPTING ME PROBLEM... I have shared drunken kisses with a work colleague and I am beginning to feel like I could fall for her. But she always goes back for her ex-boyfriend and I have a partner I have been with for three years. I am 27. Things were great between my girlfriend and me at first but we have drifted and I am starting to question is she is the one. I flirt outrageously with this girl at work. She is 23. I have always found her attractive. She brings me excitement and laughter. I thought the feelings were mutual but she still sees a guy who treats her badly. She tells me about him all the time and I keep imagining I am the one who will make her happy. She says I would be good for her too but still goes back to him. I know I shouldn’t be flirting like this but I can’t get her out of my mind and it is starting to pressure on my current relationship. ADVICE... You and your work colleague have recognised the same need in one another. You both yearn for passion and excitement. The problem is flirtation is going nowhere. Decide what to do about your current girlfriend first. If you love her, make an effort to improve your relationship and sex life with her. Talk to her about it or, if you don’t be honest enough to end the relationship so you are free to look for someone else – someone who is also free.

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PROBLEM... My wife drinks herself into a stupor and leaves me in charge of our oneyear-old girl. How’s this all going to end? I’m 34 and she is 29. It’s starting to look inevitable she’s going to dump me soon. I’m sure she will try to limit my time with our daughter like she’s threatened in the past. I don’t like the way she screams at her other two kids and don’t want her treating my daughter like this. Sometimes she just ignores her and drinks herself stupid all day. I’m in a panic and worried about leaving my girl with her mum. What can I do? ADVICE... You’re right to be worried. With a serious drinking habit your wife is not able to give her children the care they need. She needs help with her problem, but the most important need is to make sure the kids are safe. Contact NSPCC (08080 800 5000, Let us know how it goes.

SACKED AFTER SLAPPING WIFE PROBLEM... I’ve lost my job because I slapped wife in the face after a misunderstanding, and a few cans too many of beer. The cause was that my wife wasn’t interested in sex. She called the police and I was later released with a caution but I have apologised and we have since made up. I am 48 and worked in a care home with vulnerable adults so it cost me my job. How long will it be on my record and is there anything I can do to stop it affecting my career? ADVICE... For most jobs you don’t have to disclose the caution when applying, but you would have to do so for those involving children and vulnerable adults. It would also show up in a Criminal Records Bureau check. But make clear it was a one-off you regret. Contact Nacro Resettlement Plus Helpline (020 7840 6464,

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richard liam jones

twitter: @rijones88 email: web:

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