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Richard Arkin
I HAVE POSTED A MORE RECENT (09/03/09) UPDATE IS IN THE "ACTIVITIES" SECTION OF MY PROFILE. UPDATE (06/15/09) – Many of my friends know that I was in an auto accident last December (one that very nearly did me in) and that I have been recovering since then at various facilities in Baltimore. For those who are interested, here are some details: The accident was a high-speed head-on collision with a truck (it was the truck driver's fault, for what it's worth) in Mount Airy, MD December 6, 208, at about 2:30 p.m. I was extricated from the wreckage by local EMTs, who then transported me to the University of Maryland Medical Center's Shock-Trauma Hospital in Baltimore. I suffered multiple severe traumatic injuries and was near death from internal bleeding when I reached Shock-Trauma. I underwent four operations that week and three more in the following weeks at Shock-Trauma. I had intense rehabilitation therapy in Baltimore during the next few months at UMMC's Kernan Hospital and at Levindale, a specialt