Theoria Greek for contemplation
Taking the work of Otto, Fuller and Dieste as precedents, I will begin an intensive period of physical modelling and digital simulation of their analogue experiments. The work will be accompanied by software training sessions where I will explore techniques and develop skills computational design (Rhino3D and Grasshopper with associated plug-ins), developing an arsenal of digital skills to incorporate in later work. I will then develop & demonstrate an understanding, simulate, model, hack and/or hybridise.
Simulate Frei Otto - Minimal Surfaces
Simulate Buckminster Fuller - Icosahedron & Geodesic Sphere. A digital study into the formation of an Icasahedron and the process of becoming a Geodesic Sphere.
Simulate Eladio Dieste - Curvature
Hack and Hybridise Minimal Surface - Physical hybridisation of Frei Otto bubble experiments. Undertaking this exercise has allowed me to further understand how a material will find the path of least resistance when acting within a boundary even on different planes.
Hack and Hybridise Geodesic Dome - Structural details, process of construction and forces that are present in a geodesic dome.
6 Point Connector. These for the centres of the Hexagons and are made up of 4no. member A and 2no. member B. The angle of the members potruding from the central node is 18o.
5 Point Connector. These for the centres of the Pentagons and are made up entirely member B. The angle of the members potruding from the central node is 15.86o.
Base Connector. Member A
Member B
This forms the base to the dome and is formed by 3no. member A and 1no. member B
Hack and Hybridise Geodesic Dome - How hard could it be to make a Geodesic Dome? As I found out extremely difficult. Some of the problems were the angles of each triangle and the exact length of match stick.
Hack and Hybridise Bubble Dome - Using the understanding gained though study I formed a dome with elements incorporated from previous forms and applying a skin through the use of soap bubbles (image 1). For the construction process an internal scaffold was used this can be seen in image 2. An external scaffold was required to form boundaries for bubble formation, this occurred but with the internal scaffold present the desired outcome was not achieved (images 3&4). Once the internal scaffold was removed only external boundaries remained image 5, and the soap bubbles formed over the geometry.
Theoria to contemplate (to think about). This has been done by gaining an understanding of who Otto, Fuller and Dieste were/are. With all three there is a complexity to their work that needed to be understood before any attempt could be made to simulate and use. In all cases the use of computer software enabled me to begin to understand first hand how the Minimal Surface, Geodesic Sphere and Curvature worked in 3-dimensions and how each could be edited using the software. I was then successfully able to physically test these findings with regards to a Minimal Surface over 3 planes, a Geodesic Dome and a Minimal Surface Dome. I feel this was a successful exercise to undertake a furthering my knowledge of the complexities that can be produced and through the ongoing software tutorials I will be able to use the skills and understanding I have contemplated on.