The Weight of Silk on Skin | Review | The Daily Seni

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Review: The Weight of Silk on Skin (DPAC, 2016) /v3/the-weight-of-silk-on-skin-review-dpac/ Reviews Now Reading Review: The Weight of Silk on Skin (DPAC, 2016) Next Prev

148 2 0 by Deric EctFebruary 27, 2016 Monday Show Entertainment quietly dazzles in debuting Huzir’s script at the local black box, but John’s heart seems elsewhere. Premiering in Malaysia five years after first stealing breath in Singapore, Huzir Sulaiman‘s intimate, enthrallingly adult look at a man continues to charm, titillate and mend. Conjuring the delightful, solitary John Au Yong as an alpha male, director Richard Chua reaches out on a wider scale by investing in the emotional core of John’s journey. Most-successfully realising Richard’s vision is set designer Waylon Ling, who thoughtfully mounts the story onto a Dieter Rams turntable. John at times seems untouched by the weight of his own words in this latest incarnation — occasionally haphazard with his diction — but he looks absolutely fantastic in his Ted Baker suit, and so does every other sleekly-designed item within his reach. Tugging heartstrings under cold, blue light as he

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