Stop Feeling Angry

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Stop Feeling Angry

Image by Reportergimmi via Flickr

You sometimes react quickly when faced with a situation. You lash out instead of taking a step back to see what needs to be done. You then end up regretting what you did or what you said. If you’re prone to feelings of frustration, you definitely need to manage your emotions. You’ll be faced with more pressure. This is a part of life, but when you’re quick to lose your temper, you’re eventually going to lose the respect of the people around you. Some people have isolated themselves because they’ve already reacted negatively to a lot of situations. People flee from them and avoid them at all cost. You don’t want to be this kind of person. You need to surround yourself with friends and supporters, and the only way to do that is to be nice. This doesn’t mean that you deny yourself of real emotions. It’s okay to feel angry. After all, some situations can be frustrating. It’s how you deal with it that makes a world of difference.

Manage how you feel and get your emotions under control by being aware of whom you are. Notice what you’re feeling and thinking. Then, think about what caused it. Being able to take a step back takes skill, but this will be invaluable to you because you stop yourself from doing something you eventually regret. Admit that you’re hurt. This doesn’t mean that you’re a bad person. It just means that you’re human and that you’re disposed to to having feelings. Just understand why you’re feeling this way so that in the future, you’ll be able to take calculated steps in handling difficult situations. You may even avoid putting yourself in the same spot if you’re careful enough.


Learn to express your anger without resorting to painful words and insults. Keeping your emotions bottled up deep within isn’t the healthiest way to go. This could one day explode to cataclysmic proportions because you won’t be able to control yourself. Talk to a friend. If you can, calmly approach the person who has hurt you. Do this only when you’ve calmed yourself down. Always be diplomatic about it. Don’t cross boundaries or resort to violence. No one likes to be insulted. So, don’t hurl painful words at someone else. It helps to explain where you’re coming from and you’ll be surprised at how understanding most of the people are.

Feelings of anger can be easily dealt with. However, these might not disappear quickly. It takes a while before you actually calm down. It helps to find constructive ways to channel their anger. Some people prefer to meditate. Others head straight to the gym. Do whatever helps you calm down and make sure that you never become violent. Give yourself time to calm down before you actually deal with the situation. Time is your ally here and you’ll see that if you step out of the situation long enough, you’ll be able to think clearly and objectively. More importantly, you’ll be able to find constructive ways to make the situation better.

I need to stop feeling so angry all the time! — NabilaFarazi (Nabila Farazi? ) (@NabilaFarazi) Wed Nov 7 2012

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Stop Feeling Angry

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