Social Masks|MA|FMP|Falmouth University

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People are more immersed by social media and by how many ‘likes’ or ‘follows’ they receive. The concept of reality is near to non-existent thus dividing families and relationships due to the constant abuse of social media. C Hawley

It’s like you’re wearing a mask, you become a ‘better’ version of yourself. Life looks ‘perfect’ but it’s a toxic thing. Its damaging to yourself, friendships and relationships, Toxic. I Lyon

Social media; a place to lie and paint the perfect picture. Nothing but over-sharing and a chance to slander someone or something. E Kennedy

It used to be a place to share holiday photos and friendships. It’s turned into a place of darkness, exploiting the vulnerable children, teenagers and adults of today's society. A Rodger

I think social media makes people less aware of people's intentions, many of my friends have people on Facebook they have never met. L Wallis

People don't realise it but they are infected and that’s the worst part of it; everything you see is a lie. Selfies are edited, personalities are faked, will anyone be able to stop this never-ending cycle of toxicity? D Hartshorn

I feel as though it’s almost like a web. As soon as you put one little leg on that web you quickly become tangled up in something much bigger. M Bowers

People use it to pretend to be someone they’re not. Sadly, social media is something that you are almost required to have in today’s society. R Foster

It allows me to keep up to date with current affairs on a more universal platform. It can damage the development of people's social skills in young people. R Hyde

I personally find Instagram very contradicting because it’s a fantastic platform to share my work, however I feel frustrated when I don’t get around 30 likes. I have even removed a photo because it didn’t get many likes. D Mills

Infectious, Contagious, social media lies dormant until you catch a glance. We then become obsessive, consumed, enslaved to our technology. Unable to disconnect from the online world. The more interactions with social media the more we plead ignorance to the world around us. N Meek

Social media has curbed our basic social skills and our means of finding something meaningful to do. J Whitehead

Social media is hate, sadness, jealousy and spite. It’s something we’re meant to embrace but instead, it’s used to tear each other down. N Strong

Social media can be unpredictable and misleading, too many people get caught up in escapism and false identities. Be careful who your friends are? F Major

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