June 30 memo

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Japan6s. Prtm. Mtnister T.Eka'6 t/i.rt: T16 aus.tior

lrrtar shourd b. ttr. ,ocu5 .t lte pre3iitenr'B m..ri!gs wilh Iorh.r ?lifre &ltnlst€r s.t lD JanEly t9?2 and wiin P!ls. MI!l.!€r:ao^ka lE.t 6uffi! y.o qxla€ ol,wlous in advan.e. TIr€ sah. does 3oefr to be tle co5. vith Tanal@16 uFcohttr! atdtt nt th6 end ol this^ot hcn!l'. Thi€ hemoranil:h duggeors a pe16pecllwEr ana.akE approvf,l nr or!.r to !;oce€d,iti pr.pa!ario. for ths etsft-

tfu hajo! !ibt.r^l problems

lhar !.v€ o..upi.d ou! a*cntlon in our ?o!i.y lor the palt two year6 are nos esr.riially out ot dr. *ay, This 13 clea'ly rhe .aa. vir}] china policy, and vhdt ,emalh6 of our bi1..:rr,1 ccorom:c orobl.md should bc aC-qr-reiy dLitr vitS rr ECONCOItTXon rury l6-t?. (Th. trresidrnr a.d p!im. \Iini-.u' Tan.ka miglt wish to conltra a! rhcir h.eiing 4ny urdei6rnndtrg3 oE thiE or othrr blr.r6!zt ploblehs whi.! €me!ges from tho Tokro h".lthe.l Ther.:'. ro mrjor tmeditrre 5L)'rerrl decurrN problFm, r, 1 :Fqulre a,r.nrron Ju-,n3 rhe T3naka wtst,. JaPnn

I Foukl E!Se.6t Geefore llar .,'tp.n .ooeera.,.. of,


l6c!d of tns Trnaka visit be

U. S. -

r ,1,ll., ii;;;l;;:::;;l;;1;., ^::-rh.re coud ln.Iuda, on rre rerionlt 3-dc,lndo.i,lh- !chroir"1.ro-, th" t<o;::n :eni*r:aJiiiiiliiiiii dcvcropdror, :n i pr.in, b^sln ...'omic .ooperalnn, Th. quc.rion. ot (on:ir,uin3 roo!d,n !r:oh of U.S. !.d J.frn.se.pp.or.np! to norrarizing retlt-on6 stlh Lfi. P&C and ol a pos.i!]e Japlr€se !.gional 6ecu"ily lolc could a13o b. rcvieeed b.letty, on rh. ptobat atdt, hultuat.rat probleo6 .ou1d atclude the Auauu. parlne.snrp, 6hersy {whl.h wourd @erlap virh p

!6gional queBtton of Stb3rl&D econohtc dev.lopm6nr). End had. ana honPtary poticy {ehirh prcsuhably woutd atrF,dy have l,cen 1r....d ih some derait ar ECONCOM IXl.


-za Jo.u3 wo!.1d


t44lut fi,a tLl


i.rve r.w.ral basic or)i.!ti€s in oui Jalan poll.v:

To ti, lo movE J.!i! tosn!d a mo!. broadly conceiwed regional aid gloh.1 r.l. that iroula be hore conm.nrurat. stln htrr ec.nolni'i !o?e! (rhe Piedid.nt could thoa €xplicate tha th.r!6 ot d1€ J:Pf,n cl.plor in ht. aor6lsn Po1ic, Rr!.:! this y.ar),

mole conEtructiv.ly nr alcas vL.* }l€! .oop.lattod is lhportani to asy re.olutl.n ot ths ptobl4tne-

-- To €dsase jaa.h'6 .ne!gle.

-- to tly 1o .!€aie nee Japalese vested lnteres!, in otr 3lli,.ce t.lationshlp by thv6lvilg J&pan elth u3 {n new :reas of .oop.!atI.n. GIA r.!o!ting haB indlcat.d t}la! Pllme Mtrister AaEka would lar'o. au.t a Io.uo, He leported!7 eanr6 to conceirralc ulo dlscusoions on .13!an'r loltttcal anit .conomi. porrlk! ,n t}e ]vorld .onNuntry, and doe! bol rvan! to tak opour bl1atera1t!.de !.obrcm6 oiher thanto 16aftirm Japan'5 ini€ntion to .onhnue llre ihproweDiEnt of ihe trade im_ balah.e aire5dy atrde!w.y. Ambassaaor 1;s.r6ou !.6 ;e.otn$end.d 5uc! a p.repectivo 16! th€ talk. (ta! C), and tns'o i. seret.l aar€ed.nt dong t!€ Depelthonl,o and Eg€nci€3 or ttis wlere.


The Prealdontr6 aplioach in hlE heetins! {lth Prime Mihi6ter Tn,aka .oulrt b6 to 1r.at Bu.h 6p.clfl. ftllli1ale!a1 !opi.a ad 5qAg.tt.d abolc by: (a) s6cu.ing agteemeni on wlich mnjor multlloter.l problch6 io brgin cobcGntratlhg oir .oope!at,.ve elfoits. (b) discu6ling prcltminarllv 6ohe ol the t1a6ic diher6ions oI the6e rtdtvidlal ptobl.m6, and lc) et_ tlle poE6tbli ol agream.n' on common baEic oLjecliv.6 or rPlo!inE \rndlhdsl problam', yor:t I€as. approrch.s ro !}ese vrolJlEmr. A:.aq for furth:? d.tatled work betveon ih. trvo bureau.ra.i.s coliil aIEo A disadwlatag6 vltlr tlls .ppr6acrr iB tlat the rro!Lisg-Iev.l ctploration of ile p!6tlcm !l):t w.!ld make the Preoident's dlscuBsion6 wttL :r5nal.3 hore uselsl could not oI cou!5e lre done prlo! to thc he€rin8. Se.'etr.v Rog€!d.oulil, h6,€v6r. at lca€t oulline t)r. !!oblo:n.!66e for di..ussion ln hi6 cou.t.rpalt h.etin8B wtlh lorelgn Mlnioler Ohila ai lcoNccM tx

Int.!-:(edc, prepalarion for tte vi6tt.


/ / I I

tdX^ 4

Tn6 Japan NssM, whtcb eo hiil hop.d would provlds ! b.sis fo' rl snc diB<usslon of rlE Dolicy ts6u€' ilwolved in rhe T.uh. vi6ir, h.o liEe'd b.ltnd 6ch6dd. c6n.iderably. Ir l. kmpo'artly €!olled ov6r SlIe 3 ihcunailon ro 6'kIor a pr.lthihary Pr.'itt.nrial nrrllm.tio. oI llF pri,n'ri / ot th6 attraaca !.lartohship tn our polt.y roward Jap'n b.rore proc..dtnd

+ I s".o". L4{*i-t-'*y -




1 eitt! an .xahi,ation of lrJe



6ubatartiwe po1,c7 !rsuo. ln the

vould sugg..t lvo a1t3.nat!v6 .pproach6d.


uE_ ,.P.6 coop;,adon or eululat€!al ptoblebe, .nd EBk f'r a to quicE Ic +doas paPe, on tne hajo: mlltilate!a1 pIoblchs d. t.t." ui au"r"g h" r"aat" ut.it. {A dtait demolandu$ to th!! .(ect tton you ro Lhe D6pallmenr. ts at Tsb E' ) Tha! we Besmedt out ol the Japan NSSM t]re que'tion ol

-- tlat w. a6k Stare to !r.Pa!6 a h€morandls ror rl'e Pre6tdcnl ahich sutd lay ou! ihe ;ever.l hdrilaier'1Plobl€ma aod {nclud6 !€.drh;rdatton. as to PrelihiDalv u.s. poaitiofl6' slat. vould coo!di!al6 thl6 with tle othet agenctet aE appro-

At lbb -A i. a d.a{i s.motdbdum lrom vo! to lhe Prcsid'lt oltlirtnA the .bow6 ap9loacli io dr6 ?anrl6 wi6l!, :n4 askhg liB nPPlowal1r RECOMi!IENDATIONl

lihat yor Btan i6! drEft h.morotrdM to th€ P.o6id.nt !t Tal, A'

Tiat you 61gu tl6 d!.rt h.horandl:m to tho Doparr$sht3.t Tab E' II tlLe Pr.5id.rt.p!ro,,ss tiLs approa.l. That you authofite uB to r.quest Stato to p!.Pare a memo:andtd ag des.ribed .,rovc, ir t!€ Pr.Eldent applove3.

con.u.re6ce4 char166


Le!.Dc. Easl6burse. (In 6rb'ta"c6)


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