Deaγ MれPγeSidenら As you hat,e %O御aSSumed坊ee PγeSidency Q手
枕e物猿d Sia細s QfAmeγica, Ju,Ould Z砺eわ幼鳥e %s q碑oγ勧n賜わ COmJeyわyou, Oク亀Ce昭ain, my Sinceγe a融hea所柄Ii co鳩胸脇a袴ons・
Iam房雄y cominced脇a字の脇youγ海鮮ma杉 加80u〉Ze勾e Q手%s Pari Qf the uoγid and u脇(‰e yeg融dわがee Jong‑
Sあn俄ngカ・ie;edsh砂and coγdia揚砂勧めe誘s講eねt
een %S, ue ac)iu ceot
j綴掴o細尾e ec/eケツceeCeSSaγy meaSuγe舟γ脇e〆vγ脇eγ S加e壷勃e寂ng. Qf the yela約ns be勧een ouγあoo coun蹄es on doe basisげmuあ紘I
nsクeci and脇羊と)ノ 励r施e couγSe Q/ Got,eγnOγ Scγa融on
s grecent
c)isわめ如hγanタhe e#あ縦形d a t/eγbal海c;穣寂onわme on youγ behaげ
io t
まs拐youあthe脇猿d Sまaおs qfAmeγわa. J綿0α線e pleasuγe in
あ誘放啓yOu γeC雄γOCauyわPay a c,isi掴o R履n uheγe a!S yOu hno御坊ee
かa寂an 4e(砂Ze Zoo居.帰郷aγdわのeZcom細g you ui級gγeai eag8meSS.
Ou勿略め脇eカCま脇a青脇eγe are a numbeγ qfma穣γS Qf mu寂(ガco7ZCem級aれt,e hac/eわγet/ieuI a放談scuss
的鯛e娩eγ a信的e eaniesまq紳0γ物寂砂,鋤d #a扇s#あ密直an on your クaγ雷may ceoi ae Jaasible jn the 7eeaγ葛か劾γe, # uin Oe 40SSible J折
meああ鳥e脇e初綴a勧e脇dわ2/isi母o均胸1 PγeSide融,
Sあ符成ng my γeCeniかゆわ勃e脇猿d Siaies qfAmeγ細a. I枕脇be t;e砂がeased辞ryOu uOuld s堕落eS雷a Je海瀬z/e d繭e Jaγ舞S tJis狩・
I uおh you, M・. PγeSid鋤Z, eひeny PeγSOmZ
h低吟を嬢SS and success荻g枕i励電極e鹿s青海es q手幼e Ameγわan Pe(妙Ie 坤ua確m e2
eγ bγ蜜駒eγ and moγe少o坤eγOuS Jお初re. 1彬協約amesi γegaγ嶋ね,
弼e Honouク竹ble
椛cha履」惚. N続on, .Presideni Qf碗e Uね猿d Siaies qfAneeγ舌ca,