In Mid Air Productions is a theatrical group dedicated to the performance of new music and the preservation and presentation of infrequently performed treasures of the classical repertoire. In Mid Air Productions sponsors the Seasonal Sunday Salon Series. These are comprised of four yearly concerts which highlight the works of famous poets through reading and songs. The Seasonal Sunday Salons have a strong literary and thematic base and marr y traditional and contemporary settings with the works of classic authors.
April 25, 2010
July 25, 2010 For more information and updates on our concerts and other upcoming programs, visit
We hope you join us for these extraordinary opportunities to explore poetry and composition.
Emily Clare Thompson, Executive Director Robert W. Butts, Musical Director Richard. D. Russell, Creative Director
For reservations, please contact us for discounted tickets at
I N M I D A I R P RO D U C T I O N S 221 Fairview Avenue Boonton, NJ 07005
October 24, 2010
WINTER February 20, 2011
S U N D AY S E A S O N A L S A L O N S For more information and updates on our concerts and other upcoming programs, visit For reservations, please contact us for discounted tickets at
O U R N E X T C O N C E RT S B E L L A N D B A RT E R T H E AT R E & C U LT U R A L A RT S C E N T E R The Bell and Barter Theatre and Cultural Arts Center is a not-for-profit corporation founded in 1972. The Bell and Barter did some of the most amazing and creative original works for the stage. Bud Masters, a lifetime resident of both Morris County and New York City, added life to this building with a lot of cosmetic surgery as well as a property face lift. What was once a church built in the 1800s has now become Rockaway’s shining star. 13 Church Street Rockaway, NJ 07866
S U M M E R : J U L Y 2 5 , 2 0 1 0 3 P M In Mid Air Productions presents Songs of a Sultry Summer: Surrender to the Siren. The poems and compositions for this concert tempt our listeners to follow their passions and go astray. Our concert celebrates the art of seduction and the vices that lead us down the garden path! Let us tempt you to try a little taste of music and wine!
Songs of a Sultry Summer: Surrender to the Siren
FA L L : O C T O B E R 2 4 , 2 0 1 0 3 P M The Seasonal Sunday Salon Series presents its autumn celebration of Edgar Allan Poe: In the Lonesome October. Poe (1809-1849) is best known for his dark poems and evocative short stories of mystery. In Mid Air Productions features the settings of contemporary composers and recitations of many Poe classics.
In The Lonesome October: The Works of Edgar A"an Poe
Join us for this Halloween treat. W I N T E R : F E B R UA R Y 2 0 , 2 0 1 1 3 PM
DIRECTIONS: From I-80, take exit 37 toward Rockaway. Turn right onto Green Pond Road, then left at Halsey Evenue. The road curves slightly right onto Church Street
February is the traditional time to celebrate flirtation, love, and romance. In Mid Air Productions offers up a twist, paying tribute to love gone wrong in our winter Seasonal Sunday Salon, Amid the Blinding Snow: Songs of Love Lost. Through poetry and song, we will soothe the soul. We promise our performance, wine, and delectable treats can assuage a broken heart!
Amid the Blinding Snow: Songs of Love Lost