Arlesey Town - Tue 22nd Nov

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BEARINGS Structural Solutions Arlesey Town // T ue 22 nov // 7:45pm s pA r TA n s ou T h m idl A nds Foo T b A ll l e A gue p remier d ivision T WN

du N s Table To WN f.c.

Creasey Park Drive, Brewers Hill Road, Dunstable, Beds LU6 1BB

Dunstable Town FC is a Community Benefit Society. It is registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 Registration Number 8667 as Dunstable Town Football Club Ltd

dire CTors

Andrew Madaras

Chair / Secretary / Director of Community Activities & Matchday Operations

Matt Carrington - Vice Chair / Treasurer

Neil Barker - Director of Partnerships

Christian Baxter - Director of Youth Football

Peter Bottom

Supporters’ Groups Director / Fundraising Manager

Gary Levy - Director of Football

Kristy Lewington

Director of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusivity

Lee Nania

Director of CBS Growth & Marketing / Business Consultant

Julian Nutley

Commercial & Marketing Director / Business Consultant

Dan Roberts

Director of Specialist Community Projects

C ommuni T y bene F i T so C ie T y T e A m

Adrian Witkowski - Membership Administrator

Yvonne Verla - Mental Health Ambassador

Ian Bateman - Walking Football

Patrick Mackay - Walking Group

Lee Nutley - Chums and Crumbs

Andrew Madaras - Sphere at the Glider

Lou Goodman - Volunteer

C o AC hing s TAFF

Joe Deeney - Head Coach

Kyle Durcan - Assistant Head Coach

Anthony Christophi - Coach

Ayub Nabongo - U18s

Adam Ashton - Physio/Sports Therapist

Steve Lewington - Kitman

C lub o FF i C ers & o FF i C i A ls

Brad Cawthorne - Digital Manager

Jeffrey Roy - International Supporters’


Abby Slough - Marketing & Advertising Manager

Liam Smith - Events Manager

Wayne Upton - Community Activities

Darren Court - Network Football Management/ Commercial Manager

medi A T e A m

Brad Cawthorne - Website/DTFC TV

Chris White & Liam Smith - Club Photographers

Matt Carrington - Social Media

Abby Slough - Instagram

Richard Scott - Programme Editor Fly Design & Print - Programme Printing

mATC hd Ay Te A m

Wayne Upton - Matchday Manager

Brad Cawthorne - Matchday Cameraman

Patrick Mackay & Andrew Madaras - Reporters

Amanda Madaras - Turnstile Manager

Dan Roberts - Matchday Merchandise

George Lewington - Matchday DJ

Chris Gray - Matchday Steward

Bradley Field & Mark Williams - Stewards

you T h se CT ion

Andrew Madaras - Chair

Wayne Upton - Vice Chair

Kristy Lewington - Secretary/Club Welfare Officer

Christian Baxter - Treasurer

Steve Chiswell - Assistant Welfare Officer

Wayne Upton & Joe Le Vien - Football Development

Jeff Abraham - Parents Representative

Karl Clarke & Steve Lewington - Social Media


joe dee N ey

Good evening and welcome to the management, players, supporters, and all associated with Arlesey Town ahead of tonight’s game. We both come into the game on the back of weekend defeats and like us, I am sure they are keen to put that right.

13 months into my reign at this level and just when I think I’m getting used to the level things pop up that leave me bewildered. I am an honest manager and never shy away from things. I will start by explaining my view on the brief moment of commotion after the fulltime whistle yesterday. I must state my disappointment in the aftermath of the game against Tring Athletic on behalf of one of my players. Emotions were running high and whilst I was out doing my post-match interview there was an incident that will be dealt with internally. I don’t condone the actions and nor will I offer a defence for what has happened and that is all I will say about it. Every single one of my players stayed after the game and there were no further problems between players or staff after.

Whilst I was not happy with the incident that occurred, I was bitterly disappointed with the behaviour of a small number of people from Tring Athletic. I must make it clear it’s not to do with their Manager Ryan Sturges who I get on well with. We had our post-match drink and I congratulated him on their victory. There are never hard feelings with another Manager when they win. It’s all part of the game. We discussed the game and wished each other well.

The antics of a couple of people from Tring Athletic I did not appreciate on the day and it’s not the first time this has happened. What I am about to say are views and feelings and do not represent the views of anyone else, but I am never one to shy away from speaking as I find and telling it as it is. So many Managers talk in cliches, and it does my head in and I know supporters find it boring.

There were several incidents throughout the day which I won’t go into full details about. What I will say is if members of my club behaved that way, I would not be happy.

“The game for me was a 0-0 all day long and if there was to be a goal it was always going to come out of nothing, which it turned out to be.”

Where the line for me was drawn was a couple of Tring people approaching the officials before the game to warn them about our bench and especially me before the game. I must applaud the officials for their integrity to notify me of this and thought they managed the game extremely well. Fair credit to the officials and I appreciate their honesty and integrity. I am an ethical manager and for me that is unacceptable for people to attempt to influence referees prior to the game. As Managers we all try to get decisions during the game, of course we do. In my time as a manager there have been zero altercations between us and opposition benches, so it appears that the classic stereotype of me seems to pop up without any substance.

I would normally leave it and not engage but this is far too frequent, and I will not allow for me be tarnished by lazy stereotypes. Am I loud? Do I shout? Do I want to win? Yes. I also have a distinct cauliflower ear from my MMA career. I achieved some great things in that sport and, I loved my career and learned loads but times change. I’m also a highly educated, UEFA A Licence professional coach who takes immense pride on my professionalism and leading others. I’m also a family man who has the manners to call people Sir and Maam not many others do that! I have kept quiet on this stereotype for long enough and in 2 weeks’ time I will be making sure there are some things put straight and a few people educated. I don’t read social media; I never have and never will. I get regular screenshots of things said about me from these cowardly keyboard warriors. I will always judge a person without a keyboard.

The game for me was a 0-0 all day long and if there was to be a goal it was always going to come out of nothing, which it turned out to be. To lose any game is disappointing especially late in

the game. We had so much momentum up the slope and felt we could have got 1 before they did but that’s life. It was one of them games where we didn’t create much, and these things happen. I and my team have had far bigger setbacks in life than Saturday. There is a long way to go, and rest assured we will ensure there are many more highs to come. If we win our games in hand, we are well in contention and still have the FA Vase to look forward to.

The reality of this season I believe will come down to a few key factors. Firstly, what we do in both boxes! For all the possession and chances a team creates if you can’t put the ball in the back of the net or keep it out your net then you are in trouble. The second big factor will be the error and mistake count. If you make errors, more often than not you get punished. Concentration plays such a big part in the game and that is where we need to sharpen up and quickly. We seem to have no problems concentrating against sides where we might be perceived underdogs. This was personified against Great Wakering, Leighton and recently Enfield and we need to ensure these levels of concentration are there every week.

The most important thing is we find a way to win this evening. It won’t be easy that’s for sure. We never judge an opponent on previous results. Arlesey have some good players and like I say each week we need to play well to win.

Thank you for the support you showed at Tring, and I feel disappointed for you all that we couldn’t bring you more to cheer. We will work hard to ensure that changes this evening.

Enjoy the game

Joe Deeney


aN dre W m adaras

Good evening, everyone and welcome to Creasey Park for tonight’s SSML Premier Division fixture v Arlesey Town. It’s a special welcome to our opponents, their supporters and committee members. We hope they enjoy their evening in our company and have a safe journey home come the final whistle.

One of their number is Chris Sterry who is the Arlesey Town Secretary who some years ago held the position as DTFC Secretary. In one of those marvelous unscripted moments of comedy gold, I asked Chris why he’d left the Club.

“I didn’t leave the Club”, he replied. “The Club left me” referring to the period in the 90’s when the Club ceased to exist due to financial “irregularities”.

While rivalry exists between clubs and their supporters, you tend to find lines blur with the men and women behind the scenes who organise the games

and keeps the admin side of running a Club going. There’s an informal Secretary’s Union and Chris is one of three club Secretary’s that I go to when I’m scratching my head at an uninterpretable directive or a rule I don’t understand. There’s always room for a bit of ambiguity and lack of clarity so Chris is one of those people who can translate FA speak into plain English.

I needed his help again just before the Enfield game, and true to form, Chris broke off from his day job to take my call, calmed me down and gave me, as always, 100% correct advice. Welcome back to Creasey, Chris.

As someone who for the past five seasons has watched almost every preseason friendly, obscure cup competition game, home and away League and Cup match, my present enforced absence is proving a huge frustration. It’s

4 DUNSTABLE TOWN vs ARLESEY TOWN vie W from T he boardroom
“As someone who for the past five seasons has watched almost every pre-season friendly, obscure cup competition game, home and away league and Cup match, my present enforced absence is proving a huge frustration.”

hugely reassuring though to know that Matt, Wayne and Neil have everything covered on matchdays and a “seamless service” comes into place.

You’ll have been directed to the overflow car park tonight if you’ve driven here. Let me explain why. Some weeks ago there was a major incident at Creasey Park during an AFC v Hertford Town match. Thanks to the lifesaving skills of NHS Physio, and AFC player, Alasan Ann and staff on both benches, the player who had gone into cardiac arrest did not die.

The incident prompted a review of safety protocols and the issue of inconsiderate parking in the car park was considered in greater detail due to the restricted access that faces Emergency vehicles getting down Creasey Park Drive and then negotiating cars parked where they shouldn’t be parked.

We’ve tried putting volunteer stewards to direct cars to the overflow car park and found testosterone fueled, brain cell deficient thugs wanting to fight 70-yearold retirees, and 30-year-old men, with young families, simply asking them to park less than a minute’s walk away.

It’s a sad indictment of some of the people who come to Creasey Park that they put their own selfish and delusional parking entitlement before the life of a fellow human being, but there we have it. And credit therefore to James Slack and his team for taking our request for their support to help us provide a duty of care to our volunteer stewards.

With immediate effect the Stadium car park will be closed every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 5pm and 7.30pm. All Creasey Park facility users will be asked to park in the overflow car park. This will be operational irrespective

of whether there is a game on the main stadium pitch. Stadium parking on evening matchdays is therefore restricted to players and coaching staff from both sides, the match officials, committee members and volunteers as well as Blue Badge holders.

Late heartbreak on Saturday afternoon at Tring where a determined effort from the players saw the home side capitalize on a rare defensive slip up from us and bag a last-ditch winner.

We needed to take the unusual step on Sunday of issuing a statement on the website to publicly apologise for one of our players breaking a Tring Athletic changing room window after the final whistle had blown. Of course, it’s an action none of us can condone and it is being handled internally by Joe & Kyle. My oppo at Tring is a lovely chap called Bob Winter who has accepted our apology and knows this was a heat of the moment reaction and not something that will be repeated.

My final words are to pay a short tribute to Harry Kirton who passed away recently. Harry is a former DTFC player and manager who put together several exciting and successful sides during his years in charge at Creasey Park. Our condolences to Paul and his family. I hope we will carry a far more fitting obituary and celebration of Harry’s life in a future matchday programme and be able to display some of his memorabilia in the CBS Hub Portacabin.

Please get behind Joe, Kyle, Jammers, Ant & all the players this evening and let’s get that winning feeling back. Enjoy tonight’s game.

Andrew Madaras
du N s T able T o WN
social media @dunstableTownFC Twitter account of
Town FC
@dunstableTownFC Instagram account of
Town FC
dunstableTownFootballClub Facebook account of
Town FC
HELP US ENSURE MATCHES ARE SAFE AND ENJOYABLE FOR ALL L O V E F O O T B A L L. PR O TE C T THE GAM E . F O O T B A L L HAS C O M E T OGETH E R T O T OUGHEN MEASURES ADDR E SS I N G FAN B E H AVIOUR AT M AT CH E S D AN G EROUS BEH AV I OU R HAS NO P L A CE I N OUR G A ME . POTENTIAL CONSEQUENCES: CRIMINAL BEHAVIOUR: Entering the pitch without permission Smoke bombs and pyros Throwing objects Drug use Discriminator y behaviour Serious injur y Automatic club ban Repor ted to the police Criminal record Education and employment at risk
W elcome T o a rlesey To WN premier divisio N 2021-22 season 10th the Blues Best - 1r 22/23 - ep Best - F 22/23 - 1q New Lamb meadow capacity 2,920 distance From creasey 40 mins 19 miles sTar maN FoUnDeD 1891

a rlesey To WN

Before the Second World War, Soccer was played on a local basis, and in common with many clubs in the area, Arlesey competed in the Biggleswade & District League and entered the Biggleswade Knock-out Cup.

During the 1920’s, the club joined the Bedfordshire County League. Arlesey originally played at ‘The Bury’ before moving to their former home, ‘Lamb Meadow.’ The ground took its name from ‘The Lamb,’ a former Public House situated near the site which, for many years acted as the club’s headquarters and changing rooms. The birth of the modern era is owed to the foresight of officials of the late 1940’s and early 1950’s. They purchased the premises and became landlords for the princely sum of just £500 in 1948.

Playing fortunes fluctuated since the war and season 1950-51 saw the Blues finish as runners-up to Bletchley Town in the S.M.L. Premier Division. The following season the 1st XI lifted the championship crown, and the second string were crowned S.M.L. Division Two champions with the Youth team winning three trophies. The 1952-53 season began North Beds Charity Cup final win over Biggleswade Town and ended with a second successive championship win.

The 1950’s had seen the Blues compete in the South Midlands and Parthenon Leagues. Season 1968-69 saw one of Arlesey’s favourite sons in charge of team affairs; Roland Legate, who took the helm as player-manager and during his four-year spell, he took the Blues to a league runners-up spot. The start of the 1975-76 season saw Legate return

as manager and the trophies came with him, 3 Hinchingbrooke Cup successes, one Beds Senior Cup, the Biggleswade K.O Cup twice and the South Midlands League Challenge Trophy once. Supporting the Executive Committee’s wish to cross the pyramid to the United Counties League. With two indifferent terms in the U.C.L., Arlesey lifted the Premier Division in season 1984-85.

During the late 1980’s the Blues won the United Counties League, Premier Division Cup and a Beds Premier Cup final appearance against Luton Town. During the 1991 centenary year in the blues lifted the South Midlands Floodlight Cup with a fine victory over fellow U.C.L. side Irthlingborough Diamonds.

With changes to support and playing staff for 1994/5 the results exceeded expectations. The South Midlands League championship was won with a record 107 points, but even this memorable feat was eclipsed when Arlesey Town defeated Oxford City at Wembley Stadium in front of over 13,000 spectators to lift the F.A. Carlsberg Vase.

The 1997-98 team were unable to keep pace and their championship aspirations soon evaporated. An FA Vase 3rd round exit occurred in Cornwall’s Porthleven in December and the Blues’ last chance of picking up any silverware disappeared at the hands of archrivals Stotfold who loosened Arlesey’s grip on the Hinchingbrooke Cup with a 2-0 semifinal victory. After a lengthy campaign the club finally received planning permission for a new ground just a few hundred yards along Hitchin Road.

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games a rlesey To WN


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The first season at the new Hitchin Road ground began with nine straight victories as Ironton’s men stormed to the top of the table. With their ground grading Arlesey Town were promoted to the Ryman Isthmian League Division Three.

A magnificent first season in the Ryman League, saw the club lose just two league matches (one at home and one away) as they raced away to win the Third Division Championship scoring an Isthmian League record of 138 goals and the Blues also gained the record of being the first club to attain a 100+ goal difference in the league’s history.

Season 2003/2004 saw Arlesey Town in the national limelight following a fantastic run to the last 16 of the FA Trophy defeating on the way, Hayes from the Ryman Premier Division and Dagenham & Redbridge from the Nationwide Conference league. This resulted in an away game with Exeter City who had just been relegated from the football league. Although losing the game the blues gained respect with an outstanding performance.

Darren Hay took on the team management during the early stages of 2006/2007 season, with Mike Brooks as the assistant manager and coach and they put together a very young and eager

team for the coming 2007 campaign. This included both experienced senior players supporting by young players who broke into the first team towards then end of the previous season.

With a completely new management structure in place and a new Management team, of: Gary King Director of Football, Lee Cowley Manager, Zema Abbey Assistant Manager, and Darren Staniforth as Coach, Arlesey played the season with renewed style and passion, finishing the season in 9th place in the League and getting through to the firstround proper of the F.A. Trophy and lifting the Beds Senior Cup in the last game of the season.

In 2010-11 Arlesey were in the top echelons all season finished in dramatic stile as they won 10 games on the bounce, had 9 points deducted on the day they thought they had won the league away at Hayes and then beat long term archrivals and near neighbours Hitchin Town on Hitchin’s own ground on their last game of the season to be finally crowned League Champions. This was followed soon after by beating Biggleswade Town to retain the Beds Senior Cup at Kenilworth Road ground to give Arlesey a League and Cup Double and see them promoted to

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so far

a rlesey To WN

the new Evo-Stick Southern League Premier Division.

The first season in the Premier League was seen as a settling in period targeting staying up and a good cup run, both ambitions were achieved with the club reaching the F.A. Cup 1st round proper for the first time in their history.

The second season again saw a good FA Cup run that went again to the 1st round proper before it ended at the Ricoh Stadium against Coventry City.

The season finished on a knife edge as Arlesey missed out on the play-off spot of the Premier Div by just a single point. Although promotion was narrowly missed the Red Insure League Cup was won in a 2 legged final v Frome to bring home another piece of silverware.

The club appointed Chico Ramos to try to push the club forward again. His reign had been blighted by the COVID pandemic with two uncompleted seasons although some progress seemed to be happening on the pitch. Also, off the pitch saw ex player Dave Kitson come back to the club he started at as Chairman and a complete refurbishment of the clubhouse and dressing rooms.

Although progress was made a further change in management came in December 2021 as Martin Standen was appointed to take charge of the team. Martin left the club after a short tenure and skipper Adam Randall took the reins until the end of the season.

With the new season the club appointed Nick Brown as manager, and he has started to evolve his new team.

premier league

home Away

Ardley United Aylesbury Vale Dynamos 2 - 3 Baldock Town

Biggleswade United 0 - 2 Cockfosters 1 - 0 Colney Heath 0 - 2 2 - 1 Crawley Green Dunstable Town Harpenden Town 2 - 0 Hoddesdon Town Leighton Town Leverstock Green 1 - 1 London Colney 0 - 2 Potton United 0 - 1 Risborough Rangers 0 - 4 5 - 3 Shefford Tn & Campton 2 - 3 Stotfold

St Panteleimon 0 - 1 Tring Athletic 1 - 1 3 - 0

FA Cup

Barton Rovers 0 - 3 1 - 1

FA vase

Milton Keynes Irish 1 - 0

gladwish Challenge Trophy

London Colney 1 - 2 Colney Heath


T he hu N dred club

01 Brad Cawthorne

02 Ebrahim 03 04 Steve Mead 05 Kristy 06 07 Andrew Madaras 08 09 Colin Tibbett 10 Ron & Vera Roberts 11 Becky Gray 12 Jackie Carrington 13 Patrick Mackay 14 Michael Charge 15 Abby Slough 16 Steve Lewington 17 18 Lee Nania 19 20 Patrick Johnson 21 22 23 Jeff Abraham 24 Dan Roberts 25 26 27 Wayne Upton 28 Gary Levy 29 Julian Nutley 30 Andrew Madaras 31 Andrew Madaras 32 Simon Thatcher 33 Mandy Madaras 34 35 36

37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45
47 48 49 50
The purpose of the 100 Club is to raise funds for kit, equipment and the general costs associated with running the footballl club. Subscriptions are available at £3 per number per week and are drawn every Thursday. To join contact Steve Lewington, Thursday 10th November 33 WINNER 4 RUNNER UP
Colin Fox
Jeff Abraham
John Oliver
51 52 53 Jeff Abraham 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Neil Barker 61 John Chatterly 62 63 64 65 66 Rupert Groves 67 68 69 Andrew McCloskey 70 71 Dan R 72 73 74 Paul Ward 75 76 77 78 79 Derek Hing 80 Pete Mills 81 82 Catherine Holdstock 83 84 Matt Carrington 85 86 Neil Barker 87 Andrew Madaras 88 89 Neil Barker 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97
99 100 Mark Page rece NT
i NN ers
16 DUNSTABLE TOWN vs ARLESEY TOWN player spo N sors firs T T eam 2022/23 spo N sor your favouri T e players For sponsorship enquires, find Matt Carrington on a matchday, email or call 07903 751121 Andy b urrows & Cup CA ke Am A nd A mA d A r A s
Joe Deeney SPONSORED BY Kyle Durcan SPONSORED BY Anthony Christophi SPONSORED BY
m A rk pA ge s T u A r T be A umon T T he lewing Tons C i A r A n h A nnonA br A h A m
Joe Reynolds SPONSORED BY Adam Ashton SPONSORED BY Steve Lewington SPONSORED BY Dylan Baker SPONSORED BY Harry Beaumont SPONSORED BY Thomas Bryant SPONSORED BY Connor Coulson SPONSORED BY
DUNSTABLE TOWN FC MATCHDAY PROGRAMME 17 je FF A br A h A m in memory o F AA ron b AT em A n wAyne gordon under 15s lions
h Awkes & sm A r T T he mills bro T hers BEARINGS Structural Solutions rj rose
Ethan Creary SPONSORED BY Benjamin Crilley SPONSORED BY Kyle Davison-Gordon SPONSORED BY Luke Dunstan SPONSORED BY Sean Immanuel SPONSORED BY Liam McCrohan SPONSORED BY Joe Mead SPONSORED BY Ruairi Mills SPONSORED BY
l u C y mA d A r A s d A rren h AT herley
Terrence Muchineripi SPONSORED BY Daniel Naylor SPONSORED BY Kyle Faulkner SPONSORED BY Robbie Goodman SPONSORED BY Benjamin Gray SPONSORED BY Tolu Ikuyinminu SPONSORED BY Charlie Jones SPONSORED BY
18 DUNSTABLE TOWN vs ARLESEY TOWN “A colourful life could be staring you in the face” 01525 288 777
DUNSTABLE TOWN FC MATCHDAY PROGRAMME 19 A ndy burrows l ouise mA d A r A s
Jamie Nicholls SPONSORED BY Isaac Olaleye SPONSORED BY Alfie Osborne SPONSORED BY
j AC kie CA rring Ton
Kelvin Osei-Addo SPONSORED BY Jack Percy SPONSORED BY Joseph Sellers-West SPONSORED BY J’Ardell Stirling SPONSORED BY Remell Stirling SPONSORED BY Danny Webb SPONSORED BY
up N e XT @creaseypark p o TT on u ni T ed s AT 26 nov 2022 // 3.00pm s pA r TA n s ou T h m idl A nds Foo T b A
iT ’s T he Talk of T he To WN p odcas T “Yes ... a podcast about the Super Blues. Try the link or the QR code”
Ollie Bayliss returns to BBC Three Counties on Saturday afternoons, for
latest non-league news from Beds, Herts & Bucks.
22 DUNSTABLE TOWN vs ARLESEY TOWN proud sponsors of dunstable Town f.c . 57 lowther road, dunstable, bedfordshire lu6 3Nl BLUE CARDDISCOU N T DUNSTABLETOWN

player s TaT s

Apps sub Town Total goals ylw red sin bin

dylan baker 8 38 1 2 harry beaumont 15 5 20 2 1

Thomas bryant 0 Connor Coulson 11 29 ethan Creary 15 2 47 1 3 benjamin Crilley 12 1 27 4 Kyle Davison-Gordon 10 10 1 luke dunstan 8 8 1 3 1 kyle Faulkner 15 3 40 8 1 1 robbie goodman 0 benjamin gray 19 Tolu ikuyinminu 18 18 4 2 sean immanuel 1 8 9 2

Charlie jones 10 10 1 owen mcConnell 1 1 liam mcCrohan 11 4 37 1 1 joe mead 1 1 21 ruairi mills 6 2 25 Terrence muchineripi 10 1 41 1 1 daniel naylor 2 3 28 jamie nicholls 15 isaac olaleye 6 4 12 1 3 Alfie osborne 17 17 6 Kelvin Osei-Addo 6 10 28 5 2 jack percy 2 18 joe reynolds 31 joe sellers-west 17 3 45 8 4

J’Ardell Stirling 21 42 1 2 remell stirling 6 14 32 3 james verney 1 1 8 danny webb 4 4 1


goals & cards

Kyle Faulkner 8 Joe Sellers-West 8

Kelvin Osei-Addo 5 Tolu Ikuyinminu 4 Remmel Stirling 3 Sean Immanuel 2 Harry Beaumont 2 J’Ardell Stirling 1 Luke Dunstan 1 Dylan Baker 1 Terrence Muchineripi 1 Isaac Olaleye 1

y r p

Alfie Osborne 6 0 60

Luke Dunstan 3 1 55

Joe Sellers-West 4 0 40 Benjamin Crilley 4 0 40

Kyle Faulkner 1 1 35 Liam McCrohan 1 1 35 Isaac Olaleye 3 0 30 Ethan Creary 3 0 30 Dylan Baker 2 0 20

Kelvin Osei-Addo 2 0 20 J’Ardell Stirling 2 0 20 Tolu Ikuyinminu 2 0 20

1 2 3 4 5
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 0 4 8 12 16 20 Position Points Points Position progress 8 8 6
26 DUNSTABLE TOWN vs ARLESEY TOWN s T a T s zo N e 2022 - 23 fi XT ures & resulT s AugusT Comp ATT res 1 2 3 4 5 Tue 2nd Aug Potton United A PD 162 2-0 Coulson Creary Davidson-Gordon Crilley J Stirling sat 6th Aug greAT wAkering rovers h FAC ep 175 2-0 Coulson muchineripi Davidson-Gordon Creary j stirling sat 13th Aug Tring AThleTiC h pd 131 2-2 Coulson muchineripi Davidson-Gordon Creary j stirling sun 21st Aug wesT esseX h FAC p 258 2-1 jones muchineripi Davidson-Gordon Creary j stirling sun 28th Aug CrAwley green h FAv 1q 260 2-0 jones muchineripi Davidson-Gordon Creary j stirling sepTember sat 3rd sep sheFFord Town & CAmpTon h FAC 1q 297 0-2 jones muchineripi Davidson-Gordon Creary j stirling Tue 6th sep bAldoCk Town h lCT 1r 122 4-0 jones muchineripi (1) Davidson-Gordon mcCrohan j stirling sat 17th sep london Colney h pd 150 5-1 jones Creary Davidson-Gordon (1) mcCrohan j stirling Tue 20th sep sheFFord Town & CAmpTon h pd 178 4-1 jones muchineripi Davidson-Gordon mcCrohan j stirling (1) sat 24th sep holmer green h FAv 2q 266 4-0 Coulson Creary (1) Davidson-Gordon mcCrohan j stirling oCTober Sat 1st Oct Colney Heath A PD 134 2-1 Jones Muchineripi McCrohan J Stirling Osborne Ikuyinminu Tue 4th Oct Tring Athletic A PDC 2R 120 1-0 Coulson Mills McCrohan J Stirling Osborne Ikuyinminu sat 8th oct leighTon Town h pd 603 2-1 Coulson Creary baker mcCrohan j stirling Tue 11th Oct Ardley United A PD 105 1-1 Coulson Creary Baker McCrohan J Stirling Sat 15th Oct Leverstock Green A PD 81 2-2 Jones Creary Crilley McCrohan J Stirling sat 22nd oct norwiCh Cbs h FAv 1r 276 2-1 jones Creary Crilley mead j stirling Wed 26th Oct St Panteleimon A PD 36 1-1 Coulson Mills Crilley Creary J Stirling Ikuyinminu november Sat 5th Nov sToTFold h pd 238 0-4 jones mills Crilley Creary j stirling Tue 8th Nov moulTon h lCT 2r 194 2-3 Coulson mills Crilley j stirling mcCrohan Fri 11th Nov enField h FAv 2r 322 1-0 Coulson mills Crilley sellers-west j stirling Sat 19th Nov Tring Athletic A PD 235 0-1 Coulson Mills Sellers-West J Stirling Dunstan Tue 22nd Nov Arlesey Town h pd Sat 26th Nov poTTon uniTed h pd Wed 30th Nov AFC dunsTAble h bsC 1r deCember sun 4th dec Tring AThleTiC h FAv 3r Tue 6th dec CoCkFosTers h pd Sat 10th Dec Biggleswade United A PD Sat 17th Dec Shefford Town & Campton A PD Wed 21st Dec St Panteleimon A PDC QF Tue 27th dec CrAwley green h pd jAnuAry Mon 2nd Jan Baldock Town A PD sat 7th jan sT pAnTeleimon h pd Sat 14th Jan Leighton Town A PD Tue 17th Jan Harpenden Town A PD Sat 21st Jan Risborough Rangers A PD sat 28th jan Ardley uniTed h pd Tue 31st Jan Hoddesdon Town A PD FebruAry sat 11th Feb hoddesdon Town h pd sat 18th Feb leversToCk green h pd Sat 25th Feb Arlesey Town A PD Tue 28th Feb Aylesbury vAle dynAmos h pd mArCh Sat 4th Mar London Colney A PD sat 11th mar Colney heATh h pd sat 18th mar risborough rAngers h pd Sat 25th Mar Cockfosters A PD Tue 28th Mar Aylesbury Vale Dynamos A PD April sat 1st Apr biggleswAde uniTed h pd sat 8th Apr bAldoCk Town h pd Mon 10th Apr Crawley Green A PD sat 15th Apr hArpenden Town h pd Sat 22nd Apr Stotfold A PD PD - SSMFL Premier Division, FAC - FA Cup, FAV - FA Vase, BSC - Bedfordshire FA Senior Challenge Cup, LCT - Challenge Trophy, PDC - Premier
DUNSTABLE TOWN FC MATCHDAY PROGRAMME 27 6 7 8 9 10 11 sub 1 sub 2 sub 3 sub 4 sub 5 Osborne Olaleye Muchineripi Osei-Addo (1) R Stirling Ikuyinminu (1) Faulkner (66) Mead (81) Naylor (90) osborne Faulkner Crilley osei-Addo (1) sellers-west ikuyinminu r stirling (46)(1) beaumont (90) osborne Faulkner Crilley olaleye sellers-west ikuyinminu (1) beaumont (48) osei-Addo (56)(1) mcCrohan (64) r stirling (90) osborne beaumont Crilley osei-Addo (1) r stirling (1) ikuyinminu Faulkner (70) olaleye (74) sellers-west (86) osborne beaumont Crilley osei-Addo r stirling ikuyinminu Faulkner (56)(2) sellers-west (56) mcCrohan (89) osborne Faulkner Crilley osei-Addo sellers-west ikuyinminu r stirling (63) beaumont (69) mcCrohan (75) osborne beaumont (1) olaleye sellers-west Faulkner (1) baker r stirling (66)(1) Creary (69) osei-Addo (79) osborne beaumont dunstan sellers-west (1) Faulkner (3) ikuyinminu muchineripi (61) osei-Addo (67) r stirling (68) Crilley (77) Creary beaumont dunstan (1) sellers-west (1) Faulkner baker (1) osei-Addo (65) r stirling (70) naylor (76) osborne beaumont muchineripi sellers-west (1) Faulkner (1) baker r stirling (52) osei-Addo (65) immanuel (65) Ikuyinminu Beaumont Sellers-West (1) Faulkner Baker R Stirling Osei-Addo (30)(1) Immanuel (73) Ikuyinminu (1) Naylor Sellers-West Faulkner Baker R Stirling Olaleye (46) Immanuel (67) Beaumont (78) Percy (86) osborne beaumont dunstan sellers-west Faulkner (1) ikuyinminu (1) olaleye (60) osei-Addo (86) r stirling (88) Osborne Beaumont Dunstan Sellers-West (1) Faulkner Ikuyinminu Mills (13) Osei-Addo (78) R Stirling (90) Osborne Beaumont (1) Dunstan Sellers-West Faulkner Ikuyinminu R Stirling (56) Immanuel (77)(1) Osei-Addo (88) osborne beaumont olaleye osei-Addo sellers-west (1) ikuyinminu r stirling (46) mills (46) immanuel (67)(1) Ikuyinminu Beaumont R Stirling Sellers-West (1) Baker Olaleye Naylor (18) Immanuel (57) Osei-Addo (78) Percy (87) osborne beaumont dunstan webb sellers-west ikuyinminu immanuel (54) r stirling (75) osborne naylor olaleye (1) webb Faulkner ikuyinminu Creary (11) beaumont (66) sellers-west (66)(1) stirling r (73) dunstan webb (1) beaumont immanuel Faulkner ikuyinminu mcCrohan (60) verney (81) r stirling (89) Webb Beaumont Faulkner Ikuyinminu Verney McCrohan Olaleye (55) Immanuel (71) Premier Division Cup

Story of Soul

The Carpenters Songbook How Sweet It Is - The Greatest Hits of Motown Cinderella 2022

Creasey Tees was founded in 2005 to provide brightly designed apparel for supporters of Dunstable Town FC

It has now been revamped, redesigned and reborn for the post pandemic 2020s

All profits from sales will go towards website costs, replacement flags and sponsoring Dunstable Town players.

• Printing corporate workwear that fits your business perfectly

• Charity event, a corporate exhibition or simply a kids party, make sure your team looks the part

• Creasey Tees can provide t-shirts for your band’s merchandise, personalised with your own designs

• Stag and Hen t-shirts, custom printed at great prices

DUNSTABLE TOWN FC MATCHDAY PROGRAMME 29 s T a T s zo N e 2022 - 23 games & goals w d l home 10 1 3 Away 3 3 1 Total 13 4 4 Total home Away % points 53% 47% Points per game 1.73 2.00 1.50 % Wins 62% 71% 43% % Defeats 19% 21% 14% % Draws 19% 7% 43% % goals scored 77% 23% Goals scored 39 30 9 Goals scored per game 1.86 2.14 1.29 % goals conceded 71% 29% Goals conceded 21 15 6 Goals conceded per game 1.00 1.07 0.86 Total goals per game 2.86 3.21 2.14 6 5 4 10 7 7 2 1 3 2 7 6 0-15 16-30 31-45 46-60 61-75 76-90 Scored Conceded 15 24 6 15 1st 2nd home 77% Away 23% Goals Scored home 53% Away 47% Points won 62% lost 19% drawn 19% Results head To head 1.86 1.00 0.90 1.86 1.86 1.00 0.90 1.86 7 1 Goals Scored Per Game Goals Conceded Per Game Clean Sheets
30 DUNSTABLE TOWN vs ARLESEY TOWN 7 Allied Business Centre, Coldharbour Lane, Harpenden, Herts AL5 4UT Tel: 01582 463420 Email:

league Table

pos Team p w d l gd pTs

1 Stotfold 16 10 4 2 17 34

2 Crawley Green 15 10 2 3 26 32

3 Leighton Town 13 9 2 2 23 29

4 Biggleswade United 13 8 2 3 8 26

5 Potton United 14 7 4 3 12 25 6 Tring Athletic 17 7 4 6 -2 25 7 St Panteleimon 14 7 3 4 5 24 8 Risborough Rangers 14 7 3 4 3 24 9 Leverstock Green 14 5 7 2 8 22

10 Shefford Town & Campton 14 7 1 6 -2 22 11 dunstable Town 11 5 4 2 6 19 12 Cockfosters 12 4 6 2 7 18 13 Harpenden Town 14 5 2 7 -6 17 14 Baldock Town 15 5 1 9 -12 16 15 Hoddesdon Town 15 4 3 8 -15 15 16 Aylesbury Vale Dynamos 13 4 2 7 -3 14 17 Ardley United 13 3 4 6 -6 13 18 Arlesey Town 15 2 2 11 -17 8 19 Colney Heath 15 2 2 11 -20 8 20 London Colney 17 1 2 14 -32 5

curre NT form

pos Team p w d l gF gA

1 Biggleswade United 6 5 1 0 19 6

2 Potton United 6 5 1 0 12 2 3 Stotfold 6 5 0 1 18 7 4 Leighton Town 6 4 2 0 16 4 5 Crawley Green 6 4 0 2 21 9 6 Cockfosters 6 3 3 0 17 6 7 Risborough Rangers 6 3 1 2 11 9 8 Tring Athletic 6 3 0 3 11 14 9 Aylesbury Vale Dynamos 6 2 1 3 14 11 10 St Panteleimon 6 2 1 3 6 6

11 Shefford Town & Campton 6 2 1 3 13 14 12 Harpenden Town 6 2 1 3 8 12 13 Baldock Town 6 2 1 3 8 16 14 Leverstock Green 6 1 3 2 11 10 15 dunstable Town 6 1 3 2 6 10 16 Hoddesdon Town 6 2 0 4 6 12 17 Ardley United 6 1 2 3 8 14 18 Arlesey Town 6 1 0 5 3 14 19 Colney Heath 6 1 0 5 5 18 20 London Colney 6 0 1 5 6 24



aTT e N da N ces

Team Lowest Highest Average

Leighton Town 171 403 314

2 dunstable Town 131 603 260

3 Stotfold 103 239 173

4 Biggleswade United 82 212 138

5 Harpenden Town 95 207 135

6 Aylesbury Vale Dynamos 58 322 133

7 Risborough Rangers 84 182 121

8 Cockfosters 76 144 115

9 Potton United 85 162 111 10 Arlesey Town 63 153 100 11 Baldock Town 42 215 95 12 Shefford Town & Campton 64 136 93

13 Tring Athletic 66 125 93 14 Hoddesdon Town 76 96 88 15 Colney Heath 51 134 81 16 Ardley United 0 109 80 17 Leverstock Green 31 87 64 18 Crawley Green 33 54 40 19 London Colney 20 50 37 20 St Panteleimon 0 35 30

scorers resulT s

Taylor Rhiney Biggleswade United 29

Leon Lobjoit Leighton Town 29

Lewis Toomey Leighton Town 17

Lawrence Ajong Baldock Town 13

Asher Yearwood Risborough Rangers 13

Chris Blunden Leverstock Green 12

Joshua Adeyileka Crawley Green 11

Cole Butler Potton United 10

Dean Morgan St Panteleimon 10

Codi-Lee Spavins Stotfold 10

Yemi Adelani Biggleswade United 9

Jake Baldwin Aylesbury Vale 9

Darius Browne Ardley United 9

Charlie Thake Shefford Tn & Camp 9

George Carbery Tring Athletic 8

Archie McClelland Leighton Town 8 joe sellers-west dunstable Town 8

Henry Snee Shefford Tn & Camp 8

Mason Spence Stotfold 8

Bailey Stevenson Cockfosters 8 kyle Faulkner dunstable Town 8

Saturday 19th November 2022

Ardley United 0 - 5 Stotfold 56

Arlesey Town 0 - 4 Risborough Rangers 155 Aylesbury Vale 4 - 0 Hoddesdon Town 98

Biggleswade United 5 - 1 London Colney 61

Cockfosters 5 - 1 Shefford Town & Campton 267

Crawley Green 5 - 0 Colney Heath 60

Harpenden Town 1 - 3 Leighton Town 263

Leverstock Green 4 - 1 Baldock Town 35

St Panteleimon 0 - 1 Potton United 41

Tring Athletic 1 - 0 Dunstable Town 235

32 DUNSTABLE TOWN vs ARLESEY TOWN ssmfl premier divisio N

arou N d T he ssmfl 2022 - 23

div o N e div TW o

p w d l p

1 Real Bedford FC 16 15 0 1 45

2 Rugby Borough 13 11 0 2 33

3 North’ton Sileby Rangrs14 11 0 3 33

4 Amersham Town 15 9 4 2 31

5 Eaton Socon 16 8 5 3 29

6 Ampthill Town 13 9 1 3 28

7 North’ton ON Chenecks12 8 2 2 26

8 Letchworth Garden City 17 8 2 7 26

9 Moulton 15 7 1 7 22

10 Winslow United 16 7 1 8 22

11 Lutterworth Athletic 13 6 2 5 20

12 Burton Park Wanderers 15 5 3 7 18

13 Rushden & Higham Utd 15 5 3 7 18

14 Raunds Town 17 5 0 12 15

15 Buckingham Athletic 16 3 5 8 14

16 Thame United Res 16 4 0 12 12

17 London Tigers 15 3 1 11 10 18 Langford 15 3 1 11 10 19 Wellingboro’ Whitworth 15 3 1 11 10 20 Holmer Green 14 2 2 10 8

p w d l p

1 New Bradwell St Peter 11 10 1 0 31

2 Old Bradwell United 11 10 0 1 30

3 Totternhoe 10 10 0 0 30

4 Leighton Town Dev 11 8 2 1 26

5 Codicote 10 6 2 2 20

6 Milton Keynes College 12 6 2 4 20

7 Aston Clinton 9 6 0 3 18

8 Pitstone & Ivinghoe 12 5 0 7 15 9 Sarratt 10 5 0 5 15 10 Berkhamsted Raiders 12 4 2 6 14 11 Eynesbury United 11 4 0 7 12 12 Tring Corinthians AFC 10 4 0 6 12 13 AFC Caddington 12 4 0 8 12 14 Bovingdon 8 3 2 3 11 15 Risboro’ Rangers Dev 13 2 1 10 7

16 Potton United Dev 11 2 0 9 6 17 Buckingham United 10 2 0 8 6 18 The 61 FC (Luton) 11 0 0 11 0

resulT s resulT s

Saturday 19th November 2022

Ampthill Town 3 - 1 Winslow United 187

Buckingham Ath 0 - 3 Burton Park Wands 37

Holmer Green 3 - 4 Letchworth Garden City 55

London Tigers 2 - 6 Rushden & Higham Utd 13

Lutterworth Ath 2 - 1 Wellingboro’ Whitworth 0

Moulton 2 - 4 Northampton Sileby Rangers 117

North’ton ON Chenecks 3 - 3 Amersham Tn 47

Real Bedford 2 - 1 Eaton Socon 141

Rugby Borough 5 - 0 Raunds Town 120

Thame United Reserves 4 - 0 Langford 52

Saturday 19th November 2022

Aston Clinton 2 - 3 Totternhoe 18

Berko Raiders 6 - 0 The 61 FC (Luton) 45

Codicote 1 - 1 Milton Keynes College 54

Eynesbury United 0 - 2 Old Bradwell United 0 New Bradwell St Peter 5 - 1 Tring Corinthian 50

Potton United Res 0 - 4 Pitstone & Ivinghoe 50

Risboro’ Rangers Dev2 - 4 Buckingham Utd 38

Sarratt 3 - 1 AFC Caddington 0

34 DUNSTABLE TOWN vs ARLESEY TOWN 1-0 e N field F rid Ay 11 november 2022 CREASEY PARK KO 7.45PM ATT 322 dunstable Town Harry Beaumont Connor Coulson Benjamin Crilley Luke Dunstan Sean Immanuel Kyle Faulkner Tolu Ikuyinminu Ruairi Mills Joseph Sellers-West J’Ardell Stirling Danny Webb Enfield Usman Adeniji Kieran Bishop Jeffrey Cobblah Gavin Cockman Reece Conway Tyler Corlett Jack Grosveno Ibrahim Kehinde Jarvis John Monk Danny Norton Alex Warman duNsTable ToWN Tv Sponsored by Heritage Funerals Watch the highlights on our YouTube channel. Scan the QR Code to access or search “Dunstable Town FC” on YouTube.

maTch repor T

Enfield enjoyed possession but the Blues defence repelled the early forays. Connor Coulson looked secure, confident in his handling and made the box his own.

Whatever came their way, Crilley and Stirling dealt with, with authority and purpose.

Up front, clever off the ball running always looked like a chance could come Dunstable’s way.

On 20 minutes Coulson did well to tip over a dangerous looking cross and 20 minutes later resolute defending from the Blues saw a Jeffrey Cobblah effort cleared from the line. This may not have been a game for the purist, but it had all the cut and thrust of a cup-tie and was excellently refereed by Patrick Yates, who allowed play to continue wherever possible and kept his cards in his pocket all evening. Dunstable’s chances were limited but as the minutes of the second half started to tick away and still the Dunstable defensive line remained unbreeched, the more the belief grew in the spectators that a positive result was on the cards.

Liam McCrohan replaced Benji Crilley with 30 minutes left on the clock. McCrohan did his job magnificently. His partnership with J’Ardell the lynchpin to so many clean sheets earlier this season, restored for the final half an hour and expected onslaught from Enfield. Deeney brought on James Verney, signed on dual registration terms with Berkamsted on Thursday. James has Step 3 experience from a short stint with

the Blues in 2016, but more recently with Hitchin Town & Kings Langley. Verney replaced Immanuel on 80 minutes and made an impact immediately.

Coulson kicked long, Enfield cleared but Joe Sellers-West headed left to Webb, who played a 1:2 with Verney. The pass was angled to the left and Verney with almost his first touch of the game returned the ball first time to Webb.

As defenders surrounded him and goalkeeper, Jarvis Monk guarded his near post Danny Webb, the personification of composure, side footed the ball into the far-right corner of the net and wheeled away in delight to the far corner flag where he was submerged by his jubilant team-mates.

If ever there was a goal built on patient preparation, this was it, and it will become one of those “I was there moments” as Webb’s scoring record at other clubs he has played for suggests there’s plenty more of these to come while in a blue shirt.

Credit to Enfield, they didn’t stop or allow the disappointment of a late goal to dramatically change their approach. There were no cynical, frustrated, late challenges and at the final whistle handshakes exchanged between both sets of players and benches to the credit of both clubs.

It was Dunstable’s evening but look out for Enfield this season. They’ll do well and should be at Step 4 next season.

SRD Engineering, the night’s Match Sponsor made Danny Webb the Man of the Match.


you T h updaT e

Despite an early corner hitting the foot of the Crawley post, Town were second best in the opening quarter of the game. Crawley had several corners and from one Cookie was forced to tip a hooked shot over the bar.

The pressure tolled and Crawley’s early dominance saw them take the lead on 8 minutes when a corner was headed in unmarked.

The goal did spark Town in to life and they equalised 2 minutes later. Ben won the ball and played straight and central to Scott. His control and flick in behind found Josh, who scampered away to pop the ball under the goalie

Seven minutes from the break, Ricky gave Town the lead. He drove forwards and had a shot blocked. Ricky gathered the rebound, dragged the ball back, to send the defender the wrong way, and clipped the ball over the keeper.

Town came out with greater intent. Ricky could only flick the ball on, but there was

Buddy, on the back stick, to volley the ball into the roof of the net from an acute angle.

On 48 minutes, Darren battled through and got a shot away, which the keeper could only palm away. Charlie, who had tracked the play, cut the ball back and Deano was on hand to calmly steer the ball in off the right post.

Town went very flat and gave the ball away for a cheap throw in. Crawley played the ball in to the box and a small mix up between Callum and Cookie saw the ball bounce off the defender and in. It was just unfortunate.

Town responded and on 68 minutes Ads drilled in a corner. Dobbsy rose highest to bullet a header into the top left corner. That score line changed a minute later, when Cookie was lobbed from distance by a superb ping.

Goals: Josh (1), Ricky (1), Buddy (1), Dean (1), Sam (1)

36 DUNSTABLE TOWN vs ARLESEY TOWN du N s T able T o WN you T h sec T io N

you T h updaT e

u18s results & Fixtures

Oct 17 Colney Heath L 3 - 6

Oct 26 Aylesbury Vale Dynamos L 1 - 2

Nov 24 Harpenden Town A

Dec 08 Oxhey Jets A

Dec15 Leighton Town A

Corinthian Division

P W D L Pts

8 Dunstable Town 7 2 0 5 6

u15s panthers results & Fixtures

Oct 30 Stopsley United Scorpion W 3 - 0

Nov 13 Bromham Youth Lions W 2 - 0

Nov 20 Newport Pagnell Jaguars L 2 - 3

Nov 27 Stotfold Junior Ambers A Dec 04 Crawley Green Panthers H

U15s Division 2

P W D L Pts

4 Dunstable Town Panthers 7 3 2 2 11

u13s (sat) lions results & Fixtures

Oct 29 FC Precision L 2 - 4

Nov 12 Flitwick Eagles Whites L 1 - 3

Nov 19 FC Precision W 1 - 0

Dec 03 Stotfold Junior Golds A

Dec 10 Luton Allstars Panthers A

U13s Division 1 P W D L Pts

7 Dunstable Town Lions 2 0 0 2 0

u13s (sun) phoenix results & Fixtures

Oct 30 Sacred Heart City W 5 - 0

Nov 13 Ampthill Town Santos W 5 - 0

Nov 20 Kempston Rovers Jaguars A P - P

Nov 27 Bedford Town Greys H

Dec 11 Kempston Rovers Jaguars H

U13s Division 2 P W D L Pts

3 Dunstable Town Phoenix 6 4 0 2 12

u12s panthers results & Fixtures

Nov 06 Bedwell Rangers Lazio L 1 - 3

Nov 13 Bedford Park Rangers L 1 - 4

Nov 20 Crawley Green Rockets L 3 - 4

Nov 27 Flitwick Eagles Blues A

Dec 04 Shenley Foxes H

U12s Division 1 P W D L Pts

8 Dunstable Town Panthers 8 1 0 7 3

u15s lions results & Fixtures

Nov 06 Kempston Rovers Pumas W 7 - 2

Nov 13 Crawley Green Panthers W 5 - 3

Nov 20 MK Warriors Sharks H 6 - 2

Nov 27 Flitwick Eagles Golds A

Dec 04 Tattenhoe Youth Lions H

U15s Division 1

P W D L Pts 2 Dunstable Town Lions 8 7 0 1 21

u15s Tigers results & Fixtures

Nov 06 Bromham Lions W 2 - 0

Nov 13 Bedford Town Blacks W W - O

Nov 20 Crawley Green Panthers W 3 - 1

Nov 27 Newport Pagnell Pumas H Dec 04 Crawley Green Cubs A

U15s Division 2 P W D L Pts 3 Dunstable Town Tigers 9 4 2 3 14

U13s (Sat) Wolverines Results & Fixtures

Nov 05 Stotfold Junior Golds D 2 - 2

Nov 12 Maulden Magpies W 3 - 1 Nov 19 Stotfold Junior Golds W H - W

Nov 26 Flitwick Eagles U13 Whites H Dec 03 FC Precision H

U13s Division 1 P W D L Pts 1 Dunstable Town Wolverines 3 2 1 0 7

u13s (sun) whites results & Fixtures

Nov 06 Potton United W 6 - 2

Nov 13 Houghton Athletic L 3 - 6

Nov 20 Leighton United Blues L 1 - 5

Nov 27 Leighton United Greens H Dec 04 Wootton Rangers Purples A

U13s Division 3 P W D L Pts 5 Dunstable Town Whites 8 4 1 3 13


spo N sored W alk

Although the weather forecast for the day was looking good, with no rain predicted, there was some doubt with the recent amount of rain, how much of the cross-country sessions of the walk would be passable. As it turned out, apart from one sticky field, it was a fairly mud less walk.

Setting out from Creasey, the number of walkers increased for this journey. The old guard of Pete Bottom, Dean Falla, Andy Burrows and Richard Scott returned ready for their third walk and to bring their total to 68km. They were joined by digital manager Brad Cawthorne, kitman Steve Lewington, club photographer Liam Smith (who also carried all his camera gear), youth section development coach Joe Le Vien and his lovable sidekick Luna. Going round the back of the BMX track they skirted the Weatherby estate, crossed the Green Lanes and dropped down into Totternhoe behind Dunstable Town Cricket Club. After passing the

Old Farm Inn they then walked down the side of the Church of St Giles and entered what can only be described as a cow pat minefield.

Leaving the minefield unscathed our walkers were in Eaton Bray strolling down School Lane and heading towards the Heirloom Café in Edlesborough for a coffee and cake stop.

Suitably refreshed they approached the 800-year-old Church on the Hill. Its correct name is the Church of St Mary


the Virgin and the war memorial outside was still beautifully decorated from Remembrance Day the previous weekend.

A shingle path lead from the church, all the way to Ivinghoe, via Ivinghoe Aston at the foot of the Beacon. The sun started to poke out and they were greeted by other joyful walkers, joggers, dog walkers, a wobbly child on her bike and even a rather frisky horse. Passing another yet to open pub, the Rose and Crown, Pete was disappearing knocking on doors to say hello and collect sponsorship money from his friends. They were slightly perplexed by the whole event but wished our walkers safe passage around Pitstone village to Cook’s Wharf where they met the Grand Union Canal.

Once on the canal towpath the various morning scents of frying bacon and brewing coffee filled the morning air from the moored narrow boats for the last mile until a well-earned pint at the Red Lion in Marsworth. A stones throw from the canal this 17th-century pub has a central bar that serves three areas. An upstairs lounge with comfortable sofas, a small snug to the left of the entrance, and a public bar with an open coalburning fire. A few Side Pockets from

the Tring Brewery were in order to refuel for the last four miles.

Back on the canal towpath our valiant ramblers headed towards Tring Reservoir, a group of four reservoirs whose purpose is to feed the canal. Covering 263 acres it has a large bat population and is home to many species of rare birds and wildfowl. Fifty years ago, it was also the home of the then British record 43lb catfish, which is now stuffed and hanging in the Tring Museum. (They were different times or maybe it’s a Tring thing.)

Where the canal passed under Station Road, our walkers climbed up to road level and completed the last mile through the grounds of Pendley Manor, dashing into the undergrowth to water the surrounding flora, before crossing the finish line at Cow Lane.

If you would like to support our walkers in their quest to purchase a pitch side defibrillator and to support the Cystic Fibrosis Trust and The OLLIE Foundation, and help the club’s support groups and activities, including our walking football sessions, Sphere at the Glider and Chums and Crumbs at Dunstable Library please go to


“Sack the board, sack the board!” We’ve all heard it in football stadiums, radio shows and social media forums up and down the country. Yet it is one of the most ludicrous statements football fans fall back on when things aren’t going in the right direction on and frequently, off the pitch. Technically, nobody but the board can sack the board and there’s very little chance of that happening.

All football fans, irrespective of the level their club plays at, have felt anger and frustration at times about the performance of the club on and off the pitch. It only takes a poor performance on a Saturday afternoon and a few pints later for some of the loyalist fans to take to social media to vent their feelings about those running the club.

There are currently 383 clubs from the Premier League down to Step 4 of the National Game. At a guess less than ten percent make a profit every year, which means the vast majority will be financially supported by one or two individuals. These people tend to be directors and will be doing so on the most part because they love the club they are involved with. Of course, there will be some exceptions to this where the owners’ intentions are hidden, dare I say nefarious, but overall, clubs exist because of illogical economic reasoning. There are some businesses up and down the country that run at a loss but are supported by a labour of love. Some independent bookstores in quaint town centres, where browsers of the books are plentiful but actual customer numbers are dwindling. Ever increasing

rents, utilities and staff costs do not make up the shortfall on falling revenues and so they survive because of the loyalty of the owner. Many clubs are the same.

For the vast majority of clubs, especially those in Non-League, volunteers fill almost every position. Volunteers who put their hands in their pocket to cover a bill, pay for some kit, replace essentials in the ground or simply ensure that players are paid on a weekly basis.

Only a small proportion of fans really know or understand this, so to hear the dissent from the terraces often hurts. Many of them are only still doing the same thing that they always have because there is nobody else stepping forward and the alternative is no football club at all. Fans may want change out of frustration but often it is better the devil you know and unless there is a solid plan to replace the resources, fans may not really want to “sack the board”.

Obviously, in the professional game, few directors feel they are obliged to continue in their roles out of a sake of duty. Five years ago, protests reached an all-time high (or is it a low?) at the London Stadium as West Ham United capitulated to Burnley. The events during the game, including three separate pitch invasions and the baying mob directing their anger at the Director’s Box, were not spontaneous acts.

Whilst many media outlets and respected journalists will tell you this was nearly two years in the making, the problems have been brewing at West Ham for over five years and despite changes in


managers and high-profile signings, the movement behind the GSBOUT (David Gold, David Sullivan and Karren Brady, West Ham’s majority shareholders) continues to grow.

But why would they, or any other owner of a Premier League club leave? They are sitting on an investment that continues to grow in value despite poor performances on the pitch. If they were to leave, pressured out by the protests, would the fans really be happy in the knowledge that the owners would walk away with a huge return on their investment, estimated to be more than £50m in the time they have owned the club?

One look at Deloitte’s Football Rich List will show West Ham as the 16th richest club IN THE WORLD with a worth of €221m. They are the highest ranked club to be in the list who have never played Champions League football - that is an incredible achievement yet one of the core issues of the protesters is the lack of investment in the team.

There’s no doubt that if the club was put up for sale, there would be a queue of potential investors stretching from the Olympic Park back to Upton Park.

Down in Non-League the situation is a very different. Every summer we hear of more and more clubs being taken over by someone with money, full of great ideas and 5 year plans. “The plan is to be playing in the Football League within five years” or the like, is a phrase we have all heard so many times. Only a very small number of clubs have managed that journey - Forest Green Rovers, Fleetwood Town and Salford City are notable exceptions to a rule that nearly always ends in tears.

Over the years we have all heard the conversations with a number of visiting chairmen who were sure their financial clout was all that was needed to see them rise up the leagues - “our approach is different” they would say and then try to impress with facts and figures on their latest former Football League pedigree superstar striker.

There’s one team playing today in the Isthmian Premier League whose chairman claimed eight years ago that his aim was “seven successive promotions”. When it was pointed out to him that he only needed six to reach the Premier League, he claimed to be wealthy enough for his side to take their place in the as-yet formed European Super League.

The community, or in Germany 50+1 rule, does give power to the fans, and does allow them to “sack the board” in instances. Our model at Dunstable Town means that anyone can sign up to be a owner and that one share means that the fans can vote (or not) for the board of directors, and stand themselves at the annual elections.

In the ideal world fan power would carry more weight in the governance of the game but with the current moves by the professional game and more importantly, the Premier League to create a financial model that suits them, the potential for fans to have a say on how their clubs are run is rapidly disappearing.

At the top end football clubs are no longer viewed as “nice to have’s” but serious investment vehicles for wealthy individuals and global organisations. At the grass roots end, where investment comes in the form of time more so than money, there is no such thing as a return on time, resources or finance.


The b lue c ard

Dunstable Town Football Club has relaunched as a Community Benefit Society (CBS), which is a recognised legal entity structure, supported by the FSA (Football Supporters Association) and regulated by the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority).

This means that the club is owned equally by its shareholders, and anyone can become a shareholder with equal voting rights. When you become a member of the Club you will receive ‘The Blue Card’, which entitles you to the discounts listed below:

Company location discount

AH Carpentry and Joinery

Milton Keynes 10%

Anarkali Restaurant Dunstable 10% (Collection only, offer not valid on Tuesdays)

Armour Flex Online 15%

Belvoir Lettings Dunstable 1.5% off quoted monthly fee for full management service + £96 inc VAT off the quoted landlord startup fee

Creasey Park Dunstable 5% off all food and drink on matchdays between 1pm and 2pm on Saturdays and 6pm and 7pm on Tuesdays

Curry Garden Dunstable 5% total food bill when dining in the restaurant (not to be used for any other promotion in the restaurant)

CW Fishing Supplies Luton 10%

Hunt Fitness Leighton Buzzard 15%

Indian Bonsai Leagrave 5%

L&K Flowers Luton 10%

Marshall Heating Dunstable 10%

Matchday Merchandise Dunstable 10%

PB Carpentry Dunstable 20%

Pro-Direct Dunstable Town Club Shop Online 10%

The Glider Pub Dunstable 10%

The Local Offy Dunstable 5%

Tikka Masala Welwyn Garden City 5%

42 DUNSTABLE TOWN vs ARLESEY TOWN c ommu N i T y b e N efi T s ocie T y

become a N o WN er

Current club owners

Jeff Abraham

Ciaran Hannon-Abraham Niamh Hannon-Abraham

Andy Acton

Szymon Adamczyk Rizwan Ahmed Alex Alexandrou Clare Alexandrou Louie Alexandrou Panayis Alexandrou Aglaia Alexandrou Julie Allaway John Anstey Daniel Armas Neil Barker Linda Barker Ian Bateman Aaron Bateman Christian Baxter Peter Bottom Rosemary Bowen Lee Burgoyne Andy Burrows Matthew Byrne Matt Byrne Matt Carrington Jackie Carrington Brad Cawthorne

Michael Charge Darren Court

Warren Davies Douglas Deeney Taylor Doult

Bill Dunston

Christopher Eastham Lindsey Edwards

Ciaran Fairley-Edwards

Dean Falla

Simon Faulkner Paul Fisher Kai Fisher Aaron Flemons Ros Fowler

Colin Fox Annette Fox Jake Fox-Nania Cassius Freckleton Stuart Fuller Mark Galpin Daniel Galpin Lewis Gibbons John Greener Rupert Groves Roy Hall

Alan Hill Abbas Hussain Nick Jackson Isaac Jackson Patrick Johnson Gaj Jika Dave Lawlor Gary Levy Steve Lewington Kristy Lewington George Lewington Freddie Lewington Ted Lousvet Graham Luck Amanda Madaras Andrew Madaras Lucy Madaras Les Marsh Andrew McCloskey Elliott McCook Richard McCook Steven Mead Peter Mills

Anthony Moore Mohammed Munaim Lee Nania

Derek Nutley Lee Nutley Julian Nutley Charlie Nutley Gabby Nutley Hanna Nutley Jack Nutley

Stephen Overell

Mark Page Nigel Palmer Nikki Park Dudley Peacham Katrina Peacham Dean Purcell

Shaun Rapcewicz Graham Rhodes Daniel Roberts Ron Roberts

Vera Roberts Luke Roberts Leo Roberts Chloe Roberts James Rogers Jeffrey Roy Mark Saccoccio John Sanders Charlie Sanders Richard Scott Hunter Seabourne Adam Shearsby Alison Skea Abby Slough Liam Smith Kian Smith Alan Soper Maurice Sullivan Arone Thasan Simon Thatcher Ian Tofts

Nigel Trewin Daniel Trif Kenneth Trott Wayne Upton Zahara Verla Pearl Verla Yvonne Verla Anne Verla Steve Warboys Bob Warner

T y
44 DUNSTABLE TOWN vs ARLESEY TOWN Can you correctly identify these club badges? Answers on page 50 e X o N T he pi Tch do you remember this former dunstable Town player? Answers on page 50 W ho are ya?
DUNSTABLE TOWN FC MATCHDAY PROGRAMME 45 spo T T he ball guess T he player Can you guess which dunstable Town player is hiding behind Creasey the lion? Answers on page 50 b c a

Hayes is a town in West London, historically situated within the county of Middlesex and now part of the London Borough of Hillingdon. Hayes was developed in the late 19th and 20th centuries as an industrial locality to which residential districts were later added in order to house factory workers. Yeading is a settlement in West London, forming part of the London Borough of Hillingdon, having been developed after the Second World War. Yeading Dock was one of many docks built along the Grand Union Canal. The main industry in the area was brick making and the canal provided a reliable mode of transportation. After the Second World War, a large prefab estate was erected in Yeading.

Hayes FC was formed in 1909 originally as Botwell Mission. This was the small mission church where the players changed and stored their kit. In 1931 Hayes lost the FA Amateur Cup Final

to Wycombe Wanderers at Arsenal Stadium in front of a 31,000 crowd. After winning the Isthmian League in 1996, the club was promoted to Conference National. During a six-year spell, the highest finish was third place in 1999. Yeading FC was formed in 1960, remaining in junior and intermediate football until the 1980s before being granted senior status, joining the London Spartan League in 1984. Subsequently the club was promoted to the Isthmian League 1n 1987. In 1990 the club won

The pieman (@_Therealpieman) is a Tottenham hotspur fan who has attended thousands of matches and hundreds of grounds throughout the united kingdom and europe. This week he visits hayes & yeading united FC.

the FA Vase. Hayes FC and Yeading FC merged in 2007 to become Hayes & Yeading United FC.

Prior to the merger I had visited the grounds of Hayes (Church Road) and Yeading (Beaconsfield Road, latterly known as The Warren) in 1990 and 1985 respectively. Therefore, this long overdue visit to the SkyEx Community Stadium provided an element of symmetry and completion. My journey from Cheshunt, via Seven Sisters, Highbury & Islington, Gunnersbury and Ealing Broadway, enabled me to reach Hayes & Harlington.

From the railway station, it takes around 25 minutes to walk to the ground. Conveniently, the plotted route took me past The Botwell Inn (JD Wetherspoon). At this establishment. I enjoyed two contrasting brews from Sambrooks. Powerhouse Porter (4.9%) and Wandle (3.8%), both in excellent condition and I would suggest that the latter tastes a tad better than the river it is named after. Our friend Matt Smithurst has helped to clear rubbish from said river as a volunteer, so I may be wrong. The remainder of the route to the ground was mainly along country paths which was a pleasant change to the urban sprawl of this part of West London. The highlight of the ground is the impressive covered main stand, which offers an

excellent view of the entire playing area. On a warm sunny afternoon, the shade was most welcome. There is a small sheltered area in front of the stand for the use of less abled folk. The only other spectator accommodation is a covered terrace behind one of the goals. However, this section was out of bounds for this match. The remainder of the ground is open to the elements. This venue is still a work in progress and further development is planned.

The neutrals present enjoyed this match, the home support and officials less so I suspect. There was frustration following a red card in the first period. There was even greater frustration following Beaconsfield Town’s second half leveller. My journey home involved an interchange at Shepherd’s Bush and was relatively straightforward.

Attendance: 184 Admission: £10:00/£6:00 Programme: £2:50 (32 pages) Team Sheet: Free


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On The Road

Biggleswade United 23 miles

Saturday 10th December - 15:00 -

Premier Division

Address: Second Meadow, Fairfield Road, Biggleswade, SG18 0AA website: Twitter: @biggleswadeutd

TrAvelling by CAr

From A1 Biggleswade roundabout (Sainsburys). Go over the river bridge. At the next mini roundabout take the first left into Sun Street, then next left into Fairfield Road. Proceed to the end of the road and into the Lane. Ground is at the end of the lane.

TrAvelling by publiC TrAnsporT

There are a couple of routes to this game. After getting to Bedford station via Luton on the train, a 30-minute bus ride on the 74 to Hitchin will drop you within a 10-minute walk of the ground.

Alternatively, a train from Hitchin will get you to Biggleswade station, which is approximately a mile from the ground, giving you ample opportunity to visit the pubs below.

reCommended pub

There are several pubs on the High Street including Wetherspoons Crown Hotel, a converted coaching inn, the White Hart, purported to be the oldest pub in town, and the oak beamed Golden Pheasant. Any or all, are worth the trip.

ex on The pitch: Winger Kerran Birch came to Creasey in 2010 from the Stevenage Borough Academy via Biggleswade Utd. During that memorable season he made 54 appearances, scoring 11 goals including 2 goals in our FA Vase run to the 5th round. who Are ya: Chelsea and Dover Athletic guess The player: Tolu Ikuyinminu spot The ball: A


club direc Tory

Ardley Road, Ardley Oxfordshire OX27 7PA

New Lamb Meadow Stadium, Hitchin Road, Arlesey SG15 6RS

Haywood Way, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP19 9WZ

New Lamb Meadow Stadium, Hitchin Road, Arlesey SG15 6RS

Second Meadow, Fairfield Rd, Biggleswade SG18 0AA

Cockfosters Sports Ground, Chalk Lane, Cockfosters, Barnet EN4 9HZ

The Recreation Ground, High Street Colney Heath, Hertfordshire AL4 0NP

The Stadium at the Brache, Park Street, Luton. LU1 3HH

Creasey Park Community Football Centre Creasey Park Drive, Dunstable LU6 1BB

Rothamsted Park, Harpenden, Hertfordshire AL5 2EF

Stewart Edwards Stadium, Lowfield, Park View, Hoddesdon, Herts. EN11 8PX

Bell Close, Lake Street Leighton Buzzard LU7 1RX

Pancake Lane, Leverstock Green, Hemel Hempstead HP2 4NQ

North Orbital Road, St. Albans, Hertfordshire AL2 1DW

Hutchinson Hollow, Biggleswade Road, Potton, Sandy SG19 2LX

The B.E.P. Stadium, Horsenden Lane Princes Risborough HP27 9NE

Shefford Sports Club Hitchin Road, Shefford Beds SG17 5JD

New Roker Park, Arlesey Road Stotfold, Bedfordshire SG5 4HE

Hertingfordbury Park, West Street Hertford, SG13 8EZ

Grass Roots Stadium, Cow Lane, Tring, Hertfordshire HP23 5NS

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Dylan Baker

Harry Beaumont

Thomas Bryant

Connor Coulson

Ethan Creary

Benjamin Crilley

Kyle Davison-Gordon

Luke Dunstan

Kyle Faulkner

Benjamin Gray Tolu Ikuyinminu

Sean Immanuel Charlie Jones

Owen McConnell

Liam McCrohan

Joe Mead Ruairi Mills

Terrence Muchineripi

Daniel Naylor

Jamie Nicholls

Isaac Olaleye

Alfie Osborne

Kelvin Osei-Addo

Jack Percy Joe Reynolds

Joe Sellers-West

J’Ardell Stirling

Remell Stirling Danny Webb

Vinnie Baker

Lanrewaju Balogun

Cordell Blackwood

Reece Crowter

Tarik Dallas

Jake Davis

Lavel Davis-Thomas Daniel Chukwubuikem

Ezeigwe Udanoh

Aedan Gaffney

Lincoln Gilmartin

Aaron Gooch

Akintomide Jaiyeola

Bruno Brito

Ryan Ludlow-Hillard

Harry Maslin

William McClelland

Jesus Mendoza

Tom Millett

Thami Mmakola

Yousaf Mohamed Stuart Mortimer

Ivan Otono

Adam Randall

Sudayisi Sendege

Oliver Skinner Alex Taylor Daniel

                                                        
Wappett du N s Table ToWN mAnAger JOE DEENEY a rlesey ToWN mAnAger N ICK B ROWN maTch officials referee Simon Dutton assisTaNTs Rhys Davies Paul O’Hare upcomiNg fiXTures p oTTo N uN i T ed (h) SSMFL Premier Division Saturday 26th November Kick off 3.00pm afc du N s Table (h) Beds Senior Cup 1R Wed 30th November Kick off 7.45pm Tri N g aT hle T ic (h) Isuzu FA Vase 3R Sunday 4th December Kick off 3.00pm

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