Potton United - Sat 26th Nov

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BEARINGS Structural Solutions Potton United // sat 26 nov // 3:00P m sPartan s o U th m idlands Football l eag U e Premier d ivision T WN

du N s Table To WN f.c.

Creasey Park Drive, Brewers Hill Road, Dunstable, Beds LU6 1BB

Dunstable Town FC is a Community Benefit Society. It is registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 Registration Number 8667 as Dunstable Town Football Club Ltd

dire C tors

Andrew Madaras

Chair / Secretary / Director of Community Activities & Matchday Operations

Matt Carrington - Vice Chair / Treasurer

Neil Barker - Director of Partnerships

Christian Baxter - Director of Youth Football

Peter Bottom

Supporters’ Groups Director / Fundraising Manager

Gary Levy - Director of Football

Kristy Lewington

Director of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusivity

Lee Nania

Director of CBS Growth & Marketing / Business Consultant

Julian Nutley

Commercial & Marketing Director / Business Consultant

Dan Roberts

Director of Specialist Community Projects

C omm U nity bene F it so C iety team

Adrian Witkowski - Membership Administrator

Yvonne Verla - Mental Health Ambassador

Ian Bateman - Walking Football

Patrick Mackay - Walking Group

Lee Nutley - Chums and Crumbs

Andrew Madaras - Sphere at the Glider

Lou Goodman - Volunteer

C oa C hing sta FF

Joe Deeney - Head Coach

Kyle Durcan - Assistant Head Coach

Anthony Christophi - Coach

Ayub Nabongo - U18s

Adam Ashton - Physio/Sports Therapist

Steve Lewington - Kitman

C l U b o FF i C ers & o FF i C ials

Brad Cawthorne - Digital Manager

Jeffrey Roy - International Supporters’


Abby Slough - Marketing & Advertising Manager

Liam Smith - Events Manager

Wayne Upton - Community Activities

Darren Court - Network Football Management/ Commercial Manager

media team

Brad Cawthorne - Website/DTFC TV

Chris White & Liam Smith - Club Photographers

Matt Carrington - Social Media

Abby Slough - Instagram

Richard Scott - Programme Editor Fly Design & Print - Programme Printing

m at C hday t eam

Wayne Upton - Matchday Manager

Brad Cawthorne - Matchday Cameraman

Patrick Mackay & Andrew Madaras - Reporters

Amanda Madaras - Turnstile Manager

Dan Roberts - Matchday Merchandise

George Lewington - Matchday DJ

Chris Gray - Matchday Steward

Bradley Field & Mark Williams - Stewards

yo U th se C tion

Andrew Madaras - Chair

Wayne Upton - Vice Chair

Kristy Lewington - Secretary/Club Welfare Officer

Christian Baxter - Treasurer

Steve Chiswell - Assistant Welfare Officer

Wayne Upton & Joe Le Vien - Football Development

Jeff Abraham - Parents Representative

Karl Clarke & Steve Lewington - Social Media


joe dee N ey

Welcome to the management, players, supporters, and all associated with Potton United. It seems an eternity since our last meeting on the season opener and a lot has happened and transpired since the beginning of August for both sides. We were delighted to get the win in our previous encounter in a hardfought game. Potton arrive on excellent form without defeat in the last 9 and will be a tough examination for our group.

I was pleased to return to winning ways on Tuesday night at home against Arlesey. Whilst it was a comfortable 2-0 win, I felt our performance levels could have been better in certain facets of our game. Our intensity was good from the start which was pleasing and put them under real pressure. Could we have played better? Of course, we could have. I don’t want to discredit the opposition who never gave up, but I always felt we were in control from start to finish. We should have scored more, and players are naturally disappointed when they don’t convert chances, but I’d only be worried if we didn’t get chances.

We have had a tough last week as a group and a lot of that has been our own doing. What has come out of the adversity which I love is how we all stick together; we never turn on each other and when things get tough, we are always there side by side and that is something you don’t buy. We were disappointed at Tring, satisfied with Arlesey but no more than that.

Management anyone will tell you is all consuming. I spend 24 hours a day, 7 days a week thinking about this job. I’ve never been put under pressure by anyone on the board or any of our supporters which most Managers get after every bad result or bad run and fear the impending sack.

I have a completely different type of pressure. The pressure all comes from myself as the responsibility I personally feel to deliver for such a fantastic group of people is immense. It’s a pressure I thrive on, and I feel it important to be honest as always in my programme notes.

“my wonderful Chairman calls me to check in on how i’m feeling and to make sure i’m ok! you don’t hear that in football often if ever!”

Most Managers after a defeat get a call from the Chairman asking what happened and why they picked certain players, formations and get a inquisition. My wonderful Chairman Andrew calls me to check in on how I’m feeling and to make sure I’m ok! You don’t hear that in football often if ever! Sir Alex Ferguson always said pick a chairman not a club and that is one of the best bits of advice I’ve ever heard. When you are a Manager like me who it’s fair to say can be a little emotional, this level of support helps keep me semi balanced.

Our club has so many great people. Gary Levy, Neil Barker, Julian Nutley, Lee Nania and Matt Carrington delivered on everything they promised when I took the job. Over the last few weeks, the supportive text messages win, lose or draw from the Directors offering words of encouragement has made such a difference. Last Saturday after the game at Tring a simple text from Abby Slough encouraging and supporting when she could see my obvious disappointment made such a difference after a loss. It’s the simple things that make huge differences. I genuinely can’t speak highly enough of the people at our club. I said when we took the job, we would get highs and lows and peaks and troughs.

Andy Burrows continues to do fantastic work and always offers a supporting word win or lose and is always the one to catch my unfiltered and raw emotion straight after a game which isn’t an easy job. I always feel it is important to do the post-match interview immediately at the final whistle. Supporters warrant a real time reaction, not some watereddown nonsense full of typical cliches, how boring is that! I love emotion in football, I want to see if from my players, supporters, and my staff so it is vital I set that tone. When I am delighted, I say, when I am mad, I say it! No fluff just straight talking.

The Regiment and the Young Regiment singing us off the pitch the other week shows what a special club we really do have. How many clubs would the crowd sing the Managers name with such affection after a 4-0 loss in the rain?

The Lewington’s are another massive support network for me and everyone at the club. Freddie and George will always run over and give me a high five no matter what the result. Kristy is always there to encourage and support and checks in on me and all the players. Steve Lewington for me has been top drawer. The work he puts in is nothing short of fantastic. He always goes above and beyond. He is someone that I trust implicitly and deserves full praise. He is the best kitman I have ever worked with by some distance. He lives and breathes our club, and nothing ever seems too much for him to do. Any Manager will tell you that gestures like that are never unnoticed and never forgotten.

I always emotionally invest into everything I do, and this feels like one big family and I would like to think we are building something special with the supporters and everyone associated with the club. We will of course not always agree and I’m sure at times we will not love each other as much as we should but that’s what families do. Every one of you associated with this club is the reason why when other clubs at higher levels have come knocking Iv declined to even engage in a conversation. I believe in what we do here and I’m sure we will continue to have a great journey. There will be highs and lows and it will be an exciting journey I assure you.

Enjoy today’s game and thank you to you all for everything you do for us.

Joe Deeney

i a N b aT ema N

Good afternoon and welcome. First, I would like to welcome our friends from Potton United, I hope you enjoy your visit to Creasey Park and have a safe journey home and to your loved ones.

I was honoured when I was asked to provide some programme notes for today, but then I thought what can I write, had a moment of panic but thought to myself hang on you have just written a wedding speech, which apparently went well, this will be a doddle.

Anyway, most of you will know me as I have been associated with the club in several roles, the main one being a Supporters Liaison, welcoming both home and away supporters to the ground on match days, selling merchandise, programmes, and Golden Goal.

I then had the privilege of being asked to sit on the committee as supporters took over the running of club. Unfortunately,

this was role cut short as I couldn’t give the position the commitment it required due to illness within my family.

But I’m back in a new role within the club and that really highlights the pull of the Dunstable Town Football Club family that Andrew has installed within the club.

My latest role within the club is to manage, I use the term very loosely, the DTFC walking football team. Walking football first came about as we came out of those horrible times known as lockdown and as a Community Benefit Society, DTFC wanted to give something to the local community and extend a hand of help and friendship to those who may have identified that they needed it and to those who didn’t realise they needed it at the time but have since.

DTFC Walking Football is now an affiliated club with the Walking Football Association and currently have 40

4 DUNSTABLE TOWN vs POTTON UNiTED vie W from T he boardroom
“dtFC walking Football is now an affiliated club with the walking Football association and currently have 40 players registered within the club and that continues to grow on a weekly basis.”

players registered within the club and that grows on a weekly basis.

From a personal perspective I get a great deal of satisfaction as I see participants laughing, joking, talking to each other, and enjoying their walking football sessions and it has made me realise that sometimes people just need friendship and a chat which helps to get away from the pressures of everyday life and if we can offer that to people, we have succeeded.

There is a competitive side to the DTFC Walking Football as well, we have recently taken part in 2 friendly matches with MK Walkers FC, unfortunately we were not so successful as we lost both games 4-3 and 8 -0 respectively, but the results were not overly important as we enjoyed yet another extended hand of friendship, which was brilliant. We have kit sponsorship through the ASDA Foundation and for that I thank Lee Narnia.

I had the pleasure [?] of refereeing the 2nd friendly and very quickly realised that as a referee, no matter what your decision, you will never satisfy everyone and maybe I need to take that realisation to DTFC 1st team games, I’ll let you decide on that, but something to consider next time you’re about to tell the ref he is wrong.

There is a bonus to DTFC Walking football in that some participants have embraced the complete DTFC experience and regularly attend DTFC 1st team home games, become season ticket holders and some have taken the advantages of many benefits of becoming an owner of Dunstable Town Football Club, again details are available on the club website.

If anyone is interested in taking part in Walking football please come and have a chat with me, normally found behind the opposition goal having a polite chat with their goalkeeper or contact me through Email at walkingfootball. dunstabletownfc@gmail.com

Earlier I mentioned many have benefited from attending DTFC Walking Football sessions and to finish off, as many of you will be aware I have had an emotional last 18 months, so I can personally support this, as being part of the DTFC family has benefited me immensely, so I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone of you for your kind words and support.

I would like to thank you all personally through this opportunity, but Scottie would not thank me as he would never get you all in the programme, but you all know who you are and I will forever be grateful, but … there are some people I would like to thank for their love and support through my darkest of days, Thank you, Andrew Madaras, Joe Deeney, The Lewingtons [for their love] Richard “Scottie“ Scott. I could go on forever.

OK that’s me done, it’s been a pleasure and please have a safe journey home after today’s game and when you get home to your loved ones, whatever the outcome of today’s game give them a cuddle and tell them that you love them. And please remember: In spite of it all …. Life is beautiful

du N s T able T o WN
media @dunstabletownFC Twitter account of Dunstable Town FC 8.5k followers @dunstabletownFC Instagram account of Dunstable Town FC 1.8k followers dunstabletownFootballClub Facebook account of Dunstable Town FC 2.3k followers
HELP US ENSURE MATCHES ARE SAFE AND ENJOYABLE FOR ALL L O V E F O O T B A L L. PR O TE C T THE GAM E . F O O T B A L L HAS C O M E T OGETH E R T O T OUGHEN MEASURES ADDR E SS I N G FAN B E H AVIOUR AT M AT CH E S D AN G EROUS BEH AV I OU R HAS NO P L A CE I N OUR G A ME . POTENTIAL CONSEQUENCES: CRIMINAL BEHAVIOUR: Entering the pitch without permission Smoke bombs and pyros Throwing objects Drug use Discriminator y behaviour Serious injur y Automatic club ban Repor ted to the police Criminal record Education and employment at risk
W elcome T o PoTTo N uN i T ed P remier divisio N 2021-22 season 10th the royals Best - 3q 22/23 - 1q Best - 5r 22/23 - 1q The hollow capaciT y 1,000 distance from creasey 44 mins 26 miles sTar maN FoUnDeD 1943

PoTTo N uN i T ed

Potton United were, unusually, formed in Wartime 1943. Although only limited football was played at this time, they soon made their mark on the local football scene by winning the Bedfordshire Intermediate Cup in 1944.

When football returned to normality after the war, United joined the South Midlands League and remained there until 1955. The club then applied to join a London based league but were refused entry, so they were forced to take a break from competitive football. They spent a short period in the Central Alliance League before finally joining the United Counties League where they remained in the Premier Division until the end of the 2000/2001 season when they were relegated into Division One. Potton were very successful in the local cup competitions in the 1960’s and 70’s but had to wait until the 1986/87 season to win their first league title. During this season they remained unbeaten on their travels. Two years later this achievement was repeated, and Ray Seekings scored a club record 56 goals.

The 1989/90 season saw Potton reach the fifth round of the FA Vase, before losing 2-1 away to Billericay in front of a 1000 plus crowd. Potton had a good following that day and many remember the after-match activities.

Kenny Davidson took over the reins for four seasons and won a number of cup competitions, but failed to make any real impact in the league. The 1996/7 season was the most impressive with the club participating in six cup finals, winning four of them.

After Kenny left in 1998 the club went through a bad spell on the pitch and were eventually relegated. After a poor season in Division One, it was decided that the club should look for a new manager. Former club captain and fans favourite, Dick Newman returned to the club at the start of the 2002/2003 season. After spending most of the season in second place in the league, a poor run in at the end of the season cost the club promotion.

Dick was well prepared for 2003/4 and expected a lot from the squad. Going into the last game of the season at Olney the first team needed to win to secure the league title, and they did so in style winning 5-0.

Having gained promotion, the club was looking to consolidate their position in the league, but November onwards found them challenging for honours. Eventually they had to settle for runners-up to Cogenhoe. They could only manage a 2-2 draw, in front of the largest crowd of the season (325), although they had most of the play, they could not just score the winning goal.

The first team won the UCL Knock-Out Cup, for the first time since 1972/3, and won the Hinchingbrooke Cup and North Beds Charity Cup. Joint Managers Dick Newman and Roy Bloxham won three Manager of the Month’s awards as well as winning Manager of the Season.

In 2005 Ian Donnelly took over the role of Manager following Dicks close season resignation. At the start of the season many would have settled for a mid-table finish but when they went top



games PoTTo N uN i T ed

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in October and remained there for the rest of the season, except for one week, it seemed that they would be in for a chance of beating the previous seasons runners up spot. Unfortunately, fate was to strike again, and Woodford pipped them to the league title, this time goal difference was the deciding factor.

Following Ian Donnelly’s resignation towards the end of the season due to business commitments, Roy Bloxham was appointed as first team manager. Roy moved quickly to bring Dick Newman back to the club as his assistant.

In season 2006-07 they finished a creditable fourth in the league and reached the Fourth Round of the FA Vase before losing 2-1 to eventual finalists AFC Totton. They did not win any silverware but reached the final of the North Beds Charity Cup and UCL knock-out cup.

Roy Bloxham announced that he would not be able to continue as Manager, and the club appointed 32-year-old Dean Chapman as Manager. Unfortunately, most of the previous three season’s squad left the club so Dean had the job of rebuilding the side with his cousin Adam Chapman and Kelvin Ash.

The first team had a very unsettled side and just escaped relegation by finishing

third from bottom. They fared slightly better in cup competitions reaching four semi-finals and one final. Just before the end of the season Dean Chapman announced he would be stepping down as manager at the end of the season.

Former Potton goalkeeper Dean Shipp was given the job and brought an experienced backroom team with him. The season was a very disappointing one as the club finished second from bottom and were relegated into Division One. It was particularly disappointing that they were relegated due to not passing the required ground grading and Rothwell Corinthians, who finished bottom, stayed up in the Premier Division.

Before the commencement of the 2009/10 season Dean Shipp announced his resignation. They appointed Tom Galvin and Declan Shilton as joint managers. They finished in the bottom half of Division One and were losing finalists in the Bedfordshire Senior Trophy.

In September 2010 Tom Galvin wanted to concentrate on playing so Darren Staniforth and Glen Clark were appointed joint Managers. They had a difficult season which finished in 16th place in the league. They worked hard

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PoTTo N uN i T ed

over the summer to bring in new players for the new season. The season ended with them finishing 15th in the UCL

An application for a grant for new floodlights was granted and new floodlights were installed during the 2014-15 season. The 1st team finished in 3rd place in Div 1, just missing out on promotion and got to the UCL knock-out cup final, losing 3-0 to AFC Rushden & Diamonds.

At the start of the 2016-17 season Laurence Revell took over the role of 1st team Manager in with Darren Staniforth stepping up to Football General Manager to oversee all teams within the club. The 1st team finish in 6th position in Division One which earns them a place in the FA Cup for the 2017-18 season.

The 1st team go on a great run in February/March of the 2017-18 season which saw them finish as runners up and promoted back to Step 5 of the football pyramid. They also feature in the final of the North Beds Charity Cup, beating Bedford FC 2-0.

The FA laterally moved the 1st team to the Spartan South Midlands League for the 2018-19 season finishing a creditable 7th place in the league and made the final of the league challenge trophy. Steve Kuhne resigns at the end of the season and Laurence Revell returns to the club as manager. After a difficult start in 2021-22 they finished in 10th place in UCL Premier. Runners up in Hinchingbrooke Cup, losing to Harborough Town in final. Request to be laterally moved back to SML for 22-23 granted by FA.

Premier league home away

Ardley United 1 - 1 Arlesey Town 0 - 1

Aylesbury Vale Dynamos 0 - 5 Baldock Town

Biggleswade United Cockfosters

Colney Heath Crawley Green 1 - 1

Dunstable Town 0 - 2 Harpenden Town 2 - 3 Hoddesdon Town 2 - 1 Leighton Town Leverstock Green London Colney 2 - 0 Risborough Rangers 2 - 2 Shefford Tn & Campton

Stotfold 3 - 0 0 - 0

St Panteleimon 3 - 4 0 - 1 Tring Athletic 3 - 0

Fa Cup

Norwich United 2 - 3

Soham Town Rangers 3 - 1 1 - 1 Hendon 1 - 5

Fa vase

Romford 1 - 0

Premier division Cup

Harpenden Town 2 - 2 Colney Heath 0 - 3 TBC

seaso N so far

T he hu N dred club

01 Brad Cawthorne 02 Ebrahim 03 04 Steve Mead 05 Kristy

06 07 Andrew Madaras 08 09 Colin Tibbett 10 Ron & Vera Roberts 11 Becky Gray 12 Jackie Carrington 13 Patrick Mackay 14 Michael Charge 15 Abby Slough 16 Steve Lewington 17 18 Lee Nania 19 20 Patrick Johnson 21 22 23 Jeff Abraham 24 Dan Roberts 25 26 27 Wayne Upton 28 Gary Levy 29 Julian Nutley 30 Andrew Madaras 31 Andrew Madaras 32 Simon Thatcher 33 Mandy Madaras 34 35 36

37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45
47 48 49 50
The purpose of the 100 Club is to raise funds for kit, equipment and the general costs associated with running the footballl club. Subscriptions are available at £3 per number per week and are drawn every Thursday. To join contact Steve Lewington, stevolew79@gmail.com Thursday 10th November 33 WINNER 4 RUNNER UP
Colin Fox
Jeff Abraham
John Oliver
51 52 53 Jeff Abraham 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Neil Barker 61 John Chatterly 62 63 64 65 66 Rupert Groves 67 68 69 Andrew McCloskey 70 71 Dan R 72 73 74 Paul Ward 75 76 77 78 79 Derek Hing 80 Pete Mills 81 82 Catherine Holdstock 83 84 Matt Carrington 85 86 Neil Barker 87 Andrew Madaras 88 89 Neil Barker 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97
99 100 Mark Page rece NT
i NN ers
16 DUNSTABLE TOWN vs POTTON UNiTED P layer s P o N sors firs T T eam 2022/23 s P o N sor your favouri T e P layers For sponsorship enquires, find Matt Carrington on a matchday, email treasurer.dunstabletownfc@gmail.com or call 07903 751121 a ndy bU rrows & C UPC ake a manda m adaras
mark Page st U art bea U mont the lewingtons C iaran hannonabraham
Anthony Christophi SPONSORED BY Joe Reynolds SPONSORED BY Adam Ashton SPONSORED BY Steve
Dylan Baker SPONSORED BY Harry Beaumont SPONSORED BY Thomas Bryant SPONSORED BY Connor Coulson SPONSORED BY
DUNSTABLE TOWN FC MATCHDAY PROGRAMME 17 je FF abraham in memory o F aaron bateman wayne gordon U nder 15s lions
Ethan Creary SPONSORED BY Benjamin Crilley SPONSORED BY
the mills brothers BEARINGS Structural Solutions rj rose andy b U rrows
Kyle Davison-Gordon SPONSORED BY Luke Dunstan SPONSORED BY Sean Immanuel SPONSORED BY Joe Mead SPONSORED BY Ruairi Mills SPONSORED BY Terrence Muchineripi SPONSORED BY Daniel Naylor SPONSORED BY
lUC y m adaras hawkes & smart
Jamie Nicholls SPONSORED BY Kyle Faulkner SPONSORED BY Robbie Goodman SPONSORED BY Benjamin Gray SPONSORED BY Tolu Ikuyinminu SPONSORED BY Liam McCrohan SPONSORED BY
18 DUNSTABLE TOWN vs POTTON UNiTED “A colourful life could be staring you in the face” 01525 288 777 info@flydesignandprint.co.uk www.flydesignandprint.co.uk

l o U ise m adaras ja C kie C arrington

Isaac Olaleye SPONSORED BY Alfie Osborne SPONSORED BY Kelvin Osei-Addo SPONSORED BY Jack Percy SPONSORED BY Joseph Sellers-West SPONSORED BY
u P N e XT @creaseyPark a FC d U nstable wed 30 nov 2022 // 7:45P m b ed F ordshire s enior C UP F irst ro U nd
J’Ardell Stirling SPONSORED BY Remell Stirling SPONSORED BY Danny Webb SPONSORED BY James Verney SPONSORED BY
iT ’s T he Talk of T he To WN Podcas T “Yes ... a podcast about the Super Blues. Try the link linktr.ee/dtfcpod or the QR code”
Ollie Bayliss returns to BBC Three Counties on Saturday afternoons, for all the latest non-league news from Beds, Herts & Bucks.
22 DUNSTABLE TOWN vs POTTON UNiTED Proud sponsors of dunstable Town f.c . 57 lowther road, dunstable, bedfordshire lu6 3Nl BLUE CARDDISCOU N T DUNSTABLETOWN

P layer s TaT s

apps sub town total goals ylw red sin bin

dylan baker 8 38 1 2 harry beaumont 16 5 21 2 1 thomas bryant 0 Connor Coulson 12 30 ethan Creary 15 2 47 1 3 benjamin Crilley 12 1 27 4 kyle davison-gordon 10 10 1 luke dunstan 9 9 1 3 1 kyle Faulkner 16 3 41 9 1 1 robbie goodman 1 1 1 benjamin gray 19 tolu ikuyinminu 19 19 4 3 sean immanuel 1 9 10 2

Charlie jones 10 10 1 owen mcConnell 1 1 liam mcCrohan 11 4 37 1 1 joe mead 1 1 21 ruairi mills 7 2 26 terrence muchineripi 10 1 41 1 1 daniel naylor 2 4 29 jamie nicholls 15 isaac olaleye 6 4 12 1 3 alfie osborne 18 18 6 kelvin osei-addo 6 10 28 5 2 jack Percy 2 18 joe reynolds 31 joe sellers-west 18 3 46 8 4 J’Ardell Stirling 22 43 1 2 remell stirling 6 15 33 3 james verney 1 2 9 danny webb 5 5 1


goals & cards

Kyle Faulkner 9 Joe Sellers-West 8

Kelvin Osei-Addo 5 Tolu Ikuyinminu 4 Remmel Stirling 3 Sean Immanuel 2 Harry Beaumont 2 J’Ardell Stirling 1 Luke Dunstan 1 Dylan Baker 1 Terrence Muchineripi 1 Isaac Olaleye 1

y r P

Alfie Osborne 6 0 60

Luke Dunstan 3 1 55

Joe Sellers-West 4 0 40 Benjamin Crilley 4 0 40

Kyle Faulkner 1 1 35 Liam McCrohan 1 1 35 Isaac Olaleye 3 0 30

Ethan Creary 3 0 30 Tolu Ikuyinminu 3 0 30 Dylan Baker 2 0 20

Kelvin Osei-Addo 2 0 20 J’Ardell Stirling 2 0 20

P rogress

1 2 3 4 5
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 Position Points Points Position
26 DUNSTABLE TOWN vs POTTON UNiTED s T a T s zo N e 2022 - 23 fi XT ures & resulT s aUgUst ComP att res 1 2 3 4 5 Tue 2nd Aug Potton United A PD 162 2-0 Coulson Creary Davidson-Gordon Crilley J Stirling sat 6th aug great wakering rovers h FaC eP 175 2-0 Coulson muchineripi davidson-gordon Creary j stirling sat 13th aug tring athletiC h Pd 131 2-2 Coulson muchineripi davidson-gordon Creary j stirling sun 21st aug west esseX h FaC P 258 2-1 jones muchineripi davidson-gordon Creary j stirling sun 28th aug Crawley green h Fav 1q 260 2-0 jones muchineripi davidson-gordon Creary j stirling sePtember sat 3rd sep sheFFord town & CamPton h FaC 1q 297 0-2 jones muchineripi davidson-gordon Creary j stirling tue 6th sep baldoCk town h lCt 1r 122 4-0 jones muchineripi (1) davidson-gordon mcCrohan j stirling sat 17th sep london Colney h Pd 150 5-1 jones Creary davidson-gordon (1) mcCrohan j stirling tue 20th sep sheFFord town & CamPton h Pd 178 4-1 jones muchineripi davidson-gordon mcCrohan j stirling (1) sat 24th sep holmer green h Fav 2q 266 4-0 Coulson Creary (1) davidson-gordon mcCrohan j stirling oCtober Sat 1st Oct Colney Heath A PD 134 2-1 Jones Muchineripi McCrohan J Stirling Osborne Ikuyinminu Tue 4th Oct Tring Athletic A PDC 2R 120 1-0 Coulson Mills McCrohan J Stirling Osborne Ikuyinminu sat 8th oct leighton town h Pd 603 2-1 Coulson Creary baker mcCrohan j stirling Tue 11th Oct Ardley United A PD 105 1-1 Coulson Creary Baker McCrohan J Stirling Sat 15th Oct Leverstock Green A PD 81 2-2 Jones Creary Crilley McCrohan J Stirling sat 22nd oct norwiCh Cbs h Fav 1r 276 2-1 jones Creary Crilley mead j stirling Wed 26th Oct St Panteleimon A PD 36 1-1 Coulson Mills Crilley Creary J Stirling Ikuyinminu november sat 5th nov stotFold h Pd 238 0-4 jones mills Crilley Creary j stirling tue 8th nov moUlton h lCt 2r 194 2-3 Coulson mills Crilley j stirling mcCrohan Fri 11th nov enField h Fav 2r 322 1-0 Coulson mills Crilley sellers-west j stirling Sat 19th Nov Tring Athletic A PD 235 0-1 Coulson Mills Sellers-West J Stirling Dunstan tue 22nd nov arlesey town h Pd 130 2-0 Coulson mills goodman (1) sellers-west j stirling sat 26th nov Potton United h Pd wed 30th nov aFC dUnstable h bsC 1r deCember sun 4th dec tring athletiC h Fav 3r tue 6th dec CoCkFosters h Pd Sat 10th Dec Biggleswade United A PD Sat 17th Dec Shefford Town & Campton A PD Wed 21st Dec St Panteleimon A PDC QF tue 27th dec Crawley green h Pd janUary Mon 2nd Jan Baldock Town A PD sat 7th jan st Panteleimon h Pd Sat 14th Jan Leighton Town A PD Tue 17th Jan Harpenden Town A PD Sat 21st Jan Risborough Rangers A PD sat 28th jan ardley United h Pd Tue 31st Jan Hoddesdon Town A PD FebrUary sat 11th Feb hoddesdon town h Pd sat 18th Feb leverstoCk green h Pd Sat 25th Feb Arlesey Town A PD tue 28th Feb aylesbUry vale dynamos h Pd marCh Sat 4th Mar London Colney A PD sat 11th mar Colney heath h Pd sat 18th mar risboroUgh rangers h Pd Sat 25th Mar Cockfosters A PD Tue 28th Mar Aylesbury Vale Dynamos A PD aPril sat 1st apr biggleswade United h Pd sat 8th apr baldoCk town h Pd Mon 10th Apr Crawley Green A PD sat 15th apr harPenden town h Pd Sat 22nd Apr Stotfold A PD PD - SSMFL Premier Division, FAC - FA Cup, FAV - FA Vase, BSC - Bedfordshire FA Senior Challenge Cup, LCT - Challenge Trophy, PDC - Premier
DUNSTABLE TOWN FC MATCHDAY PROGRAMME 27 6 7 8 9 10 11 sUb 1 sUb 2 sUb 3 sUb 4 sUb 5 Osborne Olaleye Muchineripi Osei-Addo (1) R Stirling Ikuyinminu (1) Faulkner (66) Mead (81) Naylor (90) osborne Faulkner Crilley osei-addo (1) sellers-west ikuyinminu r stirling (46)(1) beaumont (90) osborne Faulkner Crilley olaleye sellers-west ikuyinminu (1) beaumont (48) osei-addo (56)(1) mcCrohan (64) r stirling (90) osborne beaumont Crilley osei-addo (1) r stirling (1) ikuyinminu Faulkner (70) olaleye (74) sellers-west (86) osborne beaumont Crilley osei-addo r stirling ikuyinminu Faulkner (56)(2) sellers-west (56) mcCrohan (89) osborne Faulkner Crilley osei-addo sellers-west ikuyinminu r stirling (63) beaumont (69) mcCrohan (75) osborne beaumont (1) olaleye sellers-west Faulkner (1) baker r stirling (66)(1) Creary (69) osei-addo (79) osborne beaumont dunstan sellers-west (1) Faulkner (3) ikuyinminu muchineripi (61) osei-addo (67) r stirling (68) Crilley (77) Creary beaumont dunstan (1) sellers-west (1) Faulkner baker (1) osei-addo (65) r stirling (70) naylor (76) osborne beaumont muchineripi sellers-west (1) Faulkner (1) baker r stirling (52) osei-addo (65) immanuel (65) Ikuyinminu Beaumont Sellers-West (1) Faulkner Baker R Stirling Osei-Addo (30)(1) Immanuel (73) Ikuyinminu (1) Naylor Sellers-West Faulkner Baker R Stirling Olaleye (46) Immanuel (67) Beaumont (78) Percy (86) osborne beaumont dunstan sellers-west Faulkner (1) ikuyinminu (1) olaleye (60) osei-addo (86) r stirling (88) Osborne Beaumont Dunstan Sellers-West (1) Faulkner Ikuyinminu Mills (13) Osei-Addo (78) R Stirling (90) Osborne Beaumont (1) Dunstan Sellers-West Faulkner Ikuyinminu R Stirling (56) Immanuel (77)(1) Osei-Addo (88) osborne beaumont olaleye osei-addo sellers-west (1) ikuyinminu r stirling (46) mills (46) immanuel (67)(1) Ikuyinminu Beaumont R Stirling Sellers-West (1) Baker Olaleye Naylor (18) Immanuel (57) Osei-Addo (78) Percy (87) osborne beaumont dunstan webb sellers-west ikuyinminu immanuel (54) r stirling (75) osborne naylor olaleye (1) webb Faulkner ikuyinminu Creary (11) beaumont (66) sellers-west (66)(1) stirling r (73) dunstan webb (1) beaumontimmanuelFaulknerikuyinminu mcCrohan (60)verney (81) r stirling (89) Webb BeaumontFaulkner Ikuyinminu VerneyMcCrohan Olaleye (55) Immanuel (71) osborne webbbeaumont Faulkner (1) ikuyinminudunstan immanuel (50) verney (50)naylor (64) r stirling (88) Premier Division Cup



An Evening of Burlesque Beauty and the Beast Bye Bye Baby

Creasey Tees was founded in 2005 to provide brightly designed apparel for supporters of Dunstable Town FC

It has now been revamped, redesigned and reborn for the post pandemic 2020s

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DUNSTABLE TOWN FC MATCHDAY PROGRAMME 29 s T a T s zo N e 2022 - 23 games & goals w d l home 11 1 3 away 3 3 1 total 14 4 4 total home away % Points 59% 41% Points per game 1.83 2.17 1.50 % Wins 64% 73% 43% % Defeats 18% 20% 14% % Draws 18% 7% 43% % goals scored 78% 22% Goals scored 41 32 9 Goals scored per game 1.86 2.13 1.29 % goals conceded 71% 29% Goals conceded 21 15 6 Goals conceded per game 0.95 1.00 0.86 Total goals per game 2.82 3.13 2.14 6 6 5 10 7 7 2 1 3 2 7 6 0-15 16-30 31-45 46-60 61-75 76-90 Scored Conceded 17 24 6 15 1st 2nd home 78% away 22% Goals Scored home 59% away 41% Points won 64% lost 18% drawn 18% Results head To head 1.86 0.95 1.82 1.23 1.86 0.95 1.82 1.23 8 8 Goals Scored Per Game Goals Conceded Per Game Clean Sheets
30 DUNSTABLE TOWN vs POTTON UNiTED 7 Allied Business Centre, Coldharbour Lane, Harpenden, Herts AL5 4UT Tel: 01582 463420 Email: info@dysk.co.uk

league Table

Pos team P w d l gd Pts

1 Crawley Green 16 11 2 3 28 35

2 Stotfold 16 10 4 2 17 34 3 Leighton Town 14 10 2 2 24 32 4 Tring Athletic 18 8 4 6 0 28 5 Biggleswade United 14 8 3 3 8 27 6 Potton United 14 7 4 3 12 25 7 St Panteleimon 15 7 4 4 5 25 8 Risborough Rangers 15 7 3 5 2 24 9 Shefford Town & Campton 15 7 2 6 -2 23 10 dunstable town 12 6 4 2 8 22 11 Leverstock Green 14 5 7 2 8 22 12 Harpenden Town 15 6 2 7 -4 20 13 Cockfosters 13 4 6 3 5 18 14 Ardley United 14 4 4 6 -5 16 15 Baldock Town 16 5 1 10 -14 16 16 Hoddesdon Town 16 4 4 8 -15 16 17 Aylesbury Vale Dynamos 14 4 2 8 -4 14 18 Arlesey Town 16 2 2 12 -19 8 19 Colney Heath 16 2 2 12 -22 8 20 London Colney 17 1 2 14 -32 5

curre NT form

Pos team P w d l gF ga

1 Potton United 6 5 1 0 12 2

2 Crawley Green 6 5 0 1 22 6 3 Stotfold 6 5 0 1 18 7 4 Biggleswade United 6 4 2 0 18 6 5 Leighton Town 6 4 2 0 15 4 6 Tring Athletic 6 4 0 2 13 13 7 Cockfosters 6 3 2 1 16 7 8 Risborough Rangers 6 3 1 2 13 10 9 St Panteleimon 6 2 2 2 8 7 10 Aylesbury Vale Dynamos 6 2 1 3 14 11

11 Shefford Town & Campton 6 2 1 3 13 14 12 Harpenden Town 6 2 1 3 8 12 13 Hoddesdon Town 6 2 1 3 7 11 14 Ardley United 6 2 1 3 11 16 15 Baldock Town 6 2 1 3 8 14 16 Leverstock Green 6 1 3 2 11 10 17 dunstable town 6 1 3 2 6 9 18 Arlesey Town 6 1 0 5 3 14 19 Colney Heath 6 1 0 5 7 20 20 London Colney 6 0 1 5 6 24



aTT e N da N ces

team lowest highest average

Leighton Town 144 403 275

2 dunstable town 130 603 238

3 Stotfold 103 239 173

4 Harpenden Town 95 263 145

5 Cockfosters 76 267 129

6 Aylesbury Vale Dynamos 58 322 128 7 Biggleswade United 61 212 128 8 Risborough Rangers 84 182 121 9 Potton United 85 167 119 10 Tring Athletic 0 235 111 11 Arlesey Town 63 155 102 12 Baldock Town 0 215 90 13 Shefford Town & Campton 64 136 89 14 Hoddesdon Town 65 96 85 15 Colney Heath 51 134 82 16 Ardley United 0 109 76 17 Leverstock Green 31 91 64 18 Crawley Green 33 60 44 19 London Colney 20 50 39 20 St Panteleimon 0 41 32

scorers resulT s

Leon Lobjoit Leighton Town 30

Taylor Rhiney Biggleswade United 29

Lewis Toomey Leighton Town 17

Asher Yearwood Risborough Rangers 14

Lawrence Ajong Baldock Town 13

Joshua Adeyileka Crawley Green 12

Chris Blunden Leverstock Green 12

Jake Baldwin Aylesbury Vale 11

Cole Butler Potton United 10

Dean Morgan St Panteleimon 10

Codi-Lee Spavins Stotfold 10

Yemi Adelani Biggleswade United 9

Darius Browne Ardley United 9

Archie McClelland Leighton Town 9

Charlie Thake Shefford Tn & Camp 9 kyle Faulkner dunstable town 9

George Carbery Tring Athletic 8

Guilherme Monti St Panteleimon 8 joe sellers-west dunstable town 8

Henry Snee Shefford Tn & Camp 8

Mason Spence Stotfold 8

tuesday 22nd november 2022 Baldock Town 0 - 2 Crawley Green 59

Colney Heath 2 - 4 Tring Athletic 89 Dunstable Town 2 - 0 Arlesey Town 130 Harpenden Town 2 - 0 Cockfosters 101 Hoddesdon Town 2 - 2 St Panteleimon 65

Leighton Town 2 - 1 Aylesbury Vale 144 Risborough Rangers 3 - 4 Ardley United 124 Shefford Tn & Camp 2 - 2 Biggleswade Utd 68

32 DUNSTABLE TOWN vs POTTON UNiTED ssmfl P remier divisio N

arou N d T he ssmfl 2022 - 23

div o N e div TW o

P w d l P

1 Real Bedford FC 16 15 0 1 45

2 Rugby Borough 13 11 0 2 33

3 North’ton Sileby Rangrs14 11 0 3 33

4 Amersham Town 15 9 4 2 31

5 Eaton Socon 16 8 5 3 29

6 Ampthill Town 13 9 1 3 28 7 North’ton ON Chenecks12 8 2 2 26

8 Letchworth Garden City 17 8 2 7 26

9 Moulton 15 7 1 7 22

10 Winslow United 16 7 1 8 22

11 Lutterworth Athletic 13 6 2 5 20

12 Burton Park Wanderers 15 5 3 7 18

13 Rushden & Higham Utd 15 5 3 7 18

14 Raunds Town 17 5 0 12 15

15 Buckingham Athletic 16 3 5 8 14

16 Thame United Res 16 4 0 12 12

17 London Tigers 15 3 1 11 10

18 Langford 15 3 1 11 10 19 Wellingboro’ Whitworth 15 3 1 11 10 20 Holmer Green 14 2 2 10 8

P w d l P

1 New Bradwell St Peter 11 10 1 0 31

2 Old Bradwell United 11 10 0 1 30

3 Totternhoe 10 10 0 0 30

4 Leighton Town Dev 11 8 2 1 26

5 Codicote 10 6 2 2 20

6 Milton Keynes College 12 6 2 4 20

7 Aston Clinton 9 6 0 3 18

8 Pitstone & Ivinghoe 12 5 0 7 15

9 Sarratt 10 5 0 5 15 10 Berkhamsted Raiders 12 4 2 6 14

11 Eynesbury United 11 4 0 7 12

12 Tring Corinthians AFC 10 4 0 6 12 13 AFC Caddington 12 4 0 8 12 14 Bovingdon 8 3 2 3 11 15 Risboro’ Rangers Dev 13 2 1 10 7

16 Potton United Dev 11 2 0 9 6 17 Buckingham United 10 2 0 8 6 18 The 61 FC (Luton) 11 0 0 11 0

resulT s resulT s

saturday 19th november 2022

Ampthill Town 3 - 1 Winslow United 187

Buckingham Ath 0 - 3 Burton Park Wands 37 Holmer Green 3 - 4 Letchworth Garden City 55

London Tigers 2 - 6 Rushden & Higham Utd 13 Lutterworth Ath 2 - 1 Wellingboro’ Whitworth 0

Moulton 2 - 4 Northampton Sileby Rangers 117

North’ton ON Chenecks 3 - 3 Amersham Tn 47

Real Bedford 2 - 1 Eaton Socon 141

Rugby Borough 5 - 0 Raunds Town 120

Thame United Reserves 4 - 0 Langford 52

saturday 19th november 2022

Aston Clinton 2 - 3 Totternhoe 18

Berko Raiders 6 - 0 The 61 FC (Luton) 45 Codicote 1 - 1 Milton Keynes College 54

Eynesbury United 0 - 2 Old Bradwell United 0 New Bradwell St Peter 5 - 1 Tring Corinthian 50

Potton United Res 0 - 4 Pitstone & Ivinghoe 50

Risboro’ Rangers Dev2 - 4 Buckingham Utd 38

Sarratt 3 - 1 AFC Caddington 0

34 DUNSTABLE TOWN vs POTTON UNiTED 2-0 a rlesey To WN t U esday 22 november 2022 CREASEY PARK KO 7.45PM ATT 130 dunstable town Harry Beaumont Connor Coulson Luke Dunstan Kyle Faulkner Robbie Goodman Tolu Ikuyinminu Ruairi Mills Alfie Osborne Joe Sellers-West J’Ardell Stirling Danny Webb arlesey town Vinnie Baker Reece Crowter Daniel Udanoh Aedan Gaffney Bruno Brito Ryan Ludlow-Hillard Harry Maslin Adam Randall Sudayisi Sendege Alex Taylor Cordell Blackwood duNsTable ToWN Tv Sponsored by Heritage Funerals Watch the highlights on our YouTube channel. Scan the QR Code to access or search “Dunstable Town FC” on YouTube.

maTch re P or T

Dunstable were good value for their win. They hit the woodwork twice and were denied further goals by an accomplished piece of goalkeeping from Ryan Ludyard Hillyard the Arlesey Town stopper. However, on another day, the Blues may find themselves needing to convert a greater percentage of chances than the two they converted on Tuesday. But let’s not detract from a professional performance and celebrate the first win in six League games. The dip in form had seen the Blues drop down the table to 11th before kickoff. Not a disaster by any metric you choose to use and some very creditable draws among those games blighted by injuries and suspensions to key players.

After leaking 7 goals in two matches against Stotfold & Moulton, Head Coach, Joe Deeney will be pleased that the last three games have seen his side concede only once, and even that was the result of a defensive blip.

Always honest and up front with supporters, Joe had told the Talk of the Town podcast after the Moulton game that his sides’ DNA were that they were always difficult to break down, difficult to score against and difficult to beat. Somehow, he would need to muster all his many years of coaching and managerial experience to instill the confidence into players who we know can perform better and more consistently. Deeney has strengthened the squad where he felt it needed additional bolster. Up front, the signatures of Danny Webb & James Verney brought immediate success in the Isuzu FA Vase tie against

Enfield FC and Robbie Goodman’s experience in the heart of defence was invaluable against Arlesey. Partnered with J’Ardell Stirling, the two established an immediate understanding and looked as if their defensive partnership was seasons old as opposed to just one, two-hour training session.

Dunstable took charge from the off. Offensively minded they strode into a two-goal lead before half-time. Kyle Faulkner’s shot from distance finding the bottom corner while the second, a beautifully flighted free kick from Harry Beaumont found the willing head of Robbie Goodman to place the ball beyond Ludyard-Hillyard.

With the Blues creating a decent number of chances the half-time talk on the terraces was whether Dunstable would be able to get another couple and improve their goal difference of +8. Context is everything and while that shows a positive difference with only just a third of the season played, it’s a long way off the table toppers.

Deeney brought on four substitutes to try and unpick the Arlesey defence for a third time but found the door firmly shut. Arlesey, despite their lowly League placing have had a much better time on the road than playing in front of their own fans. Their two League victories have both been away from home at London Colney & Aylesbury Vale Dynamos and they had claimed the notable scalp of Barton Rovers in the Beds Senior Challenge Trophy suggests the team isn’t far from turning the corner on what has clearly been a tricky start.


u 15s l io N s

The game started at a frantic pace, but what is now customary and concerning, Town were staring down the barrel of a two-goal deficit after just 20 minutes. Town were given a lifeline in the 28th minute. In trying to play out from the back, MK Warriors gave the ball away. George latched on to the loose pass and guided the ball into the bottom right corner with a very cool and controlled finish. Five minutes from the break and Town were level. Ben played the ball into George. He set Josh free. Josh attacked the space in front of him and with the MK defence backing off, he careered the ball over the keeper from 30 yards Straight from kick off Town pressed. George tracked the passes and forced a mistake. The ball rolled beautifully to Charlie who rocketed the ball into the roof of the goal from 25 yards out.

George then went into the sin bin and Town were down to 10 men. The manager responded to the sin bin by bringing on

The Reducer, Callum. He busied himself disrupting play. Joe dominated the ariel duels and ensured there was no way through. The Reducer won a crunching, sliding challenge, picked up the ball and galloped away on the counterattack. He passed to George, who bolted to the edge of the box and forced the keeper into a sprawling save. Buddy put the corner deep, to the back post, and Sam was on hand to volley the ball in.

On 68 minutes. George took a quick throw in to Charlie, who spread the play wide left to Ads. He took a touch and delivered low ball to back post. The ball scrambled in under the diving hand of the keeper.

Two minutes from time, Joe and Ben combined to give the ball to Charlie. Scott ran in behind the defence and was expertly found. He twisted and turned the defender and slammed the ball in at the near post. After a minute of stoppage time the referee brought a very enjoyable game to an end.

36 DUNSTABLE TOWN vs POTTON UNiTED du N s T able T o WN you T h sec T io N

you T h u P daT e

U18s results & Fixtures

Oct 17 Colney Heath L 3 - 6

Oct 26 Aylesbury Vale Dynamos L 1 - 2

Nov 24 Harpenden Town A P - P

Dec 08 Oxhey Jets A

Dec15 Leighton Town A

Corinthian division P w d l Pts

8 Dunstable Town 7 2 0 5 6

U15s Panthers results & Fixtures

Oct 30 Stopsley United Scorpion W 3 - 0

Nov 13 Bromham Youth Lions W 2 - 0

Nov 20 Newport Pagnell Jaguars L 2 - 3

Nov 27 Stotfold Junior Ambers A

Dec 04 Crawley Green Panthers H

U15s division 2 P w d l Pts

4 Dunstable Town Panthers 7 3 2 2 11

U13s (sat) lions results & Fixtures

Oct 29 FC Precision L 2 - 4

Nov 12 Flitwick Eagles Whites L 1 - 3

Nov 19 FC Precision W 1 - 0

Dec 03 Stotfold Junior Golds A

Dec 10 Luton Allstars Panthers A

U13s division 1 P w d l Pts

7 Dunstable Town Lions 2 0 0 2 0

U13s (sun) Phoenix results & Fixtures

Oct 30 Sacred Heart City W 5 - 0

Nov 13 Ampthill Town Santos W 5 - 0

Nov 20 Kempston Rovers Jaguars A P - P

Nov 27 Bedford Town Greys H

Dec 11 Kempston Rovers Jaguars H

U13s division 2 P w d l Pts

3 Dunstable Town Phoenix 6 4 0 2 12

U12s Panthers results & Fixtures

Nov 06 Bedwell Rangers Lazio L 1 - 3

Nov 13 Bedford Park Rangers L 1 - 4

Nov 20 Crawley Green Rockets L 3 - 4

Nov 27 Flitwick Eagles Blues A

Dec 04 Shenley Foxes H

U12s division 1 P w d l Pts

8 Dunstable Town Panthers 8 1 0 7 3

U15s lions results & Fixtures

Nov 06 Kempston Rovers Pumas W 7 - 2

Nov 13 Crawley Green Panthers W 5 - 3

Nov 20 MK Warriors Sharks H 6 - 2

Nov 27 Flitwick Eagles Golds A

Dec 04 Tattenhoe Youth Lions H

U15s division 1 P w d l Pts 2 Dunstable Town Lions 8 7 0 1 21

U15s tigers results & Fixtures

Nov 06 Bromham Lions W 2 - 0

Nov 13 Bedford Town Blacks W W - O

Nov 20 Crawley Green Panthers W 3 - 1

Nov 27 Newport Pagnell Pumas H Dec 04 Crawley Green Cubs A

U15s division 2 P w d l Pts 3 Dunstable Town Tigers 9 4 2 3 14

U13s (sat) wolverines results & Fixtures

Nov 05 Stotfold Junior Golds D 2 - 2

Nov 12 Maulden Magpies W 3 - 1 Nov 19 Stotfold Junior Golds W H - W

Nov 26 Flitwick Eagles U13 Whites H Dec 03 FC Precision H

U13s division 1 P w d l Pts 1 Dunstable Town Wolverines 3 2 1 0 7

U13s (sun) whites results & Fixtures

Nov 06 Potton United W 6 - 2

Nov 13 Houghton Athletic L 3 - 6

Nov 20 Leighton United Blues L 1 - 5

Nov 27 Leighton United Greens H Dec 04 Wootton Rangers Purples A

U13s division 3 P w d l Pts 5 Dunstable Town Whites 8 4 1 3 13


Banking for a greener future

Follow us on social proud to support

the biggest stadium in england for a few years at least “Build it and they will come” is the immortal line from the film Field of Dreams (and Wayne’s World 2) where a farmer is encouraged by a vision in his sleep to build a baseball field on his farm. As an economist, the concept that you can create demand for something by artificially creating or inflating supply is an interesting idea and is certainly the mantra that has worked in Qatar in their realising their dream of hosting the FIFA World Cup Finals (that and a pot of cash like no one has ever seen).

Alas in English football it has also been the rhyme of fools more too often, with clubs investing heavily in redevelopment and new stadiums only to see them sitting virtually empty on a match day such as MK Dons stadium or not even used for football at all such as the Ricoh Arena, once the home of Coventry City.

But sometimes things in football can go spectacularly wrong. The strange tale of New Brighton Tower FC, who played in a stadium on the Wirral that had a capacity once of 100,000 (which was for a time the largest stadium in England). However, they lost that honour in the early part of the 20th Century to a London club few football fans have ever heard of - Thames FC.

Back in 1928 a consortium of businessmen heralded the opening of the West Ham Stadium in East London. Built with a capacity of 120,000 it was the biggest stadium in England at the time and was earmarked to compete

directly against Wembley Stadium, opened five years previously, as a venue for all sports. initially the stadium was used for Greyhound and Speedway racing although the owners soon saw that football was the way forward.

An application was made to join the Southern League for the 1928/29 season where they competed for two seasons, finishing in third place in 1930. The owners felt that the club were perfectly placed to compete in the Football League, and surprisingly their application to join was accepted from the 1930/31 season, taking the place of Merthyr Town.

Alas, with clubs like West Ham, Clapton (Leyton) Orient, Millwall and Arsenal all located close by the general public of East London failed to warm to the new League club and crowds were appallingly low. In fact, in December 1930 they set the Football League record for the lowest ever attendance (that still stands today) of just 439 for the game versus Luton Town. In that first season the club & finished in 20th place (out of 22 clubs), with an abysmal away record of taking just three points from a possible forty-two.

The following season it got worse for the club. Crowds rarely broke the 5,000 mark and on the pitch, they struggled to string any positive results together. At the end of the season, they finished bottom, five points adrift of Gillingham. Rather than apply for re-election the owners simply admitted their mistake and withdrew the club from the Football League.


There was talk of a merger with Clapton Orient but within a few months of leaving the league, the club were no more.

The stadium continued to host greyhound and speedway right up until 1972, although the capacity was reduced due to safety issues at regular intervals. Finally, it became too expensive to run and the ground was sold to property developers. Today, it is a housing estate with nothing to show for its proud history than a few street names with nods to the sporting stars that were once performed there. Just a few hundred yards north of where the West Ham Stadium stood, just the other side of the A13 is the Terence McMillan Stadium which does today host local sides Athletic Newman and Clacton, famed for their Ultras.

The TerryMac, as it is known locally, opened just as the West Ham Stadium was closing, with the growing East End community in mind as an integral part of the Prince Regent Playing Fields. Whilst today the games held here, such as for my visit to watch Atheltic Newman versus Frenford FC in the Eastern Counties League One South, are played out in front of crowds measured in the tens, the stadium did open in an auspicious fashion back in February 1976 when

a fundraiser was held for West Ham United’s full-back Frank Lampard.

Back in the day when players were loyal to their clubs, playing more than often for their local team throughout their career rather than chasing the cash, testimonials were granted after a player had been at a club for ten years. Ironically, out of the three Premier League players who have been at their club for ten years or more, West Ham captain Mark Noble is the longest serving with 18 years consecutive service.

Entry for the game between East Ham United and West Ham United on that day was 45p, about £3.50 today, where a crowd of 4,250 saw the Hammers, who included Trevor Brooking, Jimmy Greaves, and Lampard himself, beat East Ham, who fielded ex-Manchester United and Dunstable Town star George Best, 8- 7.

Thames FC could have made a huge difference on football if the locals had got behind the team. With no London team at the time having a real impact on English football with the right support they could have today been challenging the Manchester clubs for honours and resources....possibly.


The b lue c ard

Dunstable Town Football Club has relaunched as a Community Benefit Society (CBS), which is a recognised legal entity structure, supported by the FSA (Football Supporters Association) and regulated by the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority).

This means that the club is owned equally by its shareholders, and anyone can become a shareholder with equal voting rights. When you become a member of the Club you will receive ‘The Blue Card’, which entitles you to the discounts listed below:

Company location discount

AH Carpentry and Joinery Milton Keynes 10%

Anarkali Restaurant Dunstable 10% (Collection only, offer not valid on Tuesdays)

Armour Flex Online 15%

Belvoir Lettings Dunstable 1.5% off quoted monthly fee for full management service + £96 inc VAT off the quoted landlord startup fee

Creasey Park Dunstable 5% off all food and drink on matchdays between 1pm and 2pm on Saturdays and 6pm and 7pm on Tuesdays

Curry Garden Dunstable 5% total food bill when dining in the restaurant (not to be used for any other promotion in the restaurant)

CW Fishing Supplies Luton 10%

Hunt Fitness Leighton Buzzard 15%

Indian Bonsai Leagrave 5%

L&K Flowers Luton 10%

Marshall Heating Dunstable 10%

Matchday Merchandise Dunstable 10%

PB Carpentry Dunstable 20%

Pro-Direct Dunstable Town Club Shop Online 10%

The Glider Pub Dunstable 10%

The Local Offy Dunstable 5%

Tikka Masala Welwyn Garden City 5%

42 DUNSTABLE TOWN vs POTTON UNiTED c ommu N i T y b e N efi T s ocie T y

become a N o WN er

Current club owners

Jeff Abraham

Ciaran Hannon-Abraham Niamh Hannon-Abraham

Andy Acton

Szymon Adamczyk Rizwan Ahmed Alex Alexandrou Clare Alexandrou Louie Alexandrou Panayis Alexandrou Aglaia Alexandrou Julie Allaway John Anstey Daniel Armas Neil Barker Linda Barker Ian Bateman Aaron Bateman Christian Baxter Peter Bottom Rosemary Bowen Lee Burgoyne Andy Burrows Matthew Byrne Matt Byrne Matt Carrington Jackie Carrington Brad Cawthorne

Michael Charge Darren Court

Warren Davies Douglas Deeney Taylor Doult

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Christopher Eastham Lindsey Edwards

Ciaran Fairley-Edwards

Dean Falla

Simon Faulkner Paul Fisher Kai Fisher Aaron Flemons Ros Fowler

Colin Fox Annette Fox Jake Fox-Nania Cassius Freckleton Stuart Fuller Mark Galpin Daniel Galpin Lewis Gibbons John Greener Rupert Groves Roy Hall

Alan Hill Abbas Hussain Nick Jackson Isaac Jackson Patrick Johnson Gaj Jika Dave Lawlor Gary Levy Steve Lewington Kristy Lewington George Lewington Freddie Lewington Ted Lousvet Graham Luck Amanda Madaras Andrew Madaras Lucy Madaras Les Marsh Andrew McCloskey Elliott McCook Richard McCook Steven Mead Peter Mills

Anthony Moore Mohammed Munaim Lee Nania

Derek Nutley Lee Nutley Julian Nutley Charlie Nutley Gabby Nutley Hanna Nutley Jack Nutley

Stephen Overell

Mark Page Nigel Palmer Nikki Park Dudley Peacham Katrina Peacham Dean Purcell

Shaun Rapcewicz Graham Rhodes Daniel Roberts Ron Roberts

Vera Roberts Luke Roberts Leo Roberts Chloe Roberts James Rogers Jeffrey Roy Mark Saccoccio John Sanders Charlie Sanders Richard Scott Hunter Seabourne Adam Shearsby Alison Skea Abby Slough Liam Smith Kian Smith Alan Soper Maurice Sullivan Arone Thasan Simon Thatcher Ian Tofts

Nigel Trewin Daniel Trif Kenneth Trott Wayne Upton Zahara Verla Pearl Verla Yvonne Verla Anne Verla Steve Warboys Bob Warner

T y
44 DUNSTABLE TOWN vs POTTON UNiTED Can you correctly identify these club badges? answers on page 50 e X o N T he P i Tch do you remember this former dunstable town player? answers on page 50 W ho are ya?
P o T T he ball guess T he P layer Can you guess which dunstable town player is hiding behind Creasey the lion? answers on page 50 b c a

the Pieman (@_therealPieman) is a tottenham hotspur fan who has


matches and hundreds of grounds throughout the United kingdom and europe. this week he visits norwich United FC.

The football club was founded in 1903 as Poringland and District, initially playing in the Norwich & District Business House League. In 1965 progression was made in joining the third division of the Anglian Combination, winning the league at the first attempt. In 1979 Norwich United won the Norfolk Junior Cup and repeated the feat in 1981. In 1987 the club was named Norwich United. In winning the Anglian Combination Premier Division in 1988, the club was promoted to the Eastern Counties League. In 2016 the club was promoted to the Isthmian League. A first ever Norfolk Senior Cup win in 2018 also saw the club return to the Eastern Counties League. The journey by train was made from Cheshunt via Audley End, and Norwich to Brundall. I used a discounted rail voucher resulting in a return fare of £5:00 (thanks again Martin). Before the last leg of the journey, I adjourned to The Glass House (J D Wetherspoon)

for breakfast and a pint of Reedlighter (4%), a pale ale from Woodforde’s. This final leg of the journey was a walk of just over a mile and half from Brundall station taking you through Blofield, the adjacent village. The approach to Plantation Park is without pedestrian walkways and this was highlighted by a stream of cars passing me as I was arriving, not a problem in daylight but less so in the dark, as I was to find later! The ground is well appointed and typical of many in

attended of

this league. The main stand area is the only covered spectator accommodation but is cleverly split into three sections. Bench seats at one end, standard seating in the middle and a decent terraced area at the other end. One end of the ground is completely open and backs onto an agricultural field. The side opposite the stand is also completely open, the only furniture being the dugouts. This side also backs on to an agricultural field although the trees between the two areas are taller, giving a more enclosed feel. The remaining end of the ground houses virtually all the club facilities. There is a smart separate turnstile block. The main building houses the changing rooms, licenced bar and function room, spectator toilets and a separate refreshment bar for hot and cold food and drinks. There is also another structure housing a gym. I have often been impressed by the friendliness of this league and once again the folk I met lived up to my expectation. The two sides had met in the opening match of the season, sharing a 0-0 draw. Visitors Mildenhall Town were above their hosts in the table but had played more matches. All indications were that another close match would ensue. However, it was the visitors that impressed early on and it was no surprise when they took

the lead through Kieran Twinn. The second period saw a resurgent home side taking the game to the visitors. This change of emphasis was rewarded with ten minutes remaining when Alby Matthews levelled the scores. Despite a red card for the visitors, they managed to hold out for a draw and this neutral believes that to be a fair outcome for this match, played in a good spirit by both sides. For me, the previously mentioned Kieran Twinn and Jordan Buttle were players that contributed greatly to their respective team performances.

As expected, the walk back to Brundall station was not as straightforward as the reverse before the match. Leaving the ground at the same time as so many cars meant hugging the side of the road for much of the time. However, what was not expected was the complete absence of any street lighting in Blofield!

Mobile phone torches were utilised by the small group of pedestrians, as you are also obliged to negotiate footpaths disappearing and appearing again on the other side of the road. Brundall by contrast is better equipped and it was nice to reach that area. Connections at Norwich and Cambridge North were good, and I arrived back at Cheshunt shortly before 9pm.



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On The Road

Biggleswade United 23 miles

saturday 10th december - 15:00 - Premier division

address: Second Meadow, Fairfield Road, Biggleswade, SG18 0AA website: www.biggleswadeutd.com twitter: @biggleswadeutd

travelling by Car

From A1 Biggleswade roundabout (Sainsburys). Go over the river bridge. At the next mini roundabout take the first left into Sun Street, then next left into Fairfield Road. Proceed to the end of the road and into the Lane. Ground is at the end of the lane.

travelling by PUbliC transPort

There are a couple of routes to this game. After getting to Bedford station via Luton on the train, a 30-minute bus ride on the 74 to Hitchin will drop you within a 10-minute walk of the ground.

Alternatively, a train from Hitchin will get you to Biggleswade station, which is approximately a mile from the ground, giving you ample opportunity to visit the pubs below.

reCommended PUb

There are several pubs on the High Street including Wetherspoons Crown Hotel, a converted coaching inn, the White Hart, purported to be the oldest pub in town, and the oak beamed Golden Pheasant. Any or all, are worth the trip.

ex on the Pitch: George Brinkman arrived at Dunstable Town in 2011 after successful spells at Stotfold and Royston Town. Having spent many of his younger years at the club watching his dad play and manage, it was very much a homecoming. During his stay he scored 8 goals in 41 appearances. who are ya: Coventry City and Dulwich Hamlet guess the Player: James Verney spot the ball: C



club direc Tory

Ardley Road, Ardley Oxfordshire OX27 7PA www.ardleyunitedfc.co.uk

New Lamb Meadow Stadium, Hitchin Road, Arlesey SG15 6RS www.arleseytownfc.co.uk

Haywood Way, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP19 9WZ www.aylesburyvaledynamos.co.uk

New Lamb Meadow Stadium, Hitchin Road, Arlesey SG15 6RS www.baldocktownfc.com

Second Meadow, Fairfield Rd, Biggleswade SG18 0AA www.biggleswadeutd.com

Cockfosters Sports Ground, Chalk Lane, Cockfosters, Barnet EN4 9HZ www.pitchero.com/clubs/cockfosters

The Recreation Ground, High Street Colney Heath, Hertfordshire AL4 0NP www.colneyheathfc.co.uk

The Stadium at the Brache, Park Street, Luton. LU1 3HH www.pitchero.com/clubs/crawleygreenfc

Creasey Park Community Football Centre Creasey Park Drive, Dunstable LU6 1BB www.dunstabletownfc.co.uk

Rothamsted Park, Harpenden, Hertfordshire AL5 2EF www.harpendentownfc.co.uk

Stewart Edwards Stadium, Lowfield, Park View, Hoddesdon, Herts. EN11 8PX www.hoddesdontownfc.co.uk

Bell Close, Lake Street Leighton Buzzard LU7 1RX www.leightontownfc.co.uk

Pancake Lane, Leverstock Green, Hemel Hempstead HP2 4NQ www.levgreenfc.co.uk

North Orbital Road, St. Albans, Hertfordshire AL2 1DW www.londoncolneyfootballclub.com

Hutchinson Hollow, Biggleswade Road, Potton, Sandy SG19 2LX www.pitchero.com/clubs/pottonunitedfc

The B.E.P. Stadium, Horsenden Lane Princes Risborough HP27 9NE www.risboroughrangersfc.co.uk

Shefford Sports Club Hitchin Road, Shefford Beds SG17 5JD www.twitter.com/sheffordcampton

New Roker Park, Arlesey Road Stotfold, Bedfordshire SG5 4HE www.stotfoldfc.co.uk

Hertingfordbury Park, West Street Hertford, SG13 8EZ www.stpanteleimonfc.co.uk

Grass Roots Stadium, Cow Lane, Tring, Hertfordshire HP23 5NS www.tafc.co.uk

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Dylan Baker

Harry Beaumont

Thomas Bryant

Connor Coulson

Ethan Creary

Benjamin Crilley

Kyle Davison-Gordon

Luke Dunstan Kyle Faulkner

Benjamin Gray Tolu Ikuyinminu

Sean Immanuel Owen McConnell

Liam McCrohan Joe Mead Ruairi Mills

Terrence Muchineripi

Daniel Naylor

Jamie Nicholls

Isaac Olaleye Alfie Osborne Kelvin Osei-Addo Jack Percy Joe Reynolds Joe Sellers-West J’Ardell

Liam Andrews

Jesse Armoo

Daniel Baulk

Joshua Brown

James Burnside

Cole Butler

Ibrahim Camara

Isaac Charles

Tarik Dallas

David Etheridge

Craig Foxall

Lil Francisco

James Hoskins

Joshua Howard-Dobson

Aaron Hudson

Niall Jones

Finbar King

Aaron McArdle

Judicael Mottaz

Louis Octave

David Parkinson

James Smith

Jack Thomas Alfie Warman

Sam Willis

Callum Wilson

                                                      
Stirling Remell Stirling James Verney Danny Webb
du N s Table ToWN manager JOE DEENEY PoTTo N uN i T ed manager J IMMY M ARTIN maTch officials referee Marcus Tingey assisTaNTs Carl Jones Justin Jones uPcomiNg fiXTures afc du N s Table (h) Beds Senior Cup 1R Wed 30th November Kick off 7.45pm Tri N g aT hle T ic (h) Isuzu FA Vase 3R Sunday 4th December Kick off 3.00pm b iggles W ade uN i T ed (a) SSMFL Premier Division Saturday 10th December Kick off 3.00pm

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