Porcelain Veneers THE ART OF DENTISTRY
Porcelain Veneers – The Basics Porcelain veneers can simply be defined as thin custom
made shells with the shape and color of natural teeth used to cover the front part of the teeth. These types of veneers mimic the light reflecting element of natural teeth. Half a millimeter of you enamel is usually removed after administration of a local anesthetic of your choice. This thickness is reflective of the thickness of the veneer that will be constructed for fitting. The dentist makes a model of the tooth or teeth impression and sends to the laboratory for construction. Usually you have to go home and come back after for two to three weeks to give the laboratory ample time for construction of the veneers.
Porcelain Veneers – The Basics (cont.)  Some people feel uneasy going home with
trimmed enamel. Temporary veneers are usually used in such cases to make teeth appear uniform. These may feel rough and sometimes too big for your mouth but it is certainly your decision to make whether to have them fitted or not. Where only a small portion of enamel is removed, it is not absolutely necessary to have temporary veneers fitted. Where multiple teeth are trimmed in preparation for veneer fitting also, temporary veneers may not be required because they will probably appear uniform. One trimmed tooth may however appear strange and in such a case, insist on temporary porcelain veneer.
Porcelain Veneers – The Basics (cont.)  Bonding is the name of the process that
follows after the dentists has received the veneer from the laboratory. You will first require to have your tooth or set of teeth cleaned, and etched in preparation for the veneer fitting. Etching is meant to make the surface of the teeth rough enough to provide strong bonding. The dentist should thereafter examine the fit of the veneers by placing it repeatedly onto your tooth and trimming it accordingly. Once the desired fit is achieved, the porcelain veneer is then cemented permanently on to your teeth using special cement. Special light beam is placed on the teeth activating the chemicals in the cement which allows quick healing and causes to harden.
Porcelain Veneers vs. Crowns Condition of the lingual surface This basically refers to the part of the teeth that facing inwards towards the tongue and the oral cavity. Porcelain veneers requires the lingual surface to be intact for best result. This may wear out as a result of dental carries and other dental problems. In cases where the lingual surface is worn out, dentists usually recommends crowns to be used. Severity of Dental Carries Dental carries simply refer to tooth decay or cavities. Where dental carries are severe and significant, veneers might not be the best option. They bond better in teeth with minimal dental carries. Here too, you will be advised to make use of crowns The thickness of the enamel Fitting veneers requires removal of some enamel and fitting of veneer with the same thickness as the enamel removed. In some patients however, you will find very thin enamel thus removing might make the teeth too delicate to sustain veneers. Some people also have enamel that wears off or is eroded over time. For such, crowns will be preferred to porcelain veneers.
Porcelain Veneers vs. Crowns (cont.) Stability of the Occlusion Occlusion simply refers to the contact between the mandibular and the maxillary teeth. Veneers are usually fitted where the occlusion is fairly stable, for occlusion that require significant modification ahead of the procedure, crowns will work best. Teeth Significantly Malposition Clausal contact and stability can be better achieved with dental crowns. Rotten teeth often have lingual surface in abnormal occlusion relationships. Veneers work best where there is no need of repositioning the major teeth. Matching the Color of the Veneers and Crowns Porcelain veneers mimic the color of natural teeth but in most cases, it is possible for people to notice the difference between your natural teeth and the teeth with the veneers. They should be strongly considered during treatment planning. If aesthetic requirements are high, best results will be achieved by placing crowns. When treating just one tooth, it you will require crowns. Veneers will show the difference in teeth color which is not a pleasant appearance.
Porcelain veneers - Demystified Advantages It goes without saying that porcelain veneers provides a stronger and more esthetic look than other options such as crowning. This coupled with the fact that unlike crowns porcelain veneers do not require extensive shaping ahead of the bonding process makes them an obvious choice over the former. When fixing any blemish in your teeth, you will certainly require material that best mimics your real teeth. Porcelain veneers have this capability and it is very hard to tell them apart from the natural teeth. The human gum tissue is very sensitive but always tolerates porcelain veneers better than other option. This is a big plus because the ultimate goal when fitting veneers is not only to improve your outward appearance but also to make you feel comfortable with minimal or no complications after the procedure. There is a variety of teeth color to select from. This allows you to get whiter colored teeth where previously you had darkened teeth and this will obviously improve your self-esteem. Most veneers are prone to staining but porcelain veneers are stain resistant hence giving you great service for a long time before requiring replacement.
Porcelain veneers – Demystified (cont.)  Disadvantages  The major disadvantage of these veneers is probably their permanency. You need a very good dentist to fit them because you might have to live with bad veneers for a very long time. Overtime they may chip or crack and this is not repairable. You can only replace the whole veneer which is a costly procedure. They are more costly than composite resin fillings. The fact that part of your enamel is removed might make you sensitive to hot or cold food and beverages. Another major disadvantage is despite porcelain veneers are very expensive, they can still stain and get germ diseases.
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