Magazine ProductionFlow Chart

Page 1

Magazi nePr oduct i on Fr om conceptt opr i nt Theme

Feel f ort hei ssue

Pr oduct i on Meet i ng

Fi nalEdi t


Useofgr i ds, numberof pageset c

Pl anni ng St age

Desi gn St age

Edi t i ng P r o o f s t o St age People&inavrtoldvieredc:tdoersigner Pr i n t i n g Peopl ei nvol ved:Edi t or s,copy edi t or s& subs S t a g e Page& i mage l ayout

Peopl ei nvol ved:Publ i sher ,Edi t or , Edi tconsi st ent l y, Ar tDi r ect or ,Wr i t er s Peopl ei nvol ved:Managi ngEdi t or ,f ol l owi nghousest yl es& Ar tDi r ect or& cr eat i vedi r ect or keepi ngmat er i alf act ual l y

Deci det heover al ll ook andf eeloft hepubl i cat i on

Ar t i cl es

Feat ur est o i ncl ude Desi gn& Layout Ar tand Phot ogr aphy t obeused

Deadl i nes,pagel ayout s, r esear ch& commi ssi oni ng f r eel ancer s I mages

Dat esf or phot oshoot s& submi ssi on Type deci ded Deci deon f ont s t ouse Resear ch Resear chpi cs &f act ual i nf o

Cor r ectt ypos & wr ong i nf o

cor r ect

Edi t i ng

Fol l owi ng housest yl e

Peopl ei nvol ved:Edi t or ,Publ i sher , Desi gner ,& Pr i nt er

PageLayout1stt of i nalpr oof s.Looki ngf or t y p o ’ s , i n c o r r e c t i n f o r ma t i o n & Edi t edt ext l astmi nut eadj ust ment s pl acedon page

Ar t wor k

Fi nalar t wor k submi t t ed& pl acedon St yl e page Keepwr i t i ng i nst yl eof magazi nePagel ayout compl et e

Compl et edpages passedt oedi t or f orchecki ng

Fi nalEdi t

Desi gn& edi t Si gnOf f st af fmake r el evant Compl et ed& changes si gnedof f . Passed t opr i nt er Pr i nt& Di st r i but i on Del i ver yof t hef i nal , pr i nt ed publ i cat i on

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