L'école de construire

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Summer 2011

Studio 4.2: Garden City

L’ecole de construire

A Graduate Architectural School in Walcot Gate, Bath

Richard Winter

Preface This project has been completed over the last semester and is the final design project completed at the University of Bath. Forming the culmination of my undergraduate studies, it aims to showcase the skills and knowledge acquired over the past four years of architectural study.

Thanks I would like to thank all tutors involved in helping me throughout the course of the project for their time and dedication, along with a continued enthusiasm, especially in times of distress or dismay! Martin Gledhill

year coordinator / tutor

Matthew Wickens

personal tutor

Harry Charrington

advice with historical essay

Chris Fenton

environmental engineer

Darren Morecom

structural engineer

Jack Marshall

landscape architect

Peter Norris

regulatory compliance

All visitng critics

and Adobe Illustrator


Contents 1 - Analysis

2 - Development / rationale

4 - Detail

06 Collegiate living

46 Development diagrams

95 Ventilation

08 Garden City Brief

54 Accessibility

96 Solar properties

10 Agenda

55 Circulation

98 Renewables

12 Courtyard typology

56 Key views

99 Flooding

14 Building in a World Heritage City

57 Permeability

100 Materiality

15 Mansard roofs

101 Tectonic section

16 Site choice

102 Details 3 - Scheme

104 Construction sequence

19 Integration in to the city

64 Plans

5 - Regulatory compliance

20 Walcot Mortuary Chapel

72 Sections

22 Historical insight

81 Elevation design

108 Part B - Fire

24 Archaeology

82 Visuals

110 Construction Design and Management

26 Economic impact

88 Landscaping

112 Part M - Accessibility

17 Opportunities and constraints 18 Progression to independent living

28 Site locale - Walcot Street

113 Budget calculation

30 Relationship to water 32 Flood risk 34 Site sections 35 Views to / from site 38 Programmatic allocation 39 Personal agenda 40 Precedent


15 June 1767 the Baron Cosimo Piovasco di Rondò decides to leave the ground in order to live in the trees. He refuses all luxuries from his aristocrat family, climbs up a holm oak towards an arboreal existence and will never touch the ground again. “…a person who would like to see the Earth clearly, has to keep the necessary distance… [Italo Calvino’s fantasies in Il Barone rampante - The Baron in the trees, 1957]

Eviction of North American tree dwellers - Erasmus Francisci’s Lustgarten 1668 (Architecture without architects - Rudofsky)

1. Analysis brief / agenda / site choice / site analysis / precedent 06 Collegiate living 08 Garden City Brief 10 Agenda 12 Courtyard typology 14 Building in a World Heritage City 15 Mansard roofs 16 Site choice 17 Opportunities and constraints 18 Progression to independent living 19 Integration in to the city 20 Walcot Mortuary Chapel 22 Historical insight 24 Archaeology 26 Economic impact 28 Site locale - Walcot Street 30 Relationship to water 32 Flood risk 34 Site sections 35 Views to / from site 38 Programmatic allocation 39 Personal agenda 40 Precedent


Collegiate living Personal agenda

Historical origins of the college

Monastic traditions

Having lived in and experiencing numerous models of student

The idea of a college first originates in ancient Rome with the

Through means of an investigative essay, I explored the traditions

The positioning of the charterhouse at Ema provides a setting in

living, both in the UK and abroad, I am fascinated with the

collegium, a group of persons living together under a common

of ‘collegiate’ living with regard to its monastic traditions. As a

which the monks can enjoy an unmediated contact with nature.

typology of collective living, with regard to student accommodation.

set of rules. In the UK, the term is first used in describing early

typology, the monastery embodies a series of spaces of varying

It is through this that a deeper relationship with God can be

Whilst living together, students have a shared sense of purpose in

learning establishments. Apart from living at home, students would

scales. These are designed specifically: for the individual (cell), the

developed. The idea of being at one with nature is longstanding, and

their study. Although an individual act, a communal environment

historically have lodged either in colleges or halls of residences.

few (chapter house) and the collective (chapel/refectory). Monastic

was highly influential to the work of both Aalto and Le Corbusier.

is strong, under which the relationship between the ‘one’, the ‘few’

Colleges originated from a functional association among a body

living necessitates voluntary confinement. The individual is

and the ‘many’ exists.

of men, both students and teachers, who lived together under a

diminished whilst the collective is celebrated.

Le Corbusier on visiting in 1907 10. The impact of the graceful

common set of rules. Architectural study is a prime example of this, with a studio

The complex structure of the charterhouse at Ema was evident to

The fourteenth century monastery at Ema (1341) is a walled

repetition of the monks’ cells ultimately proved an inspiration

atmosphere fostering creative and artistic learning, encouraging the

Oxbridge colleges (the collective term for Oxford and Cambridge),

complex on Monte Acuto outside Florence. The unadorned building

for the cellular organisations in his buildings, in particular the

individual through a communal support group.

defined by their enclosed quads, were founded as religious

housing monastic life sits in the Florentine hills as meditative

monastery at La Tourette, as well as later urban planning works.

establishments, typified by King’s College Cambridge, founded in

retreat for Carthusian monks.Documented by John Ruskin during

1441 by Henry VI at the same time as Eton College.

his travels through Italy, the monastery incisively captures a broad

My interest in to the approaches taken towards student living has led me to pursue a design project which investigates the

range of social life at differing scales - the complex embodies a

aforementioned qualities of collective living. This will be developed

Former US president Thomas Jefferson’s pioneering design for the

through the design of a architectural college located in Bath.

University of Virginia campus in 1822 aims to achieve an almost Arcadian reality in its treating of the natural environment. The master plan takes the form of a grassy rectangle with a rotunda at its head, flanked by colonnaded residential pavilion wings at its sides. The combination of living and teaching space around a unifying public space has been copied throughout the United States, recognised as the prototypical image of idyllic campus life.


reconciliation of the individual and the collective.

The University of Virginia’s 1822 campus aims for an almost Arcadian treatment of the natural environment

“(T)o solve a large proportion of human problems you need locations and accommodation. And that means architecture and town planning. The Ema charterhouse was a location, and the accommodation was there, arranged in the finest architectural biology. The Ema charterhouse is an organism. The term organism had been born in my mind” The monastery at Ema forms an explicit relationship to its landscape. In thei primitive cells, each monk is provided with an unmediated relationship to nature.

Le Corbusier


Garden City; Alienation, Nature & Reconciliation Response to brief

With regard to student living, the Oxbridge model of collegiate


living promotes a strong separation between college and town. The brief for the project, entitled Garden City, brings about key

It is this so-called ‘town / gown’ split which characterises many

The reconciliation of this separation can be achieved, utilising

philosophical and cultural issues relating to Alienation, Nature &

University towns, inevitably creating a sense of separation between

architecture as a device to drive and encourage change both socially


the student and non-student populations. Is it essential for the

and politically. In a city such as Bath, are the Georgian ideals

college to alienate oneself? Arguably, some amount of separation

now outdated or still relevant to this day? Is a separation actually

is required for a college to function effectively; how this is achieved

required to once again unify?


and carried out is a key architectural issue.

Society as a whole has become arguably more alienated within itself, paradoxically within a cultural age providing huge


developments in communications which aim to connect us together. Architecturally, our built environment is becoming more and more

Especially from its monastic roots, collegiate living has had a strong

introverted with private gates, security and CCTV rife in modern

relationship to a natural environment, whether the rolling hills


and vineyards surrounding the monastery at Ema, or the pristine courtyard of an Oxford college. There is no doubt that initiating

The Southgate shopping center in Bath epitomises many of these

this connection to nature is not only desirable but fundamental,

characteristics, forming a piecemeal attempt to bring a modern

whether creating a secluded retreat or simply enhancing a sense of

shopping complex in to the centre of Bath. Introverted in design,


it chooses to ignore the archetypal Georgian principles such as retaining views to the surrounding countryside, whilst paying

The use of the courtyard typology is inherent in both monastic and

lip-service to the city’s predominant architectural style with a stone

educational collegiate environments. An inward-looking building

façade and ‘blocked-in’ windows. Unsure of what it wants to be, the

based around a courtyard provides a controlled and enclosed

Southgate center can be seen as an apt metaphor for our society as

environment, separated from the outside world.

a whole, unsure and unconfident of what exactly it wants to be.


“Only that which has been properly separated may be joined” Alchemical saying

The new Southgate shopping center in Bath ignores fundamental Georgian principles with an introverted appraoch to nature, as well as receiving stylistic crticism. Bath is based on and generally adheres to Palladian ideals, with views at key points to the surrounding countryside a particular feature.


Agenda Key ingredients

Collegiate archetype

Public forum

A rapid expansion in the number of University students in

The collegiate architype of a self-contained communal group

The way the college relates to the public realm of Bath is vital

Bath means an increasing shortage in student provisions. The

with a shared sense of purpose has large advantages. How

in the creation of a successful scheme. A public forum for

construction of a purpose built college of architecture would give

that age-old tradition is interpreted in a contextual and

architectural and other issues would be a significant addition

both the Department of Architecture & Civil Engineering as well as

relevant way is key in making the scheme work.

to the city, also allowing for the provision of the facilities to be used for conferences.

the University a self-supporting facility in the city centre.

High quality accommodation for graduate students This facility would provide a self-supporting location for Part II

High quality provisions for graduate students are low in Bath,

Permanent / visiting academics

architectural students to come and study, completing the proposed

with a large proportion of students living in poor-quality

The provision of new intellectual stimiulation to keep students

one-yaer long MArch course residentially in the college.

rented accommodation. Would provide a further attraction

alert and motivated. The continuous presence of academic

to draw in top students coming to study at the proposed

faculty will foster students’ inquisitivity, whilst maintaining a

Graduate School of Design and Engineering.

sense of continuity through a ‘head tutor’

Learning spaces


Essential in creating a collegiate atmosphere is the

Integration in to the public realm is vital in securing a positive

incorporation of spaces on-site for teaching and learning.

relationship with Bath as a city, enabling the scheme to work on an urban level

Location A city-centre location will provide further city-centre presence for the University of Bath, providing a further platform for integration in the the city centre



Architectural devices employed Private courtyard / garden The building should have a strong architectural link with a private courtyard or green space of sorts as well as a more open public landscaped element.

Link with River Avon To provide access to a proposed new riverside walk as set out by the council in their Local Development Framework. The site also provides the potential for a new pedestrian crossing towards Henrietta Park and Grove Street,

Public park The currently neglected park provides very little for the public. A large amount of the site will be used to form a high quality public space, developing the Walcot Street shopping area and enhancing the city’s riverside.

Avoiding complete repetition yet developing a rhythm and order is key in balancing the relationship between the on, the few and the many

Personal exterior access All rooms should have an external presence, especially due to the building’s siting in an open meadow, and therefore all study bedrooms for both students and tutors should have access to a balcony / private exterior speace of some sorts.


“There is no freedom in the desert. Though there are no fences, no posts. It is better - if you wish to be free to elegantly wander through a laberynth” Gerrit Komrij. 1984

18th century engraving of Christ Church College, Oxford

The Latin term Hortus conclusus (enclosed garden) was initiated by medieval theologans interpreting the reference as a prefigurative symbol of Mary’s fruitfulness but perpetual virginity (like the “shut gate,” Porta clausa, through which only God may enter, from the vision of Ezekiel 44:2). Abundant trees and flowers, especially roses and lilies may be indicated in the peaceful landscape setting.


Courtyard typology Hortus conclusus The enclosed garden, or Hortus conclusus in Latin, developed fromthe monastic walled garden, and provide a particular seclusion from the outside world. Paradoxically as much open as closed, the enclosed garden can be seen as a microcosm of our world, a landscape without horizon. Used archetypically across cultures and continents, courtyard arrangements are utilised the vast majority of the time in Oxbridge college arrangements. Allowing for separation from the outside world, the typology is truly introverted in nature. In order to integrate the scheme more so within the public realm in Bath, the entirely enclosed courtyard needs to be developed in order to create a degree of separation whilst not becoming entirely inward-looking.


Building in a World heritage city An approach to building in Bath


I have decided to approach the design of the college with the aim of

Bath was the UK’s pre-eminen walking and promenading city in the

providing a contextual yet modern response in an historic setting,

18th century, and even to this day boasts easy pedestrian access and

as opposed to making a bold architectural statement.

navigation on the whole. With vast swathes of the city centre lying in

Of all the gay places the world can afford, By gentle and simple for pastime ador’d, Fine balls, and fine concerts, fine buildings, and springs, Fine walks, and fine views, and a thousand fine things, (Not to mention the sweet situation and ait)

the hands of but a few land owners including the council, a reversal Fundamental to the success of a lot of buildings in Bath is their

in roles allows pedestrians and cyclists priority over cars. There is

simple and limited material palette. Soft, mellow, oolitic limestone,

generally a rhythm to the network of spaces with clear pedestrian

often quarried locally, is used vastly around the city, ensuring

circuits to wider areas, supporting both retail and cultural activity.

a visual uniformity throughout the city despite a mixture of

This accessibility is let down by lesser connections and poorer routes

architectural styles. A rhythm is created in the subtle backdrop by

away from the city centre, especially in relation to the River Avon,an

means of elevational treatments, including proportioned openings

issue which is key to address within the proposed scheme.

What placem my dear mother, with Bath can compare? Christopher Anstey The New Bath Guide, 1766

and regular limestone chimneys which sit on wall partitions. The built environment forms a subtle backdrop to the city’s green spaces, and the subsequent life which is carried out within it. The negotiation of the city’s topography has driven different approaches to its solution, most notably that of John Pinch, who unified buildings’ stepped façades by means of a continuous stone cornice and parapet detail.

sketch arrangement of key Georgian features


Mansard roofs Rumoured to have been developed in France as a means

The unique mansard roofs of Bath are easily visible from

to bypass window taxes, mansard roofs (hipper gambrels)

both oblique aerial views as well as from streetscapes.

are found throughout Bath in different variations, as a

The general rules governing roof aesthetics are followed

means of shaping and inhabiting a roof. Generally timber

unsuccessfully in the new Southgate centre, in which

framed and requiring no extra masonry structure, they are

differing roof forms clearly stand out from internal

generally doubled up and formed from dark grey slate, sat


behind a parapet wall and punctuated rhythmically by a series of chimney stacks. Creating a visual contrast with

I believe that simply copying a building is not the

Bath’s creamy stone façades, the incorporation of similar

correct way to develop a modern design, although an

roof-forms throughout the city contributes to its coherence

understanding of historical principles is essential if it

on an urban level, crowning the city’s stone topography

is to be reinvented. Designing a modern interpretation

with a black dress of slate and lead.

of the archetypal mansard roof will become a key and fundamental driver in the development of the scheme.


Site choice Walcot gate park Sitting north of the city centre, Walcot Gate Park is a councilowned park which is currently an underutilised green space which is predominantly used for dog-walking (and its associated mess). Technically sitting in the Bath’s green belt, an exception to the planning rules will be assumed on the grounds that the proposed college will contribute greatly to the city on an urban level, allowing a partial development of the site if a large part is retained as a new and improved public park of some sort.

Site ownership Currently owned in its entirety by Bath & North East Somerset Council, an assumption is made that the council would release the land for developmental purposes, with partial funding support to aid the construction of a new and improved public park. In return the client (the University of Bath) may be expected to contribute to the park’s upkeep and maintenance, possibly by means of a Section 106 Agreement.


Site opportunities and constraints Walcot Mortuary Chapel nt sce


R don Lon

Camde nC re

Potential to develop a collegiate relationship with the chapel, incorporating the chapel’s grounds and cemetery in to the proposal. Use of the space for public functions such as a seminar room or exhibition space would provide character as well as a

Av River

Riv er A vo n

Walcot Gate Cemetery

Walcot S treet

The Pa

makes the open site feel distinctly enclosed

tre et

r ag o n

Largely deciduous, planting around the perimeter of the site

Opportunity to integrate the scheme on a civic and urban level

Walcot Gate

S ck wi th Ba

d own Roa Lansd


Public park

Cleveland Bridge

Hedgemead Park

way to relate to the site’s history.

The Circus

within the city

HenriettaPark Cattle Market

Slope The means by which the built intervention traverses the slope down the site will characterise the scheme greatly

River frontage Originally built around the river, Bath has largely turned its back


ree y St tene Pul t a e Gr

The Podium / Bath Library Queen Square


Pulteney Bridge

on the River Avon.

Pu lte n Bath Guildhall

The Rec


We ir


Progression towards independent living Living arrangement Living as a student often provides a person’s first experience of living away from home. A variety of different student living approaches provide quite different student experiences.They range from more institutional setups to private house-rentals, with each method having its own benefits and drawbacks. I aim to provide a central refectory for all students to use, an element which is key in the scheme in instigating a sense of togetherness within the student body, a celebration of the ‘many’.

Grouping size After extensive studies, it has been proven that groups of six form the ideal social group, not too big to get lost but not to small so as to feel trapped. Accessible from a stairwell, the arrangement follows the general Oxford tradition of arranging accommodation around stairwells. These groupings of six students will be assigned a staff member / tutor who will live in the same block, alongside a communal kitchen and lounge facility.



central catering


student hall

central catering

corridor plan form



corridor plan form


central / self-catering

rooms around a stair



flats off stairs or corridors




Integration in to the city Access routes 1


Walcot Street sits just north of the city centre, forming a linear retail spine towards the city centre. The lack of an east-west 9

connection at any point makes the street one-dimensional in



1 - Hedgemead Park

nature, lacking any option to break off in to the rest of the city. Bath and North East Somerset council outline brief plans in their public realm strategy regarding the development of Walcot

parks, gardens and recreational space

2 - Walcot Gate Park

6 - Parade Gardens

3 - Henrietta Park

7 - Green Park

4 - Sydney Gardens

8 - Norfolk Crescent

5 - The Rec

9 - Victoria Park

proposed riverside connection key thoroughfare proposed riverside walk

8 5

Gate Park. Demarcated as a ‘destination park’ it is envisaged 6

as a revitalised green space in the city, providing “a setting for passive recreation and small scale events with the provision of skilful landscape design”. I feel that the site has a greater potential


however, in providing an opportunity to reconnect and enhance a small portion of the city instead.



Walcot Mortuary Chapel Sitting at the top of the site, the disused mortuary chapel retains a dominance over the park. Disused largely for the last century, it has been used sporadically for various purposes, such as a scout hut and storage space. The way the chapel is incorporated or addressed in the scheme will affect the nature of what is built. Instigating a relationship with a chapel is archetypically done in Oxbridge colleges, and may add to the sense of ‘civitas’ in the collegiate environment. Currently owned by the council, it is rented out from time to time for just ÂŁ120 per week as a small-scale exhibition venue for artists. Currently locked outside of exhibitions and hiding behind metal railings, opening up to the chapel and allowing a greater degree of permeability through its grounds would lead to a reinvigoration in its life.


1970s Site in use as playground Victorian school in use as warehouse



Largely undeveloped on the opposite side of the river, the

Fencing off of Chapel in corner of site

Mortuary Chapel sits unadorned in the corner of the site

Development initiated on opposite side of the river Female penitentiary next to river Victorian school still in use


Historical insight Residential tendencies Historical research reveals the changing nature of the site and its

Considering the social and economic changes the every city

surroundings. As is the case with the rest of the city, and arguably

inevitably undergoes, the Walcot area has fared surprisingly well,

the country as a whole, there has been a gradual shift in use in

and is known outright by itself as a key shopping area now, mostly

and around Walcot Street, from an industry-heavy area to a

for a collection of unique and independent traders, crafts and

more residential-based locale. Numerous housing schemes have


been built in the last 20 years nearby, including the Bridgemead Care Home just across the river, and a Methodist housing scheme

The opportunity for a new-build project on a greenfield site in Bath

adjacent to the proposed site. The number of churches in the area is

is an uncommon one, and in doing so there is a huge opportunity to

also surprising, with some, if not all of them struggling to maintain

affect the surrounding area and its characteristics, either in a good

a church-going poplation, instead turning to commercial purposes

or bad way. The proposed college will add another layer of history

(e.g. coffee shop in St. Swithin’s) or an occasional recreational use,

to the area, hopefully with positive consequences.

as is the case with Walcot Mortuary Chapel. Generally, adaptive reuse allows the city’s built fabric to be restored and renovated, such as the Victorian school adjacent on the south side of the site, now a high-quality residential unit. Two of the elderly housing schemes nearby are some of the few examples of new-build developments of recent times.


1694 1810 1852 1900-1904 1930-1936 1951-1980 2010

Historical development of Bath The site sits in a small pocket of Bath dating back in places to Medieval times. Lying off London Road, one of four key Roman access roads to the city, the site is a last remnant of a hidden, Medieval Bath unknown to the public.


Archaeology Formerly a settlement from the 1st-5th century, the site and its surroundings boast early and late medieval developmental history as well as signs of Roman occupation. Sitting on the edge of the historic centre of Bath, some reports label the zone around Walcot Street as the ‘Artisan’s Quarter’. In recent times the site sat above the intended route for a proposed subterannean tunnel across the city to ease congestion which was never carried out. With a vernacular which is largely Edwardian and Victorian, the area has been marked by the council as a site of “nature conservation interest”. Development on such a sensitive site will obviously need to take account of its historical significance, with the necessary detailed archaeological surveys being carried out before any development works were to be carried out.


Economic impact Existing location of University facilities in the city centre

The University of Bath has set out a plan for growth over the next

With exception to Carpenter House, the University’s facilities

10 years. The forecast for growth estimates an increase of around

in the city centre are primarily just residential buildings which

4% per annum, resulting in net increase of over 4,000 students

offer nothing back to the city on a social level. They are also

in 10 years’ time. This would inevitably increase the demand for

predominantly located so the south of the city. Locating a new

University accommodation. At current rates the University will

college belonging to the University would endeavour to provide

barely be able to cover the incrase in demand for students with new

something for the Walcot area and city centre as a whole.

on-campus provisions.





Demand for accommodation


Thornbank Gardens

Long-term approach to student living


John Wood Complex


Carpenter House

The construction of just over 30 study bedrooms in the city centre


Pulteney Court

will make a neglibible effect on the supply of student housing in


Clevelands / Canal Wharf

Bath. What the scheme does try to pursue however is the setting


Walcot Gate Park

of a precedent of a more collegiate-based appraoch to student living in the city, providing additional facilities such as ancillary teaching facilities and community spaces. It also makes a step in


the move against students living in HMOs (Houses for Multiple Occupation) and the associated negative aspects on the (nonstudent) community which results when vast swathes of housing goes unoccupied for over one thirds of the year. The incorporation of a series of small, specialist colleges throughout the city which are linked to the University is an interesting prospect. If integrated within the public realm, there is no reason why the whole city can not be dissimilar to Oxford for example, developing a world-class knowledge-based economy based around these colleges.


University of Bath - Future Plans for the Claverton Campus

University of Bath - Current Supply of Student Accommodation 2.5


It is estimated that the University of Bath generated a need for 8,508 study bedrooms in 2009/10. The

In October 2008, in response to Policy GDS.1/B11 of the B&NES Local Plan (see appendix A), the University of Bath published a draft master plan for the Claverton campus that looks forward to

University maintains 2,372 study bedrooms at its Claverton Campus. Elsewhere in the city the

2020.The draft master plan is the third phase of consultation and follows previous engagement in

University maintains a total of 887 study bedrooms, resulting in a total stock of 3,259.

November 2007 and April 2008 that provided the background to the issues faced and invited comments on the future of the campus.

Table 2: University of Bath Study Bedrooms 2.9

The draft masterplan seeks to increase the number of bed spaces on campus by 2,358 by the year 2020. This would double the number of on campus bed space from 2,342 to 4,700 and alongside the existing




Woodland Court



Marlborough and Solsbury Court






Brednon Court






Eastwood Complex



Polden Court



Osborne House





John Wood Court, Avon Street

942 off campus, bed space result in a total supply of 5,642. 2.10

The University of Bath anticipates a reduced growth rate in student numbers due to demographic changes, global economics and changes to government spending. The emerging masterplan for Claverton Down assesses the implications of student growth of between 1% and 3% per annum to 2020.


Table 3 projects the existing student population forward to 202/21 at an average annual growth rate of 2%. It indicates the likely full time / part time split, industrial placements and the projected additional demand for additional bedrooms. It shows the demand for bedrooms demand growing by 2,493 to 2020/21.


Viewed in relation to the proposed masterplan for the Claverton Campus (2,358 additional bed spaces) it



can be seen the University Bath would just about ‘consume its own smoke’ under a 2% growth per

Carpenter House, Broad Quay



annum scenario. However, this level of development / growth scenario would mean that the existing

Pulteney Court, Plteney Road



Thornbank gardens



Clevelands Buildings, Sydney Wharf



the demand for study bedrooms could not be matched by deliverable on-campus development. Growth



at 1% per annum would mean a greater number of study bedrooms theoretically enabling a contraction

John Wood, Main Building

Canal Wharf, Sydney Wharf

level of HMOs would likely to remain at current levels. 2.13

Calculations presented at Appendix X show that under a growth rate of 3% per annum the increase in

in the student lettings market (subject to the housing preferences of students).


The University of Bath’s policy on the allocation of study bedrooms is to accommodate in manged accommodation: All new to Bath, full-time students in their first year studying Bachelor’s and Master’s Table 3: University of Bath, Demand and Supply for Student Accommodation

undergraduate programmes on the Claverton Campus. All new Foundation Year students based at the City of Bath College.















All new full-time Foundation Degree in Sports Performance students All new overseas fee-paying postgraduates. A limited number of visiting/exchange students as determined by reciprocal agreement negotiated

Total Students















through the Study Abroad Department at the University of Bath

Full Time















Part Time























2,960 6







Students with specific medical conditions. 2.7

In 2009/10 the stock of managed accommodation catered for 38.3% of the total estimated need for

Housing Need (FT minus placements) Beds On campus Beds Off campus

accommodation, leaving 5,249 students to find accommodation in the private rented market. It is estimated that this requires about 1,200 properties, assuming an average student household size of 4.5 per property. The Oldfield Park and Westmoreland areas of the city have the highest concentration of HMOs.

Beds Total


University documentation setting out student

Private Sector Demand & Supply of bedrooms Private Sector Demand & Supply of HMOs






















































































numbers and provisions for growth


Terrace, Walcot Street


A unique and small-scale shopping parade located just away from the

The way in which any slope is addressed and navigated

city centre, inhabited by a series of independent shops and residential

will strongly influence the nature of the scheme, a

accommodation. In this case, sited along a gradual slope which is

problem which is further compounded by the difficulty

navigated gracefully at roof-level by means of a series of “up-sweeps�

in building down the slope at Walcot Gate due to its

(as described by Peter Smithson) in the tradition of John Pinch.

situation in a flood zone.

Site locale - Walcot Street Site Approach Forming the primary access through Walcot Gate, the site sits off Walcot Street, a small shopping centre of Bath of mostly smallscale independent shops and businesses. Key in the development of the scheme is the opening-up of the site’s river frontage, providing a connection with the council’s proposed riverside walk. There are currently no provisions for riverside access, both physical and visual, for the entire length of Walcot Street from the Cattle Market all of the way to Cleveland Bridge. Drawing in the public through the site would inevitably be beneficial for the Walcot locale, increasing footfall through the introduction of an appealing walking circuit, and therefore local businesses in the area. Small businesses, crafts and independent traders are synonymous with Bath, and promoting these areas in any way, with local or tourist trade can only be beneficial to maintaining Bath’s integrity and what makes it unique.


Explicit relationship with water Canaletto’s “Venice, The Grand Canal, Looking North-East From Palazzo Balbi To The Rialto Bridge” In an extreme example, residents of Venice have chosen to live and embrace the waters which are gradually eroding their city


Relationship to water Historical relationship with water Historically, Bath has forged a strong link with the River Avon upon which it is based. The city’s hot springs are what originally

Riverside North

gave it its name (and business), whilst the construction of the

Proposed riverside walk Destination green spaces

Kennet and Avon canal allowed for industry to thrive in the 19th century. With a large portion of the city turning its back to the river, attempts to revive this connection have been proposed

Major riverscape areas

Riverside West

Improved linkages

through the construction of a riverside walk in key areas of Bath’s

Improvements to bridges

riverscape, including the northern section running past the site up to Cleveland Bridge.

Proposed new bridge

North Quays Riverside Central

In recent times, cities such as Barcelona, Lisbon, Porto, Lyon and Bordeaux, have made large-scale design decisions in order to conciously face and address their waterfronts. Developments on this scale are harder to achieve in Bath where there are less newbuild opportunities, with exception to the proposed Bath Western Riverside development.

Riverside South


Flood risk

zone 3a (1%-5% AEP)

Extent of extreme flood zone 3b (<5% AEP)


Flood risk Flooding Even after a series of flood defences were instated in the 1970s , Bath is still suceptible to the flooding of the River Avon. The city’s history is largely cahracterised by the raising of a large part of the city centre, creating a new ‘datum’ or ground level out of reach of the water. flood risk

Any proposed development must rightfully meet the Environment

extent of extreme flood

Agency’s criteria, that a new development can not have any


detrimental effect to flooding at the site, or downstream.

South section

Working with flood levels in mind as a design parameter, I will invesitgate how a relationship with the River Avon can be forged successfully, whilst not affecting flood levels at any point downstream. If at all successful, it sets an interesting and useful precedent for building in the Avon’s flood plain. This could potentially create a new riverfront design condition which is not simply to either let the builidng flood or to stay away from the river’s edge completely. Paradoxically there is a desire and need to get closer to nature (the river), even if it floods and proves its strength.

flood risk

extent of extreme flood


East section


St. Swithin’s Church Hilton Hotel Henrietta Park

Bridgemead nursing home

North section

River Avon


Camden Crescent

The Paragon Walcot Gate Cemetery


Hedgemead Park The Paragon

oad own R Lansd


St. Swithin’s Church Hedgem ead

Cleveland Bridge

London R


St. John’s Church Walcot Court Methodist Home


South section Walcot St.



St. Swithin’s Church

Camden Crescent

East section


Walcot Gate Chapel

River Avon


Site locale / views to and from Being just one of few entirely open green spaces in the centre of Bath,Walcot Gate Park reveals relatively little of itself from the outside. Due to a series of large trees along the riverfront and south perimeter, the site remains largely hidden, with a large wall ensuring there is no physical or visual link with the River Avon. The site really remains a hidden gem in Bath city centre, only revealing itself to those who know. A careful dialogue between the site and River Avon must be developed which is open and permeable yet not an urban plaza. Initiating a connection


between Walcot Street and the proposed riverside walk will foster greater use of the area whilst still partially developing it, integrating a high quality green space in to the city’s public realm as well as providing new educational facilities. Minimal removal of trees should be encouraged however, and uitlising large trees on site should be used as a design parameter.

8 1


3 9 7

2 10


One of the few visual connections outwards from the site is the prospect of the surrounding green bowl which Bath sits in. Fittingly in this case it points towards Claverton Down and the University, creating a dialogue with the institution the building will belong to









Site boundaries and surroundings

Former Victorian school

Walcot Mortuary Chapel

ndary site bou


Methodist old people’s home

Boundary to River Avon

site boun dary



Initial programmatic allocation Programmatic development 70m2

Fundamental to the success of the scheme is the arrangement of study bedrooms in a building, craeting a specific relationship between the individual and the collctive. Perceived as the ideal

20m2 ea.

group size for living together for means of social interaction, accommodation is to be divided in to groups of six students along with one tutor and a communal lounge, forming a study unit or group. The concept of living together with teachers is vital in developing a coherent and respectful relationship between



(Double height)


students and teachers. A total of five living groups are proposed, with an explicit relationship around a central landscaped element, providing a separation between private bedroom spaces and public spaces.



20m2 ea.



50m2 150m2

25m2 100m2

Initially proposed to include specific public programme, the schedule gradually developed throughout the course of the project whereby public-only program became incorporated as the college’s program, allowing for public use at certain times.


80m2 120m2 50m2 75m2 20m2

30m2 ea.

20m2 ea.

20m2 ea.



4no. Offices (20m²) 4no. Seminar / meeting rooms (30m²) Library Common room WCs



20m2 ea.



120m² 25m² 70m² 5m² 220m²

50m2 20m2


5no. Study groupings - 6no. en suite bedrooms (20m²) - Cooking facilities - Tutor appartment - Cleaner / store Total per study grouping


20m2 ea.


Key physical link visual link

Scale 1:500

Flexible event space Cafe / coffee shop Kitchen Rooftop bar RIBA bookshop WCs Store

250m2 150m2 50m2 75m2 75m2 50m2 50m2

Foyer Porter / caretaker Bike store Car park

20m2 10m2 10m2 100m2



Private garden / landscaping Total


Circulation (+20%)


Total floor area


Personal agenda Project objectives

Design life


After experiencing the living environment provided in a

As set out in the project description, the college would need to set

Designed as a new facility for the University of Bath’s Department

Once established, the college would aim to be at least self-

well thought-out collegiate environment, I am interested in

the highest standards for Architecture and construction, being

of Architecture and Civil Engineering, funding would be sourced

sustaining, if not profit-making. A rental income would be provided

how these principles can be applied to a similar building

constructed to a high-quality finish. A robust and well-tought-out

directly from the Universtiy. A continued program of expansion

by students paying rent, with income from conferences and public

located in Bath. Building on or near a flood plain also

construction method should ensure the building to have a design

and maintenance ensures the University has a generous budget to

use of the facilities in addition

encourages a strong and bold design response, as does

life of 80-100 years.

spend on student accommodation, which it aims to rapidly increase provisions for.

building on a slope, both in a historical context but in a truly modern fashion.

An estimated budget for the works would be in the region of £10m, assuming a cost of £3,000/sqm required to achieve a high-quality

The initial expense in providing a high-qulaity building envelope would aim to be cost-effective over the building’s life-cycle. Even if

Potential grants and donations could be sought to aid funding,

Responding to the brief regarding alienation and

future changes were necessary, the interior could be refurbished or

on the premise that any development would enhance the local

reconciliation requires a concious decision to decide

refitted with minimal works being carried out to external strcuture

area and city as a whole greatly. Although scarce, lottery funding

on what the nature of the college is. In my case, I am

or components.

for education, as well as a possible grant from the HEFC could


be applied for. To supplement the sum, donations from wealthy

proposing a college which aims to reconciliate itself with

alumni of the department, along with local firms could be sought.

the city by integrating within the public realm.


A possible naming rights deal could even be considered for a large enough donation.

I see the design project as possibly setting a precedent for how the University could expand as a whole, running a

As set out in the project description, the college would need to set

series of ‘satellite’ colleges and facilities throughout the

the highest standards for Architecture and construction, being


constructed to a high-quality finish. A robust and well-tought-out construction method should ensure the building to have a design life of 80-100 years.


Narkomfin Housing Collective, Moscow Interlocking section The groundbreaking 1929 apartment block by Moisei Ginzburg utilised its spatial order to stimulate a new form of shared life. Each apartment included private cooking and bathing facilities with a communal pavilion linking each dwelling via two internal ‘streets’. It pioneered new apartment layouts with the building’s cross-section revealing an innovative arrangement of three split-level units interlocking both above and below the internal ‘streets’, allowing for spacious units with doubleheight living rooms, arranged densely. A visit on site during construction by Le Corbusier saw Corbusier use the same stratgey in his Ville Radieuse and Unité at Marseille.

Circulation route The concept of ‘streets in the sky’ was developed and promotoed by Le Corbusier. Opening the circulation to the elements, known as ‘deck access’ was generally considered a failure due to the social problems associated with the council estates they were seen on


Kendrew Court, St. John’s College, Oxford Three-sided courtyard A high quality addition to an existing college in Oxford by MJP,, Kendrew Court orientates itself around a mature oak tree at the centre of a three-sided courtyard arrangement. A simple, yet explicit relationship is set up in the courtyard with the tree, reinforced by the the cloistered access around three side.s Stair towers at each corner of the scheme provide access to circulation on each floor. A series of precast concrete fins walls provide structural support, with prefabricated timber infill panels sitting recessed inside the openings.


Extension to Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge An L-shaped etension by Allies and Morrison embraces a courtyard whilst incorporating a cloistered circulation route straight through the building. Also provides a new semi-underground lecture hall / performing space, enabling conferences and events.Vertical emphasis is provided at stairwells with vertical canopy projections. Materials used throughout are simple, mostly brick, with relief provided by timber panels and a contrasting conrete string course.


Oskar von Miller Forum The design for a seven-storey student accommodation block in the centre of Munich by Herzog + Partner incorporates a ground floor lecture theatre and exhibition space to mediate between the public realm and a secluded courtyard space. Design classics are used to furnish the entire building, aiming to constantly remind the architecture and engineering students who live there of the importance of high-quality design. Split in to study groups of 10 students on each floor, the building also includes a communal bistro, library, lounge, meeting rooms as well as large appartments for visitng professors



2. Development / rationale project developmental diagrams 46 Development diagrams 54 Accessibility 55 Circulation 56 Key views 57 Permeability


public park

5,200m² developed area

von R. A


Existing Site


Division of site Half of the site is to be developed, whilst the other half is to be retained and improved as a public park leading down to the river


. t St alco to W natural communal spiritual communal

unal civic comm

alk ew rsid



Communal relationships The site provides three explicit communal relationships;


Riverside connection The public park also acts as a reinforced connection to a proposed riverside walk

Spiritual communal - a dialogue with the Mortuary Chapel Natural communal - an inherent connection to the immediate surrounding meadow Civic communal - an association with the River Avon, providing a martime connection and martime link



3-sided courtyard After multiple studies in to different courtyard variations, a 3-sided courtyard typology retains enclosed characteristics whilst instigating and opening up a dialogue with Walcot Mortuary Chapel.



Raised plinth Building responds to heavy flood risk by sitting at a raised level to allow flood waters to pass beneath.


Cloistered courtyard A new datum is set at the ground floor (determined from the maximum flood


Porous landscape The landscape proposal is allowed to permeate underneath the raised building

level). Covered circulation around the courtyard is provided by means of a

and in to the courtyard, linking the two landscapes and thus softening the

cloister at one level

transition between private and public



Future expansion Shifting the courtyard slightly off axis with the church allows for potential future expansion both up and across the site


Kinked adjustment The plan is kinked to allow for large deciduous trees on the south boundary of the site. The shifting in plan provides unique corner conditions and multiple river views down the slope

views to river


double-height lounge spaces with south-facing balconies

c. cir


north-lit work/sleep spaces


Split section room arrangement A 3/2 storey room arrangement, similar to that used in the


Dual aspect study bedrooms Orientation of bedrooms allows for a north-facing, single height sleep/work area, with

Narkomfin building, allows for two similar but unique student flats

a separated double-height lounge space and balcony facing south. A bathroom / WC

with double height spaces, whilst incorporating circulation

sits in the central non-passive zone, whilst shading from balconies prevent overheating

upper flat



2 storeys lower flat


shower / wc

3 storeys

sleep / work circ.



shower / wc

sleep / work



Distorted mansard Roof is developed as a mutation of a traditional Georgian mansard roof, with the bedroom area incorporating a dormer window and lounge projecting through means of an L-shaped balcony projection



Completed typical appartment unit Clear separation of different functions is obvious and allows for distinct work / sleep / relaxation / sanitary areas

ent partm nt ap stude ment

part nt ap stude

t tmen ppar nt a e d u st


nt me art p p ra tuto





nge lou



en itch /k




Study groupings Proven to be the ideal communal group size, groups of six students (three split-section


Completed living unit Analagous to an Canterbrigian stairwell grouping, each grouping of 6 students and a

units) are grouped together with a larger tutor’s appartment along with a communal

tutor / professor forms a social and cohesive social group. The wider tutor’s room is

lounge, housed in a wider variant of the same unt

signified subtly through the incorporation of a full-height dormer window - a slight variation on the ‘standard’ living unit.

vertical neighbours!

6no. student appts. 1no. tutor appt. 1no. lounge / kitchen





Residential / communal split




Two wings of residential accommodation (three living

Solar adjustment


The southern wing drops a single storey, allowing more light in to the


groups each) situated for optimal solar orientation.

courtyard. The northern wing is raised one storey, allowing the insertion of

Two-storey communal programme sited in riverside wing.

communal programme at ground level, relating to the public park.

raised to allow insertion of communal programme at ground floor lowering block encloses landscape and allows more sun in to courtyard



pe landsca


Lecture hall An underground lecture theatre sits in the centre of the courtyard in an enclosed concrete container - a swimming pool in reverse - to keep out flood waters.


Mansard specific 6no. living groups arranged on both north and south wings, with developed mansard roof forms.

lecture residential residential communal

lecture theatre


head tutor bedroom (M.Gledhill)


Continuous roof Roof develops to become continual at kinks creating two interlocking, continuous roofs. Tutor rooms occupy the kinked conditions on the south wing, whilst the elevated space on the north-east corner takes prime position overlooking the river.



Adjustment to special conditions Rooms at corners and on kinks become ‘special’ and develop as variations of standard rooms

Aerial view of developed form on site


ot St. Walc car park

ccess fire a led / disab

ground floor cloister

walk riverside

boat dock / mooring

lk e wa rsid


External circulation Designed primarily to make both the building and park accesssible, a long, winding landscaped ramp leads from the top of the site to the riverside walk, whilst a single-level cloister provides level access to all parts of the buiding. Although primarily access to the building is to be by foot, vehicular access to the front door is achieved through a slightly wider, hard-landscaped path accessible from the car park. Steps are also provided in the landscape to provide a quicker route down the slope, as well as linking the Mortuary Chapel’s grounds to the top of the cloistered courtyard.


circulation (disabled accessible) circulation car access boat access bench / resting place

Building circulation Primarily, circulation between residential and communal functions takes place by means of the covered cloister running around the courtyard at a single level. Living units are accessed from six stairwells, providing access either to an external corridor (north wing) or directly off the cloister (south wing).

vertical / stepped circulation horizontal circulation cloister circulation




4 2

Key viewpoints Due to the nature of the the surrounding trees, the site is in fact relatively enclosed, with few views from outisde. The permeable nature of the building allows for key sight lines and views to be retained and enhanced throughout the site.


Walcot Gate / site entrance


Top of meadow

Upon entering Walcot Gate the building is initially revealed after passing the high

After entering either by foot or vehicle, a clear prospect down the meadow

boundary wall of the chapel. The raised building allows views through the courtyard

allows a choice between the stepped, or slower ramped route to the river.

and under the building towards the river. This is also the first vantage point of the meadow.


Riverside walk Entering the meadow along the riverside walk from the north reveals the


View of chapel through courtyard

whole building from beneath as well as the bottom of the meadow leading

Views of Walcot Mortuary Chapel are retained whilst walking along the riverside

to the building’s stepped courtyard.

walk, up through the building’s courtyard


lecture theatre

Permeability The college proposes a modern interpretation of a traditional collegiate quad, in a sloped riverside location. Raising the building in one corner allows for a continuous landscape with two distinct characteristics. The landscaped courtyard remains visually open, and provides for community activities, events, workshops and exhibitions.

private public semi-public

The chapel remains open to the public as a gallery and also provides a link to the top of the courtyard when events are taking place. The whole landscaped courtyard also acts as a break-out space before and after public events take place in the subterranean lecture theatre.



3. Scheme plans / sections / elevation design / visuals / landscaping 64 Plans 72 Sections 81 Elevation design 82 Visuals 88 Landscaping

“The role of architecture is to reveal the world to you� Martin Heidegger


Underground 2 Lecture hall / storage 2




1 Lecture hall 2 Storage



Und Lower


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Wo Gym Lau Plan Bike Car Rive


Underground 2 Lecture hall / storage

1 Lecture hall 2 Storage

Stud Kitc 1:200

-2F 1 2


Underground 1 Lower courtyard




1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Workshops Gym Laundry room Plant room Bike store Car park Riverside walk Student bedrooms Kitchen / lounges




2 4



Ground Floor


Cloister level / upper courtyard



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Porter’s lodge / security Administration Studios Refectory Library Car park Kitchen Riverside walk Circulation to student bedrooms












First Floor


Seminar spaces / residential


Second floor




Third floor






1 Seminar rooms 2 Break out space

1 M. Gledhill office

1 M. Gledhill appartment

Student bedrooms Kitchen / lounges Tutor appartments

Circulation to student bedrooms


Roof Plan Residential



Student bedrooms Tutor appartments







Second floor





Third floor





1 M. Gledhill office

1 M. Gledhill appartment

Circulation to student bedrooms


Roof Plan Residential



Student bedrooms Tutor appartments





Third floor




Roof Plan Residential




1 M. Gledhill appartment Student bedrooms Tutor appartments



Roof Plan







1:1000 site section Shows two distinct appraoches to building on the slopes of Bath. A stepped appraoch (exhibited by buildings on Lansdown Road) which works with city’s topograhpy), as favoured by John Pinch, and a terraced appraoch shown by the Paragon. Driven by the rising waters of the flood plain, the proposal develops a hybrid of the two, projecting straight out at a single level whilst accommodating the contours of the ground beneath it.




Section through terraced courtyard to river Highlighting the main link from Walcot Street down to the river’s edge and riverside walk, a series of semi-permeable spaces allow for the college’s courtyard to be used as a break-out space before and after events. Walcot Mortuary Chapel sits at the top of the courtyard, maintaining a collegiate relationship whilst being utilised for public events and exhibitions.


Section across courtyard and public meadow Allowing the meadow to penetrate in to the courtyard allows for a continuous landscape with different characteristics. Workshop spaces open out in to the building’s undercroft, a shaded carpet of ivy and ferns.



Section through communal front wing The raised front wing incorporates the building’s communal programme, including seminar rooms, teaching spaces, a library and refectory.


Detail of timber fin faรงade to communal wing

Detail of hanging staircase from communal wing

A tectonic variation from the rest of the building identifies its

Never touching the ground beneath it, the stair is

communal use whilst remaining part of the whole. A series of timber

indicative of being tectonically a part of the building and

fins ripple rhythmically along the riverfront elevation, providing solar

not of the ground

shading and a degree of visual separation.


Elevation proportions and design

Material palette

Respecting but not simply copying a traditional Georgian façade,

A high-quality yet subtle material palette is utilised and

the buiding’s elevations were carefully design and proportioned. In

again varied according to a set of rules. A zinc mansard

a similar way to a Georgian construction, the building was partly

roof crowns the top of the composition, with a rhythm of

designed aesthetically from the outside in, although the demand for

small and large dormer windows sitting on / in it.

functional interior needs were carefully balanced with visual needst. A continuous bronze cornice is a variation on a Georgian A regular rhythm is developed through the variation between the three

parapet wall detail. The continuous strip provides a visual

regular-sized bays and fourth wider bay, housing circulation, a tutor’s

feature, traversing the entire perimeter of the building,

apartment and communal kitchen / lounge.

signifying the unique sectional changes throughout. With a concealed gutter sitting behind this parapet detail,

Both north and south elevations retain distinct characteristics due

downpipes at every wider condition (tutor rooms) provide

to a different number of floors. The north façade (open to the public

horizontal relief.

meadow) reveals a more domestic character comprised of single storeys, whereas the south façade (opening up to the more private

The use of dull but slightly reflective materials throughout

courtyard) constitutes three 1.5-storey-height rooms, more of a stylistic

provides constant experiential changes throughout the day

lean towards a generously-proportioned Georgian façade.

and even year. Brick, bronze and timber elements would be perceived as a series of golden ambers and yellows in the

A series of rules were set up to create subtle visual nuances with a

sun, with dark black window frames and railings providing

degree of order. One continuing theme was that of what sits ‘in’, ‘on’

a visual counterpoint.

or ‘behind’ the wall. and roof. Lower study bedrooms are perceived as having been ‘plugged-in’, seemingly like a milk crate which has been filled in. The use of brick throughout on the open circulation level gives the perception of a subtractive form that has been carved from a solid. Finally, tutor’s bedrooms are signified in elevation through a different style of dormer window, sitting in the roof plane as opposed to on it.


North elevation to residential block including studio


South elevation to residential block with studio and stairwell 1:100

tutor bedroom

study bedroom

study bedroom

study bedroom

study bedroom

study bedroom

study bedroom

study bedroom





study bedroom

study bedroom

study bedroom

lounge / kitchen


study bedroom

study bedroom

study bedroom










Upper study bedroom A split-level provides a clear divide between sleeping/ workng and relaxing functions. A bathroom with a glazed light above it sits in the centre of the plan.


Lower study bedroom Bedroom sits on one level after entering down a stair. A balcony provides both solar shading as well as extension to the room, mediating between inhabited space and nature.


Head tutor’s apartment Sits in the college’s prime location, mediating between communal and residential programme on the building’s north-east corner, overlooking the river. Dealing with a corner ‘condition’, the room’s projecting canopy negotiates this change, demonstrating how a standard room can be varied to adapt as necessary. The bronze cornicing detail is also continued to meet the profiled zinc, stepping up to reveal the building’s section within.


Subterranean lecture theatre A large, 120-seat lecture theatre is situated beneath the college courtyard. Suitable for larger University lectures as well as public events and conferences.


Communal library Acting as a series of layers mediating between cloister and river, a series of timber fins provide shading in addition to deciduous trees.


Seminar room Situated in the upper level of the communal front wing, providing river views through a timber fin screen


Landscaping strategy Overall strategy Important from the offeset in the building’s social and urban agenda was the revitalisation of Walcot Gate Park, and the creation of a connection to the council’s proposed riverside walk. For these purposes, the architecture of the building becomes almost secondary to the new riverside connection, acting as a benign

Connection to riverside walk Two intertwined paths traverse the site, creating a connection between Walcot Gate and the proposed riverside walk. A serpentine path allows for wheelchair access down the site, with a more direct stepped route providing a counterpoint,

backdrop to a carpet of perennial planting and grasses. A series of

whilst dividing the landscape in to a number of planting areas.

other measures, outlined below, encourage the incorporation of

Path with seating areas

planting throughout the building and site.

The use of ‘breedon gravel’ for all paths exhibit a golden amber hue which seamlessly blends in to the grassy meadow. Laid to a camber, it allows for easy drainage and easy wheelchair access. Flat rest points (max. 1:10 gradient at any point) with benches allow for easy disabled access

Formal courtyard

and provide a space to sit and enjoy the park.

A formal counterpoint to the more informal meadow, a terraced internal courtyard follows the sites contours, leading from cloister level to the riverside. A semi-permeable space

Perennial meadow

which can be utilized for informal performances and events

The majority of landscaped space is planted as a continuous meadow, forming a carpet of planting across the site.

Boundary trees Vital since the project’s inception, trees at the south edge condition form a natural privacy screen at the boundary to the neighbouring Victorian school, providing a dappled light quality to south-facing bedroom elevations

Mooring point / dock Transportation connection with river, allowing for access by barges, boats and kayaks

Shaded meadow A continuation of the landscaped meadow, with plant varieties resilient to dark, shady conditions. Fixing points to brick support piers allow for the growing of creeper plants, dematerializing the boundary between

Courtyard seating Situated outside the communal studio spaces on the sunny south side of the courtyard, a series of projecting seating areas inhabit the cloister, looking in to the courtyard. Seat-back planters allow the incorporation of


planting, including creepers which form a connection to the shaded undercroft.

Riverside walk A sinuous yet simple timber boardwalk winds its way through reeds and other wetland planting, addressing Bath’s lost river frontage. Linking Walcot Street and the River Avon allows for enhanced permeability in the public realm.

building and landscape

Perennial meadow Developed from the concept of the ‘hortus botanicus’ - a courtyard exhibiting a collection of plant species - the planted landscape incorporates a wide variety of perennial flowering species. Initiated via a mass bulb planting in springtime, they


provide for a bright and varied summer appearance when the majority of plants will be in flower. A mixture of tall grasses provide the backdrop to the perennial planting,


whilst the serpentine path down the site creates multiple planting areas, producing a


Summer appearance


The majority of perennial plants

woven patchwork of colour.

Wetland / shade garden Plant varieties change towards the bottom of the site (6,7,8,9) to adjust to site-specific

are chosen to flower in the


entra nce

summer, creating a seasonal


blanket of colour.

variety of wetland plants and reeds. The ‘carpet’ of perennial planting is also


gradually varied in the shaded undercroft of the building’s footprint, using the forest floor as inspiration by planting a combination shade-resilient and moisture-tolerant plant species.

riv ers ide wa lk

needs and demands. Planting towards the river is gradually varied to include a



Flowering cherry

cour tyar d

Flowering cherry trees provide a burst of colour in spring-time with a vibrant pink colour, providing shade and visual emphasis at the top of the site, also forming a partial buffer between the planted landscape and road surface of Walcot Gate.

Winter appearance


Dying back in the winter, if the perennials are left to their own devices, the winter will transform


the landscape in to a bleached sea

Designed predominantly as a summer landscape, the majority of plants will die back in the colder months. Neverthess, by purposely leaving planting to die back on their own devices, the perennial meadow transforms in to a bleached landscape of crackling stalks and stems.

of plants stems and stalks, a ghostly reflection of their summer appearance.

Key to planting areas

1,2,5 - Lady’s bedstraw

2,7,9 - Luzula nivea

4,7 - Yarrow

6,9 - Euphorbia amygdaloides

7,9 - Vitus cognetiae

1,4 - Ox-eye daisy

3,5 - Knapweed

4, 6 - Harebell

7 - Birdsfoot trefoil

8 - Wetland reed planting

2, 3 - Common chicory

3,6 - Vinca minor

4,5 - Brunerra macrophylla

7,9 - Polystichum (fern)

9 - Virginia creeper

Flowering cherry


Section across courtyard Shows continuation of perennial meadow down slope and under building outside workshop, with creepers growing up the building. The building sits within the landscape which acts as a series of thresholds between the college and the rest of the city.


Landscaped public meadow, fully in bloom, mid-summer After the perennial meadow has established itself, the building starts to blend in to the background, acting as a benign backdrop to a colourful and ever-changing carpet of planting



4. Detail environmental / tectonic / detailed design / construction 95 Ventilation 96 Solar properties 98 Renewables 99 Flooding 100 Materiality 101 Tectonic section 102 Details 104 Construction sequence

"The brick is a different master. How ingenious: a small, handy, usable format for every purpose. What logic there is in the bonding. What spiritedness in the joints. What wealth there is in even the simplest wall surface. But what discipline this material demands." Ludwig Mies van der Rohe


Environmental strategy Overview


Environmental philosophy

The fundamental agenda of the college , in bringing a self-

The scheme would utilise a series of measures to reduce waste and

Environmental factors played a large role in the development of

supporting part of the university in to the centre of Bath, is

operate more sustainably. Construction is on a greenfield site,

the scheme. On the whole the building was designed to remove the

inherently sustainable. The city-centre location promotes the use

therefore there would be no demolition costs required. During

necessity of complicated work-arounds, responding and developing

of walking and cycling as well as public transport networks. The

construction all subsoils and topsoil would be retained during

logical moves at every design stage. Consuming the vast majority

densification and concentration of the city is an essential move

excavation, retained on site during construction for re-use during

of the building’s area, the design and orientation of the study

in making a small city like Bath sustainable in the long-term. The

landscape works on completion. With exception to the subterranean

bedrooms took a high priority.

social benefits of integrating the college in to the city are manifold

lecture theatre, the building would require less excavation than


would be expected due to its small footprint. Excavated material

The building aims to maximise the use of user-control, and thus

which would be in excess would be largely reused on site and

perceived and actual comfort levels. Psychologically being able to

sculpted in to mounds around the landscaped public meadow.

control one’s own climate using simple methods such as openable

Part L compliance

windows is more effective than particularly complex automated systems which make the user feel constrained.

The incorporation of high U-value glazing units and provision of


maximum air-tightness using modern construction techniques would allow for the building to satisfy Part L2A (conservation of

Materials used would on the whole be able to be sourced locally due

fuel and pwer) of the building regulations. A relatively compact

to the largely non-specialised nature of its masonry construction.

building volume and therefore envelope would also contribute

Specialist pre-cast elements could be manufactured in or around

to minimising heat loss.Without the construction of costly

Bristol, enabling possible delivery either by truck or by barge along

environmental measures such as a geothermal bore, the building

the river if necessary.

would employ mostly preventative measures such as intelligent control systems to minimise fuel and energy consumption.

Without resorting to lesser-quality materials (e.g. unfired clay bricks) the building’s materials would have a relatively large embodied energy value. A high level of maintenance and a proposed design life of over 100 years would nevertheless allow for the building to be more sustainable over the building’s lifetime.









2 8



1 2



Ground floor - typical ventilation strategy

Subterranean lecture theatre

Section through study bedrooms and studio

Ventilation From the outset the proposed design aims to minimise the use of

The bathrooms at the centre of the bedrooms require a certain amount of

mechanical ventilation by utilising narrow plans throughout, never

mechanical ventialtion, and are ventilated together with an extract on the

exceeding a distance of 8m. This allows for cross ventilation throughout.

roof above. The large ground floor kitchen will require a larger scale

The study bedrooms, which comprise the majority of usable space, are

provision for mechanical ventilation, as will the lecture theatre, due to the

designed to be easily cross-ventilated, with trickle vents installed to ensure

nature of it being underground. Ventilation to the lecture theatre is

sufficient air changes and prevent stale air. Openable windows on both

provided in large ducting and at low speeds to minimise frictional losses

north and south facades allow a greater degree of comfort due to complete

and noises.

cross ventilation single sided ventilation mechanical ventilation

control by the occupier.




Sit in non-passive zone due to mechanical lighting and ventilation requirements

Highly insulated zinc roof prevents against solar gain Alternating photovoltaic and solar panels incorporated and used locally in building

North facade

Sorth facade

work / sleep

lounge / relaxtion

Small openings minimise solar gains

Projecting canopy over balcony provides solar shading

downstand beam with 1.5m deep balcony to lower bedroom

Internal blinds to bedrooms allow control of daylight

exposed masonry construction provides degree of thermal mass, stabilising internal temperatures



Secti on th 8m roug h stu dy be droo ms a nd st udio

Ground floor - 2pm Autumnal equinox

Lowered courtyard

Passive solar design

A major step in the development of the courtyard was the lowering of the

A driving factor in the design was the designing of the ‘optimum’ study

south wing by two storeys. A series of shadow studies showed proved this

bedroom. With a north-facing work / sleep zone and south-facing living

to enhance the internal environment considerably by providing over 50%

zone, the bedrooms are designed for a north-south orientation.

more sunlight hours, changing the character or the space and thus making

Implementing this exactly on site was not exactly possible, although

it considerably more inhabitable.

orientating the building just 17 degrees out of this optimal alignment lowered south wing of courrtyard


loggia / circulation provides solar shading

nevertheless produces the desired effects.

Internal lighting Lighting in study bedrooms has beenn developed so as to incorporate a range of task lights, as opposed to one large multipurpose light. Controlled both locally as well as via a central control switch, the students

Privacy blinds

should learn to use lighting when needed, as opposed to lighting the whole room unnecessarily. Pre-bought

Openable tilt/turn ventilation panel

lights are chosen as modern design classics, reinforcing the concepts of exceptional design where possible.

Task lamp

Typical bedroom unit

Work area North-facing work space provides ideal lighting conditions Lighting, ventilation and temperature are all easily adjustable and within easy reach.

Studio lighting

Ceiling-hung fluorescents Individual task lighting

6 Floor lamp Artemide Tolomeo lamp provides localised task light for lounge area Work lighting Tolomeo incandescent desk lamp as task lighting for work space


Bedside light provides additional light source as well as for reading in bed

5 Built-in unit lighting Fluorescent strip light provides both an ambient light source for lower level


4 Bathroom lighting 3

Master switch

High level incandescent band lighting used as light source for bathroom. Glazed upper panel retains privacy yet allows daylight in during the day, and bathroom light out at night, providing low-level ambient light as a ‘lantern’ at night.


Water recycling / storage

Heating / cooling / water use / renewables

The relatively large surface area of the roof provides a substantial source of water which can be stored and processed to be recycled. Stored at the top of the site above the flood plain, water is collected centrally where, after processing, it can be utilised as a grey water source, e.g. for toilets. Water-source heat pump As it is a continuously moving body of water, the River Avon can be incorporated as a source of water to incorporate in to an open loop heat exchange system. Fluctuating between 7ยบC in the winter to 20ยบC in summer, the river provides a constant and effective heat source in the winter, and can be combined with a Turbocore compressor in the summer to aid any cooling demand. A licence with an associated yearly fee would need to be obtained from the council for this provision.


Localised hot water storage / solar collector panels Mounted in alternation with photovoltaic panels on the south-facing roofs of study bedrooms, providing a supply of localised hot water which is stored independently in each block. Photovoltaic panels Provides a source of electricity which can be stored in battery storage system and utilised around the building. Excess supply when not required can be sold back to the grid.

30m min.

water outlet

water inlet

BMS The multiple building systems would need to be regulated by a control system, or Building Management System (BMS). This would control aspects such as the storage of electricity produced by photovoltaics, hot water management and underfloor heating systems.

Thermal comfort All study bedrooms have underfloor heating to efficiently heat them. Individual controls enable a higher level of perceived comfort, along with an openable door to the balcony and a openable ventilation hatch at the work space.


ne d zo floo

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d floo

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l eve er l l riv a m nor

Flooding From the outset the flooding of the River Avon was taken in to account. In the event of a flood, the building does not fight the incoming water, with nearly all accommodation sitting above predicted extreme flood levels. The subterranean lecture hall is completely tanked (similar to a swimming pool but in reverse), protecting it from flood risk. The only elements of the building suceptible to flooding are those at a lower level, namely workshops and storage areas. If it is not possible to carry out preventative measures, these spaces will have to be sacrificial in the event of a flood


Standing seam zinc Wraps to form mansard roof and l-shaped canopies to balconies

Pre-cast concrete GGBS aggregate incorporated as reuse of an industrial by-product, giving a creamy appearance when left exposed. Precast used structurally for internal floors due to complex forms and repetitive nature. Pre weathered brass Forms contintuous cornice wrapping around building as well as infill panels to bedroom elevations English oak Satin coated timber used for interior joinery and for windows as a feature material

Buff brick Used above flood levels, with weather-struck joints and pigmentedmortar to provide a more monolithic appearance In situ concrete Forming a structural plinth beneath the project, in-situ concrete is used to form a new ‘datum’, upon which the masonry frame of the building is created

Section through study bedrooms and studio Typical of the entire building, showing a solid construction of load-bearing masonry. Materials used throughout aim to be of a high-quality, endeavouring to provide students with a high-quality learning and living environment. A material palette that is predominantly traditional aspires to provide a more timeless aesthetic, whilst still adhering to modern environmental principals, such as using recycled concrete aggregates.


North elevation

South elevation

1:75 tectonic section through study bedrooms and studio


15 14 14 7 25


9 12 28



1 9




8 22





6 5 27



Detail 2


Balcony to study bedrooms 1:20






Detail 1 Intermediate floors and wall build-up 1:20 0102

1 50mm paving slabs, laid with min. 2 degree fall towards gutter

11 20mm brick slips

2 125 x 50mm tanalised softwood support joists

12 3mm bronze sheeting wrapped around softwood battens

3 25 x 38mm tanalised thermal softwood battens

13 black polyester powder coated flashing

4 damp proof membrane

14 steel handrail system, black polyester powder coated

5 100mm thermal insulation

15 3-part timber sliding timber door unit, black satin finish to outside

6 175mm stepped precast concrete slab with downstands

16 50mm oak desk unit

7 150mm stainless steel channel gutter laid flush with external level

17 50mm floating screed

8 200mm blockwork laid on sides

18 5mm impact sound insulation

9 buff facing brickwork, weather-struck jointed and tied to blockwork

19 12mm limestone floor tiles

10 brick support hangar

20 400mm two-way concrete slab with downstands above studio


32 38

34 33


36 35

31 1


5 29


17 19






35 28 46

Detail 3

Detail 4

Ground build-up 1:20

Cranked mansard roof 1:20

21 double glazed window unit

31 reinforced concrete ground slab with dpm on slab top

41 breathable membrane

22 1200 x 1400mm double glazing

32 150mm hardcore

42 10mm ‘enkamat’ underlay

23 insulated timber framed window, black satin finish to outside

33 50mm blinding

43 3mm standing seam zinc roof, seams @ 450c/s

24 150mm bronze cladding panels with ventilation gap

34 damp proof course

44 continuously wrapped zinc edges

25 100mm thermal cavity insulation

35 50 x 150mm noggings

45 10mm stainless steel gutter, lapped to zinc roof

26 thermally insulated steel lintel

36 178 x 102mm steel purlins

46 150 x 150mm universal column

27 zinc window cill

37 zinc upstand

28 15mm plasterboard / skim

38 welded universal beams 305 x 165mm in ‘cranked’ frame

29 land drain

39 24mm plywood sheet

30 course gravel

40 tanalised softwood packers


Construction sequence 4: Superstructure

1: Contractor mobilisation

2: Excavation

3: Plinth and sub-structure

- services diversions - removal of small planting, trees and shrubs

- excavation, retaining walls and necessary tanking to make provision for subterranean lecture theatre

- pouring of in-situ concrete plinth structure up to ground floor level including reinforced brick piers with concrete infill

- protection of larger trees initiated - site office initiated

- topsoil and subsoils retained for re-use in corner of site - necessary foundations poured

5: Mansard roof - ‘cranked’ steel frame for mansard roof pre-welded and craned in to place - pre-fabricated staircases positioned and fixed


6: First fix - MEP (mechanical, electrical, public health) installed

- masonry construction with precast floor slabs installed as far as possible (provisions made for use of all-terrain crane) - incorporation of of horizontal floor slabs to ensure lateral stabiltiy and stiffness

7: Secondary structure and waterproofing

- excavation and installation of pipework for

- secondary framing for roof and walls installed - glazing units installed

water-source heat pump - initial landscaping works, including riverside walk - installation of machinery to plant room and workshops

- zinc roof installed and tested - internal linings completed - installation of pre-fabricated bathroom units - second fix MEP

8: Finishes - fit-out of study bedrooms - stone flooring and other internal finishes - concrete treated and finished as necessary - Finishing works to landscaped public meadow and internal courtyard, including planting, lighting and furntiure

9: Completion - handover to client - beginning of defects liability period



5. Regulatory compliance compliance with building regulations / design risk 108 Part B - Fire 110 Construction Design and Management 112 Part M - Accessibility 113 Budget calculation


1F, 2F: Accommodation

3F: Accommodation

Max. travel distance from farthest points of bedrooms of 12m to

Head tutor’s appartment leads to enclosed stair with max. travel

enclosed stairwell, with escape in two directions in most cases.

distance of 14m.

plant room

GF: Cloister level 6no. enclosed stairwells with fire exits either to cloister or on to protected corridors on south wing. Provision for emergency services access provided along vehicular access to building, as well as from car park of neighbouring Victorian school building.

enclosed stair - 60min. fire rating protected corridor fire exit escape route dry riser emergency services access

-2F: Lecture Theatre

-1F: Lower courtyard level

max. 29m travel distance from rear of subterranean

High risk plant room encased independently. Lower

lecture theatre with escape in two directions

study bedrooms escape upwards via enclosed stairwells, with max. travel distance of 12m to outside air


Part B - Fire regulations B1b / c - Horizontal and vertical escape

B3-Internal fire spread - structure

strategy on the whole. The continuous circulation routes providing

Six enclosed fire-rated stairwells which provide vertical circulation

Primarily concrete and masonry construction is inherently fire-

access to the study bedrooms allow for escape in two directions in

throughout would be fitted with self-closing devices to seal them

retardant, preventing spread of fire. Steel-framed mansard roof to

nearly all cases, either via an enclosed stairwell or directly to the

in the event of a fire, creating a compartmentalised system. Nearly

incorporate intumescent fire-retardant paint where necessary to

cloister. The large amount of internal circulation in study bedrooms

every study bedroom has access to two separate stairwells due

minimise spread of fire.

increases travel distances somewhat, but still within regulations.

to the nature of the continuous circulation, effectively halving

The fundamental separation of the building in to six stairwell groupings automatically makes for a generally straightforward fire

travel distances to a maximum of 12m (residential). In the case of

B1a - Means of warning and escape

disabled bedrooms, a disabled refuge point is provided within the

B5 - Access for fire services

protected stairwell. Escape from the subterranean lecture (assembly

Access for fire vehicles to be provided and maintained both along

space) theatre is provided in two directions, at most a total of 29m.

main vehicular / disabled access as well as from car park of

An automatic fire detection system would be installed in the

neighbouring Victorian school. Dry riser provision is found in the

building, with both visual and audible alarms throughout. This would be managed and monitored constantly through the porter’s

encased stairwell next to main entrance / porter’s lodge, along with

B2 - Internal fire spread - linings

water valves in all other stairwells.

lodge at the main entrance. Individual study bedrooms would be fitted with both heat and smoke alarms in addition. Sufficient

Construction of library book stacks to be of high density

signage would be provided to aid visitors to the building in finding

reconstituted wooden fibre boards which disintegrate and smother

the nearest escape routes, although the simple circulation routes

stock in a protective thin layer of ash thus preventing spread of fire.

lend themselves to finding escapes easily.

All oak furniture in study bedrooms to be treated to resist flame spread over their surfaces. Communal areas, kitchens and plant rooms to employ sprinkler systems to mitigate risk from highlycombustible machinery.


secure site access

site office

car parking / plant

secure material storage

all -terrain crane


40 access from London


all-terrain crane


ur es ite bo un da ry

Road (to M4)


potential point of road closure barge access from River Avon

Roof access Ladder access from balconies to clip-in roof harnessing system secur e site

Construction design and management Site plan showing CDM strategy


boun dary

Construction design and management Overall management

Site conditions


Prior to the start of construction works, a specialist CDM

During mobilisation by the contractor, a site office should be set

Building maintenance should be, on the whole, relatively

consultant would need to be appointed. Their job would be to

up in the car park, providing a meeting room as well as welfare

straightforward and infrequent due to the hardwearing material

coordinate with and brief both design and construction teams,

provisions for workers including WCs, a canteen, and sick bay.

choice, predominantly brick, concrete and zinc.

out effectively and safely under health and safety guidelines. The

Conditions on site should be supervised at all times and be the

Nearly all windows open out on to balconies or terraces of

construction would need to be coordinated smoothly to achieve

responsibility of the site manager. Working conditions should be

some sort, enabling easy cleaning and maintenance from inside

a high-quality final build, especially due to the split in funding

maintained at all times, and noise levels minimised and contained

bedrooms. Glazing to lounges and on the riverside façade are not

sources between council and private sources.

to working hours within council guidelines.

openable however, and so would necessitate a specialist cleaning

regarding any specific problems, and enabling work to be carried

device which would be reachable with a long-armed extendable

Site access

A secure storage facility would also be conveniently located to the

The nature of the sloped site presents some logistical problems,

side of the car park, allowing for ease of delivery and distribution

although the will be able to navigate the terrain of the site which at

around the site.

its steepest is a gradient of 1:8. Access is to be provided off Walcot

brush-cleaning system. example of all-terrain crane being used on a sloped site

Access and maintenance to the building’s roof would be required at some point to clean gutters and maintain / inspect solar thermal

Gate which provides adequate turning space for larger vehicles.

Risks and means of minimisation

panels and photovoltaic cells. The roof is easily accessible with a

Entrance to the site would be provided and easily secure through

During construction, a temporary scaffolding system would need

ladder from any balcony due to their open nature, allowing access

a single access point in the existing and proposed car park facility.

to be used. This would need to be installed to required codes and

to roof-mounted harnessing points running the length of the entire

Access to larger scale vehicles and plant would possibly necessitate

regulations to prevent unnecessary falls or injury.


For hoisting larger pre-cast elements in to place an all-terrain crane


short term road closures, such as for the concrete mixer required throughout the construction process of the in-situ concrete plinth.

would be deployed for hoisting components in to place. Relevant

Although designed to sit mostly above the flood plain, a small

Potential delivery to the site by barge is an option, enabling large-

surveys would need to be carried out to ensure suitable ground

amount of property would be affected by any future flooding.

scale prefabrication and delivery from Bristol. Prefabrication would

conditions, along with possible short term road closures to the

Inevitable repair works would be minimised however due to the

be preferable in any case, reducing on-site risks by carrying out

vicinity if necessary.

choice of hard-wearing external surfaces, enabling easy pressure-

construction under controlled conditions.

cleaning to the building and re-seeding / turfing of the landscaped courtyard. Lower planting areas in the meadow have been chosen

The site would be inaccessible to the public throughout the entire

to be more water-resiliant and hardy in the event of a flood.

duration of construction works due to both safety risks and that the landscaped public meadow is the final part of construction to be carried out.


8no. parking spaces

Part M - Circulation and access Provisions for disabled users were developed from the outset, in particular

Falls from any height are prevented throughout predominantly

regarding the development of the public landscaped meadow as well

through metal handrails which are an architectural feature of

as design of the riverside walk. The site currently has no provisions for

the building’s elevations. These sit on masonry walls of minimum

disabled users, and the proposed development aims to make a further part

300mm height, providing a barrier to at least 1150mm throughout,

of the city accessible for both public and private use, compliant with DDA

with vertical spacings between rails not exceeding 200mm



One defining characteristic of the building is the circulation around a

Circulation around the entire building is amply dimensioned, with

cloistered courtyard at one level. This provides easy and level access to

all circulation routes a minimum of 1500mm wide to allow for two

the communal functions which is predominantly located at ground floor

people to pass, as well as easy movement of wheelchairs. Access is

(cloister) level.

level and outside of stairwells there are no steps throughout.

The sloped landscape of the site is traversed by two intertwining paths, one

All stairs throughout the building are compliant to Part M

stepped, and one ramped. The ramped pathway is flat and even, providing

specifications, with a minimum 1100mm width in communal

a link to the riverside walk, with a maximum gradient of 1:12 at any point

areas (institutional) and 800mm wide stairs in study bedrooms

and breaks with seating points at regular intervals. Level access is provided


along a wider path crossing the site from the car park, with provision of a disabled parking bay outside the porter’s lodge which also doubles up as a

Sanitary facilities are provided at ground level communally, and are

drop-off point for deliveries.

accompanied by disabled WC provisions. These are located on both

GF: Cloister level Cloister with access at a single level, with winding ramped landscape leading to riverside walk.

resting space

the ground floor and second underground level, next to the lecture

disabled-accessible bedroom

The building utilises a split-level section throughout which requires

theatre, and are each relatively dimensioned with outward opening


residents to either climb or descend stairs to get to any bedroom. To


disabled parking bay / deliveries

mitigate this, three bedrooms (10% of the total) situated on the lower

disabled WC

level (-1f) are accessible by means of a lift. Further study bedrooms could

Visual impairment has been taken in to account through the use of

wheelchair accessible route

be modified for disabled accessibility at a later date if required although

contrasting tactile materials at key junctions and in different areas,

this would inevitably necessitate the construction of a further lift. A lift

enabling easier orientation throughout the building.

is provided in both east and south wings, enabling access for wheelchairs as well as movement of heavy items between floors. These provide access to seminar rooms at first floor level as well as the subterranean lecture theatre. As upper stories only contain residential accommodation, there is no discrimination to disabled users as nothing extra is accessible to ablebodied users.

-1F: Lower courtyard level Disabled accessible rooms looking out on lower courtyard area.


Budget Calculation

Cost comparison Kendrew Court, MJP Architects, completed Q4 2010

Building cost

3,460m² x £2,500/sqm

+15% for complexity of building next to river


A similar-sized scheme, recently completed for St. John’s college in Oxford, with a


remarkably similar programme. Based around an historic oak tree, the building takes a

Landscaped courtyard

730m² x £500/sqm


three-sided courtyard arrangement with a high-quality landscaped central feature. The

Landscaped meadow *

3,370m² x £350/sqm

£294,875* (£1,179,500)

high level of finishes at Kendrew Court, both internal and external, are comparible to those

Extension to riverside walk *

175m² x £1,000m²

£43,750* (£175,000)

I would strive to achieve in Bath, using a relatively high cost per square metre considering


the mostly prefabricated and straightforward construction methods of the building, the cost estimate provides for particularly durable finishes and designer furniture which add a

Contractor preliminaries and profit ( +20%)


Management overheads (+8%)

£851,210 £2,979,235

premium, as well as expensive workshop machinery and plant.

Cost-wise, my building works out at around 10% more expensive. This can be attributed to possible factors such as the riverside location, which a contingency/complexity sum has been

Design and construction contingencies (+10%)


factored in, as well as the slightly different programme which includes a 120-seat lecture

Consultants fees - architect, engineer, specialists (+15%)


theatre. The projected cost of just over £17,000,000 therefore seems reasonable.

Statutory fees (planning consents, building control etc. (+0.025%)

£3,405 £3,404,245 Key programme

Total project cost (excl. VAT)


* - assuming 25% contribution to total (in parenthesis) via Section 106 agreement, with B&NES council funding remaining 75%)

Kendrew Court

L’ecole de Construire

Kendrew Court

34no. study bedrooms

76no. study bedrooms

3no. seminar rooms

5no. teaching rooms

2no. studios

1no. studio


refectory / café



porter’s lodge

lodge / gatehouse

120- seat lecture theatre

Gross floor area



Study bedrooms (tutors)

27 (+7)

70 (+6)

Total project cost



Avg. cost per study bedroom


£460,000 0113


Self-assessment Conclusion



How would you attempt to improve the project work if additional time had been available?

My fourth and final year of studying architecture in Bath has been

A careful use of selected precedent has helped me understand

Although dedicating a huge amount of time to the project, I

intense, but thoroughly rewarding. After completing a six-month

the collegiate typology, from certain monastic origins up to and

believe that the scheme could inevitably have been developed more

Although I feel the proposal is developed through a solid

placement as well as a year of studying abroad in Germany, the

including more recent 20th and 21st century examples. I believe

effectively with more careful time management. With hindsight,

understanding of the collegiate archetype, I feel that further intense

final studio project has given me a chance to work alone which I

that seeing and experiencing architecture in person is vital to its

I probably spent too much time investigating the individual study

research in to the typology would have brought further maturity to

have not done in a university setting for over two years. Working

understanding, and hope that this knowledge is translated at least

bedrooms, at the expense of some communal aspects of the building,

the scheme. I have come to understandthat no mater how irrelevant

outside of a group has brought with it challenges as well as

somewhat in the complexity of the proposal.

such as the refectory space.

older examples may seem, the problems set at the time are often

Refining an effective design process in working alone was important

Possibly through fixing the scheme at an earlier stage at a broader

The design process has been frustrating at times, and seemingly

throughout in achieving a successful proposal, a skill which was

level I could have spent further time developing the scheme in more

Additional time would have enabled me to develop the scheme

overdrawn, although the project’s length has allowed for a

developed throughout the studio project. A development process

detail, through tectonic aspects and other elements of detailed

in further tectonic detail, as well as refining communal spaces

developed and focused scheme unlike any I have completed before.

employing rapid hand drawings to investigate a proposal’s spatial


such as the refectory. Further time on the scheme could also have


The design of a collegiate environment is a development of many

very similar.

qualities was particularly successful and beneficial in the project’s

effected the development of the proposal structurally. The further

maturation, allowing the architecture to be conveyed succinctly.

development of the concrete plinth structure would inevitably have

years’ personal experiences of living in a variety of student

implications of the building tectonically and taken advantage of.

accommodation. The investigative study has provided an analytical

Working on the project from the beginning at a variety of different

insight in to these issues.

scales was also invaluable in the project’s evolution. Interrogating

I felt that the representation of the scheme could possibly have been

the design of the individual study bedrooms at 1:50 scale became a

developed, although a possible lack of time spent on visualisation

The design of the college set an agenda in to how a modern

key driver in the scheme’s development, enabling a close assessment

drove the simple but possibly more succinct style of visuals

canterbrigian quad could be translated to a sloped site, situated

of the vital relationship between the “one” and the “many”.


within a flood plain, and adapted so as to be relevant to its location in the World Heritage City of Bath. It develops the collegiate typology in a unique way that responds somewhat to the public realm and its integration, as opposed to the traditionally introverted courtyard buildings which tend to prevail. Under the given parameters I believe my scheme has been successful in the design of a restrained and believable proposal given the time constraints imposed.



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