Dear Santa,
Thank you for the toys you bring me.
I would like this year Barbie polar bear reveal, Crayola Ultimate light board, Disney singing mermaid doll and Lolly the Leopard. Thank You! Please bring my brother Emmett play lawn mower and climbing things. He loves to climb. Thank you, love you Santa.

Paisley Workinger, age 6 Potosi, WI

Dear Santa, I want magic mixies crystal ball, fashion show suprise tot, Ladybug Scooter and junior piano. Thank you and I love you. Pleasea bring my little brother Emmett blocks, toy train ride and books he can’t rip.

Lakyn Workinger, age 7 Potosi, WI
Dear Santa,
Thank you for the presents tell the elfs thank you they are the best. Also tell the raindeer hi and give them a carrit. It would make them happy. Thank you Santa for the kindness.
Kanyon Seffrod, age 10 Gratiot, WI
Dear Santa, Its Kyler, I'm writing to you because its that time at year again. I’ve been wondering how you are and all the elves have been doing and how that is with Osha and the labor laws. I’m also writing to ask for Christmas gifts. I would like a new pair of shoes or a xbox controller or whatever you got to give me.

Kyler Seffrood, age 18 Gratiot, WI
Dear Santa, hopfuly there is a lot of good kids how are you. and Mrs Clause I hop you have a goo Christmas.

Braylen Schulze, age 12 Gratiot, WI
Dear Santa, Hello. My name is Weston and I am 4. I wish I will see you soon. If you have time I would like a Blaze toy. Miss you, Weston.

Weston Schulze, age 4 Gratiot, WI
Dear Santa, thank you for the Joy and Happying of Crismis thanck you for the toy and the elf’s work rilly hard ofor the Joy of Crismas thanck you so musch.

Mikael A. Schulze, age 6 Gratiot, WI
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a Playstation 5 and a few games for it. I would also like a pair of headphones and a roblox gift card. Also a few new superheroes for me and my brother Clayton to pay with. I am going to leave you some yummy cookies and a glass of ice cold milk and some tasty carrots for the reindeer. Merry Christmas! Love, Camdyn Placke, age 6 Cuba City, WI
Dear Santa, Can I have everything in the catalog - just the toys? I have been good all year and day. I would like a new pedal tractor. Can you bring me a new Tractor Mac puzzle? And a Cars movie? Don’t forget to feed your reindeer and eat some cookies!
Hoyt Hooks, age 5 Hortonville, WI
Dear Santa, Thank you for the gifts tell the Elfs thank you. you and the elfs are the best. and raindeers. Thank for the joy and kindess.
Kingslee Seffrood, age 8 Gratiot, WI
Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year and would like a tractor with wagon, monster trucks, matchbox cars, toy snow shovel, cleaning set, puzzles, books, paw patrol shirts, kite, construction excavator & cement truck & a paw patrol hat. Also, my dog would like a new toy and more dog treats!
Ian Christ, age 4 Hazel Green, WI
Dear Santa, For Christmas, I would like money to buy my own Farmall Cub tractor. I would also like an Ego mower. Thank you!

Isaac Hooks, age 11 Hortonville, WI
Dear Santa, I have been a good boy and listen to my mom and dad. I’m a good helper with the dishwasher at home. Santa, this is my Christmas list: J. Hurts or J. Chase football jersey, Packer football, Cincinnati Bengals helmont, Lego Creator 3 in 1 Crocodile both bombshell gift cares from Icki Sticki ice cream, a gift for Nana and Papa’s dog Muggest who I love to hug. Thank you!!

Lincoln Schultz, age 6 Verona, WI
Dear Santa, I want anything with wheels that I can push around. My favorite toys are ones that light up and make animal sounds. I love bath toys and books. Can my puppy have a treat too? I am always a good girl.
Eleanor Busch, age 16 mos. Cuba City, WI
Dear Santa, for cHristMas I woulD like: 1. rc pickup truck 2. phone. thank you. from Casper Langreck Mineral Point, WI

Dear Santa, I really want a hoverbord and attachment a new ordamint with peels, lottery tickets, Ollie and Lola shovel or stocking cat and dog toy with treats they told me. I left cookies with carrots and a flaverd water for you on the ac. Elvis is a nice elf tell her I will miss her when she goes but she will come back. Hope Mrs closs is feeding pumpkin pie.
Aubree Mary Regan, age 8 Platteville, WI
Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year, I would really want A christmas blanket, and A toy Snake with a controller to move it, and A huge Plushie. I want A stuffed animal reindeer and a elf on the shelf. I would like a boy if that’s possible.
Mya Nethery, age 10 Shullsburg, WI
Dear Santa, Can I please have an oculus Quest 23. I hope the reindeer fly very well and I hope the cookies are Yum Yum Yummy! Love, Griffin Glass, age 9 Soldiers Grove, WI

Dear Santa, I would like LOL & Barbies, baby dolls, dolls , nail dryer, kitty blanket, pink chair & bracelet maker. My Brother Rhett would like an activity table, baby toys & clothes. We will leave you and your reindeer cookies & milk and carrots for yor reindeer to eat. My prayers are for your safe travels on Christmas Eve.
Everly Bontreger, age 6 Rhett Knight, age 8 mos. Lancaster, WI

Dear Santa, for Christmas i really want diamond art, and oh yeah how is sprikles the elf. Can you tel her to send me a letter. I also want a VR head set. Thank You very much. I’ll leave you cookies n milk. Drive safe. Love,

Zoey Shaben, age 7 Lancaster, WI
Dear Santa, I am a very good boy. I would like a rc truck, car, and a boat, toy crossbow, and a par of gogels for my hellmit nearf machine gun, flying fijit spiner.
Bodie Carns, age 7 Platteville, WI
Dear Santa, How is Rudolph? I hope you have a good night. I really want a Momma Surprise Guinea Ppig, My Life food & My Life pets toys please. I hope our elf, Rosie, comes back soon. I miss her! I hope she’s doing well! Please give my friends Ila & Harper and my teacher Mrs. Breuer & her kid Kinsley (all of them) a good toy and a Merry Christmas! Please give my dad hunting supplies & my mom a blanket. She doesn’t like the cold. Bring my baby brother a toy. Thanks Santa! Enjoy the cookies & milk. I hope you enjoy your night! From, Lakyn Kirschbaum, age 6 Glen Haven, WI
Dear Santa, I’ve been a good boy this year. I want for Christmas is a X-Box, TV, cars, trucks and a scooter. I will put out brownies, cookies, milk, reindeer feed and also carrots.

Bentley Baker, age 8 Montfort, WI
Dear Santa, My name is Cayden and I am 2 years old. I am trying really hard to be good (though sometimes it’s very hard!)! I love Cocomelon, Mickey Mouse and anything with wheels (especially 4wheelers, trucks and tractors) I am all boy with lots of energy my mama and daddy say, so outside toys that help me play hard and run off energy would be awesome too! I also have 2 hearing aids so I would love to have Cocomelon skins to make my superhero ears even cooler! Please bring something for my big Sissy, my baby brother, my two doggies and my two rats too! Love, Cayden Hammond, age 2 Cassville, WI
Dear Santa, I hope you’re having a good day. How is Rudolph? I hope that our elf, Rosie, comes back soon. I miss her! I think I’ve been good this year. We give each other hugs. I would really like My Life foods & a My Life pets toys. I don’t think I want a diamond anymore. Please bring gifts to my friends! Please bring my baby brother a rocky thing that throws him up & down. Bring earrings for me, mom & shooting stuff for my dad. Thanks Santa! Enjoy the cookies & milk!
Blayre Kirschbaum, age 4 Glen Haven, WI

Dear Santa, I want a camra plaes. and virtual reality (VR) plaes. and a bb gun plaes. and night vision goggles, plaes. and army toys Military set, Includes: ar plac and Nerf N-Strike Elit Rhino-fire Blaster place, and Nerf N-Strike Elite Accustrike Stratohawk plase. Volvart Electric automatic gun plaes. and Nerf N-Strike Elite Trilogy DS-15 toy Blaster and 15 Elite Darts Plaes. and Nerf N-Strike Stampede ECS (Discontinued by manufacturer) plaes and super ray gun call of Duty pistol prop gamer gift plaes. and a bb gun UK-47 spring airsoft Rifle gun w/Laser sight 6mm Bb BGS from Vincent Harris. plaes give me all of the presents I wanted Santa plaes and thank you merry Christmas oh and plaes ad 1 more ray gun plaes and thank you! Merry Christmas.

Vincent Harris, age 10 Platteville, WI
Dear Santa, I want Santa to bring me an Elsa and a Bluey. I really like Bluey. That's it but I really want Santa to bring my brother Max a toy monster. I've been a good girl and not naughty like my brother Mason.
MaliaTimmerman, age 3 Cuba City, WI
Dear Santa, I want a Magic Mixie Pearl please and a chines fan Please.
Brylee Harris, age 7 Platteville, WI
Dear Santa, Hi Santa! I love seeing pictures of you and Mama says I’ve been a very good girl. I would like a doll bed and maybe a doll house. I am really liking Little People lately too. Could you bring something for Roscoe? Have a safe trip. We will leave a treat out for you & your reindeer. Love, Mayzie Carns, age 4 Platteville, WI
Dear Santa, My name is Briceson. I have been good most of the time. My sister makes me get into trouble. I would like a trampoline, a pet turtle, books, foam hockey sticks with a ball and net, hockey signs, hockey clothes especially the Ice Wolves, Blackhawks and Wild, a Bauer goalie glove and blocker, Nintendo Switch games like Switch Sports and carnival games, hospital Lego set with roads, and a remote control monster truck. Please leave my puppy Mae some treats and toys. She might bark at you but she is very friendly. Please leave one candy cane for my sister - she needs something besides coal. Please leave my mom some new hockey clothes and tools for my dad. I will leave grain for the reindeer and cookies and milk for you. Love, Briceson Anderson, age 9 Highland, WI
Dear Santa,

I have been a good boy this year. Can I please have a Ps5 or a Ps4 with two controllers. Also can I have a Case Steiger tractor and a grain bin set-up. Thank you. Love, Alan Stelpflug, age 9 Stitzer, WI

Dear Santa, hi Santa. I would like computer and a Barbe, a kids crimper and a lit brite, crafting ston, piano bag, suitcase, another elf, a real ginger Bred, pritte fake nals, a pet botrflly, a fake comeputer. I will leve cookeis and carits for your raender.

Clara Mayne, age 7 Montfort, WI
Dear Santa, I want a buzz lightyer sword for Chrismas and i really want my girl friend to hold hands with me. I know am to young to be dateing. but i really love her and she really loves me so please it would mean a lot to me i promise to very good this year thank you oh and i really want to meat you face to face please thank one more thing when are my elfs comeing from Jacob Moon-Pennekamp, age 10 Fennimore, WI

Dear Santa,
My name is Hadley. I have been good. Just ask Papa! Dont ask my mom or dad!! I want a Skinny baby stroller, a snowboard like y brothers, a really big Barbie house, a tub of Legos or a Lego set, Elephant & Piggie books, any kind of Level 1 or 2 books, Shock doctor hockey pants and shirt, a Grinch tree and ornament, clothes and Barbies. Please leave something little for my brother. He tries to be good - but now always. We like to fight! We promise to be good until Christmas. Please stop at my Nana and Papas house and bring them some ornaments and stuff for under their tree. I will leave oats for the reindeer and cookies and milk for you! Love, Hadley Anderson, age 6 Highland, WI

Dear Santa, One thing I always wondered about you is Do you make all the toys or do the Elves? Christmas is the best season - ever! I really believe you and and Mrs. claus Exist. 5 things I really want for christmas are...Hatchimals, a pig pink tent, a buffalo plaid full-piece pajamas, American girl dolls and clothes, and Fashion Fidgits. Merry Christmas!
Lexi Bresee age 8 Fennimore, WI

Dear Santa, I’ve been a good girl this year., I want for Christmas is an blue hoverboard, laptop, lol OMg dolls, and barbie clothes and shoes. We will set out milk, reindeer feed, Brownies, cookies, and carrots. Love, Bayley Baker, age 10 Montfort, WI

Dear Santa, I became a BIG BROTHER! I love you Santa! My elf Chudie arrived. Ill take care of him. Some of my wishes for Christmas are: a purple and blue canoe a REAL dinosaur a pet fish a purple rattle for baby Kynli.
Mason Dempsey, age 5 Boscobel, WI

Dear Santa, Hello Santa! I have been good this year! Working hard at school and having fun! For Christmas could I please get a Mega Halo Banished Garison pack, Halo Infinite and other Halo toys. I also would like Jurasic World toys. I like Starwars stuff too. Thank you Santa!

Gage Hanson, age 11 Dodgeville, WI
Dear Santa, I have been trying my best to be good this year. I have been doing good in school. For Christmas I would like, a ballet bar, a nutcracker, Reesee's Penut Butter Cups, a microphone, purple excersize bands, a suitcase, a small air hockey table, and the Babysitters Club books, glow tracks, my own alexa and, a ukulele. Thanks for reading my letter! I will leave you cookies and carrots for the reindeer. Merry Christmas!
Natalie Mayne, age 10 Montfort, WI

Dear Santa, I would like an “El Toro LOCO” Monster Jam truck with a crush car, and a “Grave Digger” one too please. I would also like some new games for me and my family to play. I love Dinosaurs so anything Dino would be awesome! Be careful flying the sleigh! We will leave our milk, cookies and carrots. Thanks Santa! Love, Maverick Schmoldt, age 5 Quantico, VA

Dear Santa, I have been a very good boy this year! I would like some new cars and trucks. A slice and also some new books. Love, Oliver Johnson, age 11⁄2 Lancaster, WI

Dear Santa, My name is Mira and I have been really good this year. I would love some art supplies and squish-mellows. My little sister Esmae would like a dinosaur to play with. Our baby sister Jessa would like some dolls to play with. I will draw you a picture to take back to the North Pole. Thanks Santa.
Mira Dorshorst, age 7 Dodgeville, WI
Dear Santa, I have been a good girl. I would love a Kittycom Surprise. and a Mail doll from Descendants. I will be leaving cookies and Milk. I Hope you and your reindeer are Safe. I love you.
Anya Fraundorf, age 6 Dodgeville, WI
Dear Santa,
I only need or wan’t 3 things. number one is my teeth back number two is a pocket knife (Shhhh! I will be very careful) or a pliers knife set. On more think, a suprise gift. Safe travles and have a great trip Santa Claus.

Easton Liddicoat, age 10 Mineral Point, WI
Dear Santa,
My name is Brian and I've been very good this year. My brother John has been good to. He really likes to fish. So any fishing tackel would be great for him. I would like an Operation Game if that is ok. The one with the light up nose. I love you Santa. P.S. Chiropractors are real doctors. Brian McComb, age 6 Darlington, WI

Dear Santa,
Hi Santa. I want a horse. I would like Boomerang Abigail, Pru and Chiccaliinda. How are you Santa? My brother Russel would like little horsies and big horsies to play with me. Mom would like a new kitchen. Dad wants a red tractor. Santa Ill leave you a cookie.
Rickie Herbers, age 3 Patch Grove, WI
Dear Santa,
I really want a Robot for Christmas. Can I also have a car - Bumble Bee Robot. Rocket too. P.S. I will be 6 on Dec. 14. Love, Lyncoln Shaben, age 5 Lancaster, WI
Dear Santa, My name is Vinny and I am 11 2 years old. I have been a very good boy this year. I have learned so many new things! Some of my favorites are bubbles, tractors, cows, reading goods and my owl. For Christmas this year I would like some new books, tractors and a farm set. Thank you Santa! Your friend,
Vinny, age 11 2 Cuba City, WI
Dear Santa,
I would like a baby set and a unicorn. I am a big girl now and would like a bike as well please. The last thing I would like is slime or gel. We will leave out milk and bookies for you and carrots for the reindeer. Safe travels, Love, Elliana Schmoldt, age 3 Quantico, VA
Dear Santa,
I would like some wooden puzzles and a baby stroller to push my babies in. I would also love any of the Melissa and Doug toys. The last think I would like is a book please. Thank you! Love, Colette Schmoldt, age 18 mos. Quantico, VA
Dear Santa, Hi! My name is Will and I have tried to be really good this year. Please bring me a VR Set and some Treasure X toys. My older brother Braedon would like a controller for his PS5 and games. Thank you! I will have some carrots out for your reindeer and cookies and milk for you.

Will Dorshorst, age 8 Dodgeville, WI
Dear Santa, Hi ? I Love you! P.S. My brother Mason helped me write my letter.
Kynli Dempsey, age 3 mos. Boscobel, WI
Dear Santa, My name is Tanner and I am only 6 months old. This is my first Christmas so my mama, daddy and Sissy are telling me all about it. I can’t wait to see the Christmas tree and learn what presents are. Mama says I need winter PJs to keep me warm at night. Daddy says I need teethers as I am chewing on everything! I also love books, things that light up and make noise and I really want to crawl so something to help me with that would be fun! I also love to be outside with my family so outside toys that I can share with my big brother Cayden would be so fun!

Tanner Hammond, age 6 mos. Cassville, WI

Dear Santa, I have been pretty good. I hope all is well with you Santa. There are a few things I wold like: 22 with a scope (gun), binoculars, C boy merch, football gloves, new football, helmet for my dirt bike and riding gloves. I would also like more books, baseballs. I will leave milk and cookies for you. Oh and bring something for my sisters. P.S. A new Nintendo game. Thank you.
Ethan Breitsprecker, age 9 Potosi, WI
Dear Santa, I want a grill, Please I want a teddy Bear A Batman toy tower A Spiderman toy tower BatMan Power caR I Been good Please send our elf Sneakers to our house Thank you!
Vincent Bierman, age 6 Platteville, WI
Dear Santa, Could you please bring me the book Tikki Tikki Temba? It is my favorite. I will try to be better. Love, April Ziobro, age 3 Platteville, WI

Dear Santa, For ChRistmas I would like a cat skateboard, afurReal Lil’WiLDS, Toy Mini Brands Mini BranDS CollectoR’s case, Bunny coRn, SuRPRise, a cat Piano, Rainbow High dolls, LOL O.M.G. Candy Licovs, Real LittLes ShopKins, RealLittLes BackPacks, a MinecRAft llama house, a MinecRAft fox house, I hope you have the Best ChRistmas ever!

Emaline Carrier-Benjamin, age 7 Eau Claire, WI

Dear Santa, My name is Harris. I haven’t been the best toy this year. But I’m trying. How are the reindeer? I wish for a hoverboard and a basketball hoop for my door. I hope you have safe travels on Christmas Eve. I will be making Christmas cookies with my Mom. I will leave some for you. I will also leave carrots for the reindeer.
Harris Rideout, age 9 Darlington, WI

Dear Santa, I’ve been trying my very best to be good this year. I would please like some surprises for Christmas, and a golden crown, and some new dresses. Have a safe trip and I will bake you delicious cookies for when you get here.
Alice Ziobro, age 6 Platteville, WI
Dear Santa, I have been looking forward to seeing you since last Christmas! It was so much fun and I got everything that I wanted. This year I would like a small puppy to play with when we go for walks to the playground. My mom and dad said that I have been very good! My mom made cookies for you and your reindeer. See you soon.
Beckett Osmundson, age 1 Black River Falls, WI
Dear Santa, My name is Coltie. I will be 4 this month. For Christmas I would like Santa cupcakes, a light for outside, and stickers. I have been a good boy this year. Thank you Santa! Love, Colt McIntosh, age 4 Dodgeville, WI

Dear Santa,
My name is Jaeger. I am 6 year sold. I have been a pretty good girl this year. For Christmas I would like a Barbie house, a toy spider, a stuffed animal pig, makeup, earrings, leggings size 7/8, gloves and strawberry ice cream. My big brother Zander (12 years old) would like a new basketball and a new phone charger. Merry Christmas Santa. Love, Jaeger Wiser, age 6 Boscobel, WI
Dear Santa, I would like a monster truck race track with a button on it that makes it go by itself (with a loop-de-loop) and that is soooo long, and when you're done with it, it can fold up. I would also like some legos, dear Santa. And for Lina (my dog) a bouncy ball. I would like to know if Rudolph is real. OH, and the Paw Patrol house and pups, Mayor Humdinger and a whole small village. Love to Santa, from Colby McIntosh, age 6 Dodgeville, WI

Dear Santa, Am I on the “good list?” I would like an art cart, LOL Surprise dolls, and Gabby’s dollhouse. I hope the elves are behaving. See you on Christmas! Love, Lanie Hullerman, age 5 Patch Grove, WI

Dear Santa, Since I'm too little to talk, my big brothers have interpreted my babbles for me, and my list follows. I would like a chew toy with a handle, a baby Christmas book, a picture of Rudolph, and some baby puffs snacks. Maybe also a baby blanket with Santa and his sleigh with all the reindeer with Rudolph and his nose shining - and red glitter. Love, Maggie McIntosh, age 9 mos. Dodgeville, WI
Dear Santa, What i want for christmas is...Foodie mini brands, Doorables, barbie camper, Squishmallows, chapstick, earings, blankets, perfum, baby yoda stuff and that’s it.

Aubree Meier, age 10 Dodgeville, WI

Dear Santa, How are you? I wold really like a computer for Christmas. Please and thank you so much! I love you! Love, Dexter Paulson, age 8 Blanchardaville, WI

Dear Santa, 1. Phone rek 2. horse barn 3 Jumps Lots Lots trailer and truck Santa toy and reindeer sparkle plate sparkle cue Karter Kieckhefer, age 5 Fennimore, WI

Dear Santa, How are you doing? I would like a Franklin turtle stuffy & a Santa stuffy. I would also like new cowboy boots please. I promise to have milk & cookies for you & carrots for the reindeer. Thank you, Isaac McLuckie, age 3 Darlington, WI
Dear Santa, What I would like for christmas 1. Phone 2. my own elf on the shelf that I can keep all year. 3. my own small christmas tree. 4/ my own Cristmas oramants and decoration for my room. 5. a bibik.

6. Phone case.

Karsen Kisckhefer, age 9 Fennimore, WI

Dear Santa, My name is Dianne; I have two younger sisters that I like to play house with. I have been helping decorate the house in hope you will come visit. I would like Melissa & Doug pet care play set, let's explore play sets; hot wheels racing set, Bluey school playset, games soggy doggy; heavy winter gloves; stretch paints. I help bake cookies so I will leave some out for you on Christmas Eve.
Dianne Lukaszewski, age 6 Benton, WI
Dear Santa, My name is Marian; I have two sisters; one older and one younger. I helped decorate the house for Christmas in hopes you will come. I would like Melissa & Doug pet care play set; doctor kit, Deluxe Ice cream set; Vtech smart chart medical kit/ glam & go puppy salon, Bluey school playset, Baby alive princess Ellie Grows up doll, games Soggy doggy; Bluey Trouble, Squishmallow unicorn; Lego friends, heavy winter gloves; stretch paints. I help bake cookies so I will leave some out for you on Christmas Eve.
Marian Lukaszewski, age 5 Benton, WI

Dear Santa, Thank you for the presents you will give me. My brother, Liam, maybe wants a golden star for Christmas. He's 10 years old. My brother, Emmett (who is 7) would like leaves and beads for Christmas. I'm Finn and I'm 3½ . I'd like eyeballs and a monster truck that goes up stairs. My baby sister, Rowan, would like baby toys that go in her mouth. I like cookies. Do you? Love, Finn Bonnett, age 3½ Rewey, WI

Dear Santa,

I would like an Emojinks emoji card game, a tetris game, a charm bracelet making kit, and a Barbie doll cutie reveal llama. We will leave cookies out for you, and be good. Merry Christmas!!
Brenna Wolf, age 8 Muscatine, IA
Dear Santa, Hope you are doing well. I would like hot wheels race track and a remote control car. Stay warm. Please do your best to take care of my family. Love, Grayson Jenson, age 8 Darlington, WI

Dear Santa, I've had such a fun and exciting year! I'm so happy it's Christmas time again. This year, I would really love a new baby doll to help me practice before my baby sister comes in April! Safe travels, Santa! Please pet those reindeer for me. Love, Lila Jean Yanna, age 1 Fennimore, WI

The holiday season is a great time to make any home a bit more merry and bright. Most individuals let their personalities show through their home decor, and holiday decorating is just as personal as decorating throughout the rest of the year. When it comes to holiday hosting, attention also should be given to the dining tablewhich can bene t from a festive centerpiece.

Premade centerpieces are undeniably attractive, but adding a homespun touch can be a fun creative pursuit and become a family tradition. Explore these eight simple ideas to dress up your holiday table.

Frosted pine cones: Take advantage of a crisp winter's day to venture into a forest or park that is rich with evergreen trees. Gather pine cones from the forest oor and, if possible, a few evergreen boughs. Give the pine cones a touch of winter whimsy with a little faux snow in a can or even white paint. Nestle the boughs and pine cones into a wide-mouthed vase or bowl in the center of the table. Individual pine cones can later be turned into place cards for seating guests.

Holiday thanks: Cut many strips of paper roughly 6 inches in length from various colored pieces of paper to match the holiday theme.

When guests arrive, ask them to write a favorite holiday memory or two, or what they're thankful for. Twirl the paper strips

around a pencil to curl them, and then place the curlicues into a decorative bowl in the center of the table. Later in the evening, the host or hostess can read some of the sentiments.

Magical forest: Use green and silver conical party hats to turn a table or sideboard into a veritable evergreen forest. Arrange them on a blanket of faux snow or white confetti.

Freshly cut: Select attractive owers in vibrant holiday hues from a orist or even the supermarket oral section. Cut the stems and place them into an unusual display container, such as holiday themed mugs or a punch bowl.

Glass baubles: Who says ornaments should be exclusive to the tree? A crystal or glass cake stand can be transformed into an icy delight when topped with silver and clear glass ornaments.

Birch wood: The crisp white coloring of birch bark is right at home with holiday decor. Go stark with pieces of the cut wood in varying heights intermingled with white candles that mimic the shapes and scale of the wood.

Fruit and vegetables: If guests are coming over and the race is on for a fast centerpiece, look no further than the kitchen. Lemons, artichokes, pears, or pomegranates look festive in a bowl interspersed with some greenery and baby's breath.

Cornucopia: The horn of plenty can be customized to any holiday. Purchase a horn in wicker or woven grapevine and ll with owers, fruit and greenery, or even painted gourds or miniature pumpkins.

Holiday hosts and hostesses should not neglect the dining table when they decorate. Festive centerpieces can be handmade without much effort on the part of hosts

Dear Santa, I have a question for you. Do you have a pillow under your suit? I helped my mom put the Christmas tree up. I put on the ornaments. Can I please have a Legendary Pokemon card set? From, Bryce Steiner, age 7 Hazel Green, WI

Dear Santa,
My name is Hoyt. I would like for Christmas a sweet dirt bike so I can take it off sweet jumps. I also would like a phone. A game boy. And a giant teddy bear. I would like my brother to get an Occulas. Thank you Santa. I promise to be extra extra good.
Hoyt Edge, age 6 Darlington, WI
Dear Santa, My name is Gracie; I have two older sisters. I am trying really hard not to touch the decorations but it is hard for me to not play with them. I would like Baby doll with animals; bath time baby, My first look & find books; Squishmallow friend. I help bake cookies so I will leave some out for you on Christmas Eve.
Gracie Lukaszewski, age 2 Benton, WI
Dear Santa,
I really like your reindeer. How do they run in the sky? Does Rudolph’s nose actually glow? Christmas is just after my birthday. I’m really hoping for an Elsa styling head. If I don’t get it for my birthday. I would like it for Christmas. Love, Cassidy Huck, age 5 Potosi, WI
Dear Santa,
I’m really trying to be good this year. What I really want for Christmas is twin baby dolls with bottles and pacifiers. What is your favorite cookie? I’ll be sure to set some out for you. Love, Hannah Huck, age 3 Potosi, WI

Dear Santa,
This year I would only like two things: a medium sized squishmallow and a Harry Potter Privet Drive Lego Set. I have tried my hardest to be nice this year and I hope I was good enough for you. I also hope you can have a safe trip here for Christmas. Thanks! (P.S. We will leave some cookies out for you again too!)
Elaina Wolf, age 10 Muscatine, IA
Dear Santa, How are your reindeer? Comet is my favorite! I started 4K this year and I really like it. I have made a lot of friends. I think I have been nice this year. Could I please have the Polly Pocket Funland toy and the stuffed animal, Spirit? Be safe when you travel! Could you also bring my baby brother a stuffed animal, alligator. Thank you Santa!
Kimberly Martin, age 5 Platteville, WI
Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? What do they like to eat? Cupid is my favorite. I think I have been pretty good this year! Could I please have a Cocomelon doll and any Little People toys - like the nursery or a car. Could you please bring my baby brother a toy that lights up? Thank you Santa!

Natalie Martin, age 3 Platteville, WI
Dear Santa, I have been a good little lgirl this year. Can I please have an Elf on the shelf and a doll house? Thank you Santa. Love, Amanda Stelpflug, age 9 Stitzer, WI

Dear Santa, I hope Rudolph is doing good. I would love some new snacks & juice please. I would like some new cowboy boots like my brother. I also love books & stuffies. Hope you have safe travels! Thank you.
Lilli McLuckie, age 1 Darlington, WI
Dear Santa, MY Name is Xavy. I want Legos and toys and Puzzles and games and Lego figures. I’ve been a good boy This Year. are the elfs being Good HePers? IS Rudolf being Good?

Xavier Brokus, age 6 Cuba City, WI
Dear Santa,
I would like a remote control pink Jeep and a walking dog. I would ask for black boots but I hope my parents get them. Please take care of my family. Love, Ava Jenson, age 6 Darlington, WI

Dear Santa,
I loved all the presents you gave me last year. I am kind of a good boy at school sometimes. I’m trying to be good. This year I want police stuff and a police car. My sister Rilyn would like a purple notebook with a diamond on top. Happy Merry Christmas to you and Thank you.

Brogan Heins, age 6 Mineral Point, WI
Dear Santa,
How are you, Mrs. Claus, and the reindeer doing? I hope you have a safe trip this year. This year I would like farm animals and barns for my farm, bakugans and beyblades, a hooverboard with a cart, and an Xbox. My new baby brother would like baby toys. I will make sure to leave cookies and milk for you and carrots for the reindeer.

Owen Hagen, age 7 Riggs Ihm, age 2 mos. Fennimore, WI

Dear Santa, Before I Explain How Much Do you know already?

Spencer Rowley, age 7 Darlington, WI

Dear Santa,

I will put my shoe out for Saint Nicholaus. Can you bring me a Nintendo Switch? Thank you. Your friend, William Basalyga, age 7 Dickeyville, WI

Dear Santa, Do the elves help you when you drop off the presents or do the elves stay back and work on the toys? Your friend, Lilly Fleege, age 6 Cuba City, WI
Dear Santa, How do you get to all of the kids in the world? Your friend, Jaydan Kieler, age 6 Cuba City, WI
Dear Santa, I hope Saint Nick comes to put candy in my shoes. What do you do at the NOrth Pole after Christmas? I want an LOL. Your friend, Tess Kuhl, age 6 Kieler, WI

Dear Santa, My wish list this year is a WeLLie wisher, smart watch, and a Karaoke mic and machine. I hope you and Mrs. Claus are enjoying the holidays together! Love, Adrienne Jean Hullerman, age 9 Patch Grove, WI

Dear Santa, I would love some new pjs and some baby puffs. He has been a very good boy keeping up with his big brother and sister.
Max Timmerman, age 1 Cuba City, WI
Dear Santa, How has your year been? I’m sure to are very busy right now getting ready for Christmas. My name is Natalie Ann Roberts, I’ve been watching and listening to my family and know EXACTLY what they want for Christmas. My 2 yr. old sister, Reesie, has been trying really hard not taking my toys from me and running away with a big smile on her face. So I really think she deserves a real puppy with a sparkly bow. Mommy has been working day and night on her Masters and would like a princess dress with a pink bow to wear to her graduation. Daddy has been helping out so much keeping Reesie and me busy and quiet so Mommy can study so pease bring him his favorite superhero - I think maybe it’s Fido. I would really like a mermaid Barbie this year. Dress warm and you can expect cookies and reindeer food when you stop at my house. Love you Santa!
Natalie Roberts, age 4 Reese Roberts, age 2 Mineral Point, WI
Dear Santa, Hi Santa! My mom says I’ve been good most of the year. My report card was good so that’s a plus! For Christmas I was hoping for some Stick Bots and a carnotorus dinosaur. I also like Bendy and the Ink Machine stuff. Thanks Santa!

Ross Hanson, age 9 Dodgeville, WI


He also wants a stuffed toy Santa.
Mason Timmerman, age 2 Cuba City, WI
Dear Santa, I think I’ve been seeing a couple of your reindeer at my window eating apples. They probably snuck out at night while you were busy getting ready for Christmas. My 1 yr. old brother, Calvin, wants to learn to be a deer hunter like me so I think a deer horn toy would be great for him. Daddy likes to play Hulk with me but he needs a Hulk mask please! Mommy is a night nurse so I think she wants a nurse Barbie and daytime sleepy dust. I love being outside, so any outside toy would be great for me. Ooops! Almost forgot that my baby sister will be arriving in March. Better bring her a pink sparkly bow and a rattle. Momma will make you cookies and I’ll get some corn at Taid’s for your reindeer. Thanks Santa! Love you.
Hayden Colden, age 3 Calvin Colden, age 1 Mineral Point, WI

Dear Santa, We hope you have a safe trip to Wisconsin. We are trying our best to listen and follow directions, at home, Shirley’s school, but at times it’s hard. We would like an air fryer and coffeepot for our toy kitchen, magnetic blocks, soccer net, monster trucks, a cash register & whatever else you think. Shirley needs warm socks or whatever else she needs. We will leave cookies & carrots for you. Stay warm. we love you.
Shirley’s Daycare Kids Dickeyville, WI

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Dear Santa,
My name is Owen Barth.

I am 8 years old and I have been a good boy this year.
For Christmas I would like “good” Pokemon cards, snow paint, a hoover board that is blue and Nintendo Switch games. I will leave milk and cookies for you and nine carrots for your reindeer.

Owen Barth, age 8 Platteville, WI
Dear Santa, My name is Allie Barth and I am 8 years old. I have been a very good girl this year helping my parents and being nice to my siblings. For Christmas, I would like big and small gem art, craft stuff, newborn baby clothes for my babies, sharpies and a newborn baby. Merry Christmas! I will leave treats for you and the reindeer. Love, Allie Barth, age 8 Platteville, WI

Dear Santa, I would like a apple phone or a apple watch. I would also like a desk or a few organizers. I think I have been very good this year. My sister wold probably like some new born baby clothes for her baby boy and girl. I would like one more think a phone case, white with teal or yellow flowers please.

Emma Barth, age 10 Platteville, WI
Dear Santa, My name is Ian Barth. I am 3 years old and I would love a new semi truck. I could also use some tractors, wagons, Pokemon cards and bath foam. I am trying to be a good little boy and help my parents. I will leave you cookies and milk and carrots for the reindeer. I Love you Santa.
Ian Barth, age 3 Platteville, WI

Dear Santa, Do you eat all the cookies in one night? Can the elves build anything that is Paw Patrol for my sister Norah? Can the elves build level one books that are about unicorns? Your friend, Jane Whalen, age 6 Cuba City, WI

Dear Santa, I love candy. I love spaghetti. I want an ipad and a switch. From, Valerie White, age 6 Potosi, WI

Dear Santa, HOw long does it take to get through all the houses? I love my family. They are nice. Can I have chocolate covered cherries and a Spidey toy? Love, Josephine Wiegman, age 6 Kieler, WI
Dear Santa, What do you do when the elves are gone at home? My family name is John Zenz. How many cookies do you eat? What I want is a toy snake for Christmas. Your friend, Dylan Zenz, age 6 Dickeyville, WI

Dear Santa, I have been a good little boy. I would like some tractors, trucks, cars, Bluey stuff, & yummy snacks. Thank you and Merry Christmas!
Eathon Laack, age 14 mos. Dickeyville, WI
Dear Santa, Mommy and daddy say I have been a bosy, but very good boy this year. I enjoy climbing on EVERYTHING, so I think I would love a climbing set. Also, I would love any new toy that lights up and makes noises, especially one that I can stand/walk with or sit/ride. I hope you and the reindeer have a safe trip delivering presents. I will have milk and cookies for you, Santa, and carrots for the reindeer.
Braxton Houtakker, age 10 mos. Shullsburg, WI
Dear Santa, I have been a very good boy this year! I would love a semi to go with my other farm toys. I think a climbing set sounds fun too! Mommy also tells me that I need new socks. Santa, I hope you and the reindeer have a safe trip delivering presents. I will have milk & cookies for you and carrots for the reindeer.
Bowen Houtakker, age 21 2 Shullsburg, WI

Dear Santa, Hope you’re getting more presents made for the good little kids, including me. How are the reindeer? Are there any baby reindeer this year? I enjoy looking for Snowflake every day. Hopefully she is giving you great reports on her trips back at night. Here are my Christmas wishes: Lite-Brite, LOL Doll Watch, Hot Wheels race track and a beauty set. Safe travels to you and the reindeer. Waiting with anticipation, Abby Turnquist, agea 6 Hollandale, WI
Dear Santa, Hope you and the elves are having fun making presents for the world. How are the reindeer? Are there any new elves? Here are my Christmas wishes: A lots of earrings, of course a lot of candles. Lastly some blankets. Hopefully Snowflake is giving you good notes and she herself is not being too naughty. Hope Mrs. Claus has lots of goodies for you and the reindeer on your trip. Much anticipation, Maddy Turnquist, age 11 Hollandale, WI
Dear Santa,
I am Maverick Kemp I was a good boy I would like a bunt bed monster trucks for Bric.
Maverick Kemp, age 5 East Dubuque, IL
Dear Santa, Hi Santa, I would like a new book and a new bike. From Elijah Kemp, age 3 East Dubuque, IL
Dear Santa, 1 new bike, 2 park, 3 trampoline, 4 IPad, 5 Ice cream playdo, 6 Watch, 7 white crocs. From

Evelyn Kemp, age 7 East Dubuque, IL
Dear Santa, I want a watch and a wallet and a wagon for hauling my combine heads. I been good this year. Merry Christmas. Love,

William Robbins, age 6 Benton, WI
Dear Santa,
I hope I see you Christmas night. I want to give you a big hug. I want a Batman car with a remote control that can go really fast. Merry Christmas! Love,
Coleson Robbins, age 4 Benton, WI
Dear Santa, I want a sprinkle,a baby doll, a bouncy house and a robot cat. I love you Santa. From Nora Strange, age 5 Platteville, WI
Dear Santa, I have been a good boy. Please bring me a black and white kitty cat for Christmas, and a puppy dog. I want a fan in my living room.

Henry Strange, age 3 Platteville, WI
Dear Santa,

I have been a good girl. I would like a baby doll with apple juice and milk to drink. Dutchess and Lena are good doggies too. They would like a chewy bone with a squeaky button. Mommy wants cookie dough. Daddy would like cookie dough too. And some milk and pacifiers for my baby brother coming in February. And a duck.
Irelynd Ellery, age 3 Mineral Point, WI
Dear Santa, Ive been a good boy this year. For Christmas I want an RC car, Big army men and a surprise. Thanks! Love, Oliver Liddicoat, age 8 Mineral Point, WI