January 10, 2023

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PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PLATTEVILLE, WI 53818 PERMIT NO. 124 ECRWSS Postal Customer adno=321235 adno=323019 GET READY FOR SPRING! SIMPSON’S TRACTOR INC. Land Pride Pine River Leasing INC. Your Local Farm Implement Dealer! New & Used Equipment Sales & Service 1710 US Hwy 14E • Richland Center WI 53581 (608) 647-6343 Fax (608) 647-3813 www.simpsonstractor.com January 10,
RichlandCenterShoppingNews.com 100%AMERI CA NM ADE Careeradvancementavailable 401K —viamonthlyProfitSharingProgram Clean,climatecontrolled workenvironment Production Positions Available ApplyinPersonM-F9am–3pm Interviews/ToursAvailable 1024 EMadisonStreet •SpringGreen,WI •608.588.9831 WORLDLEADERINTHEDEVELOPMENTOFCOATED GLASS FORRESIDENTIALWINDOWSANDDOORS! AllShiftsAvailable $19.551stShift +ProfitSharingup to $26.00 $21.45 2ndShift +ProfitSharingup to $28.53 $21.553rdShift +ProfitSharingup to $28.66 LOOKING TO ESCAPETHECOLD? HEATUPYOUR CAREER WORKINGINDOORS FOR adno=322767
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1-Petite tri Colored Bernedoodle, 2-Petite & 4-Mini Goldendoodles, 2-Teddy Bears, 2-tri colored Morkies, 4 Maltipoos, 5-Cockapoos, 6-Cavapoos, (AKC Border Collies $200) We train! UTD shots/deworm. Lic# 484991 Dusty 920-210-7441 or Brenda 608-574-7931 www. SpringGreenPups.com

BEAUTIFUL AUSSIEDOODLE PUPS. In need of homes now. Born 9/16/2022. Two males, two females. Vet checked, tails docked, dew claws removed, shots and dewormed. $250 each. Call or Text for more info. 608330-1620.

AKC REG COCKER SPANIEL PUPS Big Litters! 50% OFF 6-M, 6-F shots & wormed 920-5633410 mornings(#268588) (WCAN)

FOR SALE Purebred Golden Retriever Puppies. Ready by December 22nd. Will have shots & wormer. Will make great pets or companion. $300 or best offer. Elmer S. Miller, S269 Oneida Rd., Cashton, WI 54619.

GOLDEN RETRIEVER AND GERMAN SHEPHERD Cross PUPPIES: 7 weeks old. Shots, dewormed, ready today, $100. Colorful and cuddly. 25250 Truman Rd. Belmont WI 53510.

SELL IT HERE! 608-647-2911.

& people to s ! things to Do

FOR SALE Frenchton Bulldog puppies. Rainbow of colors. All shots and dewormed. Ready to go now, $750 each. Call 608606-6495.

FOR SALE: 7 pups born Oct. 22nd. 1 2 German Shepherd, 1 4 Red Heeler, 1⁄8 Blue Heeler, 1⁄8 Rotterrier. Any reasonable price excepted. Perry Schmucker 11925 Fish School Rd, Richland Center, WI 53581.

TRI-COLOR F1B BERNEDOODLES $1000 shots vet chkd wormed dews 715-218-9247, 715-721-5375 No Sun Calls (WCAN)

BOSTON TERRIER Male Puppies: Black & White, $600 each. Health Papers and shots. Platteville WI, 608-778-9913

PUREBRED GOLDEN Retriever puppies. Cute and playful. Also Goldendoodle puppies. All had shots, dewormed, UTD. Ready now. Special price, $150 each. 14240 Ipswitch Road, Platteville, WI. 53818.

PUREBRED GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies, 10 weeks old, shots, wormed, training-socializing started, good ole Fritz bloodline. $300. Beach: 608-9884087.

REG TOY POODLE PUPPIES Shots/wormed/vet, family raised $1000 No Sunday calls (495932) 715-409-3321 (WCAN)

Registered cocker SPANIEL PUPPIES dews, shots, vet, & dewormed $500-$750 715-5360697 or 715-316-2522 (WCAN)

Sheepadoodle pups dews removed, shots/wormed UTD, $1000 Will deliver! 715-965-6882 or 715-721-0553 (WCAN)

ATTENTION HOMEOWNERS! If you have water damage and need cleanup services, call us! We’ll get in & work with your insurance agency to get your home repaired and your life back to normal ASAP! 855-767-7031.

BATH & SHOWER UPDATES in as little as ONE DAY! Affordable prices - No payments for 18 months! Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Senior & Military Discounts available. Call: 855-761-1725.

BATH & SHOWER UPDATES in as little as ONE DAY! Affordable prices - No payments for 18 months! Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Senior & Military Discounts available. Call 1-866-585-7073. (mcn).

BATHROOM RENOVATIONS. EASY, ONE DAY updates! We specialize in safe bathing. Grab bars, no slip ooring & seated showers. Call for a free in-home consultation: 855-836-2250. (mcn).

BEST SATELLITE TV with 2 Year Price Guarantee! $59.99/mo with 190 channels and 3 months free premium movie channels! Free next day installation! Call 855824-1258. (mcn).

CARING FOR an aging loved one? Wondering about options like senior-living communities and in-home care? Caring.com’s Family Advisors help take the guesswork out of senior care for your family. Free, no-obligation consult: 1-855-759-1407

CARING FOR an aging loved one? Wondering about options like senior-living communities and in-home care? Caring.com’s Family Advisors are here to help take the guesswork out of senior care for you and your family. Call for your FREE, noobligation consultation: 1-855-568-2947. (mcn)

DIRECTV SATELLITE TV Service Starting at $74.99/ month! Free Installation! 160+ channels available. Call Now to Get the Most Sports & Entertainment on TV! 844-5581767 (mcn).

DIRECTV STREAM- - Carries the Most Local MLB Games! CHOICE Package, $89.99/mo for 12 months. Stream on 20 devices in your home at once. HBO Max included for 3 mos (w/ CHOICE Package or higher.) No annual contract, no hidden fees! Some restrictions apply. Call IVS 1-866-387-0621. (mcn).

DISH NETWORK $64.99 for 190 Channels! Blazing Fast Internet, $19.99/mo. (where available.) Switch & Get a FREE $100 Visa Gift Card. FREE Voice Remote. FREE HD DVR. FREE Streaming on ALL Devices. Call today! 1-855-434-0020 (mcn)

DISH TV $64.99 For 190 Channels + $14.95 High Speed Internet. Free Installation, Smart HD DVR Included, Free Voice Remote. Some restrictions apply. Promo Expires 1/21/23. 1-866479-1516.

DON’T LET the stairs limit your mobility! Discover the ideal solution for anyone who struggles on the stairs, is concerned about a fall or wants to regain access to their entire home. Call AmeriGlide today! 1-877-916-2093. (mcn)

ELIMINATE GUTTER cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris-blocking gutter protection. Schedule free LeafFilter estimate today. 20% off Entire Purchase. 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-833610-1936.

ELIMINATE GUTTER cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris-blocking gutter protection. Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate today. 15% off Entire Purchase. 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-855577-1268. Promo Code 285. (mcn).

GET DIRECTV for $64.99/mo for 12 months with CHOICE Package. Save an additional $120 over 1st year. First 3 months of NHBO Max, Cinemax, Showtime, Starz and Epix included! Directv is #1 in Customer Satisfaction (JD Power & Assoc.) Some restrictions apply. Call 1-866-296-1409. (mcn)

HUGHESNET - FINALLY, superfast internet no matter where you live. 25 Mbps just $59.99/mo! Unlimited Data is Here. Stream Video. Bundle TV & Internet. Free Installation. Call 866-499-0141.

LONG DISTANCE MOVING Call today for a FREE QUOTE from Americas Most Trusted Interstate Movers. Let us take the stress out of moving! Call now to speak to one of our Quality Relocation Specialists: 888-660-6593 (WCAN).

MOBILEHELP AMERICA’S premier mobile medical alert system. Whether you’re home or away. For safety & peace of mind. No long term contracts! Free brochure! 1-888-489-3936.

NEVER CLEAN your gutters again! Affordable, professionally installed gutter guards protect your gutters and home from debris and leaves forever! For a FREE Quote call: 877-761-1449 (mcn).

PREPARE FOR POWER OUTAGES TODAY with a GENERAC home standby generator. $0 Money Down + Low Monthly Payment Options. Request a FREE Quote! Call now before the next power outage: 1-877-626-1009 (WCAN).

PREPARE FOR power outages today with a GENERAC home standby generator $0 Down + Low Monthly Pmt Request a free Quote. Call before the next power outage: 1-855-948-6176.

PREPARE FOR power outages today with a GENERAC home standby generator. $0 Money Down + Low Monthly Payment Options. Request a FREE Quote. Call now before the next power outage: 1-877-228-5789 (mcn).

PROTECT YOUR HOME from pests safely & affordably. Pest, rodent, termite & mosquito control. Call for a quote or inspection today 844-651-1726 (WCAN).

SAFE STEP. North America’s #1 Walk-in tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-the-line installation and service. Now featuring our free shower package & $1600 off - limited time! Financing available. 1-855-417-1306.

SAFE STEP. North Americas #1 Walk-In Tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-the-line installation and service. Now featuring our FREE shower package and $1600 Off for a limited time! Call today! Financing available. Call Safe Step 1-844-290-5083. (mcn).

Switch and save up to $250/ year on your talk, text and data. No contract and no hidden fees. Unlimited talk and text with exible data plans. Premium nationwide coverage. 100% U.S. based customer service. Limited time offer. Get $50 off on any new account. Use code GIFT50. For more information, call 1-888909-7338. (mcn)

THE GENERAC PWRcell solar plus battery storage system. Save money, reduce reliance on grid, prepare for outages & power your home. Full installation services. $0 down nancing option. Request free no obligation quote. 1-877-539-0299.

YOU SAW this in the Shopping News - tell everyone!

THE GENERAC PWRcell, a solar plus battery storage system. SAVE money, reduce your reliance on the grid, prepare for power outages and power your home. Full installation services available. $0 Down Financing Option. Request a FREE, no obligation, quote today. Call 1-877381-3059. (mcn).


Try TV EARS Voice Clarifying Wireless TV Speaker. Better than a soundbar and/or turning the TV volume way up. Special, limited time $50 off offer. Call TV Ears. Use code MBSP50. Call 1-844455-0505. (mcn)

UPDATE YOUR HOME with Beautiful New Blinds & Shades. FREE in-home estimates make it convenient to shop from home. Professional Installation. Top Quality - Made in the USA. Call for free consultation: 877-5442415 Ask about our specials! (WCAN).

IF YOUR market area extends beyond our circulation area of the Richland Center Shopping News, call us at 608-647-291 and ask about the coverage area of our other Shopping News publications.

DIRECTV STREAM Carries the Most Local MLB Games! CHOICE Package, $89.99/mo for 12 months. Stream on 20 devices in your home at once. HBO Max included for 3 mo. (w/CHOICE Package or higher) No annual contract, no hidden fees! Some restrictions apply. Call IVS 1-833574-1746 (WCAN).

DISH NETWORK $59.99 for 190 Channels! Blazing Fast Internet, $19.99/mo. (where available) Switch & Get a FREE $100 Visa Gift Card. FREE Voice Remote. FREE HD DVR. FREE Streaming on ALL Devices. Call Today! 1-844-897-8523 (WCAN).

GET DIRECTV for $64.99/mo for 12 months with CHOICE Package. Save an additional $120 over 1st year. First 3 months of HBO Max, Cinemax, Showtime, Starz & Epix included! Directv is #1 in Customer Satisfaction (JD Power & Assoc.) Some restrictions apply Call 1-888-925-9452 (WCAN)

HUGHESNET SATELLITE Internet: 25 mbps starting at $49.99/mo! Get More Data, FREE Off-Peak Data. FAST download speeds. Wi built in! FREE Standard Installation for lease customers! Limited Time Call 1-844-829-5070 (WCAN).

SWITCH & SAVE UP TO $250/ YEAR on your talk, text & data. No contract & no hidden fees. Unlimited talk & text with exible data plans. Premium nationwide coverage. 100% U.S. based customer service. Limited time offer get $50 off on any new account. Use code GIFT50. For more info, call 1-844-883-1477 (WCAN).

VIVINT. SMART SECURITY, PROFESSIONALLY INSTALLED One connected system for total peace of mind. FREE professional installation! Four FREE months of monitoring! Call now to customize your system. 1-855-756-2112 (WCAN).

WCAN (WISCONSIN Community Ad Network) and/or the member publications review ads to the best of their ability. Unfortunately, many unscrupulous people are ready to take your money!

PLEASE BE CAREFUL ANSWERING ANY AD THAT SOUNDS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE! For more information, or to le a complaint regarding an ad, please contact The Department of Trade, Agriculture & Consumer Protection 1-800-422-7128. (WCAN).

Calendar of Events


• of the month VFW

AUXILIARY 2267 MEETING, 6pm, Phoenix Center, 100 S. Orange St., Richland Center


• of the month MILK & CHEESE GIVEAWAY, Park St. Christian Church, Richland Center, 9:30am


• CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP, Woodman Senior Center, 1050 Orange St., Richland Center, 10:30am

JAN 17

• Muscoda COMMUNITY BLOOD DRIVE, Blue River St. John’s Catholic Church,341 N. Wisconsin Ave., Muscoda, 11:30am-5:30pm. For an appointment call 1-800-RED CROSS (1800-733-2767) or visit RedCrossBlood.org and enter Sponsor Code:

MuscodaWI. Child care available. Appointments preferred. Give a Pint. Get a Pint. Get a coupon for a free pint of Culver’s famous frozen custard!

JAN 21

• Knights of Columbus #3492 BINGO, Richland Center Community Center, 6:30pm

FEB 18

• Knights of Columbus #3492 BINGO, Richland Center CommunityCenter, 6:30pm

FEB 19

• CONCERT SERIES, Johanna Wienholts, harp, SDA Church, 2pm MAR

• Hornet Sport Fans, STING NIGHT/HALL OF FAME MAR 18

• Knights of Columbus #3492 BINGO, Richland Center

• Richland Center Shopping NewsTuesday, January 10, 2023Page 2
SAVE THE DATE Sunday, May 7, 2023 2023 Wedding Expo Your “Happily Ever After” Starts Here NOON-3PM The BARn, 6935 Mound View Rd Platteville WI Register now for prizes! everafterstartshere.com Must be present to win. adno=285300 REGISTER HERE CONGRATULATIONS to these three lucky winners from the Christmas Word Search Contest: Keisha Frawley - Richland Center $25 Culver’s RC Marilyn Peckham - Richland Center $25 E.T. Foods Jean McManaway - Richland Center $25 Richland Family Restaurant Thank you to all who participated! Watch for our Valentine Word Search in the Feb. 14th issue!
A Glock,
Looking for 19X.
adno=322123 UPCOM IN G EVENTS! Check Out Our Big Screen & Game Day Specials! Come Check Us Out! Twisted Raven Lounge 120 W Main St., LaFarge, WI 54639 608-625-4616 Live Music With Bree Morgan Friday, Jan. 20th 7 pm 608-647-4012 THE PRESS BOX Friday Fish Special Seafood Dinners Available $11.95 $13.95 Daily Lunch Specials & Great Homemade Pizza Open Euchre Thur. Nights at 7 pm Luck of the Draw Dart Tournament Every Friday @ 6:30 pm adno=323846
Page 3Richland Center Shopping NewsTuesday, January 10, 2023 • www.richlandcentershoppingnews.com Bulk Foods & Dry G oods • Fresh, Frozen & C anned Vegetables Baking Supplies • Flour • Sugar • Rolle d & Quick Oats • Beans • Rice • Popcorn Fresh, HILLPOINT C OU NTRY ST OR E S6547 Hwy. 130 at Hwy. 154, Hillpoint, WI Monday - Saturday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm; Closed Sundays Be sure to take a look at the Mini Barns on display Muenster Cheese adno=323265 Johnsonville Brat Patties $2.89 15 lbs @ $2.49 lb Uncle Ray ’s Potato Chips Long Grain Parboiled Rice Fresh Oranges Available Stop in to see our other specials! $3.00 $1.49 ea. or 10/$14.00 Blueberry & Strawberry Toppings Pork Butts Mild Cheddar Cheese $3.49 lb $3.49 lb 16 oz $0.49 1 lb 4.75 lb This We ek’s Gro cery Spe cials adno=323638 Narrows Valley Supply E4561 Stoney Ridge Road, Loganville, WI 53943 Wednesday, Jan 18, 2023; 9:30am.–2:00pm. Lunch will be provided Forage Nutrition and Planning with John Winchell, Alltech Territory Manager and Dairy Consultant The Advantage of KingFisher and Red Tail Corn with Jim Webb, Byron Seeds Territory Manger for WI Cover Crop Updates with Brendon Blank, Byron Seeds Cover Crop Expert Crop Insurance Updates for 2023 with Nicolet Insurance Services RUSTIC RIDGE BUILDING SUPPLY E2875 WI-154 Hillpoint, WI 53937 Freeman and Paul Mast Free Estimates adno=321416 29 and 26 Gauge Metal Pole Sheds Garages • Mini Barns Lumber • Entry Doors CHI Garage Doors Decking & Railings Screen doors • Insulation Vinyl Siding • Vinyl Windows Vinyl Deck & Fencing Complete Packages Available! Contractors Welcome! Doublehung Bay • Casement • Slider Awning • Picture Custom Built Vinyl Windows Quality Vinyl WindowsW Q V E 8 7 STATEHIGHWAY 154 HILLPOINT W I 5 3 7 BUILD NG SUPPLY Stop By To See More In-Stock Sale Items E 17337 Kouba Valley Rd Hillsboro, WI 54634 C Open Monday - Friday 7 to 5:30 Saturday 8 to 12 • closed Sunday January Sale Items CALCULATED INDUSTRIES Construction Calculator Reg. $57.99 Dorcy Mastercell AA and AAA Alkaline (24 Pack) Geocel Caulk 2320 Narrow Seam Sealant Sale Price $52.00 Sale Price $6.00 $5.50 / tube or $120 / case adno=323623 Quality Pole ShedsBuilt by Hartje Lumber Construction Crew! Call for Free Estimates! We Build to Suit Your Needs! Hartje Lumber, Inc. LaValle, WI 53941 608-985-7207 • 800-362-5898 Energy Audits Available. Computerized Drafting, Estimating & Kitchen Layouts. Pole Building Construction or Job Packs. Panelized Wall Systems. Complete Line of Home & Pole Building Materials. Retail & Wholesale Building Supplies. Professional Drafting & Engineering Available For Residential & Commercial Projects. adno=321566 Our Helpful and Friendly Staff can assist you with all your needs! Customer Service is our #1 Priority! Prepare for power outages today WITH A HOME STANDBY GENERATOR *To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase, install and activate the generator with a participating dealer. Call for a full list of terms and conditions. REQUEST A FREE QUOTE CA LL NOW BEFOR E THE NEXT POWER OUTAG E (866) 643-0438 $0 MONEY DOWN + LOW MONTHLY PAY MENT OPTIONS Contact a Generac dealer for full terms and conditions FREE 7-Year Extended Warranty* A $695 Value adno=323354 Call today and rec FREE SHOWER P PLUS $16 00 OFF With purchase of a new Safe Step Walk-In Tub. Not applicable with any previous walk-in tub purchase. Offer available while supplies last. No cash value. Must present offer at time of purchase. C SLB 1082165 NSCB 0 0829 99 0 08 3445 ub. 1- 855- 417-1306 SPECIALOFFER 35 to 110 Ton Hydraulic Cranes Owner Operator Matt Swenson 608-637-6730 adno=323174 Precision Crafted in our shop... Professionally Installed in your home! Free Estimates! adno=322995 Hwy 80, 6 miles South of Hillsboro or call 608-489-2612 adno=323444 PMC (608) 985-8120 S1438A WI-33 LAVALLE, WI | WWW.HARTJEPOWER.COM Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM; Saturday 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM HARTJE Sales & Service Retired Plumber “Who’s Not Tired” $60 per hour ★ Remodel ★ Repair ★ Replace Owner / Operator 30 Years Larry (608) 528-4399 No job too small! adno=322864 adno=320998 CENTRAL BOILER Certified Classic Edge OUTDOOR FURNACES. Exceptional performance and value. CHIMNEY SPECIALISTS Highland - 800-395-6660 YOURAD HERE {}


Lucille Sowle, 99, of Richland Center, passed away on Tuesday, December 27, 2022, at the Richland Hospital. Marian was born on September 26, 1923 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin to Joseph and LaVaughn (Alderman) Fiebig. From childhood through her teenage years, Marian cared for her sisters while her mom worked, and she enjoyed dancing at the armory with her cousins. Her favorite dance partner was Lawrence Sowle, who she began dating. Marian graduated from Tomah High School in spring 1941, and she and Lawrence were united in marriage at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Tomah, WI on October 18th, 1941 at 6 a.m. Once married, Marian and Lawrence lived in Milwaukee, Tomah, and LaCrosse before moving to Richland Center in 1954, where they would live for the remainder of their 75-year marriage. In Richland Center, Marian was involved with the St. Mary’s Parish, the Richland Ramblers Camping Club, various card clubs, the Richland County AARP, and the Richland County Senior King and Queen. Marian devoted her life to her family. Not only was she a stay-at-home mother, but also a stay-at-home grandmother and great-grandmother, loving and teaching each generation of her family. She enjoyed camping, dancing, crocheting, taking photos, genealogy, and cooking. She passed her love of camping down to her children, along with teaching them how to polka and waltz, crocheting blankets for them, and taking thousands of family photos. Marian is survived by three daughters: Jeannie (Skip) Coppernoll, Joycene (Bernie) Manning, and Jelayne (Chuck) Brewer. She is also survived by twelve grandchildren: Rochelle Burgermeister, Joe (Marie) McDonough, Greg (Sue) McDonough, Lori (Ben Blatz) Brinkley, Todd (Kim) Coppernoll, Tina (Nate) Williams, Heather (Chris) Woitas, Mike (Angie) Manning, Char (Nate) Petrich, Joe (Kayla) Manning, Angie (Seth) Paulson, and Sara Brewer; thirty-two great-grandchildren; fifteen great-great-grandchildren; one sister, Donna Fiedler; and many nieces, nephews, extended family, and friends. Marian was preceded in death by her husband, Lawrence Sowle; her father, Joseph Fiebig; her mother, LaVaughn Schultz; her step-father, Jesse Schultz; her daughter and son-in-law, Judy (Gordy) McDonough; her siblings, Eileen (Del) Gruen, Marge (Bob) Rezin, Art (Gerry) Schultz, Danny (Diane) Schultz, Betty (Jim) Tow; her in-laws, Herbert and Lily Sowle; and her brothers- and sistersin-law: Jim Fiedler, Charles (Maribelle) Sowle, Howard (Marge) Sowle, Shirley (Slim) Brightwell, Gloria (Harry) Heser, and Katherine Frederick. Funeral services will be held on Saturday, January 14, 2023 at 1:00 PM at St. Mary of the Assumption Catholic Church. Burial will be held at the St. Mary’s Catholic Cemetery at a later date. Visitation will be held on Saturday, January 14, 2023 at St. Mary the Assumption Catholic Church from 11:00 AM until the time of the mass at 1:00 PM. The Pratt Funeral and Cremation Service is assisting the family with their arrangements.

Ithaca School District Developmental/4K Screening

Who: Any child in the Ithaca School District and surrounding communities who will turn 3- years-old or 4- years-old on or before September 1, 2023

When: Thursday, February 2, 2023 • Friday, February 3, 2023 *Friday, February 10, 2023 will be a make-up day in the event of any inclement weather. Appointment times will remain the same if rescheduled on this date.*

Where: Ithaca School 24615 State Highway 58 Richland Center, WI 53581

Why: Screening allows us to get to know your 3-year-old or 4-year-old child better in a play-based screening scenario. It will also allow you to receive information for/about your young child, whether there may be any developmental concerns that need to be addressed in preparation for their future school experience, and to register your 4-year-old child for 4-Year-Old Kindergarten for the 2023-2024 school year

Please call the Ithaca School Office at (608) 585-2311 to obtain information about registration by January 13, 2023. Thank you, and we look for ward to meeting you and your child!

Town of Rockbridge

Notice is Hereby Given that the regular monthly meeting of the Town of Rockbridge will take place on Thursday, January 19, 2023, at 7:00 p.m., in the Rockbridge Town Hall, 19082 Irish Drive, Richland Center, WI. Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Approve Agenda, Minutes of Last Meeting, Zoning and Driveway Permits, Financial Report, Bills, Rural Fire District Report, Set Audit Date, Old Business, New Business, Set Next Monthly Meeting Date, and Adjournment.


We are having some work done in our office in January. As work progresses, it will be necessary to close some days for the safety of our staff. We will update our Facebook page and WRCO when that issue arises. We will be available by phone and email on those days; however, if you need to stop and see us in January, you may wish to call ahead to make sure we are in the office. If necessary, we can make arrangements to meet off-site. Thanks for your patience as we complete some necessary upgrades to various parts of our business.

Quién: Cualquier niño en el Distrito Escolar de Ithaca o en las comunidades alrededores que cumplirán 3 años o 4 años el día 1 de septiembre de 2023 o antes.

Cuándo: el jueves, el 2 de febrero, 2023 • el viernes, el 3 de febrero, 2023

Dónde: Ithaca School 24615 State Highway 58 Richland Center, WI 53581

Por qué:

La evaluación nos permite conocer mejor a su hijo de 3 años o de 4 años en un escenario de evaluación basado en el juego. También le permitirá a usted recibir información para / acerca de su hijo pequeño. Puede informarle si hay alguna inquietud sobre el desarrollo que deba abordarse en preparación para su futura experiencia escolar, y usted puede registrar a su hijo de 4 años para el Kindergarten de 4 años para el año escolar 2023-2024 Llame a la oficina de la escuela Ithaca al (608) 585-2311 para hacer una cita. Si necesita más información o tiene preguntas, uno puede conectarse con : Brendan Wunnicke

Email: wunnbre@ithaca.k12.wi.us ¡Gracias y esperamos conocerlos a usted y a su hijo!

www.richlandcentershoppingnews.com • Richland Center Shopping NewsTuesday, January 10, 2023Page 4 kickreal@mwt.net S7886 US HWY 14, READSTOWN Call or Email CALL ON OUR EXPERIENCED STAFF FOR YOUR AUTO, HOME, FARM, BUSINESS & MORE! “SINCE 1956” FREE QUOTES 608-629-5106 KickapooRealtyInsurance.com adno=3 425 Save $$$ With Us!! adno=318911 Our Doors Are Professionally Installed. Over 50 Years Combined Experience Between Our Door Installers. - New - Replacement - Repair - Doors and Openers Servicing All Makes & Models For more information, go to swensondoors.com Viroqua, WI 54665 608-637-7664 GARAGE DOORS If your site is ready, you can get on our build schedule.
89 adno=323816 a lord eets fi fi � � adno=323156 Marian
Joe Reuter Marian
Distrito Escolar de Ithaca Evaluación de Desarrollo de niños de 3-4 años adno=321 71 adno=323183
CA C N C N CA C fi e n um ent adno=323879 NOTICE
Town Of Orion
adno=321128 HEADS UP! INSURANCE GOPLIN 134 W Court Street Richland Center,
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NOTICES To place obituaries in the Shopping News, consult your Funeral Director or the Shopping News. Small 50¢ $1.00 Large WE’VE
Jot down grocery lists, messages, jobs to do, places to go. They’ll come in handy anytime.

MUSCODA RENTAL: One bedroom apartment. Newly painted and carpeted for seniors or handicapped citizens. Laundry on premises, offstreet parking. Nice residential area. Rent based on income and medical expenses. EHO DocSum Apartments. 608-929-7494.

FOR RENT: Oman storage units. Call 608-475-0503.

honey.com Brad 262-749-0716

Take 15% off with bee15wi (WCAN)

ANGUS, RED Angus, Lim-Flex and Limousin Bulls, yearlings and 2 year olds. Carcass ultrasound data, semen tested, large selection, delivery. Like us on Facebook. Spring Creeks Cattle Company. 608-553-8070.

SELLING SLAUGHTER CATTLE, FAT CATTLE, & BABY CALVES, Every Tuesday at 8:30am at Bloomington Livestock Exchange. Every Thursday at 8:00am at Belmont Sale Barn 608-762-5303

FEEDER SALE EVERY FRIDAY at 9:00AM at Bloomington Livestock Exchange 608-9442020

!!Old Guitars WANTED!! GIBSON, FENDER, MARTIN, Etc. 1930s to 1980s. TOP DOLLAR PAID. CALL TOLL FREE 1-866 -433-8277.

PAYING TOP CA$H FOR MEN’S SPORT WATCHES! Rolex, Breitling, Omega, Patek Philippe, Heuer, Daytona, GMT, Submariner, Speedmaster. Call: 866-314-9742. (mcn).

TOP CA$H PAID FOR OLD GUITARS! 1920-1980 Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker, Prairie State, D’Angelico, Stromberg. And Gibson Mandolins Banjos. 866470-1643. (mcn).

SMALL & LARGE SQUARES & ROUNDS: In stock ALL KINDS of hay and straw. Local, Western and Canadian and haylage. All delivered. Walter Mathys. 608482-1457.

DRY GRASSY Hay. Grassy alfalfa mixed hay. Oats & grass hay. Also round bales. 608-872-2152.

FOR SALE: 4x5 corn fodder bales. $25 608-383-3352.

IH 1680 combine; 1020 20' bean head; 1063 6-row corn head; 863 parts head; 4 gravity boxes. 608778-3710 or 608-794-2321, leave message if no answer.

WANTED: HORSES and ponies. Western store available, www. ivegotbling.com. 608-341-8144.

RICK MILES COINS, BUY AND SELL: U.S. Coins, 40% and 90% silver, gold coins, old currency, coin collections. Also do appraisals. 608-988-6406 or 608-723-4917.

TOP CA$H PAID FOR OLD GUITARS! 1920-1980 Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker, Prairie State, D’Angelico, Stromberg & Gibson Mandolins/Banjos. 844-2626174.(WCAN).

THIS SPACE could have been yours. Call 608-647-2911.

Page 5Richland Center Shopping NewsTuesday, January 10, 2023 • www.richlandcentershoppingnews.com ADAMS AUCTION AND REAL EST ATE ADAMS AUCTION AND REAL ESTATE ADAMS AUCTION AND REAL ESTATE ADAMS AUCTION AND REAL ESTATE ADAMS AUCTION AND REAL EST ATE ADAMS AUCTION AND REAL ESTATE ADAMS AUCTION AND REAL ESTATE ADAMS AUCTION AND REAL ESTATE ADAMS AUCTION AND REAL ESTATE ADAMS AUCTION AND REAL ESTATE ADAMS AUCTION AND REAL ESTATE ADAMS AUCTION AND REAL ESTATE BENEKER FARMS ONLINE EQUIPMENT AUCTION BID NOW AT WWW.ADAMS-SALES.COM AUCTION CLOSES JANUARY 18TH @ 9:00AM (SOFT CLOSE) OPEN HOUSE DATE Wednesday January 11th 3:00-5:00 P.M. at the farm at 38237 US Hwy 18 Prairie du Chien, WI 53821 Highlights Include- John Deere 6410-4WD-Loader Tractor—John Deere 4455-4WD Loader Tractor; John Deere 4520; John Deere HX15 Batwing Mower; John Deere 325 Skidloader/Cab/Heat/Air; Flatbed Trailers; 2003 Ford Diesel Dually, 4x4, great shape, low miles; Skidsteer attachments to include: buckets, rock bucket, power sweep, snow blower, snow plows, and more; tractor buckets and attachments; 4 wheelers; dune buggy; manure spreaders; many running collector tractors-John Deere, M-MT-B-G; 900 Ford, 44 Massey; Fuel Barrels; Full Line of Shop equipment and tools; Very good maintenance plan has been in place and items have been shedded over the years, bid with confidence. adno=323569 SCAN TO BID 32900 State Hwy 27 Prairie du Chien, WI 53821 Adams Auction & Real Estate, LLC Reg. WI. Auctioneers: Ryan & Seth Adams #2419,2420 Clerks/Cashier: Adams Auction Service, 608-326-1513 adno=32355 LO CAL B ARABO O/DELLS C OLLECTOR ONLINE O NLY AU CTIO N BIDDING ENDS TUESDAY JANUARY 17TH AT 10 AM LOCATION: GAVIN AUCTION FACILTIY E7429 State Road 23 and 33 Reedsburg, WI. NOTE: Partial list, catalog, and online bidding @ www.gavinbros.com PREVIEW: Monday January 16th - 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM PICKUP: Wednesday January 18th - 8 AM to 2 PM LOCAL ADVERTISING: Large collection of Wisconsin Dells & Baraboo postcards, photos, guide books and other Memorabilia; D evils Lake advertising, post cards, photos; several vintage Sauk County Plat Books; Effinger, Gem Cit y, Altpeter, Old Gold and other local brewery bottles, glasses, signs, cases, & crates; other local items BLACK AMERICANA: tin toys; S & P shakers; tins; iron banks; paper goods; statues; pictures; etc. ANTIQUES: metal signs; petroliana; gas & oil cans; milk & cream cans; Stoneware including crocks, jugs, Red Wing churn, water coolers, etc; antique tools; carpenter ’s boxes; Ford, IH, John Deere & other wrenches; china cabinets; sprinkling cans; pails; Primitives; Weather vane; rail road Lanterns; milk bottles; Fostoria glassware; other antique & collectible items GUNS/SPORTING GOODS: Browning BPS Ducks Unlimited 12 ga pump, new; Browning Invector Gold 10 ga Semi Auto; Stevens Mdl 512 20ga O/U, new; Remington Mdl 241 .22 short semi auto; Remington Mdl 11 12 ga Semi Auto; Remington 870 Express 12 ga mag; Springfield Mdl 87A .22 semi auto; Antique wooden duck decoys; modern duck & goose decoys; minnow buckets; fishing rods & reels; other sporting items TERMS : 10% Buyer ’s Premium. Sales tax applies unless exe mpt. Cash or good check, Visa/MasterCard w/convenience fee SERVICE 5728 Peer Rd. Boscobel, WI 53805 Auctioneer #539 & Broker (608) 375-5458 “WE SELL TO SERVE AGAIN” adno=323796 COIN AUCTION DATE: SUNDAY, JANUARY 15, 2023 TIME: 9:30 A.M. (Doors Will Open By 8:00 A.M. For Inspection of Coins) LOCATION: Boscobel Bowl & Banquet, 16971 Hwy 61 S, Boscobel, WI. Watch for Auction Arrows. The Following Is Only A Partial Listing! U.S. Half, Lg., Indian and Lincoln Cent; Two Cent; Three Cent; Half Dimes; Buffalo and Jeff. Nickels; Twenty Cent; High Grade Silver Dimes, Quarters, Half Dollars, Morgan, Peace and Eagle Dollars; Foreign Coins; Currency; 42 Gold Coins include 1896S $20 Lib., 2021 $50 Type 2 St. Gaudens. Knife Collection and more. So plan to attend. NOTE: Auction will start at 9:30 A.M., for printable catalog, go to stanupdikerealtyauction.com.
Call (608) 647-6151 or ANDY HUEBSCH 608-434-4023 Equity Livestock Richland Center Auction & Private Treaty Sales: Monday Auction: Starting at 11:00 AM with Calves, Sheep and Goats, Hogs, Slaughter Cows, Fed Cattle and Bulls. Wednesday: Accepting cattle for the 2nd and 4th Thursday sale on Wednesday night 4:00 - 7:00 PM. Thursday Auction: 1st, 3rd & 5th Selling Grade and Yield at 1:00 PM Thursday Auction: We will begin our sale at 11:00 AM. Feeder cattle first followed by Bred Beef Cows. Slaughter to follow. 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month. Monday - Thursday: Accepting Cows and Bulls for Grade and Yield. For your convenience we are taking cattle Sunday evening from 4:00 to 6:00 PM. to list your cattle or to have us look at your cattle on the farm. adno=320297 Welding & Fabrication Custom Laser Cut Part s HANSEN FABRICATION 608-489-4370 andrew@hansenfab.com E17243 ST HWY 82 (3 miles west of Hillsboro on Hwy 82) We make custom truck beds. HYDRAULI C HOSES MADE Metal Sales Reasonable Prices We lding Done on Semi Tra ilers! We sell Steel, Aluminum or Stainless adno=317811 adno=323578 Hillsboro Area Consignment sale TAKING CONSIGNMENTS NOW Live and online Auction February 15, 2023 at 9 a.m. Hillsboro Firemen’s Park Call Steve 608-553-0403 warco.com For Richland Center Area: Toby Witkowski 608-434-4413 Professional Foresters on staff to assist with your management goals. adno=321428 adno=320728 NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR OUR WAITING LIST! Apartments & Townhomes For Rent Affordable Rent is Based on 30% of Income MUSCODA | RICHLAND CENTER BOSCOBEL | AVOCA 608-739-3771 Apply online at: www.meridiangroupinc.net 608.326.2854 Rent is Based on 30% of Income www.meridiangroupinc.net 1 BEDROOM APARTMENTS FOR RENT GAYS MILLS & SOLDIERS GROVE IMMEDIATE AVAILABILITY For Older Adults and/or Persons with a Disability adno=32073 0 ON-SITE SERVICE COORDINATOR adno=320318 REAL ESTATE FARM 2023 Spring BEE PRE-ORDER 5 Frame Nucs, Singles, Doubles & Pallets www.bradsbeesand
TERMS: Cash or good check w/proper ID. Number system will be used. Sales tax will apply. No Buyer Fee. All announcements made sale day will take precedence over printed material.

How to heal from mental health issues that arose during the pandemic

Perhaps no event in recent history affected the mental health of more people across the globe than the COVID-19 pandemic. Research published in late 2021 in the medical journal The Lancet indicated that cases of major depressive disorder and anxiety disorders increased by more than 25 percent worldwide due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

As the world emerges from the pandemic and governments across the globe gradually implement measures designed to make coexisting with COVID-19 less restrictive, mental health professionals recognize that individuals may need help recovering from the prolonged stress and trauma brought about by the pandemic.

Mental Health America, an organization committed to promoting mental health as a critical component of overall wellness, recommend various strategies to help individuals move forward in the aftermath of the pandemic.

■ Recognize that recovery can't be rushed. MHA urges individuals to give themselves time to adjust, noting that it will take time before a sense of safety and security returns. That means it could be awhile before individuals feel like themselves again, and that's not only acceptable, but normal.

■ Ask for help. The pandemic was proof that it's impossible to go it alone through dif cult situations, so individuals should not hesitate to rely on loved ones as they recover.

MHA notes that social support is crucial when healing from trauma and touts the value of sharing one's story. Such sharing enables individuals to process their thoughts and feelings.

■ Embrace healthy behaviors. During the pandemic, many individuals, even those devoted to healthy living prior to 2020, found it dif cult to continue engaging in behaviors and activities that promoted their overall health. Embracing these behaviors, which can include eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly and getting suf cient sleep, improves individuals' ability to cope with stress. Re-establishing old routines also can return a sense of structure to daily life that might have gone missing over the last two years.

■ Seek professional health care help if necessary. MHA urges individuals who are putting in the work but still struggling to contact a health care professional. Hundreds of millions of people across the globe have had to confront issues affecting their mental health since the start of the pandemic, and health care professionals are prepared and ready to help individuals overcome those issues as the world returns to normalcy.

More information about accessing mental health help can be found at mhanational.org.


Health Care Classifieds

DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage for 350 plus procedures. Real dental insurance - NOT just a discount plan. Do not wait! Call now! Get your FREE Dental Information Kit with all the details! 1-855-973-9175 www. dental50plus.comhttps:www. dental50plus.commidwest #6258 (mcn).


RECIPIENTS! Open Enrollment for Medicare health plans is here! Call our licensed insurance agents for an affordable quote for your needed coverage. Call for a no obligation free quote now! 855-6862201(TTY: 711) (WCAN).

ATTENTION OXYGEN therapy users! Inogen One G4 is capable of full 24/7 oxygen delivery. Only 2.8 pounds. Free info kit. Call 877-929-9587.

DENTAL INSURANCEPhysicians Mutual Insurance Company. Covers 350 procedures. Real insurance - not a discount plan. Get your free dental info kit! 1-855-5261060. www.dental50plus. comads #6258.


Premier Mobile Medical Alert System. Whether you’re home or away, for safety and peace of mind. No long term contracts! Free brochure! Call Today! 1-855-491-0732 (WCAN).

PORTABLE OXYGEN Concentrator May Be Covered by Medicare! Reclaim independence and mobility with the compact design and long-lasting battery of Inogen One. Free information kit! Call 844-7162411(mcn).

STROKE & CARDIOVASCULAR disease are leading causes of death, according to the AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION. Screening can provide peace of mind or early detection! Contact Life Line Screening to schedule your screening. Special offer - 5 screenings for just $149! Call 1-888-6755048.(WCAN).

DENTAL INSURANCE From Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage for (350+) procedures. Real dental insurance - NOT just a discount plan. Don’t Wait! Call now! Get your FREE Dental Information Kit with all the details! 855-807-9516 www.dental50plus.comwicommunity #6258 (WCAN).

UP TO $15,000 OF GUARANTEED LIFE INSURANCE! No medical exam or health questions. Cash to help pay funeral & other nal expenses. Call Physicians Life Insurance Company 844-433-5898 or visit www.Life55plus.infowcp (WCAN).


How to contribute to Red Cross

The American Red Cross and the Canadian Red Cross help communities in their own countries and across the globe every day.

The Red Cross is perhaps most visible in the aftermath of natural disasters. However, the American Red Cross and the Canadian Red Cross are active year-round, and there are plenty of ways for individuals to contribute to both organizations throughout the year.

■ Receive training from the Red Cross. The Red Cross notes that many professions require individuals to master lifesaving skills such as CPR and rst aid. But millions of people are not required to learn such skills, even though they're useful for anyone. The Red Cross offers an array of courses, including lifeguarding, caregiving and babysitting, swimming and water safety, that train individuals about how to effectively prepare to respond to emergencies. Enrolling in these courses contributes to the mission of the Red Cross by building its potential base of quali ed volunteers who can pitch in when natural disasters or other emergencies occur.

■ Donate blood. Blood donations are uniquely valuable to the Red Cross at any time, but the organization noted in early 2022 that it was experiencing its worst blood shortage in more than a decade. The Red Cross notes that the pandemic contributed to a 62 percent decline in college and high school blood drives. So while student donors made up roughly 25 percent of all donors in 2019, they now make up just 10

percent of the donor population. Eligible adults, including students, can contribute to the Red Cross by donating as often as possible. Students back on campus can work with school of cials and local Red Cross chapters to organize blood drives in their school communities.

■ Pitch in with disaster relief. The American Red Cross notes that it responds to an emergency every eight minutes. Perhaps most remarkable is that 95 percent of the organization's disaster relief workers are volunteers. The American Red Cross and the Canadian Red Cross rely on volunteers from all walks of life, and each organization has plenty of opportunities for individuals willing to give back. Learn more about volunteering at www.redcross.org and www.redcross.ca.

■ Contribute nancially. The work of the Red Cross continues after the emergency phase of a response has ended. The Red Cross provides emergency nancial assistance in the immediate aftermath of a disaster, but also offers such aid to households that need extra help in the long-term. The nancial contributions of donors help make that assistance possible and both the American Red Cross and the Canadian Red Cross have made it easy to donate funds via their respective websites.

Individuals who want to assist the American Red Cross and Canadian Red Cross help those in need can do so in myriad ways. mcg.metrocreativeconnection.com

Tuesday, January 17

Muscoda Community Blood Drive

Blue River St. Johns Catholic Church, 341 N. Wisconsin Ave., Muscoda, WI 11:30am-5:30pm. For an appointment call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit RedCrossBlood.org

Hospitals The Richland Hospital, Inc. Your First Choice For Better Health! More info about us: www.richlandhospital.com 333 East Second Street, Richland Center, WI 608-647-6321 Funeral Services Stafford Funeral Homes 1235 Hwy. 14 West ............................... (608) 647-8148 www.staffordfuneralhomes.com Medical Centers Muscoda Health Center Full Service Family Medicine Monday – Friday. 1075 N. Wisconsin Ave., Muscoda, WI ............... 739-3113 Richland Acupuncture 172 N. Church Street. Richland Center, WI ........ 647-8700 Spring Green Medical Center Full Service Family Medicine, Monday – Friday. 150 East Jefferson Street, Spring Green, WI ....... 588-7413 Richland Hospital Clinic Family Practice and Specialty Services 333 E. 2nd Street, Richland Center, WI .............. 647-6161 Nursing Homes Bethel Home and Services 614 S. Rock, Viroqua, WI .............................637-2171 Pine Valley Community Village 25951 Circle View Drive, Richland Center, WI ..647-2138 Physical Therapy Pine Valley Community Village 25951 Circle View Drive, Richland Center, WI ..647-2138 Intensive Inpatient and Outpatient Therapy. Support Groups Greater Richland Area Cancer Elimination, Inc. (G.R.A.C.E., Inc) We fund cancer research, educate on cancer prevention, and assist cancer patients in need.Funding is available for cancer patients’ expenses. Richland Center, WI ..... 604-8255 or www.walkwithgrace.com For more information about advertising your Caregivers services on this page, contact the Shopping News at 608-647-2911. adno=320005 (855) 568-2947 Call today and receive a FREE SHOWER PACKAGE PLUS $16 00 OFF With purchase o new Safe Step Walk-In Tub. Not applicable with any previous walk-in tub purchase. Offer available while supplie last. No cash alue Must present offer at time of purchase. C SL B 108 2165 NSC B 0 08 29 99 083 44 5 b. 1- 84 4-29 0- 50 83 adno=323185 172 N. Church St. Richland Center, Wl 53581 647-8700 Open Tuesday Wednesday & Thursday Back Pain, Headaches, Allergies, Sore Throat & Colds, Menopause Symptoms, and more. adno=323418 Richland Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine NAOMI KOVELAN
for your Health:, Mind&Body&Soul for YOU! Sessionsstartat$25 Formoreinformation,and to makean appointment, call(608)489-8260 Gundersen St.Joseph’s HospitalandClinics |34084-1_1118 Becky Walker,LMT Massage Therapist Unwindafterthe holidayseason Treatyourself to amassage. adno=323620 adno=323625 Wed.-Thurs. 7am-2pm, Fri 7am-3pm & Sat. 8:30am-1:30pm Our Tea is made with organic products. Try our Botanical Blends Elderberry Healer, Cinnamon Plum, Masala Chai, & more Gluten Free Alternative Vegan Products • House made Pastries & Soups • Organic House made Syrups 815 Water Avenue, Hillsboro WI letsshinecoffee.com • FB: Let’s Shine Coffee • @letsshinecoffee Start Your New Year With A Healthy Drink! Fo more information contact us: 608-647-4616 or walk in at 221 West Seminar y, Richland Center to talk to one of our helpful professionals adno=323539 ADRC Ser vices Include: • Information and Assistance with Community Programs Ser vices and Public Benefit • Help in Understanding he Range of Options so you can make informed choices about care and ser vices • Access to Elder and Disability Benefi Specialists • Health Promotion Activities and Ser vices Transportation Ser vices Volunteer Opportunities The ADRC is here for you A Service of Richland County Health and Human Services
preferred. Give
Get a Pint. Get a coupon for a free pint of Culvers famous frozen custard! Advertise
and enter Sponsor Code: MuscodaWI. Child care available. Appointments
a Pint.
Your Health Care Services Here
Calling the Shopping News at (608) 647-2911.
DENTISTRY YOU CAN’T WAIT TO TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT ichland Family en al r. Mar i chie New Patients and Emergencies Welcome 608-647-8868 en Monday - Friday 81313 West Seminary St., Richland Center adno=323688 IN HOUSE DENTAL SAVINGS PLAN! 100 N. Church St., Richland Center, WI 53581 608-647-3993 Our adult for $410.00 will include: Plan Total Annual Cost Adult $410.00 Add’l Adult $380.00 Child $380.00 Add’l Child $360.00 Periodontal $780.00 Routine Cleaning - 2 per year Routine Exams - 2 per year Emergency/Limited Exams - 1 per year Bite-Wing X-rays - 1 set per year Full-mouth/pan X-ray - 1 per 3 years Periapical X-ray - 1 year Fluoride Treatment - 2 per year Oral Cancer Screening - 1 per year 15% off remaining treatment (Crowns, bridges, fi lings, dentures) New Year and No Dental Insurance? No Problem An affordable annual program with no yearly maximums and no deductibles Time to Renew for adno=323807 2023 Did you know? The World Health Organization reports that around 99 percent of cervical cancer cases are linked to infection with high-risk human papillomaviruses. Most of those cancer cases are preventable, as the WHO notes that HPV vaccination and secondary approaches like screening and treatments for precancerous lesions can help to reduce the estimated 570,000 cervical cancer diagnoses made across the globe each year. Toasty Toes and Nails 608.649.8637 126 S Church St., Richland Center WI See Alice McCauley adno=323420 • Relieve Tension • Stimulate Circulation • Reduce Thickness and Length of Nails Specializing in Senior Care! Treat Yourself to Foot Care priced affordably! Ti no te nd a L LC Now Accepti ng Clients Melissa Bloedow Massage Therapist 608-475-3737 massagebymel@yahoo.com online booking available at https://tinotenda.clinicsense.com adno=323618 www.richlandcentershoppingnews.com • Richland Center Shopping NewsTuesday, January 10, 2023Page 6 Page 7Richland Center Shopping NewsTuesday, January 10, 2023 • www.richlandcentershoppingnews.com

Shop Superintendent

• Multimodality Technologist ($5,000 sign-on bonus)

• Multimodality –Weekender Package ($5,000 sign-on bonus)

• Multimodality –Nights ($5,000 sign-on bonus)

Part-time, 48 hours, bi-weekly, full

to proper accounts as well as proper machine units, job numbers, townships or state accounts

• Yearly physical inventory taken in December of each year Inventory account pricing

• Responsible for all invoices, as well as preparing bills to be paid by voucher with the proper account numbers.

• Maintain records of all salt and sand inventories as well as cost of both.

• Be responsible for all machinery classification forms which include new machinery as well as the removal of old equipment. Responsible for maintenance records of most of the departments equipment as well as keeping files on all equipment by number or alpha. Responsible for all fuel inventories, daily use of fuels, monthly reports, quar terly state reports, gas tax updates, etc. Be responsible for making and receiving phone calls in a polite and professional manner Responsible for sales of parts, used items, etc. This will also include preparing a summery of receipts twice each month.

• Must be able to use a calculator, be able to write neatly, type accurately, and have basic knowledge of bookkeeping Be willing to assist office personnel with bookkeeping and daily time data entry. Must be willing to work very closely with both Highway Commissioner and Patrol Superintendents in many of the day to day operations of the department. Be available for possible weekend call out responsibility. Be responsible for all safety apparel as well as updating material safety data sheets Be willing to do janitorial duties when needed. Responsible for annual inspection of all fire extinguishers. Partial responsible for calling diggers hotline to make locates for various projects

• Ability to be assigned to other duties as determined by management.

Pay Rate: $27.04 - Salaried

Applications are available on the Richland County Highway Dept. website or at Highway Department Office 120 Bowen Circle Richland Center, WI 53581

Interested applicants should submit resume & application no later than January 27, 2023 @ 3:30 pm

For questions, please contact Josh Elder – Highway Commissioner Richland County is an Equal Opportunity Employer

• Richland Center Shopping NewsTuesday, January 10, 2023Page 8 adno=322541 PART TIME
in person. Free Choice
adno=3225 9 FIND A CAREER TO LOVE love + medicine To learn more about Gundersen and to apply, visit gundersenhea lth. org/ ca re ers Equal Opportunity Employer New Starting Wages!
hours, bi-weekly, full benefits
Enterprises, Ltd 10055 County Rd K, Lancaster, Wi (608) 723-7977
Full-time, 80
• Registered Nurse, Clinics
full benefits
Full-time, 72 hours, bi-weekly,
full benefits
Part-time, 64 hours, bi-weekly,
• Certified Surgical Technologist
benefits • Respiratory Therapist
Part-time, 40 hours, bi-weekly, full benefits • Certified Nursing Assistant
adno=321384 IS HIRING FULL AND PART TIME POSITIONS ON ALL SHIFTS $2.00 PER HOUR NIGHT SHIFT BONUS COMPETITIVE WAGES AND BENEFITS Excellent Retirement Program Medical Insurance & HRA Life Insurance Paid Vacation Paid Holidays Paid Personal Days Paid Sick Leave Referral Bonuses NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY We Will Train You CALL 608-739-3171 OR APPLY DIRECTLY AT… Scot Industries, 810 East Nebraska Street Muscoda, WI 53573 adno=321305 Looking for a way to get your kids outside?? 272 N. Main St., Richland Center Perks of being a Shopping News carrier –• Deliver only one day a week! • You’re an independent contractor you set the hours on Tuesday that you want to work! • Perfect first job for any kid aged 12 and older! If this sounds perfect for your kids, contact us at 608.647.2911 or rcsnoffice@wcinet.com Now Available: Lone Rock Walking Route 266 Papers adno=321424 Be apartofanindustry leadingForest-to-Customercompanydelivering hardwoodsolutions to theworld Modernstate-of-the-artfacilities Trainingandadvancementopportunities CompetitiveWage andBenefitPackages Careermindedindividualswith astrongwork ethic, willingnesstolearn and attention to detail canapply: Inperson at 1440 LaukantStreetintheReedsburg Industrial Park Send aresumeto jobs.RH001@midwesthardwood.com or Phone 608-524-4412 adno=323834 Richland County Highway Department has an opening for interested applicants to fill a vacancy. Qualifications: • Applicant must have a Valid Commercial Drivers License with the following classes: Class A, Class B, Air Brake Endorsement • Employee must submit to a mandated, random Drug & Alcohol Testing Responsibilities include: • Supervise complete mechanical activities and scheduling equipment repairs of shop • Maintain inventories of all cost accounts both in and out of the shop Charging items
Casual Certified Nursing Assistant
EMPLOYMENT Coaches Wanted High School
Application Deadline: Until Filled. How to Apply: Candidates interested in applying for this position should mail the following information: district application (support staff) which is found on our website at
The Ithaca School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Educator. The school district does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, political affiliation, disability sex or sexual orientation, age national origin, citizenship, handicap, marital status, ancestry, color or any other reason prohibited by state or federal law. Employees of this District are required to comply with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act and Title IX of the 1972 Educational Amendments. adno=323455
Print Resumés
Girls Volleyball Head Coach
School District of Ithaca Athletic Director 24615 State Hwy 58 Richland Center, Wisconsin 53581 608-585-2512
Many types of paper to choose from.

Applicant selected must submit to drug – alcohol testing prior to employment.

List experience with trucks and heavy equipment and experience working in highway construction.

Must be available to work evenings, weekends, and holidays.

Be available to be to work within 30 minutes, regardless of road conditions, when called.

Position offers competitive wage and benefit package with salary beginning at $21.35 per hour.

A complete job description is available on the Richland County Website. Applications with resumes will be accepted at the Richland County Highway Department, 120 Bowen Circle, Richland Center, WI 53581.

Page 9Richland Center Shopping NewsTuesday, January 10, 2023 • www.richlandcentershoppingnews.com adno=323832 Mechanic
Richland County Highway Department has an opening for interested applicants to fill a vacancy.
QUALIFICATIONS: Applicant must have a
WISCONSIN CDL Drivers License including the following classes and endorsements and have a good driving record: Class A, Class B,
brake endorsement, Combination vehicles
Applications will be accepted until
Josh Elder–Richland County Highway Commissioner Richland County is an Equal Opportunity Employer ✓ irin or entry level and e erienced a embler on Fir t and Second S i t onday-Friday ✓ 6 i t remium or econd i t ✓ ay i wee ly ✓ Career ortunitie - rowt and romotional o ortunitie rom wit in, ay or er ormance and ill , education a i tance available. ✓ ✓ fi ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Visit rockwellautomation.com/careers and search Richland Center under location to view our openings and apply online. Our Employees enjoy a traditional work week and environment that’s clean, comfortable, air conditioned and friendly. BENEFITS START DAY 1 Join a company full of innovators, problem solvers, builders and makers. Increased Wage Rates & $1000 Sign On Bonus For Current Openings!! adno=321376 adno=318017 HELP WANTED APPLE PROCESSING SUNSET ORCHARD has year around positions open. We are looking for quality employees for our sliced apple processing. Duties include sorting, packaging and boxing of our sliced apple products. Starting rate is $16.00/hr. New hires eligible for paid vacation after 90 days. Excellent health insurance and 401k plans available. Prior applicants need not apply. CALL FOR INTERVIEW APPOINTMENT AT 608-647-4038 SUNSET ORCHARD Hustler Ridge Drive, Richland Ctr, WI 53581 Equal Opportunity Employer adno=322139 $17.00/hr. Boscobel Location TRUVANT CAREERS Packaging With A Purpose. scan here to apply Start earning PTO immediately from date of hire! Hiring ALL Shifts! Earn up to $19.50 with attendance bonus! Competitive Benefits: • Medical, Dental, Vision & Disability Insurance • PTO • 401(k) Retirement With Robust Company Match, • Career Opportunities adno=321849 New Year, New Career! *Pre-employment drug and background check. Equal Opportunity Employer INTERESTED CANDIDATES SHOULD APPLY ONLINE AT: WWW.TRUVANT.COM EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Plant Maintenance Prior experience required. Applicant must have experience with processing equipment, electric motors and drives, welding and other aspects of industrial maintenance. Starting pay depends on experience level and is competitive. PLEASE CALL FOR AN INTERVIEW APPOINTMENT AT 608-647-4038 SUNSET ORCHARD Hustler Ridge Drive, Richland Ctr, WI 53581 Equal Opportunity Employer adno=322140 adno=321383 IS HIRING INDIVIDUALS INTERESTED IN WORKING WEEKENDS TO RUN CNC MACHINES COMPETITIVE WAGES FLEXIBLE HOURS NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY We Will Train You CALL 608-739-3171 OR APPLY DIRECTLY AT… Scot Industries, 810 East Nebraska Street Muscoda, WI 53573 ARE YOU a Class A Truck Driver and tired of getting jacked around by employers? Call me to see why our turnover rate is so low. Scott 507-437-9905 Apply: WWW.MCFGTL.COM (mcn) BECOME A Published Author. We want to Read Your Book! Dorrance Publishing-Trusted by Authors Since 1920. Book manuscript submissions currently being reviewed. Comprehensive Services: Consultation, Production, Promotion and Distribution. Call for Your Free Author’s Guide 1-877-516-0706 or visit dorranceinfo.com Midwest
position is filled.
QUOTE from America’s Most Trusted Interstate Movers. Let
take the stress out of moving! Speak to a Relocation Specialist, call 877327-0795. (mcn).
ADVERTISE HERE! Call 608-647-2911.
SWITCH AND save up to $250/ yr on talk, text & data. No contract or hidden fees. Unlimited talk & text with exible data plans. Premium nationwide coverage. 100% U.S. based customer service. Limited time get $50 off any new account. Use code GIFT50. 1-855-903-3048.

Tri County Building Supply in Spring Green is looking for a dependable full-time outgoing team member for our yard / delivery staff.

General knowledge of building materials and forklift experience would be beneficial for this position. Job duties would include but are not limited to filling customer orders, restocking building materials and lumber, building loads for deliver y, and delivery of loads to work sites. CDL not required.

Candidate must be at least 18 years of age, work well with others, be able to lift a minimum of 50lbs, have a clean driving record, excellent customer service skills, and the ability to multi-task. Other physical requirements include: bending, stooping, twisting, reaching and climbing.

Store hours are Monday through Friday 7-5 and Saturday 8-2. For more information, please apply in person – we are located behind Arthur’s Supper Club at the intersection of Hwy 14 and 23.


Join Our Caring Team

Full-time and Part-time AM & PM CNAs. We are currently hiring for Fulltime and Part-time AM and PM positions. A valid Wisconsin Nursing Assistant Certification is required. These benefit eligible positions start at $15.99-$16.69 with $1.50 shift differential for PMs and $1.50 weekend differential.

Personal Care Worker Part-time AMs or PMs. Both positions have the ability to pick up extra hours if desired and the perk of working in a home-like environment. Starting wage is $13.72-$14.31 hr., with a $1.50 per hr differential for weekends and PMs. A plus to be on the Wisconsin Assisted Living Registry but anyone interested may apply and all training needed will be provided and paid for.

PM Charge Nurse Monday – Friday PM shifts (2 pm – 10 pm) with weekend on-call rotation every 5-6 weeks.

This position plays an important role in our Nursing Leadership Team. The PM charge nurse provides oversight and support to the clinical staff working the PM shift as well as assistance with the admission process, medical provider rounds, change of condition care, and facility issues that arise within the shift.

A great candidate would be a Registered Nurse that has long-term care experience, leadership experience or a desire to grow in a leadership capacity Knowledge of Infection prevention and control, wound management, and Long-term care regulations would be a plus.

We also offer $1000.00 sign-on bonus for all new employees.

Our benefit package includes: health, dental and Wisconsin state retirement.

Applications are available online at http://pinevalleycommunity.org/careers/ or at the Front Desk from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Questions regarding openings contact: Chris Glasbrenner at 608- 647-2138

Completed Applications should be returned to the front desk at: Pine Valley Community Village 25951 Circle View Lane, Richland Center, WI 53581 Or faxed to (608) 647-8955

Pine Valley is a skilled nonprofit nursing facility EOE M/F/D/V

General knowledge of building materials, lumber, and hardware would be beneficial. Job duties would include but are not limited to assisting customers inside the store with hardware items as well as taking lumber and building material orders, answering the phones, assisting with keeping the store cleaned and organized.

Candidate must be at least 18 years of age, work well with others, be able to lift a minimum of 50lbs, excellent customer service and phone skills, and the ability to multi-task. Other physical requirements include: bending, stooping, twisting, reaching and climbing. General Computer knowledge will be required.

Store hours are Monday through Friday 7-5 and Saturday 8-2. For more information, please apply in person – we are located behind Arthur’s Supper Club at the intersection of Hwy 14 and 23.

www.richlandcentershoppingnews.com • Richland Center Shopping NewsTuesday, January 10, 2023 Page 10
adno=323637    Equal Opportunity Employer                            adno=323268 e ana er fi as sin lude Re uireds ills fi
Tri County Building Supply in Spring Green is looking for a dependable full-time outgoing team member for an Inside Customer Service position.


Kraemers Water Store of Richland Center is seeking an ambitious, take charge leader to fill an expansion in its route sales delivery/ repair & installation force. Successful candidates will have demonstrated excellent communication, customer service, problem-solving, mechanical aptitude, have a clean and valid driver's license and pass a background check and driving skills in a positive work environment. Must be dependable, organized & customer service oriented, have the ability to work independently, possess excellent interpersonal & communication skills, and follow established safety procedures. Position requires the ability to handle repetitive weight of 50 lbs. and good knowledge of the area.

Kraemers Water Store offers outstanding wages, benefits and excellent working conditions. To be considered for this outstanding opportunity with a growing local company, please send resume or apply in person to:

Kraemers Water Store 241 W. Haseltine St.• Richland Center, WI. 608-647-3444 • email: mark@cosww.com

Richland County Health and Human Services has full-time 40 hr/wk openings for Mental Health Case Managers in our Behavioral Health Services Unit providing mental health case management and/or crisis services in a community mental health setting. Duties include maintaining a client treatment caseload, coordinating services, and collaborating with community treatment providers working with our Comprehensive Community Services (CCS) Program consumers.

Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work or related field is required, as well as a valid driver’s license and reliable transportation. State Social Worker certification or eligibility is preferred along with experience working with consumers with mental health and substance use disorders. The wage range is $23.25-$24.30 per hour and includes State of Wisconsin Public Employees group health insurance, WRS retirement, and other fringe benefits package. Offering flexible work schedule and ability to occasionally work remotely.

Visit our website at www.co.richland.wi.us for a full description of the position, benefits, and application requirements. Deadline is 3pm on Wednesday, January 25, 2023. Applications will be accepted until positions are filled. Equal Opportunity Employer and NHSC Loan Repayment Program Approved Site.

Richland Center

NewsTuesday, January 10, 2023 • www.richlandcentershoppingnews.com

Page 11 -
adno=323945 fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi Richland County is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
MENTAL HEALTH CASE MANAGERS adno=323821 OurMazomanie Distribution Centerishiring forallshifts. Earnupto$25.35 /hour dependingonshiftandposition Weekends Off! $2,000 retentionbonus for1st Shift $3,000 retentionbonus for3rd Shift $1.00anhourincreaseduring yourfirst year 401kmatchupto5% Health, Prescription, Dental,andVisioninsurance after90days Join afastpacedandsafety conscienceworkenvironment. We arehiring forkoperators,selectors, loaders,and stockers.Careeradvancementpossible. yatwww.TheKrogerCo.com/careers Krogerisanequalopportunityemployer. If you are thinking about a new career, now is the time. Earn up to $26.25 / hour Our Mazomanie Distribution Center is hiring. If you would like a job where you are physically active throughout your shif t, we have multiple positions open on 1st and 3rd shifts. Full & Part Time Positions Available No Experience Required Weekends Off! $3,000 retention bonus for 3rd Shift 401k match up to 5% Health, Prescription, Dental, and Vision insurance af ter 90 days Join a fast paced and safety conscious work environment. Career advancement possible. Apply at: thek rogerco.com/careers/ Kroger is an equal opportunity employer. adno=321711 adno=323717 Employment Opportunities Schmitt Woodland Hills is Now Hiring Positions Available Part Time Cook Housekeeper Full-time Day Shift Resident Assistant Full Time Night Shift RN or LPN CNA Full Time or Part Time Any Shift Full Time PM Shift Resident Assistant Contact Jackie Carley Executive Director at 608-647-8931 Ext. 131 For all positions applications should be filled out online on our website www.schmittwoodlandhills.com or in person. Full Time Benefits Include: Health Insurance, Dental, Vision, Life and Short-Term Disability 401k Vacation and Sick Benefits Paid Holidays and Health & Dependent Care FSA options available. Working at Schmitt Woodland Hills is more than just a job. When you accept a position with Schmitt Woodland Hills you become a member of our family. We work together towards a common goal, the care of our residents We rejoice together in the good times and cry together during the bad times Join our family, grow with our family, and you will remain
of our family no matter where your endeavors lead. Retirement Apartments • Assisted Care • Therapy and Rehab • Skilled Nursing • House Calls
Equal Opportunity Employer adno=322809
1400 W. Seminary St., Richland Center, WI 53581 • (608) 647-8931 www.schmittwoodlandhills.com
adno=322758 WE ARE HIRING Full-time RN positions Full-time LPN positions Full-time CNA positions fi contact: Nick Shear 608-739-3186 Riverdale Health Care Center EMPLOYMENT


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2006 Chevy Malibu LT. $998, call

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