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Hi E Linical Icer
Re porting toth eC hie fE xe cutiveO fficer (C EO),andas am em ber of the Se nior Le adership Te am,theChie fC linical Of ficer (CCO) is re sponsible fo rt hein te gr at ion, co ordin at ionan dd irection of nu rsi ngandpatien tc aret hroughoutth eo rg anization. Th e individualinthis ro lewillserveast he Nu rseExecut iveh av in g re sponsibility ove rs ever alareasanddepartmentsparticipatingin str at egic planning,strengthenin go rg anizational go alsand objectives,whilepromoting ac ult ureo fs erv ic ee xc ellenc e. Crossing Ri ve rs He althprov ides exce pt ionalhealthcareby ex traordinarypeoplewhosehighestpriorityis yo ur lif et ime of we llness. Ou rc orev alue sa re practicedand ex hibitedthroughout theorganization everydayi no uraction sa ndtheservices
lbs., (Vac. & L.T.W.) 135 Blk & Red Strs & Hfrs 500-700 lbs., (Dbl. Vac & L.T.W.) 14 Blk Strs & Hfrs 700-800 lbs. (Dbl. Vac & Weaned) 17 Blk & BWF Hfrs 800 lbs., (Dbl Vac. & L.T.W.) 29 Blk Strs & Hfs 550-650 lbs. (GT)
20 Mostly Blk Strs 650-800 lbs. (Vac. & Weaned)
12 Blk Strs & Hfrs 400 lbs. (Green Tagged)
25 Red Simm./Char.-X Steers & Hfrs 500-650 lbs. (Green Tagged) 34 Blk Strs 625 lbs., (Vac. & Weaned)