710 S. Wacouta Ave. Prairie du Chien, WI
Friday, March 10, 2023 Serving 4:00-7:00 p.m.
Deep-fried or Broiled Cod, Baked Potato or French Fries, Cole Slaw, Beverages & Bars $12.00 for adults, $6.50 ages 6-12, under 6 Free.
Grilled cheese and Fries-$1.00 for kids 12 & under
Carryouts available
All proceeds to Prairie Catholic School.
Little Explorers Preschool Play
9:00-10:00 am Hoffman Hall PDC, WI
Strong Bodies Program
9:00-10:15 am Crawford County Administration Building 225 N. Beaumont Rd, PDC, WI
The class talks about muscle mass, increase strength, and bone density. Classes are held twice a week until March 23rd. For more information or to register go.wisc.edcu/24zolu
Preschool Storytime
10:30-11:30 am Public Librar y, McGregor, IA
Story hour
10:30 am Public Librar y, Gays Mills, WI
Preschool Story Hour
10:30-11:00 am Public Librar y, Elgin, IA
1:30-3:30 pm Hoffman Hall PDC, WI
Little Explorers Preschool Play
9:00-10:00 am Hoffman Hall PDC, WI
Powerful Tools for Caregivers
2:30-4:00 pm Soldiers Grove Librar y, Soldiers Grove, WI
You will learn the tools to be a better caregiver, and find a balance when you help others. Registration is required call 608-548-3954 or 608-326-0229 to sign up. This course runs until March 16th.
10:00 am Prairie du Chien Memorial Librar y, PDC,WI
FOR SALE 2017 Forest River Wildwood Travel Trailer WDT26TBSS. Camper has 1 slide out, 28 ft long, and 3 bunk beds. Comes with a 40in. smart TV. Price is $17,500 or OBO. Call or text message Sarah at 563-329-0571.
HILLSBORO GUN SHOW, March 10 & 11, Firemen’s Community Center, 203 Mill Street/Hwy 3382. Fri: 3 PM-8 PM, Sat: 9 AM-4 PM. BUY-SELL-TRADE-BROWSE. $5 Adm. Good For Both Days. For More Information Call (608)5484867.
TOP CA$H PAID FOR OLD GUITARS! 1920-1980 Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker, Prairie State, D’Angelico, Stromberg & Gibson Mandolins/ Banjos. 844-262-6174.(WCAN).
Blood Drive
10:00-3:00 pm United Methodist Church, PDC, WI
Come out and donate your blood for a good cause to register go to RedCrossBlood.org or call 1-800-RED CROSS
Tai Chi
10:30-11:15 am Prairie du Chien Memorial Librar y, PDC, WI
Dr. Seuss Party
10:30-12:00 pm Prairie du Chien Memorial Librar y, PDC ,WI
Come join in on the fun and help celebrate Dr Seuss Birthday
Holy Family Cod Fish Fry
4:00-7:00 pm Holy Family Fellowship Hall 710 S. Wacouta, PDC, WI
Come out and enjoy a nice meal and desserts
adults $12.00, kids 6-12 $6.50, and kids under 6 are free. All proceeds are going to Prairie Catholic School.
St. Patrick’s Day Parade
10:00 am Downtown Main Street, PDC, WI
Crawford County Master Gardeners
1:00 pm Hoffman Hall, PDC WI
For the month of March you can learn all about gardening. This class helps discuss how to plan your vegetable garden. To preregister call Donna at 608-412-4661.
Golden Games
1:00-3:00 pm Hoffman Hall PDC, WI Whittling Club
4:00-7:00 pm
Prairie du Chien Memorial Library, PDC, WI
3-Cavapoos, Petite & Mini Goldendoodles, 4-Shipoo Teddy Bears, 2-Malti-poos, 2-Cockaliearpoos, 2-Yorkies. We train! UTD shots/deworm, 2 yr Warr. Lic# 484991 Dusty 920210-7441 or Brenda 608-5747931 WWW.SpringGreenPups. com
AKC Registered German Shepherd puppies 3 males 2 females $1000.00 call or text 608-391-1978.
Great Pyrenees and Anatolian cross puppies, $100 OBO No Sunday sales, Reuben Bontrager, 8679 Slabtown Rd, Lancaster, WI, 53813.
Sheepadoodle pups dews removed, shots/wormed UTD, $700 Will deliver! 715-965-6882 or 715-721-0553 (WCAN)
REGISTERED BORDER Collie puppies, Platteville. Vet checked. $400 each. 608-732-5052.
TOY POODLES 2 red males, 1 red female. 1 black female. Ready to go Feb 25. 1 dark red male, 1 dark red female. Ready to go March 13. 3 dark red females, 2 dark red males. Ready by March 16. All have shots and dewormed. Females are $300. Males are $400. 16052 Riley Rd., Boscobel, WI 53805.
PUPS Big Litters! 1 2 PRICE! 2-M, 5-F shots & wormed 920-5633410 mornings(#268588) (WCAN)
ARE YOU a pet owner? Do you want to get up to 100% back on Vet Bills? Physicians Mutual Insurance Company has pet coverage that can help! Call 1-888680-3016 to get a free quote or visit mfcp. (mcn)
Are you a pet owner? Do you want to get up to 100% back on Vet Bills? Physicans Mutual insurance compnay has pet coverage that can help! Call 1-844-2447146 to get a free quote or visit insurebarkmeow.comwicp(wcan)
ARE YOU a pet owner? Do you want to get up to 100% back on vet bills? Physicians Mutual Insurance Company has pet coverage that can help! Call 1-844-7740206 to get a free quote or visit insurebarkmeow.comads
Corgi pups PUREBRED Blue Merle, Black Tri & tan white Vet ckd Shots dewormed Well socialized w/kids $800 N4328 Cty Rd T Shawano 715-758-6282 (WCAN)
English Cream Golden retrievers puppies AKC Registered & Genetic tested, Family raised. For more information contact Jada Goddard @ 641-330-1899 or email jgoddard111012@gmail. com or go to Facebook to Close Family Golden Retrievers for more information and pictures.
Certi cate & vet checked $1200 715-409-0533 (WCAN)
GERMAN SHORT hair lab puppies 7 weeks, black/brown coloring, 3 females, and 7 males. De-wormed, de-clawed, and vetcheck. They are ultra-hybrid hunting dogs. Steuben, WI 608-7975740
BEAGLE PUPPIES, wormed and eating on their own. $250. 608988-4087.
RICK MILES COINS, BUY AND SELL: U.S. Coins, 40% and 90% silver, gold coins, old currency, coin collections. Also do appraisals. 608-988-6406 or 608-723-4917.
Sunday, May 7, 2023
Your “Happily
PAYING TOP CA$H FOR MEN’S SPORT WATCHES! Rolex, Breitling, Omega, Patek Philippe, Heuer, Daytona, GMT, Submariner, Speedmaster. Call: 866-314-9742. (mcn).
TOP CA$H PAID FOR OLD GUITARS! 1920-1980 Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker, Prairie State, D’Angelico, Stromberg. And Gibson Mandolins Banjos. 866470-1643. (mcn).
SWITCH AND save up to $250/ yr on talk, text & data. No contract or hidden fees. Unlimited talk & text with exible data plans. Premium nationwide coverage. 100% U.S. based customer service. Limited time get $50 off any new account. Use code GIFT50. 1-855-903-3048.
TROUBLE HEARING your TV? Try TV EARS Voice Clarifying Wireless TV Speaker. Better than a soundbar and/or turning the TV volume way up. Special, limited time $50 off offer. Call TV Ears. Use code MBSP50. Call 1-844455-0505. (mcn)
NICHOLS WATER SERVICE: Water softeners, water coolers, Nicolet Natural bottled water, softener salt, drinking water ltration systems. Nichols Water Service, 111 S. Beaumont, Prairie du Chien, WI. 608-326-6125.
BECOME A published author. We want to read your book! Dorrance Publishing trusted since 1920. Consultation, production, promotion & distribution. Call for free author’s guide 1-877729-4998 or visit dorrance info.comads.
YOUR MOBILITY! Discover the ideal solution for anyone who struggles on the stairs, is concerned about a fall or wants to regain access to their entire home. Call AmeriGlide today! 1-888-686-1458 (WCAN).
CLEANING? Sell those unneeded “treasures” with a $9.00 classi ed ad in the Shopping News, 405 North Marquette Rd., Prairie du Chien, WI.
NEED NEW FLOORING? Call Empire Today to schedule a FREE in-home estimate on Carpeting & Flooring. Call Today! 844-785-0305 (mcn).
THE BATHROOM of your dreams for as little as $149/mo! BCI Bath & Shower. Many options avail. Quality materials & professional installation. Senior & Military Discounts Available. Limited Time Offer - FREE virtual in-home consultation now & SAVE 15%! Call today! 1-877651-1850 (WCAN).
THE GENERAC PWRcell a solar plus battery storage system. SAVE money, reduce your reliance on the grid, prepare for power outages and power your home. Full installation services available. $0 Down Financing Option. Request a FREE, no obligation, quote today. Call 1-855707-0232 (WCAN)
A NEW SHOWER? American Standard makes it easy. FREE design consultation. Enjoy your shower again! Call 1-844-4791327 today to see how you can save $1,000 on installation, or visit www.newshowerdeal.comwcp (WCAN).
BUILD YOUR BUSINESS: Use our bwe service(s) you offer in a more economical way. Commit to a minimum run of 6 display ad insertions of your business card size (or larger) ad within a year for LESS than our open rate. Contact the WI-IA Shopping News sales staff today at 608326-2457 or 800-274-2457.
When I was a chiropractic intern, the office that I worked in had a yoga studio in the basement. I never attended a single class in the 3+ months that I was there. I thought you had to be flexible and really “in shape” to do yoga. I was a runner during that time of my life, so any of my time spent exercising involved running or cardio. Yoga had never even crossed my mind.
Years later, in 2015, I gave birth to my second baby. I had struggled with some postpartum issues after my first, and I was hoping to avoid it after the second but had no such luck. My Grandma mentioned that I give yoga a try, and while hesitant, I started practicing yoga daily. My intention with this was to hopefully help subside any mental and emotional issues I was dealing with in the postpartum period while also moving my body in a way that would be conducive for healing after having a baby. After two months of daily yoga, I could not believe
how much it had helped me, not only physically, but mentally, emotionally and spiritually as well. Any prior biases or how I had felt about yoga went out the window, and I was truly grateful for having been introduced to the practice and how much it had changed my life.
Because of my new found love and appreciation for yoga, I knew that I wanted to help people with this movement practice as much as it had helped me, so I enrolled in a 200 hour yoga teacher training. In 2017, I spent 9 weekends traveling to La Crosse, WI to complete my certification, and It was worth every penny and every minute that I invested. I felt like every weekend that I attended was a wellness retreat, and I learned so much to not only help myself but help my patients and clients as well.
Anyone can do yoga. Whether you are a child or young at heart, whether you can get to the ground or are confined to a chair, whether you are a
marathon runner or have never exercised a day in your life; anyone and everyone can incorporate some form of yoga into your life. You do not have to be flexible or in shape to practice yoga; yoga helps you to become more flexible and helps you to move your body in all planes of motion the way it was designed to be moved. There are several forms of yoga out there, and there are several ways to find a yoga class designed for you (i.e. YouTube, Hoffman Hall in PDC, Be You Yoga & Fitness Studio in Lancaster, Southwest Fitness in PDC, etc.) Yoga is beneficial in so many ways but some of favorites include helping with your balance, concentration, coordination, stability, breath and mindset.
While I do not regularly teach yoga classes at my office because of an issue with space, I have taught at several other studios in the past. I am offering a core and pelvic floor specific class on Tuesday, March 14 at 5:30 p.m. in the Community Room at Marquette City Hall/The Cobblestone Inn in Marquette, IA. This class will cost $10 a person, and while it will be geared to postpartum women of any age, any and all humans will be welcome to attend. Call my office at 563-873-5422 to reserve your spot! Or reach out if we can help point you in the right direction to add Yoga to your list of tools in your every growing wellness toolbox!
Submitted by Faith Northland, Communications Coordinator, Crossing Rivers Health
Many kids participate in school sports programs each year. Along with the benefits of teamwork and physical fitness, however, comes the risk of injury, warns the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS).
Younger kids tend to be a bit safer from certain injuries because they are smaller and not as strong. Older children may have more injuries as they grow stronger and faster and play more aggressively. Injuries don’t just happen to kids who play football and soccer. Even no-contact sports such as cheerleading and cross-country running can cause injuries.
When it comes to sports injuries, prevention is definitely the best medicine.
But even when you take every possible precaution, injuries can still happen. Fortunately, many of these injuries can be treated at home.
The first thing to remember about dealing with sports injuries is to stop as soon as you feel pain. Continuing will only cause further harm, according to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS).
With an injury such as a visible dislocation or a broken bone, it’s likely to be obvious that you need medical attention. But with other injuries it may be less clear. The NIAMS says you should call a healthcare professional if:
• The injury causes severe pain, swelling or numbness.
• You can’t tolerate any weight on the affected area.
• You have increased swelling or joint instability along with the pain or dull ache of an old injury.
If you don’t have any of the above symptoms, it’s probably safe to begin treating your injury at home, the NIAMS says. But if discomfort or other symptoms, such as mild swelling, persist for more than a couple of days or get worse, contact your provider.
The first line of self-treatment for many sports injuries is RICE — Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. Using the RICE method may help you lessen pain and inflammation and heal more quickly.
Rest. With most sports injuries, getting the affected body part moving again as soon as possible will help you heal more quickly, according to the NIAMS. But for at least 48 hours, it may be helpful to reduce your regular activities and exercise.
Ice. Apply an ice pack to the injured area for 20 minutes at a time, four to eight times a day. Use an ice bag, cold pack or plastic bag filled with crushed ice and wrapped in a towel (don’t put ice directly on your skin). Compression. Compression, or wrapping of an injured area,
such as an ankle, knee or wrist, may help reduce swelling. Elastic wraps, special boots, air casts or splints may do the job. Ask your doctor which would be best for you.
Elevation. When possible, keep your injured body part resting on a pillow above the level of your heart. This may reduce swelling.
Other treatments
In addition to the RICE technique, there are other self-treatments that may be helpful as well.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are medications that may reduce inflammation and pain. Many of these medicines, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, ketoprofen and naproxen sodium, are available over-the-counter. You can also get stronger versions of NSAIDs with a prescription.
NSAIDs can cause side effects. So it’s wise to talk to your doctor or pharmacist about whether the drugs are right for you and how often you should take them.
Heat applied to the injured area may sometimes help relieve muscle tension and increase blood flow. Do not use heat within 48 hours of an injury, however. If applied too early, it may make internal bleeding and swelling worse.
Massage of the injured area can sometimes help soothe tense muscles and increase blood flow.
Getting back in the game
Too often people who are injured try to return to activity as soon as their swelling subsides or their limp improves. Even if you’re feeling better you may not be fully recovered, warns the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine. And a return that occurs too quickly is an invitation for re-injury. It’s best to have a plan for a gradual return to action. For guidance, speak with your provider.
ATTENTION OXYGEN therapy users! Inogen One G4 is capable of full 24/7 oxygen delivery. Only 2.8 pounds. Free info kit. Call 877-929-9587.
CARING FOR an aging loved one? Wondering about options like senior-living communities & in-home care? Caring.coms Family Advisors are here to help take the guesswork out of senior care for you & your family. Call for your FREE, no-obligation consultation: 1-844296-6477 (WCAN)
DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage for 350 plus procedures. Real dental insurance - NOT just a discount plan. Do not wait! Call now! Get your FREE Dental Information Kit with all the details! 1-855-973-9175 www. dental50plus.comhttps:www. dental50plus.commidwest #6258 (mcn).
DENTAL INSURANCE From Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage for (350+) procedures. Real dental insurance - NOT just a discount plan. Don’t Wait! Call now! Get your FREE Dental Information Kit with all the details! 855807-9516 www.dental50plus. comwicommunity #6258 (WCAN)
MOBILEHELP, AMERICA’S Premier Mobile Medical Alert System. Whether you’re home or away, for safety and peace of mind. No long term contracts! Free brochure! Call Today! 1-855-491-0732 (WCAN).
STROKE & CARDIOVASCULAR disease are leading causes of death, according to the AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION. Screening can provide peace of mind or early detection! Contact Life Line Screening to schedule your screening. Special offer - 5 screenings for just $149! Call 1-888-6755048.(WCAN).
DENTAL INSURANCEPhysicians Mutual Insurance Company. Covers 350 procedures. Real insurance - not a discount plan. Get your free dental info kit! 1-855-5261060. www.dental50plus. comads #6258.
PHOTO ENLARGEMENTS: Color snapshots enlarged or copied. X-Press Printing, 405 North Marquette Rd., Prairie du Chien, WI.
SMALL & LARGE SQUARES & ROUNDS: In stock ALL KINDS of hay and straw. Local, Western and Canadian and haylage. All delivered. Walter Mathys. 608482-1457.
SELLING SLAUGHTER CATTLE, FAT CATTLE, & BABY CALVES, Every Tuesday at 8:30am at Bloomington Livestock Exchange . Every Thursday at 8:00am at Belmont Sale Barn 608-762-5303.
FEEDER SALE EVERY FRIDAY at 9:00AM at Bloomington Livestock Exchange 608-9442020.
DATE: SUNDAY, MARCH 12, 2023 TIME: 9:30 A.M. (Doors Will Open By 8:00 A.M. For Inspection of Coins)
LOCATION: Boscobel Bowl & Banquet, 16971 Hwy 61 S, Boscobel, WI. Watch for Auction Arrows.
The Following Is Only A Partial Listing!
U.S. Half, Lg., Indian and Lincoln Cent; Two Cent; Three Cent; Half Dimes; Buffalo and Jeff. Nickels; High Grade Silver Dimes, Quarters, Half Dollars, Morgan, Peace and Eagle Dollars; Foreign Coins; Currency; Gold Coins. So plan to attend.
NOTE: Auction will start at 9:30 A.M., for printable catalog, go to stanupdikerealtyauction.com.
TERMS: Cash or good check w/proper ID. Number system will be used. Sales tax will apply. No Buyer Fee. All announcements made sale day will take precedence over printed material.
Wednesday March 8th
Holsteins selling at 10:30
Cline 66 Hol Strs 550-750# Vac2X Stock Cow
Griffin 8 Blk Cows Bred Blk Comp. disp
Cline 305 Blk S&H 550-800# Gold Tag
Larson 225 Mstly Blk S&H 650-750# GT W
Petkovsek 95 Blk S&H 650-850# Vac2X W
Wild 90 Blk S&H 6-800# GT W
Johnson 80 Blk Strs 550-700# Vac2X W
Ebner 75 Blk S&H 450-650# GT W
Burrichter 70 Blk S&H 7-900# Vac2X W
Hartley 65 Blk S&H 5-700# GT W
Torkelson 65 Blk S&H 5-800# GT
Lazy A 55 Red/Blk Strs 950# Vac3X
Sarauer 55 Blk S&H 4-600# Vac W
Mahoney 55 Blk Hfrs 5-750# Vac2X W
Pluma 53 Blk Strs 450-550# Vac2X W
Reiser 50 Blk S&H 650-800# Vac W
Hahn 40 Blk S&H 4-500# Vac2X W
Spring Creek 40 Hfrs 550-650# Vac2X W
Lord 30 Blk S&H 5-800# Vac2X
Klinski 27 Blk/Char S&H 5-700# GT
Meyer 20 Blk S&H 625# Vac2X
ANGUS, RED Angus, Lim-Flex and Limousin Bulls, yearlings and 2 year olds. Carcass ultrasound data, semen tested, large selection, delivery. Like us on Facebook. Spring Creeks Cattle Company. 608-553-8070.
RED ANGUS/Limousine 2 year old bull. Quiet. Darlington area. 608-574-8192.
Online Only Auction through Wednesday, March 15th @ 6PM (soft close)
Coin Viewing: Monday, March 13th 9am-4pm at Tim Slack Hay & Auction Complex, Lancaster, WI.
If you don’t own a computer, feel free to call or stop by the office and we will help you bid!
SELLING YOUR FARM? Young motivated family seeking a farm land to buy prefer a land contract. If ensuring the next generation a chance to farm plus a substantial saving on taxes interests you please call 608-3794163.
BUILDING TOPSOIL: fast, use Mycorrplus to feed soil microbes. Increase nutrient density with less fungus and rot spots on produce. More sellable produce and lower fertilizer cost = more pro t. Send contact information for details. Natural Ag Solutions, 1437 Crosscut Rd., Platteville, WI 53818.
www.timslackauctionrealty.com and click “Online Auctions” button!
See Website for Pickup Times & To View all Items!
Buyer’s Premium of 12% will be added to the final purchase price.
5.5% Sales Tax (Unless Exempt)
Contact us for information on shipment of items (608)723-4020 Buyer is responsible for all shipping costs
TERMS: Cash, Good Check, Mastercard or Visa w/4% Fee on Credit Card Pay only. Everything settled for the day of pickup. The number system will be used. Positive ID required. Sales Tax will be charged on Titled Items Only. Not responsible for accidents or lost articles. Online ONLY buyers fee of 12%. All items sell as is, where is with NO RETURNS!
Registered WI Auctioneer: Tim Slack, CAI WI License #32, Rodney Freymiller WI License #508, Tim Slack Auction Co. License # 430-53
Tim Slack Auction & Realty, LLC
FIFTEEN BIG Square bales of alfalfa hay. 4th crop. Cut in bud stage. No rain. 608-994-2260. WANTED: PASTURES for up to 150 beef cow/calf pairs Within 40 miles of Mt. Hope. Good fences. 608-778-6385.
corn head 13’ grain platform
TA 26 Westendorf loader quick-tach
Gehl MX 125 hyd. Feed mill - very nice condition
SN: 19088 CIH 5300 12’ grain drill grass seed double disc 21-6 SN: JAG0420158 Schweiss 96 8’ snow blower SN: 14985 Brillion 11’ culti-mulcher
NH 269 square baler w/54A thrower
SN: 19599
Heston 1090 Haybine SN: 10905141
JD 530 round baler
JD 32 hay cond. 7’
JD #9 semi-mount sickle mower
9 shank chisel plow
IH 4&5 bottom semi-mount plows
Kraus 12’ tandem disc
2 - Heider auger wagons
JD 4 row rotary hoe 3 pt
JD 2 row pull type rotary hoe
Barge box gear & hoist
Walsh flare box w/JD 1065 gear & hoist
Electric 727 flare box on gear
NI 40’ elevator NI 60’x8’ auger Viking 28’x8’ auger 13’ bin sweep
Ag-chem 3 pt 200 gal sprayer Rhino 8’
CENTRAL BOILER Classic Edge OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACE. Heat your home and hot water. 26% tax credit on quali ed models & installation. Financing Available. Call NEIA Mechanical at 563-426-5144.
DON’T LET the stairs limit your mobility! Discover the ideal solution for anyone who struggles on the stairs, is concerned about a fall or wants to regain access to their entire home. Call AmeriGlide today! 1-877-916-2093. (mcn)
CONNECT TO the best wireless home internet with EarthLink. Enjoy speeds from 5G and 4G LTE networks, no contracts, easy installation, and data plans up to 300 GB. Call 844-878-2209. (mcn)
Professional Foresters on staff to assist with your management goals.
Next Special Feeder Cattle Sale will be Sat., March 11th at 11:00 AM
Barn 563-928-6612 or Jerry Maker Cell 563-920-9500
IH 1680 combine; 1020 20' bean head; 1063 6-row corn head; 863 parts head; 3 gravity boxes. 608778-3710 or 608-794-2321, leave message if no answer.
2023 spring BEE PRE-ORDER 5
Frame Nucs, Singles, Doubles & Pallets www.bradsbeesand honey.com Brad 262-749-0716 (WCAN)
-MARCH 30th @ 10AM EUGENE & ALAN BLAKE, N7366 State Road, Black Creek, WI. Online bidding available on EquipmentFacts.com and Proxibid.com See www.nolan sales.com for details. Conducted by NOLAN SALES LLC, Marion, WI 715-754-5221 Lic.
Auctioneers #165 & #142 (WCAN)
WRIGHTZ AUCTION CO. “Your Locally Owned, Full-Service Auction Company” MACHINERY
CONSIGNMENT SALE, MONDAY, APRIL 3RD, 2023 9 AM. CALL TO CONSIGN TODAY! 641-398-2218, Hwy 218, Floyd, IA. www.wrightzauctionco.com (mcn)
CHARGE YOUR Shopping News classi ed on MasterCard, Visa or Discover. Call 608-326-2457.
BATH & SHOWER UPDATES in as little as ONE DAY! Affordable prices - No payments for 18 months! Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Senior & Military Discounts available. Call: 855-761-1725.
BATHROOM RENOVATIONS. EASY, ONE DAY updates! We specialize in safe bathing. Grab bars, no slip ooring & seated showers. Call for a free in-home consultation: 855-836-2250. (mcn).
DIRECTV STREAM - Carries the most local MLB Games! Choice Package $89.99/mo for 12 mos Stream on 20 devices at once. HBO Max included for 3 mos (w/ Choice Package or higher.) No contract or hidden fees! Some restrictions apply. Call IVS 1-866859-0405.
Concentrator May Be Covered by Medicare! Reclaim independence and mobility with the compact design and long-lasting battery of Inogen One. Free information kit! Call 844-716-2411. (mcn)
help take the guesswork out of senior care for you and your family. Call for your FREE, no-obligation consultation: 1-855-568-2947. (mcn)
CARING FOR an aging loved one? Wondering about options like senior-living communities and in-home care? Caring.com’s Family Advisors help take the guesswork out of senior care for your family. Free, no-obligation consult: 1-855-759-1407.
ELIMINATE GUTTER cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris-blocking gutter protection. Schedule free LeafFilter estimate today. 20% off Entire Purchase. 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-833610-1936.
FREE HIGH speed internet if quali ed. Govt. pgm for recipients of select pgms incl. Medicaid, SNAP, Housing Assistance, WIC, Veterans Pension, Survivor Benefits, Lifeline, Tribal. 15 GB in-ternet. Android tablet free w/one-time $20 copay. Free shipping. Call Maxsip Telecom! 1-833-7583892
LONG DISTANCE MOVING Call today for a FREE QUOTE from Americas Most Trusted Interstate Movers. Let us take the stress out of moving! Call now to speak to one of our Quality Relocation Specialists: 888-6606593(WCAN).
MOBILEHELP AMERICA’S premier mobile medical alert system. Whether you’re home or away. For safety & peace of mind. No long term contracts! Free brochure!
PREPARE FOR power outages today with a GENERAC home standby generator. $0 Money Down + Low Monthly Payment Options. Request a FREE Quote. Call now before the next power outage: 1-877-228-5789 (mcn).
UPDATE YOUR HOME with Beautiful New Blinds & Shades. FREE in-home estimates make it convenient to shop from home. Professional Installation. Top Quality - Made in the USA. Call for free consultation: 877-5442415 Ask about our specials! (WCAN).
Starting at $74.99/month! Free Installation! 160+ channels available. Call Now to Get the Most Sports & Entertainment on TV! 844-558-1767 (mcn).
DISH NETWORK $64.99 for 190 Channels! Blazing Fast Internet, $19.99/mo. (where available.) Switch & Get a FREE $100 Visa Gift Card. FREE Voice Remote. FREE HD DVR. FREE Streaming on ALL Devices. Call today! 1-855-434-0020 (mcn).
DISH TV $64.99 For 190 Channels + $14.95 High Speed Internet. Free Installation, Smart HD DVR Included, Free Voice Remote. Some restrictions apply. Promo Expires 1/31/24. 1-866479-1516 BATH & UPDATES in as little as ONE DAY! Affordable prices - No payments for 18 months! Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Senior & Military Discounts available. Call 1-866-585-7073. (mcn)
ELIMINATE GUTTER cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris-blocking gutter protection. Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate today. 15% off Entire Purchase. 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-855577-1268. Promo Code 285. (mcn).
PREPARE FOR power outages today with a GENERAC home standby generator $0 Down + Low Monthly Pmt Request a free Quote. Call before the next power outage: 1-855-948-6176.
SAFE STEP North Americas #1
Walk-In Tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-the-line installation and service. Now featuring our FREE shower package and $1600 Off for a limited time! Call today! Financing available. Call Safe Step 1-844-290-5083. (mcn)
STROKE AND Cardiovascular disease are leading causes of death, according to the American Heart Association. Screenings can provide peace of mind or early detection! Contact Life Line Screening to schedule your screening. Special offer - 5 screenings for just $149. Call 1-866-742-7290. (mcn)
UP TO $15,000 OF GUARANTEED LIFE INSURANCE! No medical exam or health questions. Cash to help pay funeral & other nal expenses. Call Physicians Life Insurance Company 844-433-5898 or visit www.Life55plus.infowcp (WCAN).
FREE HIGH-speed internet for those that qualify. Government program for recipients of select programs incl. Medicaid, SNAP, Housing Assistance, WIC, Veterans Pension, Survivor Bene ts, Lifeline, Tribal. 15 GB internet service. Bonus offer: Android tablet FREE with onetime $20 copay. Free shipping & handling. Call Maxsip Telecom today! 1-866-443-3789. (mcn)
GET DIRECTV for $84.99/mo for 24 months with CHOICE Package. NEW 2 YEAR PRICE GUARANTEE. First 3 months of HBO Max, Cinemax, Showtime, Starz and Epix included! Directv is #1 in Customer Satisfaction (JD Power & Assoc.) Some restrictions apply. Call 1-866296-1409. (mcn)
LONG DISTANCE MOVING: Call today for a FREE QUOTE from America’s Most Trusted Interstate Movers. Let us take the stress out of moving! Speak to a Relocation Specialist, call 877327-0795. (mcn).
NEVER CLEAN your gutters again! Affordable, professionally installed gutter guards protect your gutters and home from debris and leaves forever! For a FREE Quote call: 877-761-1449 (mcn).
THE GENERAC PWRcell solar plus battery storage system. Save money, reduce reliance on grid, prepare for outages & power your home. Full installation services. $0 down nancing option. Request free no obligation quote. 1-877-539-0299.
HUGHESNET - FINALLY, superfast internet no matter where you live. 25 Mbps just $59.99/mo!
Unlimited Data is Here. Stream Video. Bundle TV & Internet. Free Installation. Call 866-499-0141.
SAFE STEP. North America’s #1 Walk-in tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-the-line installation and service. Now featuring our free shower package & $1600 off - limited time! Financing available. 1-855-417-1306.
PROTECT YOUR HOME from pests safely & affordably. Pest, rodent, termite & mosquito control. Call for a quote or inspection today 844-651-1726 (WCAN).
QUEEN MATTRESSES FROM $199 40 Styles on Display! All Sizes Avail. PlymouthFurnitureWI. com 2133 Eastern Ave Plymouth WI 920-892-6006 Open Daily (WCAN)
GENERAC home standby generator. $0 Money Down + Low Monthly Payment Options. Request a FREE Quote! Call now before the next power outage: 1-877-626-1009 (WCAN).
SWITCH AND save up to $250/ year on your talk, text and data. No contract and no hidden fees. Unlimited talk and text with exible data plans. Premium nationwide coverage. 100% U.S. based customer service. Limited time offer! Get $50 off on any new account. Use code GIFT50. For more information, call 1-888909-7338. (mcn)
THE GENERAC PWRcell, a solar plus battery storage system. SAVE money, reduce your reliance on the grid, prepare for power outages and power your home. Full installation services available. $0 Down Financing Option. Request a FREE, no obligation, quote today. Call 1-877381-3059. (mcn).
Prior experience required. Applicant must have experience with processing equipment, electric motors and drives, welding and other aspects of industrial maintenance. Starting pay depends on experience level and is competitive.
Owner Since 1996 NEED A JOB? NEED EMPLOYEES? The Classifieds bring together job seekers and potential employers every day. WI-IA
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SUNSET ORCHARD has year around positions open. We are looking for quality employees for our sliced apple processing. Duties include sorting, packaging and boxing of our sliced apple products. Starting rate is $16.00/hr. New hires eligible for paid vacation after 90 days. Excellent health insurance and 401k plans available. Prior applicants need not apply.
One connected system for total peace of mind. FREE professional installation! Four FREE months of monitoring! Call now to customize your system. 1-855-7562112 (WCAN).
WCAN (WISCONSIN Community Ad Network) and/or the member publications review ads to the best of their ability. Unfortunately, many unscrupulous people are ready to take your money!
SOUNDS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE! For more information, or to le a complaint regarding an ad, please contact The Department of Trade, Agriculture & Consumer Protection 1-800422-7128. (WCAN).
PUBLISHER’S NOTICE - All real estate advertised in this paper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes it illegal to advertise ‘‘… any preference, limitations, or discriminations based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin, or an intention to make such preference, limitations, or discrimination.’’ We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are informed that all dwellings advertised in this paper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To nd out how and where to call for information about complaint ling, call HUD toll-free at 1-800669-9777.
We are looking to expand our installation crew and are looking for reliable crew members with a good work ethic that are able to lift and carry up to 70 lbs.
• Monday through Thursday work, occasional Fridays
• Competitive pay with health insurance, life insurance, paid vacation, Simple IRA plan, paid personal and sick time •
for travel days •
Are you looking to work where Fun, Service, and Teamwork are Core Values?
Competitive pay with health insurance, paid vacation, 401k, dental, paid holidays
Previous construction experience preferred but will train the right candidate.
(Average Starting Wage $20+/hr DOE)
3 miles west of Muscoda on Hwy. 133
is currently taking applications for a 1st shift Lumber Stacker position
Starting wage $14.50/hr
Hours Mon. - Thurs. 6:15 am to 4:30 pm
We offer an excellent benefit package, which includes: Health, Life, Dental, Vision, Long & Short Term Disability, 401K, Profit Sharing and more. Apply in person at 1429 Hwy. 133, Muscoda.
Join our
• Professionally design a wide variety of printed products.
• Assist local businesses with all their printed product needs.
• Create engaging and meaningful social media posts and websites.
• Participate in fun company and community events, including Wine Walks, Living 50+ Expo, and National ESOP Month.
• Enjoy a 40-hour work week, with great benefits including Medical, Dental & Vision; 401(k); Vacation, Sick, & Volunteer Time, Employee Stock Ownership, and much more!
WEDDING INVITATIONS, napkins, reception cards, thank you notes, attendant gifts, etc. All available at the Shopping News, 405 North Marquette Rd., Prairie du Chien, WI. To learn more about this opportunity, submit your application and resume today at www.wcinet.com/career-opportunities
Located in Clermont Iowa 40-50 hour work week. Driver’s license required. Travel crew with per diem and home weekends.
www.greenfield-contractors.com Or, Send Resume To: ia.office@greenfield-contractors.com
Guttenberg Industries, a regional leader in custom plastic injection molding services, headquar tered in Garnavillo, Iowa is seeking an energetic manager for our business-tobusiness (B2B) sales and marketing effor t.
Duties include:
• Attracting and develop new leads through multi-channels
• Build high quality prospects through quoting process
Experience in the following is highly desired:
• SEO • B2B Marketing Techniques
• Direct sales experience
• friendly, professional and positive attitude
• Knowledge of plastic injection molding or ability to learn
A degree in business and/or marketing would be helpful, but could be substituted with relevant real-world experience. Limited regional travel is required, with overnight only rarely. We offer a competitive non-commissioned salary based upon ability and experience. This could be a fast-track to senior management for the right candidate
A full comprehensive benefits package is available
Please email resume, submit to tertl@guttenbergind.com or apply online at www.guttenbergind.com
CHARITY. Receive maximum value of write off for your taxes. Running or not! All conditions accepted. Free pickup. Call for details. 855-752-6680 (mcn).
DONATE YOUR Car to Veterans Today! Help and Support our Veterans. Fast - FREE pick up. 100% tax deductible. Call 1-800245-0398.
DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK TO HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. CALL 1-855-977-7030 (mcn).
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YOUR CAR, BOAT OR MOTORCYCLE helps Rawhide provide mental health services that redirect local Wisconsin youth & adults from harmful decisions. Donate Today! 888-6532729 (WCAN).
WIRELESS home internet with EarthLink. Enjoy speeds from 5G & 4G LTE networks, no contracts, easy installation, & data plans up to 300 GB. Call 844-223-7265 (WCAN)
DIRECTV STREAM Carries the Most Local MLB Games!
CHOICE Package, $89.99/mo for 12 months. Stream on 20 devices in your home at once. HBO Max included for 3 mo. (w/ CHOICE Package or higher) No annual contract, no hidden fees! Some restrictions apply. Call IVS
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DISH NETWORK $59.99 for 190 Channels! Blazing Fast Internet, $19.99/mo. (where available)
Switch & Get a FREE $100 Visa Gift Card. FREE Voice Remote. FREE HD DVR. FREE Streaming on ALL Devices. Call Today!
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FREE HIGH speed internet for those that qualify. Government program for recipients of select programs incl. Medicaid, SNAP, Housing Assistance, WIC, Veterans Pension, Survivor Bene ts, Lifeline, Tribal. 15 GB internet service. Bonus offer: Android tablet FREE with onetime $20 copay. Free shipping & Handling. Call Maxsip Telecom today! 1-855-454-6827 (WCAN)
GET DIRECTV for $84.99/mo for 24 months with CHOICE Package. New 2 year price guarantee. First 3 months of HBO
Max, Cinemax, Showtime, Starz & Epix included! Directv is #1 in Customer Satisfaction (JD Power & Assoc.) Some restrictions apply Call 1-888-925-9452 (WCAN)
Internet: 25 mbps starting at $49.99/mo! Get More Data, FREE Off-Peak Data. FAST download speeds. Wi built in! FREE
Standard Installation for lease customers! Limited Time Call 1-844-829-5070 (WCAN).
SWITCH & SAVE UP TO $250/ YEAR on your talk, text & data. No contract & no hidden fees. Unlimited talk & text with exible data plans. Premium nationwide coverage. 100% U.S. based customer service. Limited time offer get $50 off on any new account. Use code GIFT50. For more info, call 1-844-883-1477 (WCAN).