2 minute read
Nourishing skin care packed with plant-based essentials

Firming serum,
Caudalie, $79 at Sephora, www. sephora.com.
Hydrating essence,
Biophile, $78 at Saks Fifth Avenue, www. saksfifthavenue.com.
Exfoliating cleanser,
Tata Harper, $86 at Neiman Marcus, www. neimanmarcus.com.
Gel-oil body wash,
Nécessaire, $25 at Nordstrom, www. nordstrom.com.
Hydrating ointment,
Bloomeffects, $65 at Saks Fifth Avenue.
Brightening face
oil, Agent Nateur, $122 at Citrine, www. citrinenaturalskin.com.
Permanent Make-up & BEYOND Microblading
As a permanent make up technician and trainer for nearly 30 years I’ve seen many trends come and go. These days one of the first things I hear from people inquiring about services is “I don’t want tattooed eyebrows. I want the soft powdery look that you did for my friend.”
This is when I educate the public on the truth about permanent make up and the truth is it’s all tattoo. Years ago when permanent make up was just a fledgling industry in this country many of us worked in the offices of plastic surgeons. We called the procedure micro pigment implantation. Then different techniques were marketed using trade words like soft tap, and recently microblading has been all the rage.
Known as the “queen of conservative” My specialty is custom blending colors for each person. Shape, color, technique and science are what create the artistry for beautifully natural eyebrows.
Eyelash enhancements. Due to the lockdown most people have lost their eyelash extensions. This is the perfect time to touch up permanent eyeliner before reapplying lashes. I love to create a rich smokey looking lash line rather than a harsh eyeliner look.
Safety first. Due to the intimate nature of these procedures safety has always been at the very top of the list. Hospital grade disinfectants are used on surfaces between clients and most importantly all instruments are new, sterile and disposable. Yea! With your safety in mind I will be wearing a mask through your procedure and if you like I will happily provide you with one as well. Because my studio is completely private you need not worry about ever encountering a crowded salon environment.

Contact Rachell Hall at 480.368.9239 8075 E. Morgan Trail, Suite 2 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 (Off Hayden, between Mountain View and Shea) Visit her websites: RachellHall.com BeautyBeyondBreastCancer.com