2 minute read
Dear Editor, Re: “Hospice lets us all rest in peace, ” Opinion, Jan 26
We at the Salvation Army Rotary Hospice House were so moved by the article written by your editor, Eve Edmonds, on the passing of her dad with us earlier this year
The picture of the sunrise over our backyard (shown in your online version) was absolutely beautiful and a loving testament of a daughter to the memory of her father
We are so grateful that his stay was a positive experience We are trained in the delivery of the very best there is in palliative care (the mitigation of symptoms and whole person care when a cure is no longer possible)
We endeavour to make the most devastating experience of the death of a loved one as meaningful and supported as we can
Our relationship with the Supportive and Palliative Care Unit at Richmond Hospital and the Palliative Home Care Support Service is as tight knit and collaborative as possible so that our care can be offered to as many people as we can manage from wherever their care is taking place when hospice care becomes the most appropriate placement

We are so glad that Eve and her family were part of this network of care along with the many, many other Richmond residents who we have had the privilege to support on their journeys for over the past 16 years.

The Salvation Army Rotary Hospice House is a not-for-profit entity supported and run by the Salvation Army and partially funded by Vancouver Coastal Health and donations from the public
Dear Editor,
I usually do not write in but the gas stations in Richmond have become a joke due to the no self-serve bylaw
This morning I went to Domo to take advantage of their flash sale and the two attendants were standing around yawning and chatting to each other and eventually I had to honk to get their attention The receipt I requested was not the correct one I drove back and asked for the receipt I also asked them to be more attentive and help customers on arrival They then became extremely rude and when I drove away the one attendant stood in front of my car and pretended to yawn
At every gas station in Richmond, you find customers pumping their own gas as the attendants are mostly too lazy to assist They are being paid to help customers, albeit minimum wage.
Richmond, get rid of the ing anyone and isn’t pre
Dear Editor,
The stretch of road on Alberta Road beside the Garden City Park is a ticking time bomb until somebody, their child or their dog is killed
This is a busy section for people crossing into the park
Theoretically, the speed limit there is 50 km/h Give me a break!
There are no marked crossings from Katsura, through the corner/entrance to the parking lot of the park, even though there are the wheelchair accesses on the sidewalks
This should be a 30-km/h limit, max, with speed bumps beside the park