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More flags at city hall
It looks like the City of Richmond will fly a Pride flag and a Truth and Reconciliation flag annually
This was the unanimous opinion of Richmond city council at its committee meeting Monday
Last year, members of the public took city council to task for not flying these flags and subsequently the policy was reviewed.
Furthermore, after a suggestion from Mayor Mal- colm Brodie, city council voted to have a second flag pole installed on No. 3 Road
The Ukrainian flag is currently flying at city hall in solidarity with that country which is at war with Russia. Brodie said he doesn’t anticipate that flag will come down any time soon.
The policy will come back later for a final vote.
Maria Rantanen/ Richmond News
GCT Deltaport Expansion - Berth Four Project
Public Comment Period & Virtual Information Sessions
GCTCanada Limited Partnership is proposing to construct the GCTDeltaport Expansion - Berth Four Project, a container storage and handling facility, located in Delta, B C
The ImpactAssessmentAgency of Canada (theAgency) and B C ’s EnvironmentalAssessment Office (EAO) are conducting a cooperative assessment of the project TheAgency and the EAO are holding a public comment period on the draft CooperationAgreement, and the draftTerms of Reference for the independent federal review panel from:
February 28, until March 30, 2023 at 11:59 p m PacificTime (PT)
To review this document and provide your feedback, visit:
•The Canadian ImpactAssessment Registry at iaac-aeic.gc.ca/050/evaluations (reference number 81010).
To learn more, participate in a virtual information session on:
• March 16, from 5:00 p m to 6:00 p m PT
The information sessions will provide an update on the assessment process and information about the draft CooperationAgreement and draftTerms of Reference Federal and provincial representatives will be available to answer questions.
For details on how to connect to one of the virtual information sessions, visit the project’s Registry page or contact theAgency at deltaport@iaac-aeic gc.ca You can also contact theAgency to learn how to provide your input in a different format
For media inquiries on the federal process, contact media@iaac-aeic gc.ca, or call 343-549-3870 For media inquiries on the provincial process, call 250-953-3834
• March 21, from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. PT Scan